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Vietnam: 11 patients hospitalized for food poisoning

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  • Vietnam: 11 patients hospitalized for food poisoning

    ? heavy drinking bile poisoning fish, honey pig

    Morning 10/2, Three District Health Center, Quang Ngai province said on 9/2, Three District Health Center has received 11 patients Through food poisoning in Three Palaces. The patient was hospitalized in a State of vomiting, abdominal pain goes beyond

    the patient recounts 9/2, lunch, after work social Common Room rental in cane, German Prussian district of hungry people mast to the tendons of her Charter in b?n b? km 7 to eat, then some people still buy home for those remaining. But 11 people after eating the bun is done both have symptoms of vomiting, dizziness, abdominal pain, diarrhea.

    11 patients were hospitalized and timely emergency, should come to light 10/02, the health situation has stabilized, in which 4 patients were discharged from hospital, 7 cases are transmitted, no cases fall into danger.

    This is the largest poisoning cases from the early years to the present District Three, but luckily not to leave serious

    Sáng 10/2, Trung tâm y tế huyện Ba Tơ, Quảng Ngãi cho biết, chiều ngày 9/2, Trung tâm y tế huyện Ba Tơ đã tiếp nhận 11 bệnh nhân ngộ độc thực phẩm tại xã Ba Cung. Các bệnh nhân nhập viện trong tình trạng nôn mửa, đau bụng đi ngoài.