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Czech Republic confirms 20 swine flu deaths

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  • Czech Republic confirms 20 swine flu deaths

    V ČR je sedm potvrzen?ch ?mrt? na praseč? chřipku

    vyd?no: 25.11.2009,

    Praha - V Česk? republice dosud zemřelo na praseč? chřipku sedm lid?. ?est ?mrt? dnes novin?řům potvrdil hlavn? hygienik Michael V?t.

    Dodal, ?e k těmto př?padům mo?n? přibude sedm?, pokud se uk??e, ?e praseč? chřipka byla př?činou ?mrt? i u pacienta plzeňsk? fakultn? nemocnice. Praseč? chřipku jako př?činu jeho ?mrt? ČTK vz?pět? potvrdila mluvč? nemocnice Renata Jen??kov?.

    M?dia do dne?ka vět?inou informovala o pěti ?mrt?ch souvisej?c?ch s praseč? chřipkou, přičem? čtyři lid? zemřeli na ni a jeden člověk naka?en? t?mto virem podlehl leukemii, kter? byla v jeho př?padě prvotn? př?činou smrti.

    V?t dnes tak? uvedl, ?e v kraj?ch, kde u? je překročena hranice epidemie, mohou zůstat lid? s respiračn?mi obt??emi doma, ani? předt?m půjdou k l?kaři pro neschopenku. Tu jim bude moci doktor vystavit a? pět dn? zpětně.

    Hlavn? hygienik dodal, ?e se na tom v ?ter? dohodl s ministrem pr?ce a soci?ln?ch věc? Petrem ?imerkou. V Česku zat?m hranici 2000 nemocn?ch na 100.000 obyvatel překročily tři kraje - Karlovarsk?, Moravskoslezsk? a Zl?nsk?.

    V plzeňsk? fakultn? nemocnici zemřel mu?, kter? měl praseč? chřipku. Dvaačtyřicetilet? mu? se v nemocnici zhruba t?den l?čil s velmi v??n?m oboustrann?m z?palem plic.

    V průběhu jeho hospitalizace mu zdravotn?ci opakovaně prov?děli různ?mi metodami testy na virus H1N1, v?sledky ale byly negativn?. "Onemocněn? takzvanou praseč? chřipkou se prok?zalo dodatečně a? po jeho ?mrt?, byla to př?čina ?mrt?," řekla Jen??kov?.

    Pacient podle n? zemřel u? před několika dny, v?sledky testů dostala nemocnice dnes r?no.
    Ve FN se podle n? v posledn?ch dnech l?čili s praseč? chřipkou tři pacienti

    In the CR there are seven confirmed deaths from swine flu

    Released: 25.11.2009,

    Prague - The Czech Republic has died of swine flu, seven people. Six deaths now confirmed by the chief health journalists, Michael Vit.

    He added that these cases will be added possibly the seventh, when it appears that swine flu was the cause of death in patients Pilsen teaching hospital. Swine flu as the cause of his death, CTK spokeswoman confirmed the hospital immediately Renata Jen??kov?.

    Media in today informed the majority of five deaths associated with swine flu, four people died from it and one person infected with this virus died of leukemia, which in his case the primary cause of death.

    Win today also said that in regions that already exceeded the boundaries of the epidemic, people can stay with respiratory difficulties at home, without having had to go to the doctor sick. Then they will be able to expose a doctor to five days previously.

    Chief health officer said that on Tuesday it agreed with the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Petr ?imerkou. The Czech Republic has borders in 2000 patients per 100,000 population exceeded three counties - Carlsbad, Moravian and Zl?n.

    In Pilsen teaching hospital died a man who had a pig flu. Dvaačtyřicetilet? man in the hospital about a week to cure a serious double-sided pneumonia. During his hospitalization, he repeatedly carried out medical tests on various methods H1N1 virus, but results were negative.

    "Diseases of the so-called swine flu showed up later after his death, it was the cause of death," said Jen??kov?.

    The patient died under it several days ago, the hospital received test results this morning.

    In the FN, according to her in recent days were treated with swine flu three patients.

    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #2
    Re: Czech Republic confirms 20 swine flu deaths

    Comment: according to today's update from ECDC, number of confirmed swine flu deaths in Czech Republic is 20

    Swine influenza has had about 20 casualties, estimated Ministry


    On Thursday, the Health Ministry would announce the exact number of victims swine flu. Number may grow up to ten cases.

    Hygienists on Thursday completed a further series of tests. Number of victims swine flu can surge.

    Spokesman of the Ministry of Health Vlastimila Hornets may be after Thursday swine flu death toll to ten more people than ever before. Hygienists completed the next series of tests.

    So far, 14 confirmed deaths
    Until now provides for fourteen patients who had died of swine flu. In most cases, they had a further and more serious illness. The last three victims on Wednesday confirmed hygienists.

    In the Czech Republic a few days ago came a second dose of vaccine against the disease. The government decided to vaccinate the time children are 10 to 17 years with chronic diseases.

    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

