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Egypt - Outbreak of Horse Flu, July '08 +

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  • Egypt - Outbreak of Horse Flu, July '08 +

    <table style="text-align: left; direction: ltr;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td align="right" height="31" valign="top" width="100%"><table style="text-align: left; direction: ltr;" align="right" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr align="right" valign="top"><td background="/algomhuria//temp1res/images/gray-back-inside.jpg" height="31" width="450">
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    السيطرة علي حالات أنفلونزا الخيول
    Control of the horse flu cases
    د.سماحة: منع مغادرة الحيوانات أو قدومها حاليا
    D. Samaha: to prevent the departure or arrival of animals currently
    </td></tr><tr><td class="auther" align="right">
    حلمي بدر
    Helmi Badr
    </td></tr><tr><td align="right">
    أكد تقرير تلقاه أمين أباظة وزير الزراعة من د.حامد سماحة رئيس هيئة الخدمات البيطرية انحسار مرض انفلونزا الخيول والسيطرة علي الاصابات والحالات المرضية بالاسكندرية..
    A report received by Amin Abaza, Minister of Agriculture Dr.. Hamed Samaha Chairman of the veterinary services decline flu horses and the control of the injuries and illness in Alexandria ..
    تم فحص 50 حالة بنادي الجمعية الرياضية لسباق الخيل والفروسية بمصر الجديدة معمليا تبين وجود 7 حالات ايجابية.
    50 cases were screened General Sports Club for horse racing and equestrian Heliopolis lab found the presence of 7 cases positive.
    صرح د.سماحة بأنه اخطرت جميع أندية الفروسية واسطبلات الخيول بعدم خروج أي خيول للمشاركة في المسابقات بالداخل والخارج وعدم السماح بدخول خيول من الخارج في الوقت الحالي.
    For his. Samaha notified that all equestrian clubs and horse stables not break any horses to participate in competitions at home and abroad and not allowing the entry of horses from abroad at this time.
    أشار إلي أنه فور الابلاغ عن ظهور بعض الأعراض المشابهة لمرض انفلونزا الخيول بمحافظة الاسكندرية أول يوليو الحالي تم علي الفور تشكيل لجنة من اطباء الادارة المركزية للطب الوقائي بالهيئة ومعمل بحوث صحة الحيوان ومديرية الطب البيطري بالاسكندرية لفحص الحالات المصابة وجمع العينات اللازمة وقامت الهيئة باخطار جميع مديريات الطب البيطري بظهور اعراض مرضية علي الخيول بالاسكندرية واشتباه الاصابة بمرض انفلونزا الخيول وضرورة فحص جميع حيوانات الفصيلة الخيلية كل في نطاق محافظته واخطار الهيئة بتقارير يومية.
    He immediately reported the appearance of some symptoms similar to flu horses, Alexandria governorate, the first of July was immediately form a committee of doctors central management body for Preventive Medicine and Animal Health Research Laboratory and the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine in Alexandria to examine the cases infected and collect samples for the body and notify all departments of medicine Veterinary emergence of symptoms on horses in Alexandria and suspicion of avian disease of horses and all animals need to examine each platoon riding in the governorate and the dangers of the daily reports.
    طلب د.سماحة المسئولين بمديريات الطب البيطري بالمرور اليومي والفحص الظاهري لجميع الخيول وارسال تقارير يومية إلي الهيئة والتطهير الدوري والمستمر لجميع تجمعات الدواب وعزل الحالاتالمشتبه في اصاباتها وعلاجها بخافضات الحرارة والمضادات الحيوية ومركبات السلفا والتهوية الجيدة والراحة التامة للحيوانات المصابة.
    D request. Samaha officials directorates of veterinary medicine to pass daily and superficial examination of all the horses and send daily reports to the Board and periodic cleansing and continuing for all gatherings Alhattalmchtbh animals and isolate and treat her injuries in reducing heat and antibiotics and sulfa compounds and good ventilation and comfort elimination of
    infected </td></tr></tbody></table>

  • #2
    Re: Egypt - Outbreak of Horse Flu

    <table style="text-align: left; direction: ltr;" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="467"><tbody><tr><td background="img/index_31.jpg" height="43" valign="middle" width="467"><table style="text-align: left; direction: ltr;" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="430"><tbody><tr><td>
    Egyptian horses banned from traveling because of influenza
    </td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr><tr><td style="background-repeat: repeat-y;" background="img/index_33.jpg"><table style="text-align: left; direction: ltr;" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="441"><tbody><tr><td class="style3" valign="top" width="452"><table style="text-align: left; direction: ltr;" align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3" width="0"><tbody><tr><td>
    </td></tr><tr><td align="center" width="101">
    بتاريخ : الجمعة 18 يوليو 2008 1:11:39 م البشاير- ماجدة فتحى :
    Date: Friday, July 18, 2008 1:11:39 m Alepeshaer - Magda Fathi:
    فيروس قاتل جديد وسريع الإنتشار يهدد ثروة مصرية كبيرة ، يحمل إسم فيروس الخيول ولا يقل خطورة أو شراسة عن انفلونزا الطيور التى أنفق بسببها 862 مليون جنيه وراح ضحيتها أكثر من 30 شخص ومازال الضحايا يتوالون حتى الآن.
    A new killer virus and rapid proliferation threatens Egyptian great wealth, the name of the virus in horses less dangerous or vicious as bird flu, which spent 862 million pounds because of the claimed more than 30 people are still victims respectively so far.
    ويقول الدكتور حامد سماحة رئيس الهيئة البيطرية أن المرض ظهر نتيجة سفر بعض الخيول المصرية الى السباقات العربية والأجنبية ،وأضاف لبرنامج آخر كلام على الأولى أن الفيروس تم اكتشافه أثناء مسابقة للخيل فى الاسكندرية وهناك خطوات عديدة تم اتخاذها لاحتواء الأزمة.
    Says Dr. Hamed Samaha head of the veterinary disease that emerged from the travel of some Egyptian horse races to Arab and foreign, and added another program to first talk that the virus was discovered during the contest for horses in Alexandria and there are many steps have been taken to contain the crisis.
    أكد الدكتور سماحة أن المرض سريع الانتشار وينتقل من الرذاذ ويبدأ على شكل رشح بالأنف ثم يتحول الى مرض صدرى ، ولهذا فان العلاج يبدأ بأدوية السعال ويستغرق من 5 الى 7 أيام ، واشار الى صدور تعليمات بعدم انتقال الخيول والحمير من محافظة الى أخرى ومنع مشاركة أى خيول فى المسابقات بالخارج أو دخول أى خيول من الخارج
    Dr. Samaha said the disease rapidly deployable and moved from the spray begins in the form of running nose and then turn into a chest illness, and that is the treatment begins cough medicines and takes 5 to 7 days, and pointed to the issuance of instructions not to move horses and donkeys from one province to another and prevent the participation of any horses In competitions abroad or enter any horses from abroad
    أما الدكتور ربيع فايد أستاذ سلوكيات الخيل فقال أن الحصان السليم تجد جسمه يلمع وواقف بشكل سليم ولا يبدل فى الوقوف على رجليه ، وأضاف أن المرض لا ينتقل للانسان ولا يؤدى للنفوق.
    As Dr. Spring Fayed professor, said that the behavior of riding the horse properly find his body and shine and stand properly does not change its stand on its own feet, and added that the disease is transmitted to humans does not lead to death.

    الوجه الآخر من مشكلة الخيول يتمثل في زيادة البطالة، وهذا ما أكده أحد مدربي الخيول حيث قال أن معظم مدربين الخيل لا يوجد لديهم مرتبات ثابتة بل مرتبطين بمكسب الحصان عندما يدخل في مسابقة، وعند إصابة هذه الخيول فمعنى هذا زيادة البطالة ووقف الحال لهؤلاء المدربين الذين يعتمد دخلهم بشكل أساسي عليها.
    The other face of the problem of horses is to increase unemployment, and this was confirmed by one horse trainers who said that most trained horses have no fixed salary but gain associated with the horse when entering the contest, when the horses hit the meaning of this increase unemployment, stop the case for those trainers who depend Income is basically it.

    جريدة البشاير تقدم أحدث أخبار مصر والدول العربية والعالم وأخبار الرياضة والفن والاقتصاد والسياسة وخدمات الطقس والوظائف والأسعار.



    • #3
      Re: Egypt - Outbreak of Horse Flu

      القاهرة : أعلن باحثون عن ظهور فيروس يدعى أنفلونزا الخيول أو "العترة" المعروف علمياً باسم "H7 N7 H3 N8" من نفس فصيلة الفيروس الذى يصيب الإنسان والخنازير.

      Cairo: researchers announced the emergence of the virus called avian horses or "defects" scientifically known as "H7 N7 H3 N8" from the same platoon virus which affects rights and pigs.

      وتؤكد النتائج العلمية أن هذا الفيروس موجود فى مصر بنسبة 20 % بين الخيول، ويغلب ظهوره فى فصل الشتاء، حيث يعد مناخاً مناسباً لانتشار الفيروس.

      The scientific findings that the virus found in Egypt by 20% between horses, and dominated his appearance in winter, where the climate is suitable for the spread of the virus.

      وتنتشر الإصابة بالمرض فى العديد من دول العالم، وبصفة خاصة خيول السباق، حيث تزداد نسبة الخسائر الناتجة جراء هذا المرض والتى تتسبب فى خسائر قدرت بحوالى 825 مليون دولار أمريكى.

      The spread of infection in many countries around the world and particularly race horses, where the ratio of losses caused by this disease, causing losses estimated at about 825 million U.S. dollars.

      وتعد الخيول من الحيوانات الحساسة، والتى تضعف مناعتها بسهولة، كما يستشرى المرض فى أقاليم مصر وتزداد وطأته فى أقاليم الوجه البحرى، بالإضافة إلى محافظتى القاهرة والجيزة، بينما تقل نسبة الإصابة فى أقاليم مصر العليا والصعيد.

      Horses are sensitive animals, which weakened immunity easily, and rampant disease in the provinces of Egypt are growing and prevention in the provinces of Lower Egypt, in addition to Cairo and Giza governorates, while the lower incidence in the provinces of Upper Egypt and Upper Egypt.

      ويصيب أنفلونزا الخيول الفصيلة الخيلية " الخيول، البغال، الحمير"، وكانت أولى حالات هذا المرض فى مصر لأول مرة سنة 1989، وخلال عامى 89 و 90 تم انتشاره بين خيول مصر كلها، وينتقل الفيروس عن طريق الهواء، وبالتالى يكون واسع الانتشار عن طريق الرزاز الخارج من الجهاز التنفسى للحيوان، ونسبة النفوق بين الحيوانات ضئيلة بسبب هذا الفيروس.

      The flu affects platoon riding horses "horses, mules, donkeys," The first cases of the disease in Egypt for the first time in 1989, during 89 and 90 were spread among all horses Egypt, the virus spread through the air, and thus be widespread through Razaz Outside of the respiratory system of an animal, and the rate of mortality among animals because of this little virus.

      وتتراوح مدة حضانة المرض من يوم إلى ثلاثة أو خمسة أيام على الأكثر.

      The incubation period of illness ranging from one day to three or five days at most.


      • #4
        Re: Egypt - Outbreak of Horse Flu

        Egyptian Al-Ahram
        ومن القاهرة، كتبت الأهرام تحت عنوان " بعد الطيور‏..‏ إنفلونزا الخيول خطر تحت السيطرة‏..‏ ولكن‏ !!‏"

        In Cairo, Al-Ahram under the title "after the bird flu .. horses danger under control but ..!!"

        وقالت: "بينما لا يزال هاجس الخوف من مرض إنفلونزا الطيور مستمرا، لاح في الأفق أخيرا خطر جديد اسمه إنفلونزا الخيول. المرض ظهر في مصر في أوائل يوليو/تموز الحالي، ويقول عنه الدكتور حامد سماحة رئيس الهيئة العامة للخدمات البيطرية إنه دخل البلاد عن طريق الخيول المشاركة في مسابقات الفروسية الدولية، التي أقيمت في مصر قبل عدة أسابيع، بمشاركة عدد من الخيول العربية والأوروبية‏.‏"

        She said: "While still haunted by the fear of bird flu continues, loomed in the horizon finally named a new threat of avian horses. Disease appeared in Egypt in early July present, and it says Dr. Hamed Samaha Chairman of the General Authority for Veterinary Services, that it entered the country through Horses participating in international equestrian competitions, held in Egypt several weeks ago, with a number of Arab and European horses. "

        وأضافت: "وأوضح أن المرض كان في فترة الحضانة، ولم يظهر أثناء دخول الخيول الحجر الصحي‏.. وأشار رئيس الهيئة العامة للخدمات البيطرية إلى أن المرض ظهر في أحد أندية الفروسية الشهيرة بالقاهرة، حيث بدت أعراض المرض على‏7‏ حالات من الخيول المشاركة، وتم شفاؤها جميعا‏.

        She added: "He explained that the disease was in the incubation period and did not appear during entry quarantine horses .. The head of General Authority for Veterinary Services said the disease appeared in one of the famous equestrian clubs in Cairo, where the symptoms of the disease seemed to 7 cases of horses participating , And cured all. "

        وتابعت: "ويجزم الدكتور سماحة بأن هذا المرض لا ينتقل إلى الإنسان، ويقول‏:‏ بدأنا تنفيذ إجراءات وقائية لمنع نقل الخيول المصابة من محافظة لأخرى، وشددنا الرقابة بالحجر الصحي لتحصين الخيول القادمة من الخارج للمشاركة في المسابقات الدولية‏.‏"

        It continued: "Dr. Samaha and asserts that this disease is not transmitted to humans, and say: we have begun implementing preventive measures to prevent the transfer of infected horses from province to province, and we quarantine controls to immunize horses coming from abroad to participate in international competitions."

        وختمت: "أما الدكتور مصطفي عبدالعزيز نقيب الأطباء البيطريين فيحذر من حدوث توافق بين مرض إنفلونزا الطيور وإنفلونزا الخيول‏، الأمر الذي قد يؤدي إلي ظهور نوع جديد من الفيروسات القادرة على الانتقال إلى الإنسان مباشرة، وتكون أشد فتكا، بل وقتلا‏."

        She concluded: "As Dr Mustafa Abdul Aziz, chairman of veterinarians warned of an agreement between bird flu and avian horses, which may lead to the emergence of a new type of virus capable of moving to humans directly, and be more deadly, and even killed.



        • #5
          _|egypt: Immediate Notification Report To Oie, Equine Influenza|_

          Equine influenza, Egypt

          Information received on 31/07/2008 from Prof. Dr Hamid Abd El-Tawab Samaha, Chairman, General Organisation for Veterinary Services(GOVS), Ministry of Agriculture, Cairo, Egypt

          ? Summary
          Report type Immediate notification
          Start date 06/07/2008
          Date of first confirmation of the event 10/07/2008
          Report date 31/07/2008
          Date submitted to OIE 31/07/2008
          Reason for notification Reoccurrence of a listed disease
          Date of previous occurrence 1989
          Causal agent Equine influenza virus A
          Serotype Pending
          Nature of diagnosis Laboratory (basic)
          This event pertains to the whole country

          ? New outbreaks
          * Outbreak 1 - Heliopolis, AL QAHIRAH
          Date of start of the outbreak 06/07/2008
          Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
          Epidemiological unit Farm
          Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
          * Equidae - 2200 - 50 - 0 - 0 - 0
          Affected population: Race horses

          * Outbreak 2 - AL JIZAH, AL JIZAH
          Date of start of the outbreak 14/07/2008
          Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
          Epidemiological unit Farm
          Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
          * Equidae - 80 - 7 - 0 - 0

          ? Summary of outbreaks
          Total outbreaks: 2
          Total animals affected: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
          * Equidae - 2280 - 57 - 0 - 0 - 0

          Outbreak statistics: Species - Apparent morbidity rate - Apparent mortality rate - Apparent case fatality rate - Proportion susceptible animals lost*
          * Equidae - 2.50% - 0.00% - 0.00% **
          * Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter
          ** Not calculated because of missing information

          ? Epidemiology
          Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection Unknown or inconclusive

          ? Control measures
          Measures applied Quarantine
          Disinfection of infected premises/establishment(s)
          No vaccination
          Treatment of affected animals (Symptomatic treatment of infected animals)

          Measures to be applied No other measures

          ? Diagnostic test results
          Laboratory name and type Animal Health Research Institute (National laboratory)
          Tests and results: Species - Test - Test date - Result
          * Equidae - real-time PCR - 10/07/2008 - Positive
          * Equidae - real-time PCR - 21/07/2008 - Positive

          ? Future Reporting
          The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.




          • #6
            Re: _|egypt: Immediate Notification Report To Oie, Equine Influenza|_

            Immediate notification report
            Report reference: , Ref OIE: 7236, Report Date: 31/07/2008 , Country: Egypt
            Report Summary
            Equine influenza Animal type Terrestrial

            Causal Agent
            Equine influenza virus A Serotype(s) Pending

            Clinical Signs
            Yes Reason Reoccurrence of a listed disease

            Date of first confirmation of the event
            10/07/2008 Date of Start of Event 06/07/2008

            Date of report
            31/07/2008 Date Submitted To OIE 31/07/2008

            Laboratory (basic) Date Of Last Occurrence 1989

            Number Of Reported Outbreaks
            Submitted= 2, Draft= 0 Name of Sender of the report Prof. Dr Hamid Abd El-Tawab Samaha

            1st Nadi al Said Street
            Dokki, Giza
            Cairo 12618


            (202) 748 17 50

            (202) 336 17 27


            Entered by
            Mme Margarita Alonso

            Outbreak (this report - submitted)
            AL QAHIRAH Unit Type Location Latitude Longitude Start End
            AL QAHIRAH Farm Heliopolis 30,0807 31,3587 06/07/2008
            Species Measuring units Susceptible Cases Deaths Destroyed Slaughtered
            Equidae Animals 2200 50 0 0 0
            Affected Population
            Race horses

            Outbreak (this report - submitted)
            AL JIZAH Unit Type Location Latitude Longitude Start End
            AL JIZAH Farm AL JIZAH 30,0084 31,0933 14/07/2008
            Species Measuring units Susceptible Cases Deaths Destroyed Slaughtered
            Equidae Animals 80 7 0 0 ...
            Affected Population
            Outbreak summary: Total outbreaks = 2 (Submitted)
            Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Destroyed Slaughtered
            Equidae 2280 57 0 0 0
            Printed on: Thu Jul 31 16:02:19 Paris, Madrid (heure d'?t?) 2008 Page 1/3
            Epidemiological comments Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
            ? Unknown or inconclusive

            Control Measures
            ? Quarantine
            ? Disinfection of infected premises/establishment(s)

            To be applied
            ? No Planned Control Measures

            Animals treated

            Vaccination Prohibited

            Treatment Details
            Symptomatic treatment of infected animals

            Country / Zone
            Country or zone
            the whole country

            Diagnostic test results
            Laboratory Type Name of Laboratory Species Test Type Date Results Provided Result
            National laboratory Animal Health Research Institute Equidae real-time PCR 10/07/2008 Positive
            National laboratory Animal Health Research Institute Equidae real-time PCR 21/07/2008 Positive
            Future Reporting
            What further reports will be submitted in relation to this event?
            There are 2outbreaks that are still recorded as unresolved. It is not possible to declare this event resolved until these individual outbreaks are resolved.
            The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.
            Immediate notification report. Report reference: , Ref OIE: 7236, Report Date: 31/07/2008 , Country: Egypt
            Printed on: Thu Jul 31 16:02:19 Paris, Madrid (heure d'?t?) 2008 Page 2/3


            • #7
              Re: _|egypt: Immediate Notification Report To Oie, Equine Influenza|_

              Updated map


              • #8
                Re: _|egypt: Immediate Notification Report To Oie, Equine Influenza|_

                Equine influenza hits Egypt

                By Tamim Elyan
                First Published: July 30, 2008 <TABLE style="FLOAT: right" cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=1 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=right><TABLE width=200 bgColor=#e2e2e2 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left></IMG></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD><IMAGECAPTION>Equine influenza hit horse owners and traders.</IMAGECAPTION>


                <TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=1 width=200 bgColor=#e2e2e2 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
                CAIRO: Horse owners and traders were in for a tough month in July as equine influenza hit Egypt, stalling their businesses and occasionally leaving a few horses dead.
                Equine influenza (EI) is an acute, highly contagious, viral disease which can cause rapid outbreaks of respiratory diseases in horses and other equine species.
                There are two main types of EI: Equine-1 (H7N7) affects horses’ heart muscles, while the second, Equine-2 (H3N8), is more severe.

                “We stopped horses from going in and out for three weeks. This has gravely affected our business. [Maintaining a horse] costs from LE 1,000 to LE 2,000 per week,” Adam Wafi, owner of Prestigue Horses farm, told Daily News Egypt.
                Wafi owns more than 20 horses; most of them are now infected with the virus.

                “We knew it was coming to Egypt after it left half of the horse population in Australia dead, so we took our precautions,” Wafi said. “Other stables were surprised and they had a serious problem. The majority of stables in Sakkara have temporarily stopped their renting businesses.”

                Wafi said that medicine wasn’t available on a regular basis or was too expensive when found at certain pharmacies. There were very few doctors to consult, he added.
                A worker at the King Farouk horse farm told Daily News Egypt the virus hit them in the season’s primetime, as tourists, especially Arabs, constitute the majority of their customers.
                According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), EI is an airborne disease spread via aerosolized respiratory secretions and fomites, including contaminated inorganic objects and people moving between infected and uninfected horses.

                The most common source of infection and outbreak, however, is the introduction of a new animal into the herd.

                Its clinical signs include fever, coughing, intense nasal discharge, depression, muscle soreness, anorexia, and enlarged regional lymph nodes. Colic (abdominal pain) and edema of the legs and scrotum have also been observed with influenza infection.

                “Equine flu has been around for a long time but the problem started to emerge and spread viciously since the first week of July,” Maryanne, a horse farm owner told Daily News Egypt.
                “The virus came in the middle of the summer racing season. Stables in Semooha Club had a very serious problem because of the possibility of infection was very high, as there was a big rally for horses participating in the races,” Maryanne said.

                “Jumping horses as well as other kinds were brought back to Cairo,” she added.

                Maryanne said symptoms don’t appear on horses for four or five days. The first sign is fever that goes as high as 41 degrees. It leads to runny noses that spread mucus over hair, shoes and clothes; all carriers of the disease.

                Humans do not get infected with equine influenza. However, humans can physically carry the virus on their skin, hair, clothing and shoes, and can therefore transfer the virus to other horses.
                “We work with certain clothes and after we finish, we change all our clothes and take hot showers to prevent any spreading of the virus,” Maryanne said.

                The Equine-1 virus was first isolated in Czechoslovakia in 1956 while H3N8 was first isolated in Miami in 1963.

                Farm owners say the problem has declined now, but stables in the El-Haram area often put horses with signs of improvement back to work, ignoring veterinarian recommendations to rest the horses from three to four weeks.

                Horse owners also insisted that the government didn’t offer much help, if any at all, and that they had to consult their own private vets.
                “The authorities did nothing, we knew about the disease from each other and the news flew from stable to stable. We also sent emails to each other about the virus,” Maryanne said.
                “We managed to control the situation and had our horses vaccinated,” said Ahmed Hamed, head of El-Zahraa Stud farm, an affiliate of the Egyptian Agricultural Association.
                “It is the second time the virus hit us after 1990,” Hamed said. “Fortunately, the virus hit us in the summer so we were able to manage,” he added

                However, Hamed insists the virus didn’t largely affect the horse trading business, despite limiting the movement of the horses.
                “As powerful as horses are, they are very sensitive and a case of flu or a stomachache can kill them,” Diaa El-Din Salman, an expert in virology told Daily News Egypt
                Salman stressed that, given the nature of the viruses, horses should remain monitored until the virus is under control, “because viruses hit a lot of species. There is a chance the virus gets mixed with other types and exchanges genetic materials; in this case the re-assortment in the virus can be pathogenic, which can cause diseases and create a new strain or genotype of the virus, or it is non-pathogenic, which is harmless.”

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                • #9
                  Re: _|egypt: Immediate Notification Report To Oie, Equine Influenza|_

                  <TABLE cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD style="WHITE-SPACE: nowrap" vAlign=top width="20%"><INPUT id=UidCheckBox type=checkbox value=169636196 name=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Nuccore.Sequence_Result sPanel.Sequence_RVDocSum.uid sid="1">1: AB360549</TD><TD vAlign=top align=left>
                  Reports<SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2><!--var PopUpMenu2_LocalConfig_Reports169636196 = [ ["TitleText","Reports"]];var Reports169636196 = [ ["UseLocalConfig","Reports169636196","",""], ["ASN.1","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=169636196&db=nuccore&dopt=as n'","",""], ["XML","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=169636196&db=nuccore&dopt=xm l'","",""], ["Summary","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=169636196&db=nuccore&dopt=do csum'","",""], ["Brief","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=169636196&db=nuccore&dopt=br ief'","",""], ["FASTA","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=169636196&db=nuccore&dopt=fa sta'","",""], ["TinySeq XML","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=169636196&db=nuccore&dopt=fa sta_xml'","",""], ["GenBank","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=169636196&db=nuccore&dopt=gb '","",""], ["INSDSeq XML","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=169636196&db=nuccore&dopt=gb c_xml'","",""], ["GenBank(Full)","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=169636196&db=nuccore&dopt=gb withparts'","",""], ["GI List","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=169636196&db=nuccore&dopt=gi '","",""], ["Graphic","'?cmd=Show&doptcmdl =graph&db=nuccore&term=AB360549'","",""], ["Revision History","'/entrez/sutils/girevhist.cgi?val=AB360549'","",""]]--></SCRIPT> </TD><TD vAlign=top align=right>
                  <SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2><!-- var Menu169636196 = [ ["UseLocalConfig", "jsmenu3Config", "", ""], ["Protein" , "'/sites/entrez?Db=protein&DbFrom=nuccore&Cmd=Link&LinkName =nuccore_protein&LinkReadableName=Protein&IdsFromR esult=169636196&ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.P Entrez.Nuccore.Sequence_ResultsPanel.Sequence_RVDo cSum' ", "", ""], ["PubMed" , "'/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&DbFrom=nuccore&Cmd=Link&LinkName= nuccore_pubmed&LinkReadableName=PubMed&IdsFromResu lt=169636196&ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEnt rez.Nuccore.Sequence_ResultsPanel.Sequence_RVDocSu m' ", "", ""], ["Taxonomy" , "'/sites/entrez?Db=taxonomy&DbFrom=nuccore&Cmd=Link&LinkNam e=nuccore_taxonomy&LinkReadableName=Taxonomy&IdsFr omResult=169636196&ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem 2.PEntrez.Nuccore.Sequence_ResultsPanel.Sequence_R VDocSum' ", "", ""], ["Related Sequences" , "'/sites/entrez?Db=nuccore&DbFrom=nuccore&Cmd=Link&LinkName =nuccore_nuccore&LinkReadableName=Related%20Sequen ces&IdsFromResult=169636196&ordinalpos=1&itool=Ent rezSystem2.PEntrez.Nuccore.Sequence_ResultsPanel.S equence_RVDocSum' ", "", ""] ] --></SCRIPT>Links</TD></TR><TR><TD style="PADDING-LEFT: 2.8em" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3>Influenza A virus (A/equine/Ibaraki/1/07(H3N8)) HA gene for hemagglutinin, partial cds
                  </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!--docsumok 188550741 188550741 1 0 1720-->
                  <DL><DT><TABLE cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD style="WHITE-SPACE: nowrap" vAlign=top width="20%"><INPUT id=UidCheckBox type=checkbox value=188550741 name=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Nuccore.Sequence_Result sPanel.Sequence_RVDocSum.uid sid="2">2: AB369862</TD><TD vAlign=top align=left>
                  Reports<SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2><!--var PopUpMenu2_LocalConfig_Reports188550741 = [ ["TitleText","Reports"]];var Reports188550741 = [ ["UseLocalConfig","Reports188550741","",""], ["ASN.1","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=188550741&db=nuccore&dopt=as n'","",""], ["XML","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=188550741&db=nuccore&dopt=xm l'","",""], ["Summary","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=188550741&db=nuccore&dopt=do csum'","",""], ["Brief","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=188550741&db=nuccore&dopt=br ief'","",""], ["FASTA","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=188550741&db=nuccore&dopt=fa sta'","",""], ["TinySeq XML","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=188550741&db=nuccore&dopt=fa sta_xml'","",""], ["GenBank","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=188550741&db=nuccore&dopt=gb '","",""], ["INSDSeq XML","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=188550741&db=nuccore&dopt=gb c_xml'","",""], ["GenBank(Full)","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=188550741&db=nuccore&dopt=gb withparts'","",""], ["GI List","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=188550741&db=nuccore&dopt=gi '","",""], ["Graphic","'?cmd=Show&doptcmdl =graph&db=nuccore&term=AB369862'","",""], ["Revision History","'/entrez/sutils/girevhist.cgi?val=AB369862'","",""]]--></SCRIPT> </TD><TD vAlign=top align=right>
                  <SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2><!-- var Menu188550741 = [ ["UseLocalConfig", "jsmenu3Config", "", ""], ["Protein" , "'/sites/entrez?Db=protein&DbFrom=nuccore&Cmd=Link&LinkName =nuccore_protein&LinkReadableName=Protein&IdsFromR esult=188550741&ordinalpos=2&itool=EntrezSystem2.P Entrez.Nuccore.Sequence_ResultsPanel.Sequence_RVDo cSum' ", "", ""], ["Taxonomy" , "'/sites/entrez?Db=taxonomy&DbFrom=nuccore&Cmd=Link&LinkNam e=nuccore_taxonomy&LinkReadableName=Taxonomy&IdsFr omResult=188550741&ordinalpos=2&itool=EntrezSystem 2.PEntrez.Nuccore.Sequence_ResultsPanel.Sequence_R VDocSum' ", "", ""], ["Related Sequences" , "'/sites/entrez?Db=nuccore&DbFrom=nuccore&Cmd=Link&LinkName =nuccore_nuccore&LinkReadableName=Related%20Sequen ces&IdsFromResult=188550741&ordinalpos=2&itool=Ent rezSystem2.PEntrez.Nuccore.Sequence_ResultsPanel.S equence_RVDocSum' ", "", ""] ] --></SCRIPT>Links</TD></TR><TR><TD style="PADDING-LEFT: 2.8em" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3>Influenza A virus (A/equine/Kanazawa/1/2007(H3N8)) gene for hemagglutinin precursor, complete cds
                  gi|188550741|dbj|AB369862.1|[188550741] </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DT></DL>

                  <TABLE cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD style="WHITE-SPACE: nowrap" vAlign=top width="20%"><INPUT id=UidCheckBox type=checkbox value=188550728 name=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Nuccore.Sequence_Result sPanel.Sequence_RVDocSum.uid sid="37">37: AB436910</TD><TD vAlign=top align=left>
                  Reports<SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2><!--var PopUpMenu2_LocalConfig_Reports188550728 = [ ["TitleText","Reports"]];var Reports188550728 = [ ["UseLocalConfig","Reports188550728","",""], ["ASN.1","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=188550728&db=nuccore&dopt=as n'","",""], ["XML","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=188550728&db=nuccore&dopt=xm l'","",""], ["Summary","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=188550728&db=nuccore&dopt=do csum'","",""], ["Brief","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=188550728&db=nuccore&dopt=br ief'","",""], ["FASTA","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=188550728&db=nuccore&dopt=fa sta'","",""], ["TinySeq XML","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=188550728&db=nuccore&dopt=fa sta_xml'","",""], ["GenBank","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=188550728&db=nuccore&dopt=gb '","",""], ["INSDSeq XML","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=188550728&db=nuccore&dopt=gb c_xml'","",""], ["GenBank(Full)","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=188550728&db=nuccore&dopt=gb withparts'","",""], ["GI List","'/entrez/viewer.fcgi?list_uids=188550728&db=nuccore&dopt=gi '","",""], ["Graphic","'?cmd=Show&doptcmdl =graph&db=nuccore&term=AB436910'","",""], ["Revision History","'/entrez/sutils/girevhist.cgi?val=AB436910'","",""]]--></SCRIPT> </TD><TD vAlign=top align=right>
                  <SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2><!-- var Menu188550728 = [ ["UseLocalConfig", "jsmenu3Config", "", ""], ["Protein" , "'/sites/entrez?Db=protein&DbFrom=nuccore&Cmd=Link&LinkName =nuccore_protein&LinkReadableName=Protein&IdsFromR esult=188550728&ordinalpos=37&itool=EntrezSystem2. PEntrez.Nuccore.Sequence_ResultsPanel.Sequence_RVD ocSum' ", "", ""], ["Taxonomy" , "'/sites/entrez?Db=taxonomy&DbFrom=nuccore&Cmd=Link&LinkNam e=nuccore_taxonomy&LinkReadableName=Taxonomy&IdsFr omResult=188550728&ordinalpos=37&itool=EntrezSyste m2.PEntrez.Nuccore.Sequence_ResultsPanel.Sequence_ RVDocSum' ", "", ""], ["Related Sequences" , "'/sites/entrez?Db=nuccore&DbFrom=nuccore&Cmd=Link&LinkName =nuccore_nuccore&LinkReadableName=Related%20Sequen ces&IdsFromResult=188550728&ordinalpos=37&itool=En trezSystem2.PEntrez.Nuccore.Sequence_ResultsPanel. Sequence_RVDocSum' ", "", ""] ] --></SCRIPT>Links</TD></TR><TR><TD style="PADDING-LEFT: 2.8em" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3>Influenza A virus (A/equine/Mongolia/1/2008(H3N8)) HA gene for haemagglutinin, partial cds
                  gi|188550728|dbj|AB436910.1|[188550728] </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


                  • #10
                    Re: _|egypt: Immediate Notification Report To Oie, Equine Influenza|_

                    :As powerful as horses are, they are very sensitive and a case of flu or a stomachache can kill them

                    Horse trainers that dope their charges with performance-enhancing steroids have been just begging for this outcome.

                    Time for international racing regulators to take a very close look at the widespread use of steroids in equine sport competitions (that includes jumping/eventing and endurance types).


                    • #11
                      Re: Egypt - Outbreak of Horse Flu &amp; OIE Report

                      Aswan Ahmed Zayat: 168 horsepower flu injured horses in Edfu inspection revealed the injury of horses nominated and very high temperature. كان اصحاب عربات ?الحنطور? قد ابلغوا مديرية الطب البيطري بإصابة خيولهم بأعراض غريبة، وأنها تنتقل بسرعة بين الخيول. The owners of vehicles ?Stagecoach? had told the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine was injured horses strange symptoms, and they quickly move between horses. تقرر احتجاز الخيول بمستشفي بروك بعد ثبوت اصابتها بمرض انفلونزا الخيول، وتم علاجها وخرجت من المستشفي. Decides to detain horses Brook Hospital after a severe flu proven horses, were treated and left the hospital. وقال الدكتور أبوالحمد ضاحي مدير عام الطب البيطري بأسوان ان مرض انفلونزا الخيول غير متمحور ولا ينتقل من الخيول للانسان أو للحيوانات الاخري. He said Dr. Aboahamd Dahi, director general of veterinary medicine to Aswan flu-horse pivoted and moved from horses to humans or other animals.

                      وأوضح ان الخيول المصابة شفيت تماما بعد حقنها بالأدوية وخافضات الحوارة لمدة 3 أيام. He explained that the infected horses recovered fully after the injected drugs and antipyrine dialogue for 3 days. واشار إلي ظهور المرض في نادي الفروسية بمصر الجديدة ثم في الاسكندرية ثم ظهر في عدة محافظات اخري. He pointed to the emergence of the disease in the Equestrian Club in Heliopolis and then in Alexandria and then appeared in several other provinces. وتقرر منع دخول وخروج الخيول من مركز ادفو لحين القضاء تماما علي المرض. It was decided to prevent the entry and exit of horses from the Centre when delegations of completely eliminating the disease.


                      • #12
                        Re: Egypt - Outbreak of Horse Flu &amp; OIE Report

                        Commission on emergency ?Agriculture? begin its work to besiege ?flu horses?

                        كتب محمد حمدان ومحمود عبدالسلام ٥/٨/٢٠٠٨
                        Mohamed Al Hamdan, Mahmoud Abdel Salam 5/8/2008 <table style="border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; direction: ltr;" align="right" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td align="center" valign="top">
                        بدأت لجنة طارئة من المعامل المركزية في وزارة الزراعة، بالتعاون مع مديرية الطب البيطري في أسوان عملها أمس، لمحاصرة مرض أنفلونزا الخيول بعد ظهور ١٦٥ حالة إصابة بين الخيول والحمير في مركز إدفو.
                        The Commission began an emergency in the central laboratories of the Ministry of Agriculture, in collaboration with the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine in Aswan work yesterday, which is surrounded flu horses after the emergence of 165 cases of infection among horses and donkeys at the centre of Edfu.
                        كان ١٦٨ حصاناً أصيبت قبل يومين برشح شديد، وارتفاع كبير في درجات الحرارة، وانتقلت الأعراض بينها بسرعة كبيرة، فتم حجزها في مستشفي ?بروك? لعلاج الحيوانات لتوقيع الكشف الطبي عليها وعلاجها، وقررت مديرية الطب البيطري منع خروج ودخول الخيول من وإلي إدفو لحين القضاء علي المرض تماماً.
                        The 168 horsepower was hit two days ago nominated very, very high temperatures, and moved symptoms including high speed, was booked in the hospital ?Brooke? for the treatment of animals for medical examination and treatment, and decided directorate of veterinary medicine prevent exit and entry of horses to and from Edfu until eradication The disease altogether.
                        تمثل عمل اللجنة في الحصول علي عينات الدم اللازمة من الخيول المصابة وفحصها للوقوف علي الحالة الصحية لها، وأعلن الدكتور جمال عثمان، مدير عام الطب الوثائي في مديرية الطب البيطري، رئيس اللجنة، عن تماثل ٣٠ حالة للشفاء تمامآً وتم التصريح بخروجها، بعد إجراء التحصينات اللازمة باستخدام المضادات الحيوية وخافضات الحرارة.
                        The Commission's work in obtaining the necessary blood samples from infected horses and tested to determine their state of health, Dr Jamal Othman, director general of the Directorate of Medicine Alutai Veterinary Medicine, Chairman of the Committee, expressed similar 30 cases were fully recovered permission exit, after the necessary immunizations The use of antibiotics and antipyrine.
                        وأضاف عثمان أنه تم الحصول علي عينات دم لعدد آخر من الحيوانات التي تم احتجازها، لإرسالها إلي المعامل المركزية بالوزارة للوقوف علي حجم الإصابة بالمرض.
                        He added that Osman was obtained blood samples to a number of other animals that have been detained, to be sent to the ministry's central labs to determine the size of infection.



                        • #13
                          Re: Egypt - Outbreak of Horse Flu &amp; OIE Report

                          So we have two centers of equid H3N8 outbreak Summer 2008, West Nile Delta/Alexandria and just north of Aswan?


                          • #14
                            Re: Egypt - Outbreak of Horse Flu &amp; OIE Report

                            "..and rampant disease in the provinces of Egypt are growing and prevention in the provinces of Lower Egypt, in addition to Cairo and Giza governorates, while the lower incidence in the provinces of Upper Egypt and Upper Egypt..."

                            I think it is fairly widespread.


                            • #15
                              Re: Egypt - Outbreak of Horse Flu &amp; OIE Report

                              Equine influenza, Egypt

                              Information received on 06/08/2008 from Prof. Dr Hamid Abd El-Tawab Samaha, Chairman, General Organisation for Veterinary Services(GOVS), Ministry of Agriculture, Cairo, Egypt

                              ? Summary
                              Report type Follow-up report No. 1
                              Start date 06/07/2008
                              Date of first confirmation of the event 10/07/2008
                              Report date 06/08/2008
                              Date submitted to OIE 06/08/2008
                              Reason for notification Reoccurrence of a listed disease
                              Date of previous occurrence 1989
                              Causal agent Equine influenza virus A Serotype H3N8
                              Nature of diagnosis Laboratory (basic)
                              This event pertains to the whole country
                              Related reports Immediate notification (31/07/2008)
                              Follow-up report No. 1 (06/08/2008)

                              ? New outbreaks
                              * Outbreak 1 - Helwan, AL QAHIRAH
                              Date of start of the outbreak 02/08/2008
                              Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                              Epidemiological unit Farm
                              Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
                              * Equidae - 425 - 360 - 0 - 0 - 0

                              * Outbreak 2 - Asyut, Asyut, ASYUT
                              Date of start of the outbreak 30/07/2008
                              Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                              Epidemiological unit Farm
                              Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
                              * Equidae - 18 - 5 - 0 - 0 - 0

                              ? Summary of outbreaks
                              Total outbreaks: 2
                              Total animals affected: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
                              * Equidae - 443 - 365 - 0 - 0 - 0

                              Outbreak statistics: Species - Apparent morbidity rate - Apparent mortality rate - Apparent case fatality rate - Proportion susceptible animals lost*
                              * Equidae - 82.39% - 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00%
                              * Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter

                              ? Epidemiology
                              Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection Unknown or inconclusive

                              ? Control measures
                              Measures applied Quarantine
                              Disinfection of infected premises/establishment(s)
                              No vaccination
                              Treatment of affected animals (Symptomatic treatment of infected animals)

                              Measures to be applied No other measures

                              ? Diagnostic test results
                              Laboratory name and type Animal Health Research Institute (National laboratory)
                              Tests and results: Species - Test - Test date - Result
                              * Equidae - real-time PCR - 05/08/2008 - Positive

                              ? Future Reporting
                              The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.


