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Romania: A woman died of H1N1 flu in Arad

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  • Romania: A woman died of H1N1 flu in Arad

    Written by Diana Abu-ARAD. Unhappy ending if the first patient of Arad diagnosed with the flu this season. It is a 54-year-old woman, who was suffering from morbid obesity and hypertension and who passed away almost two weeks after he was diagnosed with flu.

    ARAD. Final nefericit în cazul primului pacient din judeţul Arad diagnosticat cu gripă în acest sezon. E vorba de o femeie de 54 de ani, care suferea de obezitate morbidă şi hipertensiune arterială şi care a decedat la aproape două săptămâni după ce a fost diagnosticată cu gripă.