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Saudi Arabia adding silos to store more wheat beyond current 6 month stockpile

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  • Saudi Arabia adding silos to store more wheat beyond current 6 month stockpile

    machine translation

    Sign Silos projects Ahsa and output value of 692 million riyals ..
    Minister of Agriculture: the end of the first phase of the King Abdullah Initiative for Agricultural Investment abroad and start moving to the second step

    Balghunaim Speaking to reporters
    Riyadh - in favor of Hamidi

    Agriculture Minister Dr. Fahd Balghunaim King Abdullah Initiative for Agricultural Investment Abroad implemented in stages, and finished the first of them, and now the start of the second phase.

    He added after signing yesterday a contract to build a project silos to store wheat Ahsa and another contract for the establishment of mill to produce flour Ahsa and Al-Kharj that the first phase of the initiative required coordination continues between government agencies concerned, namely the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Finance, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Agriculture has been the fact that for this purpose a team called Team initiative, headed by the Ministry of Trade and Industry and was hard work between all government agencies concerned in addition to other government agencies selected by the initiative.


    On the other hand, said Director General of the General Organization for Grain Silos and Flour Mills Engineer Walid bin Abdul Karim Khuraiji that the Foundation is currently focusing on imports from abroad and has a strategic stockpile to six months.


    قال وزير الزراعة الدكتور فهد بالغنيم إن مبادرة الملك عبدالله للاستثمار الزراعي في الخارج تنفذ على مراحل، وانتهت الأولى منها، وحاليا تم البدء في المرحلة الثانية . واضاف عقب توقيعه أمس على عقد لإنشاء مشروع صوامع لتخزين القمح بالإحساء وعقد آخر لإنشاء مطحنة لإنتاج الدقيق بالإحساء والخرج ان المرحلة الاولى للمبادرة تطلبت تنسيقا مستمرا بين الجهات الحكومية المعنية، وهي وزارة الخارجية والمالية والتجارة والصناعة ووزارة…