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Egypt - Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009 - April 9, 2009

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  • #91
    Re: Latest Egypt Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

    <table style="text-align: left; direction: ltr;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100&#37;"><tbody><tr><td><table style="text-align: left; direction: ltr;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td>
    <table style="text-align: left; direction: ltr;" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td>44663 </td><td>
    ‏السنة 133-العدد
    Year 133 - Issue </td><td>
    2009 </td><td>
    Mar </td><td>
    19 </td><td>
    ‏22 من ربيع الاول 1430 هـ
    22 of the spring 1430 the first e </td><td>
    Thursday </td></tr></tbody></table>
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    إصابة جديدة بإنفلونزا الطيور بمحافظة أسيوط
    New bird flu Assiut Governorate

    <!--heade--><table style="text-align: left; direction: ltr;" bgcolor="#ffffec" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td colspan="5" align="right" bgcolor="#ffffec">
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    أعلن الدكتور عبدالرحمن شاهين المتحدث الرسمي لوزارة الصحة مساء أمس ظهور الإصابة البشرية رقم‏59‏ بمرض إنفلونزا الطيور لسيدة تدعي زينب مصطفي عبدالرسول‏38‏ سنة من قرية المعصرة مركز الفتح بمحافظة أسيوط‏,‏ وقال شاهين إن بداية ظهور الأعراض المرضية عليها كانت يوم السبت الماضي‏,‏ دخلت علي أثرها مستشفي حميات أسيوط في اليوم نفسه‏,‏ وهي تعاني ارتفاعا في درجة الحرارة وسعالا عقب تعرضها لطيور نافقة يشتبه في إصابتها بمرض إنفلونزا الطيور‏.‏

    Abdel Rahman Shahin, official spokesman for the Ministry of Health yesterday the emergence of human infection No. 59 of bird flu, a woman claims Zeinab Abdel Rasul Mustafa, aged 38, from the village of Al Fatah Almasrp Center Assiut Governorate, Sahin said that the onset of symptoms, they were on Saturday the past, entered admitted to hospital in Assiut, the same day, which is experiencing a rise in temperature and coughing after exposure to dead birds suspected of being infected with bird flu.



    • #92
      Re: Latest Egypt Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+



      • #93
        Re: Latest Egypt Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+


        Mild H5N1 Cases in Egypt Raise Concerns

        Recombinomics Commentary 14:30
        March 19, 2009

        Woman, age 38, began experiencing fever and headache March 14. She was admitted to Assiut Fever Hospital and given Tamiflu on March 14. Infection with avian influenza was confirmed March 18. The woman reported contact with dead and sick poultry. She was reported clinically free and in a good general condition on March 18.

        Girl, age 1?, began experiencing symptoms March 6. She was admitted to Menouf Fever Hospital upon showing symptoms of high fever and cough, and was given Tamiflu. Infection with avian influenza was confirmed March 10. The child was reported in a good general condition on March 10.

        The above comments describe the two most recent confirmed cases in Egypt (see updated map). As seen in the description of the most recent case, the disease course is short and the patient was only symptomatic for four days, which is less than most season flu courses. Moreover, all eight confirmed cases this year have recovered. There is no indication that the two patients above developed pneumonia and only one of the eight cases this year was described as being in critical condition. The last fatal confirmed case in Egypt died in December.

        The mild H5N1 cases this year are similar to the Egyptian cases in the spring of 2007, when 16/17 cases survived. Most of those cases were in children from upper Egypt. However, this year the cases are spread over a wide area and are likely infected with the vaccine resistant strain first described in late 2007.

        Although NAMRU-3 has not released any sequences from this season, two of the human isolates from this year, A/Egypt/0001-NARMRU3/2009 and A/Egypt/0585-NARMRU3/2009, appear to be somewhat related to the vaccine-resistant strain, but may be recombinants, with additional genetic information from earlier Egyptian isolates. Release of sequences from these cases would be useful.

        However, the recent mild cases raise concerns that the level of H5N1 cases in Egypt is markedly higher than reported. Many cases who do not develop pneumonia and have mild cases similar to the most recent case likely do not seek medical attention, while others may be treated for seasonal flu and recover untested for H5N1. Moreover, all seven confirmed cases in Egypt this year, prior to the most recent case were 1 ? to 2 ? years old. The confirmation of this number of toddlers, also suggests that there are more cases in older children and adults.

        These mild cases in Egypt also raise concerns that the level of H5N1 in countries which report high case fatality rates, like Indonesia, Vietnam, and China also have a high number of mild cases that are untested or test negative, especially on samples collected after the start of Tamiflu treatment.

        "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


        • #94
          Re: Latest Egypt Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

          3 women in detention on suspicion of Monoufia positive b &#171;avian flu&#187; .. And treatment of &#171;the situation 59&#187; in Assiut


          Infected with bird flu in hospital in Assiut

          Detained hospitals and fevers Shebin Mnov, Saturday, 3 women on suspicion of bird flu positive.

          Dr. Hisham Al-Atta, Deputy Minister of Health Menoufia, the situations of women Madiha Mohamed Badawi &#171;54-year housewife&#187; Alpajur City resident, and Subhiyah Muawwad Badawi &#171;55 housewife year&#187;, the village resident come Mnov Center, six sisters &#171;50 years housewife &#187;, based on the Bazbp Alhraivp Alhamul Mnov Center, was being held in hospital after they reported symptoms, high temperature, sore throat, and was taking blood samples from infected and sent to labs central Ministry of Health, to ascertain the extent of breast disease.

          In the same context, "said Dr Ahmed Abdel-Moneim, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Health and Population in Assiut, the No. 59 of human infection from bird flu, which was discovered, the day before yesterday, is the second injury in the county, and is currently the subject of intensive treatment at a hospital in Assiut, fevers, and they leave the hospital, Once the treatment and give them a dose of assessments for such injuries.

          He added that the infected woman called Zainab Mustafa Abdel Rahman &#171;37 years&#187; and had been transferred to the hospital for 4 days, samples were taken for examination, and sent to labs central Ministry of Health, which confirmed the validity of the disease by contact with infected birds, breeding, the dose was given special treatment, During the early hours of the suspected bird flu symptoms, and a thorough medical examination of members of her family and neighbors, have been placed under quarantine area.

          Said Zainab Al &#171;Egyptian today&#187; It is a housewife from a poor family Almasrp status of the village of Al Fatah, which is paid to education and contact with birds, referring to last Saturday it was surprised by the death of all the &#171;chicken&#187;, which raised the roof of the shanty house, and disposed of off-site from home, and then I felt the heat stroke.

          احتجاز ٣ سيدات فى المنوفية للاشتباه فى إصابتهن بـ&#171;أنفلونزا الطيور&#187;.. وعلاج &#171;الحالة ٥٩&#187; فى أسيوط

          كتب ممدوح ثابت وسحر الحمدانى وهند إبراهيم ٢٠/ ٣/ ٢٠٠٩<TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 align=right><TBODY><TR><TD dir=rtl vAlign=top align=middle><TABLE dir=rtl border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD>

          </TD></TR><TR><TD width=240 align=right>المصابة بأنفلوانزا الطيور فى أسيوط فى المستشفى

          احتجزت مستشفيات حميات شبين الكوم ومنوف، أمس الأول، ٣ سيدات للاشتباه فى إصابتهن بأنفلونزا الطيور.
          قال الدكتور هشام عطا، وكيل وزارة الصحة بالمنوفية، إن الحالات للسيدات مديحة محمد السيد بدوى &#171;٥٤ سنة ـ ربة منزل&#187; مقيمة بمدينة الباجور، وصبحية معوض بدوى &#171;٥٥ سنة ـ ربة منزل&#187;، مقيمة بقرية تتا مركز منوف، وست أخواتها &#171;٥٠ سنة ـ ربة منزل&#187;، مقيمة بعزبة الشرايفة ناحية الحامول مركز منوف، وتم حجزهن بالمستشفيات إثر ظهور أعراض المرض عليهن، من ارتفاع درجة الحرارة واحتقان الحلق، وتم أخذ عينات من دم المصابات وأرسلت للمعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة، للتأكد من مدى إصابتهن بالمرض.
          فى السياق نفسه، قال الدكتور أحمد عبدالمنعم، وكيل وزارة الصحة والسكان بأسيوط، إن الإصابة البشرية رقم ٥٩ بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور، التى تم اكتشافها، أمس الأول، هى الإصابة الثانية فى المحافظة، وتخضع حالياً لعلاج مكثف فى مستشفى حميات أسيوط، وأنها ستغادر المستشفى، بمجرد الانتهاء من علاجها وإعطائها الجرعات المقررة لمثل هذه الإصابات.
          وأضاف أن المصابة سيدة تدعى زينب مصطفى عبدالرحمن &#171;٣٧ سنة&#187; وكان قد تم تحويلها للمستشفى منذ ٤ أيام، وتم أخذ عينات منها لفحصها، وإرسالها للمعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة، والتى أكدت صحة إصابتها بالمرض بسبب مخالطتها للطيور وتربيتها لها، وتم إعطاؤها جرعة علاج خاص، خلال الساعات الأولى من الاشتباه بإصابتها بالأعراض، وإجراء فحص طبى شامل لأفراد أسرتها والجيران، وتم وضع المنطقة تحت الحجر الصحى.
          وقالت زينب لـ&#171;المصرى اليوم&#187; إنها ربة منزل من أسرة فقيرة بقرية المعصرة بمركز الفتح، وهو ما يدفعها لتربية ومخالطة الطيور، مشيرة إلى أنها فوجئت السبت الماضى بوفاة جميع &#171;الفراخ&#187; التى تربيها فى عشة فوق سطح منزلها، وقد تخلصت منها فى مكان بعيد عن المنزل، وبعدها شعرت بسخونة شديدة.

          Last edited by AlaskaDenise; April 18, 2009, 02:10 AM. Reason: remove photo


          • #95
            Re: Latest Egypt Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

            For the confirmed case in Post #91
            Zeinab Abdel Rasul Mustafa, aged 38, from the village of Al Fatah Almasrp Center Assiut Governorate
            قريه المعصره may refer to Al Masarah located at 27.205843, 31.222591


            • #96
              Re: Latest Egypt Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

              [WARNING. Google RAW Machine Translation from Arabic to English. Please do refer to original article at: . Arabic portion is also available below the translated texts. EDITED.]

              National campaign of vaccination of the bird flu officials worry Egyptian governorates

              CAIRO: Mohamed Abdel-Raouf

              Avian influenza has raised fears and concerns of officials nationwide and Egyptian cities, which called for the Commission of the Egyptian government claims the launch of a national campaign of vaccination against the disease, which has since appeared in Egypt prior to 3 years and as of yesterday, 59 people, of whom 33 were cured and 23 died and 3 are currently under treatment and in accordance with Egyptian official statistics.

              And suggested that the High Commission against bird flu in Egypt, at its meeting yesterday under the chairmanship of Major-General Abdel Salam Mahgoub, Minister of Local Development will be the first vaccination campaigns there in July (July), and the second in December (December) of each year, and extends the period of vaccination for each month, which is which will contribute to the eradication of the virus, as was agreed during the meeting to activate the role of governors in the control of the houses, as well as activating the role of the General Coordinator of the Commission.

              Participated in the meeting and ministers of health, agriculture and the environment and the governors of Cairo and Giza, and October 6, Qalubia, eastern, Dakahlia, Monoufia, and Fayoum, and the West, and Beni Suef, and representatives of the Ministries of Defense and Interior, and the Presidents of the General Authority for Information and the General Authority for Veterinary Services.

              He said the governor had been since the beginning of the fourth national campaign of vaccination, which began the first of November (November) 2008 and so far vaccinated 37 million and 325 thousand birds, were also processed more than 61 million doses of the vaccine, pointing out that the adoption of many of the controls to prevent the transmission of influenza provinces through the establishment of checkpoints at the entrances and exits to the provinces, and the granting of special permits to transport vehicles to provide protection for the citizens, he is currently the law prevents the activation of breeding birds in urban areas to prevent environmental pollution.

              He said the governor ?is being studied to establish a compensation fund for farmers affected by the disease?.


              حملة قومية للتحصين من أنفلونزا الطيور تقلق المسؤولين بالمحافظات المصرية
              القاهرة: محمد عبد الرءوف
              عادت أنفلونزا الطيور لتثير مخاوف وقلق المسؤولين بالمحافظات والمدن المصرية، وهو ما دعا لجنة حكومية مصرية للمطالبة بتدشين حملة قومية للتحصين ضد المرض، الذي أصاب منذ ظهوره في مصر قبل 3 أعوام وحتى أمس 59 شخصا، شفي منهم 33 شخصا وتوفي 23 ويخضع 3 حاليا للعلاج وفقا لإحصائيات مصرية رسمية.

              واقترحت اللجنة العليا لمكافحة أنفلونزا الطيور بمصر في اجتماعها أمس برئاسة اللواء عبد السلام المحجوب وزير التنمية المحلية أن تكون هناك حملتا تحصين الأولى في يوليو (تموز)، والثانية في ديسمبر (كانون الأول) من كل عام، وتمتد فترة كل تحصين لمدة شهر، وهو الأمر الذي سيساهم في القضاء على الفيروس، كما تم الاتفاق خلال الاجتماع على تفعيل دور المحافظين في الرقابة على المنازل وكذلك تفعيل دور المنسق العام للجنة.

              شارك في الاجتماع وزراء الصحة والزراعة والبيئة ومحافظو القاهرة والجيزة و6 أكتوبر، والقليوبية، والشرقية، والدقهلية، والمنوفية، والفيوم، والغربية، وبني سويف، وممثلون عن وزارتي الدفاع والداخلية، ورئيسي الهيئة العامة للاستعلامات والهيئة العامة للخدمات البيطرية.

              وقال المحجوب إنه تم منذ بداية الحملة القومية الرابعة للتحصين والتي بدأت أول نوفمبر (تشرين الثاني) 2008 وحتى الآن تحصين 37 مليونا و325 ألف طائر، كما تم تجهيز أكثر من 61 مليون جرعة لقاح، مشيرا إلى أنه تم اتخاذ العديد من الضوابط لمنع انتقال الطيور بين المحافظات عن طريق إقامة نقاط تفتيش في مداخل ومخارج المحافظات، ومنح تصاريح خاصة لسيارات النقل بهدف توفير الحماية للمواطنين، لافتا إلى أنه يجرى حاليا تفعيل قانون يمنع تربية الطيور في المدن لمنع التلوث البيئي.

              وقال المحجوب ?تجري دراسة إنشاء صندوق لتعويض أصحاب المزارع المضارين من المرض?.


              • #97
                Re: Egypt - Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

                Egypt. Bird Flu Higher Committee: Bird vaccines with low prices.
                Bird Flu Higher Committee: Bird vaccines with low prices

                19 /3/2009

                Major General Mohammed Abdel Salam Mahgoub, the Minister of Local Development said on 20/3/2009 that coordination between the governorates, Ministry of Information and Egypt's State Information Service (SIS) is maintained through internal information centers to intensify awareness campaigns about bird flu.

                He said following the meeting of the Higher Committee to combat bird flu that 37.3 million birds were vaccinated so far.

                He said that measures were taken to prevent the transfer of birds between the governorates through the establishment of checkpoints at the entrances and exits of the governorates.

                He pointed out that the Ministry of Health is monitoring the disease in 25 governorates to determine the number and proportion of home deaths and rate of immunization.

                For his part, Head of SIS ambassador Ismail Khairat said that the number of bird flu cases since the beginning of the year is amounted to 8 injuries, noting that there had been no deaths so far.

                He said that the meeting of the Higher Committee discussed a number of problems related to bird flu, pointing out that one of the most important of these problems is the continuing breeding of birds in homes.

                He said that the media campaign had a significant impact in increasing awareness between the citizens.

                For immunization, he said that 60% of the governorates had been covered free of charge through a team of veterinary services.

                He added that there is a need to educate the citizens, especially mothers for the need to separate children from the birds in the house.
                <cite cite="">Bird Flu</cite>


                • #98
                  Re: Egypt - Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

                  Assiut - Editor Masrawy - The General Governor of Assiut Nabil Ezabi healing Zainab Mustafa, 38, from the village of Almasrp Center for the opening of infection from bird flu after the success of the treating medical team to control the disease and provide treatment for the infected immediately.
                  وقال العزبى إنه فور تلقى البلاغ بوجود اشتباه بالإصابة بالمرض تم تشكيل فريق طبى للوقوف على الحالة ومتابعتها وتقييمها أولا بأول وتقديم تقرير تفصيلى عن الحالة كل 12 ساعة، مشيدا بنجاح جهود الفريق الطبى المعالج فى السيطرة على المرض وتقديم العلاج المناسب فى وقت قياسى.

                  Ezabi said that upon receiving the communication there is suspicion of illness a medical team was formed to ascertain the situation and follow-up and evaluation of aphid and to provide a detailed report on the situation every 12 hours, hailing the success of the efforts of the treating medical team to control the disease and provide appropriate treatment in record time.
                  وقرر محافظ أسيوط تكريم الفريق الطبى وصرف مكافآت فورية له نظير ما قاموا به من مجهودات أدت إلى شفاء الحالة المصابة.

                  And decided to honor the governor of Assiut, the medical team and immediate payment of rewards for him as they have done has led efforts to heal the afflicted.
                  وكانت السيدة قد أصيبت بأنفلونزا الطيور نتيجة مخالطتها للطيور التى تربيها فى منزلها وكان لوعى الأسرة بسرعة التوجه للوحدة الصحية بقرية المعصرة واتخاذ طبيب الوحدة القرار السريع بتحويل الحالة لمستشفى حميات أسيوط للاشتباه فى الحالة دور كبير فى شفائها.

                  The woman had been hit by bird flu due to contact with birds raised in the home, which was quickly aware of the family to go to the village health unit Almasrp and take a quick decision to transfer the case admitted to a hospital on suspicion of Assiut in the situation big role in healing.
                  ومن ناحية أخرى، صرح الدكتور أحمد عبدالمنعم وكيل وزارة الصحة بأسيوط بأنه فور وصول الحالة إلى مستشفى حميات أسيوط تم عمل التحاليل بأخذ عينة من السيدة وإجراء الفحوصات اللازمة وعند التأكد من الإصابة تم تقديم العلاج المناسب وإخطار كافة الجهات المعنية لاتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة نحو تطعيم الطيور الموجودة بمنزل السيدة المصابة والمنازل المجاورة وأخذ عينات من الطيور الموجودة للتأكد من وجود طيور مصابة من عدمه.

                  On the other hand, said Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Moneim and the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in Assiut that upon the arrival of the case admitted to hospital in Assiut, the analysis has been done by taking a sample of Ms. testing when necessary and make sure that infection has been provided appropriate treatment and to notify all parties concerned to take necessary action towards the vaccinated birds in the house Mrs. affected and the adjacent houses and take samples from birds to confirm the presence of infected birds or not.
                  وأضاف أنه تم تكليف الرائدات الريفيات بتكثيف عمليات التوعية من خلال الزيارات المنزلية للسيدات فى كيفية التعامل مع الطيور، وتم عمل خطة توعية من خلال تنفيذ 12 ندوة عن مرض أنفلونزا الطيور خلال الثلاثة شهور القادمة.

                  He was assigned to rural leaders to intensify the awareness through home visits for women in how to deal with the flu, was aware of the work plan through the implementation of 12 a symposium on bird flu during the next three months.


                  • #99
                    Re: Egypt - Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+



                    • Re: Egypt - Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

                      Egyptian woman contracts bird flu - WHO

                      23 Mar 2009 15:45:43 GMT

                      Source: Reuters

                      GENEVA, March 23 (Reuters) - A 38-year-old Egyptian woman has contracted the H5N1 strain of bird flu and is in a stable condition, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Monday.

                      The woman, from Elfath in central Egypt, developed a fever and headache on March 14 and was admitted to hospital where she is being given the antiviral drug Tamivir, it said.

                      The Geneva-based U.N. agency said she fell ill after coming into contact with dead and sick poultry. She is the 59th case of bird flu in the Arab country.
                      Since 2003, the H5N1 avian influenza virus has infected 412 people and killed 256 of them, WHO figures show.

                      While H5N1 rarely infects people, scientists fear the virus could mutate into a form that spreads easily among people, unleashing a pandemic that could kill millions.

                      Egypt has had the third largest number of cases, at 59, behind Indonesia and Vietnam. It has the fourth largest number of deaths, at 23, behind Indonesia, Vietnam and China.

                      (For the latest WHO bird flu figures go to: )

                      (Reporting by Jonathan Lynn; Editing by Katie Nguyen)
                      Thomson Reuters empowers professionals with cutting-edge technology solutions informed by industry-leading content and expertise.
                      "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                      • Re: Egypt - Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

                        WHO | Avian influenza - situation in Egypt - update 8
                        Avian influenza - situation in Egypt - update 8

                        23 March 2009 --

                        The Ministry of Health and Population, Egypt has reported a new confirmed human case of Avian Influenza.

                        The case is a 38-year old female from Elfath District, Assiut Governorate.

                        Her symptoms started with a fever and headache on March 14.

                        She was admitted to Assiut Fever Hospital on March 14 where she was started on oseltamivir the same day (March 14) and remains in a stable condition.

                        Infection with H5N1 avian influenza was confirmed on 18 March by the Egyptian Central Public Health Laboratory.

                        Investigations into the source of her infection indicate a history of close contact with dead and sick poultry prior to becoming ill.

                        Of the 59 cases confirmed to date in Egypt, 23 have been fatal.
                        <cite cite="">WHO | Avian influenza - situation in Egypt - update 8</cite>


                        • Re: Egypt - Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

                          38-year-old was hit by the bird flu virus H5 that 1 and a stable condition.

                          The organization said that the opening of the Center for the affected province of Asyut, about 400 kilometers south of Cairo, they complained of fever, headache, before entering the hospital on March 14 on the property where the current anti-virus Tamifir.

                          She added that Egypt became ill after contact with dead birds and infected Almasrp in the village in which they live and it was the ninth session, which become infected with bird flu in the country.

                          Since 2003 virus bird flu, 412 people in various parts of the world, killing 256, according to WHO data.

                          The HIV virus infects 5 to 1, but people do not move them. Scientists fear the virus could mutate to spread between humans, causing a pandemic that could kill millions.

                          He died in Egypt, 23 cases of cases of this disease and thus, ranked fourth in terms of the number of deaths from the disease after Indonesia, Vietnam and China.

                          The medical sources in the governorate of Assiut on Thursday called the infected Zainab Mustafa Abdul Rasul, and the central laboratory in Cairo, the Ministry of Health was unable to analyze the sample, including the U.S., as well as plants in Egypt.

                          A source said that a sample was sent to Britain for analysis.

                          A source in the governorate of Assiut said Abdul Rasul left the hospital on Monday and the governor Nabil Ezabi received in his office to check on the recovery of a similar nature.

                          Masrawy is the biggest and the first news portal in Egypt and Middle East and North Africa (MENA). It produces all kinds of news, reports, interviews… etc. مصراوي أول وأكبر بوابة إلكترونية في مصر والشرق الأوسط، ويقدم محتوى متنوع من الأخبار والتقارير والحوارات السياسية والاقتصادية والرياضية والفنية والمنوعات وصفحات خاصة عن كل ما يهم المرأة والرجل وعالم السيارات والإسلاميات.

                          العالمية يوم الاثنين إن مصرية تبلغ من العمر 38 عاما أصيبت بفيروس انفلونزا الطيور اتش5ان1 وان حالتها مستقرة.

                          وقالت المنظمة إن المصابة من مركز الفتح بمحافظة أسيوط التي تبعد حوالي 400 كيلومتر الى الجنوب من القاهرة وانها اشتكت من حمى وصداع قبل دخولها المستشفى يوم 14 مارس اذار الحالي حيث تناولت العقار المضاد للفيروس تاميفير.

                          واضافت أن المصرية مرضت بعد مخالطة طيور نافقة وأخرى مصابة في قرية المعصرة التي تعيش فيها وانها الحالة التاسعة والخمسون التي تصاب بمرض انفلونزا الطيور في البلاد.

                          ومنذ عام 2003 أصاب فيروس مرض انفلونزا الطيور 412 شخصا في مختلف أنحاء العالم توفي منهم 256 بحسب بيانات منظمة الصحة العالمية.

                          ويصيب الفيروس اتش5ان1 البشر لكنه لا ينتقل بينهم. ويخشى علماء أن يتحور الفيروس لينتقل بين البشر مما قد يتسبب في وباء يمكن أن يقتل الملايين.

                          وتوفي في مصر 23 حالة من الاصابة بهذا المرض وبذلك تحتل المركز الرابع من حيث عدد الوفيات بالمرض بعد اندونيسيا وفيتنام والصين.

                          وقالت مصادر طبية في محافظة أسيوط يوم الخميس ان المصابة تدعى زينب مصطفى عبد الرسول وان المعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة في القاهرة تعذر عليها تحليل العينة المأخوذة منها وكذلك معامل أمريكية في مصر.

                          وقال مصدر ان عينة أرسلت الى بريطانيا لتحليلها.

                          وقال مصدر في محافظة أسيوط ان عبد الرسول غادرت المستشفى يوم الاثنين وان المحافظ نبيل العزبي استقبلها في مكتبه للاطمئنان على تماثلها للشفاء.
                          هذا المحتوى من


                          • Re: Egypt - Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+


                            H5N1 Cases in Egypt Raise Tamiflu Resistance Concerns

                            Recombinomics Commentary 16:51
                            March 23, 2009

                            Woman, age 38, began experiencing fever and headache March 14. She was admitted to Assiut Fever Hospital and given Tamiflu on March 14. Infection with avian influenza was confirmed March 18. The woman reported contact with dead and sick poultry. She was reported clinically free and in a good general condition on March 18.

                            The above detail on the most recent confirmed case in Egypt raises concerns that a mild H5N1 is circulating in Egypt at levels markedly higher than the reported cases. H5N1 testing is usually limited to symptomatic cases with a recent history of exposure to dead or dying poultry. Thus, if the above case had denied contact, hospitalization and testing would be unlikely and the symptoms could be mistaken for seasonal flu. Others may not seek medical attention and assume that the H5N1 infection is a mild infection not requiring medical attention.

                            None of the eight confirmed cases in 2009 in Egypt have died. Only one was in critical condition. The other seven had a mild course. Milder H5N1 likely leads to more exposure of others, because the patient is not immediately hospitalized and isolated. The increased exposure would not only the increase the likelihood of infecting others, but would also increase the likelihood of a second infection with H1N1 seasonal flu, which is almost exclusively Tamiflu resistant.

                            Tamiflu treatment of a patient co-infected with H5N1 and H1N1 carrying H274Y would apply pressure toward the transfer of H274Y from the H1 on H1N1 to the H1 on H5N1, either via reassortment or recombination. In seasonal flu, both transfers have been reported, raising concerns of similar exchanges between H1N1 and H5N1.

                            H274Y has been reported to have been independently introduced onto three H1N1 sub-clades that have been recently circulating. Moreover, the level of H274Y in the most widely circulating sub-clade (clade 2B - Brisbane/59) has increased to levels approaching 100%.

                            Thus, the high levels of H274Y in H1N1, coupled with increased circulation of H5N1 in human populations in Egypt raises serious concerns about the emergence of Tamiflu resistant H5N1 that is more efficiently transmitted in human populations.

                            "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


                            • Re: Egypt - Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

                              [WARNING: Google Raw Machine Translation from Egyptian to English. Original text at EDITED.]

                              Cairo, 29 Jun e 1430, corresponding to March 26, 2009 WAS

                              The Ministry of Health and Population, Egypt's emergence from No. 60 human infection of bird flu, a girl from the village of Dandara in Qena, Upper Egypt.

                              Said the official spokesman for the Ministry of Health in Egypt Abdel-Rahman Shahin said in a statement today that the onset of symptoms on the girl child Israa Said Shafi / two and a half / was entered on Monday admitted to hospital suffering QENA rise in temperature and a cough after exposure to dead birds suspected of being infected with bird flu ..

                              He pointed out that he was given the drug on the disease and in stable condition now.
                              / / End / / TM 2030


                              القاهرة 29 ربيع الأول 1430هـ الموافق 26 مارس 2009م واس
                              أعلنت وزارة الصحة والسكان المصرية اليوم عن ظهور الإصابة البشرية رقم 60 بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور لطفلة من قرية دندرة بمحافظة قنا بصعيد مصر.
                              قال المتحدث الرسمي لوزارة الصحة المصرية عبد الرحمن شاهين في تصريح له اليوم إن بداية ظهور الأعراض المرضية على الطفلة إسراء سعيد عبدالشافى / سنتين ونصف / كانت يوم الاثنين الماضي دخلت على أثرها مستشفى حميات قنا وهى تعاني ارتفاعا في درجة الحرارة وسعال عقب تعرضها لطيور نافقة يشتبه في إصابتها بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور.. مشيرا إلى انه تم إعطائها العقار الخاص بالمرض وان حالتها الصحية مستقرة الآن.
                              // انتهى // 2030 ت م


                              • Re: Egypt - Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

                                Google translated

                                Minya detained two in hospital for suspected bird flu

                                Date: Thursday, March 26, 2009

                                Alepeshaer - Mahmoud soldier:

                                Dr. Ayman Ragab, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health and Chairman of the Chamber of follow-up of bird flu on the reservation, it was decided two hospitals admitted Menya, the emergence of symptoms of bird flu.

                                Where he was detained by the Jiryes Ayad Jiryes "45 years" the village of Kom teacher assesses the status of the green bell, and the child, Abdul Rahman Mohamed, "9 years" from the village of Maghagha Agafadp and they seem to bird flu symptoms of very high and constant temperature, and some marks on the tongue.

                                When the view of the lack of response by the hospital for treatment of influenza disease would be arrested by regular away from the rest of the hospital patient's blood sample was withdrawn from each of them and send them to factor analysis of central Cairo.

                                جريدة البشاير تقدم أحدث أخبار مصر والدول العربية والعالم وأخبار الرياضة والفن والاقتصاد والسياسة وخدمات الطقس والوظائف والأسعار.
                                "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                                Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                                ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

