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Egypt - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 24, 2008+

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  • #76
    Re: Egypt - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 24, 2008+

    Originally posted by niman View Post
    Confirmed outbreak added to SAIDR site

    Recent Avian Infections:
    • New: April 7: Avian case in Beni Suef (Dandeil)
    Map updated


    • #77
      Re: Egypt - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 24, 2008+

      <table style="border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; direction: ltr;" id="autonumber2" border="0" bordercolor="#111111" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="640"><tbody><tr><td align="center" valign="middle">The closure of the farms affected by bird flu and immediate removal of the nest
      تقاريـر أمام الرئيس حول جهــود المكافحــة وتوسـيع عمليات التحصين المجاني بالمنازل
      Reports to the President on efforts to control the expansion of immunization and free home
      مراقبــون بيطريــون في كمائــن الشـرطة وزيـادة نســبة المجــازر الآليـــة إلي‏80 &#37;‏
      Observers of veterinarians in the police ambush and a mechanism to increase the proportion of the massacres to 80% <!--heade--></td></tr><tr><td>
      كتب ـ أشــــرف بــــدر ـ ونهلة متولي‏:‏
      Wrote Ashraf Badr and Nahla Mitwali: <table style="text-align: left; direction: ltr;" align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="190"><tbody><tr><td align="center"></td></tr><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#ffffff">
      احمد نظيف
      Ahmed Nazif </td></tr></tbody></table>
      يعقد الرئيس حسني مبارك اجتماعا وزاريا خلال أيام لاستعراض الجهود الحكومية والمجتمعية لمكافحة إنفلونزا الطيور‏,‏ والسيطرة علي انتشارها بين الأطفال‏,‏ والسيدات جراء التربية المنزلية‏.‏ ويعرض الدكتور أحمد نظيف رئيس مجلس الوزراء‏,‏ ووزراء الزراعة‏,‏ والصحة‏,‏ والبيئة تقارير علي الرئيس ـ أثناء الاجتماع ـ حول الإجراءات التي تم اتخاذها لتحصين الطيور المنزلية مجانا بالريف‏,‏ وتوفير الطعوم‏,‏ وإغلاق مؤقت للمزارع التي تظهر بها إصابات‏,‏ وحظر التربية المنزلية بالمدن‏,‏ وتغليظ العقوبات ضد المخالفين‏.‏ كما تتضمن الإجراءات وضع مراقبين بيطريين مع قوات الشرطة في الكمائن لضبط الطيور الحية‏,‏ التي يتم نقلها بين المحافظات‏,‏ وتعيين‏1500‏ طبيب بيطري جديد‏,‏ وإزالة فورية للعشش فوق أسطح المنازل‏,‏ والتوسع في المجازر الآلية‏,‏ لتصل إلي‏80%‏ بالمحافظات وغيرها من الإجراءات والتدابير والمدافن الآمنة للطيور النافقة‏.‏ فيما يستعرض مجلس المحافظين في اجتماعه المقبل برئاسة د‏.‏ أحمد نظيف تفعيل إجراءات مكافحة إنفلونزا الطيور‏,‏ وزيادة التوعية لأهالي الريف‏.‏ علي الجانب الآخر‏,‏ تقرر مد مهلة تلقي طلبات تقنين أراضي واضعي اليد بالمناطق الصحراوية والجديدة حتي نهاية يونيو المقبل‏.‏

      President Hosni Mubarak held a ministerial meeting during the day to review the government and community efforts to combat avian flu, and control the spread among children, and women's education by the household. Presents Dr. Ahmed Nazif, the Prime Minister, the Ministers of Agriculture, and Health and environmental reports to the president during the meeting on the measures that have been taken to vaccinate domestic birds in rural areas free of charge, and the provision of vaccines, and the temporary closure of the farms which show the injury, and the prohibition of domestic cities, and stiffen penalties against offenders . It also includes monitors veterinary procedures with the police forces in ambushes to catch live birds, which are transferred between the provinces, 1500 and the appointment of a veterinarian, and the immediate removal of the nest on the roofs of houses, the expansion mechanism in the massacres , up to 80% nationwide and other procedures and measures, and safe burial of the dead birds. In reviewing the Board of Governors at its next meeting is chaired by Dr. Ahmed Nazif to activate action to combat bird flu, raising awareness for the people of the countryside. On the other hand, it was decided to extend the deadline for receipt of applications for legalization of land and desert areas, squatters and new until the end of June.

      ويطبق القرار علي الأراضي الخاضعة لولاية الهيئة العامة لمشروعات التعمير والتنمية الزراعية الواقعة خارج الزمام‏,‏ وخاصة الأراضي الصحراوية والجديدة‏.‏ وصرح أمين أباظة وزير الزراعة واستصلاح الأراضي‏,‏ بأن القرار يهدف إلي التيسير علي الجادين الذين قاموا باستصلاح واستزراع أراضي واضعي اليد‏,‏ ووفروا مصادر الري لزراعتها‏.‏

      The resolution applies to land under the jurisdiction of the Public Authority for construction projects and agricultural development beyond the lead, especially the desert lands and new. He said Amin Abaza, Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, the resolution is intended to facilitate the rehabilitation of their seriousness, who and cultivating land and squatters , and provided irrigation water to cultivate sources.

      وقال‏:‏ إنه سيتم منح حق التمليك للجادين من واضعي اليد قبل عام‏2006,‏ وفقا لقرار رئيس مجلس الوزراء في هذا الشأن‏.‏

      He said: It will be given the right of ownership of the serious and squatters by 2006, according to the decision of the President of the Council of Ministers in this regard.

      وتصل مساحات واضعي اليد إلي أكثر من‏80‏ ألف فدان موزعة علي مستوي الجمهورية‏.‏

      The areas of the squatters to more than 80 thousand acres spread throughout the Republic.

      وفي إطار التيسيرات للمزارعين أيضا‏,‏ أكد وزير الزراعة أنه تم إيقاف جميع الأحكام القضائية الصادرة بالإدانة في حق الفلاحين المتعثرين في سداد ديون بنك التنمية والائتمان الزراعي قبل صدور القرار بجدولتها‏.‏

      In a bid to farmers as well, said Minister of Agriculture said that it had been suspended all judgments of conviction against the farmers defaulted on the repayment of the debt of the Bank for Development and Agricultural Credit before the issuance of the decision Bjdavlatha.

      وقال‏:‏ إن د‏.‏ أحمد نظيف رئيس مجلس الوزراء أكد ـ في بيانه أمام مجلس الشعب يوم الاثنين الماضي ـ إن الرئيس مبارك لن يسمح بدخول أي مزارع السجن بسبب أعباء هذه الديون‏.‏

      He said: The d. Ahmed Nazif, the Prime Minister said in his statement before the People on Monday that President Mubarak would not be allowed to enter any prison farms because of the burden of this debt.



      • #78
        Re: Egypt - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 24, 2008+

        Warnings of the flu virus mutated prion infects poultry fortified

        .. والمنتجون يهددون بالإضراب The producers are threatening to strike ا
        4/12/2009 11:03:00 AM 4/12/2009 11:03:00 AM
        القاهرة - محرر مصراوي - حذرت تقارير صحفية من ان تحصينات الطيور ضد فيروس انفلونزا الطيور أصبحت دون جدوي. CAIRO - Editor Masrawy -

        The press reports that the fortifications against influenza virus, bird flu has become to no avail.

        ونقلت صحيفة الوفد عن مصدر الطب البيطري تأكيده وقوع اصابات في الدواجن المحصنة بالطعون التقليدية، والتي لم تتغير منذ ثلاث سنوات.

        The newspaper quoted the source as veterinary confirmed casualties in the heavily fortified poultry traditional appeals, which have not changed since three years.
        واشار إلى أن أنواع التحصينات الحالية الثلاثة وهي "إتش 5، 7 ، 9" تعالج نوعا من الفيروس لم يعد موجودا في مصر، وان الحكومة رفضت الاتصال بشركات إنتاج الأمصال، لصناعة مصل جديد بناءً علي تحليل عينات من الدواجن النافقة.

        He pointed out that the current three types of immunizations, a "HP 5, 7, 9," dealing with some kind of virus is no longer in Egypt, and the government has refused to contact the companies that produce vaccines, for the manufacture of a new vaccine based on the analysis of samples from dead poultry.

        وأكد أن جميع دول العالم تقوم كل ثلاثة أشهر بفحص عينات من الدواجن النافقة عن طريق الشركات العالمية المتخصصة في انتاج لقاحات جديدة مطورة طبقا لتحور الفيروس.

        He stressed that all countries in the world every three months to examine samples of dead poultry by international companies specialized in the production of new vaccines developed in accordance with the mutated virus.

        وأضاف المصدر أن الفيروس الجديد "المتحور" شن هجوماً ضارياً على عنابر الجدود والأمهات و "نسف" 90&#37; من الدواجن، ونتج عن ذلك ارتفاع ثمن الكتكوت من جنيه واحد إلى سبعة جنيهات بزيادة قدرها 700% خلال 3 شهور فقط!

        The source added that the new virus, "mutated" to launch a fierce attack on the wards and maternal grandparents and "blow up" 90% of poultry, resulting in an increase in the price of Nestling than one pound to seven pounds, an increase of 700% in 3 months!

        وفي سياق ذي صلة، هدد منتجو الدواجن بالإضراب وغلق جميع المزارع، احتجاجاً على القرارات التي اصدرتها اللجنة العليا لأنفلونزا الطيور برئاسة الدكتور أحمد نظيف رئيس الوزراء بغلق المزارع التي تبلغ بوجود حالات إصابة بالمرض بأنه قرار خاطئ.

        In a related context, the poultry producers have threatened to strike and the closure of all the farms, in protest against the decisions issued by the Supreme Committee for Avian flu, headed by Dr. Ahmed Nazif, Prime Minister, the closure of farms in the amount of the existence of cases of the disease that the wrong decision.
        وصف المنتجون القرارات بأنها "مهزلة"، وليس لها علاقة بأصل المشكلة، وتجاهلت الاستماع إليى رؤية المربين واتحاد منتجي الدواجن.

        Producers described the decision as a "farce", and has nothing to do with the origin of the problem, and ignored the vision of Alei hear educators and the Union of Poultry Producers.

        أكد مصدر باتحاد منتجي الدواجن، أن القرارات "خراب بيوت"، وتمثل ضربة قاضية علي البقية الباقية من صناعة الدواجن.

        A source with the Federation of Poultry Producers, that the decisions "ruin homes," and represents a fatal blow to what remains of the poultry industry.

        واشار المصدر إلي أن سوء تعامل مجلس الوزراء مع الكارثة منذ بدايتها نتج عنه تراجع الانتاج من 3 ملايين دجاجة يوميا إلى 500 ألف فقط، بانخفاض قدره 80%.

        The source pointed out that the mishandling of the Council of Ministers with the disaster since its inception has resulted in a decline in production of 3 million chickens a day to only 500 thousand, a decline of 80%.

        ووصف قرار نظيف بأنه قرار خاطئ 100%.

        He described the decision to clean a wrong decision that 100%.
        وطالب الحكومة بمعاونة أصحاب المزارع المنكوبة وتعويضهم، وتشجيعهم على استئناف الانتاج، للحفاظ على صناعة وطنية، تصل استثماراتها إلى أكثر من 100 مليار جنيه.

        He demanded that the government assisted farmers affected and compensation, and encourage them to resume production, to maintain the national industry, investments amount to more than 100 billion pounds
        Last edited by sharon sanders; April 12, 2009, 11:47 AM. Reason: formatting


        • #79
          Re: Egypt - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 24, 2008+

          "..The source pointed out that the mishandling of the Council of Ministers with the disaster since its inception has resulted in a decline in production of 3 million chickens a day to only 500 thousand, a decline of 80%. .."

          Thanks Trey. This will have huge repercussions for the food supply.


          • #80
            Re: Egypt - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 24, 2008+

            Impose a state of emergency in Red Sea province, due to bird flu

            Red Sea Governorate announced a state of emergency and tightened control over the southern port cities of Safaga and the short to fight with any suspected cases of avian influenza.

            The Secretary-General Majid Obwafattouh Sunday to maintain the continued control campaigns and tighter control of the port 85 km, which connects between Safaga and Qena to prevent the entry into or the circulation of live poultry to maintain and remove all the nests near the house to prevent the breeding of poultry and intensify campaigns Investigation of Supply and veterinary control of vehicles carrying poultry.

            A Obwafattouh - during the meeting of the Higher Committee to combat bird flu emergency Sunday - that there are strict and stringent action to prevent the entry of live poultry or Tdoual and awareness in coordination with the concerned agencies and institutions of civil society in raising awareness among the citizens, especially women in the slums.

            Abul-Fotouh - During the meeting which was attended by representatives of the departments of supply, agriculture, health, veterinary medicine, preventive medicine and the Directorate of Security and the local units - that the preservation did not record any cases of suspected bird flu so far.

  !ut/p/c1/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3hzMxMjkwAXIwMDbx8jAy NLQ8egYBNzo2ATE_1wkA6zeAMcwNFA388jPzdVvyA7rxwAQQFu GA!!/dl2/d1/L2dJQSEvUUt3QS9ZQnB3LzZfNzY0MjRQRDIwMEtMMjAyOTFBUl M0NzJTNDQ!/?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/migration/ertu/news_locals/2009041216400688300205

            فرض حالة الطوارىء بمحافظة البحرالأحمر بسبب انفلونزا الطيور

            أعلنت محافظة البحر الأحمر حالة الطوارىء وتشديد الرقابة على المنافذ الجنوبية بمدينتى سفاجا والقصير للتصدى لأى حالات اشتباه أنفلونزا الطيور.

            وأشار اللواء ماجد أبوالفتوح سكرتير عام المحافظة الأحد إلى استمرار الحملات والمراقبة وتشديد الرقابة على منفذ الكيلو 85 الذى يربط بين قنا وسفاجا لمنع دخول أو تداول الدواجن الحية إلى المحافظة وإزالة جميع العشش بجوار المنازل لمنع تربية الدواجن وتكثيف حملات مباحث التموين والطب البيطرى فى ضبط السيارات التى تحمل الدواجن.

            وصرح أبوالفتوح -خلال اجتماع اللجنة العليا لمكافحة مرض انفلونزا الطيور الطارىء الاحد- بأن هناك إجراءات صارمة ومشددة لمنع دخول أو تدوال الدواجن الحية ونشر الوعى بالتنسيق مع الأجهزة المعنية ومؤسسات المجتمع المدنى فى نشر الوعى لدى المواطنين خاصة السيدات فى المناطق العشوائية.

            وأكد أبو الفتوح -خلال الاجتماع الذى حضره ممثلو مديريات التموين والزراعة والصحة والطب البيطرى والطب الوقائى ومديرية الأمن والوحدات المحلية- أن المحافظة لم تسجل بها أية حالات اشتباه أنفلونزا الطيور حتى الآن.


            • #81
              Re: Egypt - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 24, 2008+
              • Date of sampling: 10 April 2009
              • Date of result: 11 April 2009
              • Governorate: Suez
              • District: Al Ganaien
              • Village: Al Heisha
              • Type of rearing: Backyard
              • Species: Chicken
              • Number of birds: 12
              • Vaccine status: Not available
              • Purpose of sampling: Passive (notification)
              • --------------------------------------------------
              • Date of sampling: 7 April 2009
              • Date of result: 8 April 2009
              • Governorate: Beni Suef
              • District: Naser
              • Village: Dandeil
              • Type of rearing: Backyard
              • Species: Mixed
              • Number of birds: 34
              • Vaccine status: Not vaccinated
              • Purpose of sampling: Active surveillance


              • #82
                Re: Egypt - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 24, 2008+

                Map updated


                • #83
                  Re: Egypt - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 24, 2008+

                  Agriculture: 40&#37; of the existing poultry market is currently infected with bird flu!

                  Report of clean of the Bureau International des warns of the danger of the spread of the disease in Egypt .. It is recommended to take further action to reduce it
                  Books and loyalty Sheikh:

                  Informed sources said the Ministry of Agriculture of the &#171;constitution&#187;: The reports from the departments of veterinary medicine GOVERNORATES different stresses that there is the most serious bird flu in different governorates, both currently of domestic birds or poultry in commercial farms.

                  The sources pointed out that the directorates of the samples taken from the veterinary poultry farms and poultry in the markets has shown that 40% of the poultry in the markets currently infected with the different governorates of avian flu, and why Ordjan in the presence of this virus to the infected poultry farms in the market, although it infected.

                  The sources pointed out that the International Office of Epizootics, Paris sent a report to Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif last week warning of the danger of bird flu in Egypt during the current period, the report recommended the need to immunize all the birds at one time instead of the vaccinated in several stages, as well as increasing numbers of workers vaccinated birds, since their numbers were no more than 4 thousand of them 3 thousand vet assistants and the rest, while that required the appointment of at least 34 A, a veterinarian and an assistant to contribute to the vaccination virus.

                  For his part, Dr. Sami Taha, a member of the Board of the Association that veterinarians to reduce the spread of the disease, it must begin immediately in the application of bio-security standards within the farm, as well as work on the removal of pigs from farms within the residential blocks within the Greater Cairo and transfer to the outside of Cairo, where it has been proven that the scientific work on the spread of pig disease.
                  Last edited by Commonground; April 13, 2009, 02:52 PM. Reason: Adding more text


                  • #84
                    Re: Egypt - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 24, 2008+

                    98% ‬ of the poultry farms and the lack of safety standards we demand where new residents are far from integrated

                    Samaha * ‬ examination recognized by ignoring the pig farms * .. ‬ It is proposed to transfer in the desert

                    Emad wrote the best *: ‬ admitted, Dr. Hamed Samaha Chairman of the General Authority for Veterinary Services to control the vulnerability of the potential difference, * ‬ and lack of commitment by the owners of poultry farms bio-safety standards, * ‬ infections and the spread of bird flu *. ‬ Samaha said in a statement to Al * ?‬ delegation *?

                    ‬ The * ‬ 98% * ‬ Farms poultry * ‬ level of the republic is not bio-safety standards are applied during the entry and exit, transfer and disposal of birds

                    Sblp, * ‬ Samaha also acknowledged that the combat teams Bird flu has yet to arrive to inspect pig farms that * ‬ considered a disease in a series,

                    * ‬ He said that the veterinary services could not complete the * ‬ progress in the fight against the disease, which is working alone and called on all relevant actors, such as health, environment and increase local cooperation in order to protect the country from the disease and response to a question about the feasibility of immunization campaigns *. Samaha ‬ confirmed that immunization with the owners of a farm bio-security procedures are not fruitless, * ‬ *. ‬ and demanded the transfer of poultry farms Samaha residential areas, * ‬ farms and building new construction is far from the condition for the integration of the massacres of the poultry house and forage plants, * ‬ also demanded the transfer of the head of the pig farms to residential areas to * ‬ places far from home to the citizens as the transmission of the disease * . ‬ and demanded that all those * ‬ operate in the fight against bird flu and transparent declaration of all the real data for the disease so * ‬ clear picture to the relevant resistance *. ‬ confirmed the central administration of the affairs of the Ministry of preventive health of suspected cases in the past five days in an unprecedented * ‬, * ‬ registered lists of those suspected of having bird flu on Monday, * ‬ * ‬ 6 * ‬ April * ‬ 12 * ‬ case of two in the lake was in front of Damanhour fevers and cases of 4 * ‬ Menoufia placed Bhmyat Mnov, * ‬ and one each in Qena West, Menya, and olives in Cairo and Alexandria and Ameriya Bilbeis eastern region, * ‬ The list of suspects injured on Tuesday * ‬ * ‬ 7 * ‬ April * ‬ 15 * ‬ case of them * ‬ 4 * ‬ Menoufia cases and 3 * ‬ situations in the lake and two in Alexandria and two County * ‬ 6 * ‬ October and one each in Qena, Sohag and surged Bulaq in Cairo and Mahalla were meeting Sunday attended by the deposit of all cases of hospital personnel specialized *. ‬ recorded statements of the General Administration for the control of infectious diseases in the Ministry of Health of suspected injury * ‬ 16 * ‬ * ‬ case of Wednesday, * ‬ 8 * ‬ April were reported * ‬ placement and fever hospitals, including two provinces of the lake, Cairo, Port Said and Dakahlia, * ‬ and one in each of the governorates of Kafr El-Sheikh, Alexandria, Monoufia Qalubia, Menya, Qena and Aswan West *. ‬ and the Health Ministry * ‬ 12 * ‬ * ‬ suspected case on Thursday, * ‬ 9 * ‬ including two in April and two in Alexandria, Aswan, * ‬ and one each in Beni Suef, Qena, Sohag, Suez, Damietta, lake *. ‬ reached toll of suspected cases Friday * ‬ 10 * ‬ April five only two cases in the East and two in the Wadi Natrun Mehalla the lake and the state had been brought all the major hospitals diets


                    • #85
                      Re: Egypt - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 24, 2008+

                      To cope with bird flu: حملات مكثفة علي الأسواق بالغربية وحظر دخول الدواجن بالفيوم Intensive campaigns on the market and meeting Sunday attended by the

                      2009 ابريل April 15 15

                      West Fayyoum Ahmed Talaat Ahmed Abu Shanab:The villages and towns in the province of West intensive campaigns daily, from all the organs concerned, the markets and shops and the critical response to the perpetrators of crimes, commercial fraud, as well as to combat the sale of live birds at markets and shops, to cope with bird flu.

                      This was stated by Mr. Abdul Hamid, the governor of West Shanawi. He said he has been the development of an integrated plan for the control of markets and the tightening of control, in order to preserve the lives of citizens and public health, in particular, after showing some of the infected bird flu in A number of other provinces, pointing out that the 3410 samples were taken from domestic birds in the past year, where 89 suspected cases, 67 of which proved negative, while 22 were positive cases.

                      And Dr. Ahmed Al-Said, the Undersecretary of the Ministry for veterinary medicine, it will be continuously withdrawing samples from the farms and breeding domestic, to follow up the virus, in coordination with the General Authority for Veterinary Services, National Laboratory of Veterinary poultry production, and projects of the Food and Agriculture Organization. He added that the influenza vaccination campaigns are continuing domestic cow to maintain free of charge, every six months, will also be vaccinated day-old chicks Palmfarrakat municipal and semi-automatic cycle to maintain the existing, throughout the year, would be vaccinated 10 million annually chick. pointing out that taking a sample of 960 domestic birds, since the beginning of the year 2009, and the result has been 24 suspected cases of bird flu, including the case of 20 negative and 4 positive.

                      The Directorate of Veterinary Medicine is an intensive campaign for the early detection of the disease, and educate citizens through prevention.

                      The governor issued Fayyoum Dr. Galal Mostafa Saeed decision to ban entry of poultry to the province of Fayoum, to maintain the production of poultry for the day of exposure to bird flu.

                      The Governor said that Fayyoum produce about 27 million of which 17 million chick production farm spread of the preservation of 550 farms and 17 million project to maintain the production of poultry production.

                      The Director General Mohamed Al-Fayoum was the security of the establishment and processing of control points on all roads at the entrances to the province on the path of Assiut and Cairo-Fayoum and Beni Suef, Fayoum, equipped with surveillance cameras and computers to check the security of the suspects.

                      تشهد قري ومدن محافظة الغربية حملات مكثفة يومية‏,‏ من كافة الاجهزة المعنية‏,‏ علي الاسواق والمحال والتصدي الحاسم لمرتكبي جرائم الغش التجاري‏,‏ بالاضافة الي مكافحة بيع الطيور الحية بالأسواق والمحال‏,‏ لمواجهة مرض انفلونزا الطيور‏.‏

                      صرح بذلك السيد عبد الحميد الشناوي محافظ الغربية‏.‏ وأضاف انه تم وضع خطة محكمة‏,‏ للسيطرة علي الاسواق وإحكام الرقابة عليها‏,‏ حفاظا علي أرواح المواطنين والصحة العامة لهم‏,‏ خاصة بعد أن ظهرت بعض حالات مصابة بمرض انفلونزا الطيور في عدد من المحافظات الأخري‏,‏ مشيرا الي أنه تم أخذ‏3410‏ عينات من الطيور المنزلية خلال العام الماضي‏,‏ حيث تبين الاشتباه في‏89‏ حالة‏,‏ ثبت سلبية‏67‏ منها‏,‏ في حين جاءت‏22‏ حالة ايجابية‏.‏

                      وأكد الدكتور أحمد السعيد‏,‏ وكيل الوزارة لقطاع الطب البيطري‏,‏ أنه يتم بصفة مستمرة سحب عينات من المزارع والتربية المنزلية‏,‏ لمتابعة فيروس المرض‏,‏ وذلك بالتنسيق مع الهيئة العامة للخدمات البيطرية والمعمل القومي للرقابة البيطرية علي الانتاج الداجني‏,‏ ومشروعات منظمة الأغذية والزراعة العالمية‏.‏ وأضاف أن حملات تحصين الطيور المنزلية مستمرة بقري المحافظة بالمجان‏,‏ كل ستة أشهر‏,‏ كما يتم تحصين الكتاكيت عمر يوم بالمفرخات البلدية ونصف الآلية الموجودة بدائرة المحافظة‏,‏ وذلك طوال ايام السنة‏,‏ علي ان يتم تحصين‏10‏ ملايين كتكوت سنويا‏.‏ مشيرا إلي أنه تم أخذ‏960‏ عينة من الطيور المنزلية‏,‏ منذ بداية العام الحالي‏2009,‏ وكانت النتيجة‏24‏ حالة يشتبه في اصابتها بانفلونزا الطيور‏,‏ منها‏20‏ حالة سلبية و‏4‏ ايجابية‏.‏ وأكد أن مديرية الطب البيطري تقوم بحملات مكثفة للاكتشاف المبكر للمرض‏,‏ وتوعية المواطنين بطرق الوقاية‏.‏

                      ومن ناحية أصدر محافظ الفيوم الدكتور جلال مصطفي سعيد قرارا بحظر دخول الدواجن الي محافظة الفيوم للحفاظ علي الانتاج الداجني للفيوم من التعرض لمرض انفلونزا الطيور‏.‏

                      وقال المحافظ ان الفيوم تنتج حوالي‏27‏ مليون كتكوت منها‏17‏ مليونا من انتاج المزارع المنتشرة بالمحافظة البالغ عددها‏550‏ مزرعة و‏17‏ مليونا من انتاج مشروع المحافظة لانتاج الدواجن‏.‏

                      وقال اللواء محمد السعيد مدير امن الفيوم انه تم انشاء وتجهيز نقاط مراقبة علي كل الطرق علي مداخل المحافظة من علي طريق اسيوط والقاهرة ـ الفيوم والفيوم ـ بني سويف مجهزة بكاميرات مراقبة واجهزة كمبيوتر للفحص الامني للمشتبه فيهم‏.‏


                      • #86
                        Re: Egypt - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 24, 2008+


                        Sampling of the farm workers for analysis .. إعدام 40 ألف دجاجة بمحافظة الشرقية بعد إصابتها بأنفلونزا الطيور The execution of 40 thousand chickens East County bird flu

                        كتب أحمد حسن بكر (المصريون): : بتاريخ 19 - 4 - 2009 Ahmed Hassan Bakr wrote (Egypt):: On 19-4 - 2009
                        أعلن الدكتور عطية مصطفى، مدير مديرية الطب البيطري بالشرقية، إعدام 40 ألف دجاجة "تسمين" بإحدى مزارع منطقة "الصالحية الجديدة" بالشرقية، بعد ثبوت إصابتها بفيروس أنفلونزا الطيور. Dr. Attia Mustafa, Director of the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine eastern region, the execution of 40 thousand chickens "fattening" in one area of farms "Salhia new" eastern region, after being found infected with avian flu.
                        وأكد مصطفى أن فحص بعض العينات التي أخذت من الدواجن، كشفت عن إصابتها بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور، مؤكدًا اتخاذ إجراءات الحجر البيطري والصحي على المزرعة والعاملين بها لمنع خروج أي من الطيور المصابة للخارج. Mustafa stressed that the examination of some of the samples taken from poultry found positive for bird flu, saying the adoption of quarantine measures, veterinary and health workers on the farm and to prevent the exit of any of the infected birds overseas.
                        وأعلن عن تكليفه أجهزة مديرية الصحة بأخذ عينات من العاملين بالمزرعة لتحليلها، وبيان مدى إصابتهم بالمرض من عدمه وعدم السماح بمغادرتهم إلا بعد ثبوت سلامتهم، فيما أمر أمين أباظة، وزير الزراعة، باتخاذ إجراءات وقائية فى كافة المزارع على مستوى الجمهورية للتأكد من خلوها من فيروس أنفلونزا الطيور. The assignment of the organs of the Directorate of Health took samples from the farm workers for analysis, and the extent of the illness, whether or not and not to allow removal only after testing their safety, in order Amin Abaza, Minister of Agriculture, to take preventive action in all farms at the republic level to make sure that they are free of avian influenza virus birds.
                        وكانت منظمة الصحة العالمية قد أبدت الشهر الماضي قلقها بسبب حدوث إصابات بين الأطفال بالمرض، داعيًة إلى إجراء دراسة حول أسباب انتشار مرض أنفلونزا الطيور بين الأطفال بصفة خاصة؛ وذلك عقب الإعلان عن وفاة رضيعة لا يتجاوز عمرها 18 شهرًا بفيروس "H5N1" المسبب لمرض أنفلونزا الطيور. The World Health Organization has expressed concern last month because of injuries among children the disease, calling for a study on the causes of the spread of avian influenza among children in particular; and after the announcement of the death of an infant no more than 18-month-old virus "H5N1" strain of bird flu .
                        يُذكر أن مصر تعد ثالث أكثر بلد تأثرًا بفيروس "اتش5 إن1" بعد إندونيسيا وفيتنام، حيث وصل إجمالي عدد الذين أصيبوا بالمرض في مصر منذ ظهوره عام 2006 إلى 66 شخصًا. Is worth mentioning that Egypt is the third most affected country with "The 1 H 5" after Indonesia and Vietnam, where the total number of people infected in Egypt since the first outbreak in 2006 to 66 people.


                        • #87
                          Re: Egypt - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 24, 2008+

                          hat tip Sally -

                          Organized by the Division for poultry Chamber of Commerce in Cairo, under the chairmanship of Dr. Abdul Aziz Abdul Aziz, during the next meeting to discuss the problems affecting the poultry market in the spread of avian flu.

                          ويحضر الاجتماع عدد من أعضاء الشعبة وتجار ومسئولون باتحاد الغرف التجارية ومسئولون حكوميون، كما سيتم مناقشة أهم القضايا والتحديات التى تواجه تجارة الدواجن بالسوق المحلى، خصوصاً بعد إعلان الحكومة عن الإصابة البشرية رقم 65 بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور الجمعة الماضية.

                          The meeting will be attended by a number of Division members, merchants and officials, the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and government officials, will also discuss the key issues and challenges facing the poultry trade in the domestic market, especially after the government announced the No. 65 human infection from bird flu last Friday.(Now there is a # 66 - Fla1)
                          من جانبه، قال أحمد وهبة عضو مجلس إدارة شعبة الثروة الداجنة بغرفة تجارة القاهرة، إن سبب ارتفاع أسعار الدواجن هو قلة المعروض بالسوق، وانخفاض معدلات الإنتاج فى المزارع بسبب انتشار مرض أنفلونزا الطيور مؤخراً، مؤكداً وجود مخاوف من تزايد الآثار السلبية للوباء.

                          For his part, said Ahmed, a member of the Governing Council of the gift of poultry Division Chamber of Commerce in Cairo, said that the increase in poultry prices is the lack of market supply, and low rates of production in the farms because of the spread of bird flu recently, confirming fears that the increasing negative impact of the epidemic.

                          وطالب وهبة الحكومة بدعم مزارع الدواجن لتجاوز الأزمة، ومواجهة استيراد الدواجن من الخارج‏،‏ والتوسع فى صناعة الأعلاف وزراعة المحاصيل المستخدمة فيها، خاصة الذرة وفول الصويا، لاستمرار صناعة الدواجن واللحوم الحمراء فى مصر لمواجهة النقص الحاد فيها وارتفاع أسعار الأعلاف المستوردة.

                          Called the gift of the government to support poultry farmers to overcome the crisis, and to meet the import of poultry from the outside, and the expansion of the industry and the cultivation of fodder crops used, particularly corn and soybeans, for the continuation of the poultry industry and red meat in Egypt to meet the acute shortage and high prices of imported feed.

                          يذكر أن شعبة الثروة الداجنة بغرفة القاهرة التجارية تضم فى عضويتها عدداً من كبار العاملين فى هذا القطاع، مثل عبد النبى محمد عبد العال وخالد سعد إبراهيم ورشاد قرنى.

                          States that the Division of poultry Cairo Chamber of Commerce includes in its membership a number of senior staff in the sector, such as Abdel Nabi Mohammed Abdel-Al, Khalid Ibrahim, Saad Rashad Qurani.


                          • #88
                            Re: Egypt - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 24, 2008+

                            <table style="text-align: left; direction: ltr;"><tbody><tr><td class="nav" align="center"> The execution of 2000 chickens in Ismailia
                            </td></tr><tr><td class="auther" align="right">
                            الإسماعيلية- مجدي الجندي:
                            Ismailia - Magdi soldier:
                            </td></tr><tr><td align="right">
                            أمرت نيابة الإسماعيلية باعدام 2000 دجاجة حية تم ضبطها بطريق الإسماعيلية- الزقازيق الزراعي.

                            Ordered the execution of 2000 on behalf of the Ismaili live chickens were seized by Ismailia - Zagazig agriculture.
                            كانت حملة بقيادة العقيد خالد العوادلي رئيس مباحث التموين والمقدم محمد خالد مفتش المباحث قد ضبطت السيارة رقم "38014" نقل دقهلية محملة ب2000 دجاجة حية مهربة من محافظة الدقهلية بدون الحصول علي تصريح من الطب البيطري.

                            Campaign was led by Colonel Khalid Alawadli President of Supply and Investigation by Detective Inspector Khalid Mohammed captured the car number "38014" transfer Dakahlia 2000 loaded with live chickens smuggled from Dakahlia province without obtaining the permission of the veterinary medicine.
                            أمر اللواء مصطفي حلمي مدير أمن الاسماعيلية بإحالة قائد السيارة ويدعي "محمد.أ" 26 سنة مقيم المنزلة دقهلية للنيابة العامة.

                            Major General Hilmi Mustafa is director of security Ismailiya and transmit the driver of the car called "Mohammed." A "26-year resident status Dakahlia on behalf of the Assembly.
                            وفي حملة أشرف عليها العميد ياسر صابر رئيس مباحث الاسماعيلية والعميد محمد النبوي مساعد مدير الادارة العامة لمباحث التموين بمنطقة القناة..

                            In a campaign led by Brigadier Yasir Sabir, Chief of Detectives Ismailiya and Brigadier Mohammed the Prophet, Assistant Director General of the Investigation Department of Supply Canal Zone ..
                            تم ضبط السيارة رقم "72977" نقل شرقية قيادة "أحمد.أ.م" 35 سنة محملة بحوالي ألف لتر سولار كانت في طريقها للتهريب شرق قناة السويس وحاول قائد السيارة الفرار من الكمين الأمني بمنطقة معدية السيارات بالقنطرة غرب.

                            Were seized car number "72977" the transfer of Eastern Command, "Ahmed. A. M" 35 years with about a liter of diesel was on its way to the east of the Suez Canal smuggling and shot the driver tried to flee the ambush in the security car infectious Balqntrp West.
                            أمر عمر الخشاب مدير نيابة القنطرة بالتحفظ علي المضبوطات وتولي التحقيقات.

                            Omar is the Director of Khashab Qantarah reservation on behalf of the seizures and the assumption of investigations.



                            • #89
                              Re: Egypt - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 24, 2008+

                              Terror in the provinces of the ?avian flu? the situation after the death of 25

                              24 / 4 / 2009

                              Camera - Amr Abdullah
                              Image. Children playing with birds, despite warnings of high casualties among children

                              With the death of the 25 and the emergence of new infections of bird flu, a state of terror prevailed in Cairo and the provinces, the government is facing huge criticism for failing to confront the disease. While the producers and distributors revealed Taioran to 90% from about 19 A poultry farm, is the total of farms based on the level of the Republic, the conditions are not met in the administration of the conventional farms, as a result of the failure to regulate the industry in Egypt, which is kept in the farm at least 3 km away from any green vegetation close to the region primarily by a poultry farm.

                              The two women are on booking their home breeding birds, suspected of SARS infection, one hospital was Echmoun Menoufia, fevers and other hospital Qena.

                              And in the shorter form of Dr Samir Farag, head of the Supreme Council of Luxor, the supreme committee in order to protect the city limits of the cause of the spread of the virus of avian influenza, and vaccination campaigns in all regions of the birds in the border villages and hamlets and houses. In Qena, a conservative Magdy Ayoub, the emphasis on the implementation of the procedures followed in the fight against the disease, as emphasized by the entry of live poultry to maintain under any of the items.

                              In Ismailia governor Abdul Jalil issued Fakharani, strict instructions to officials to preserve all the harsher penalties for offenses against the disease, and that the fine in case of detecting any violation of a transfer of live birds to 20 thousand pounds, and the confiscation of the vehicle for a period of 3 months and the conversion of the pilot on behalf of the Assembly.

                              In Giza, the engineer issued Mr. Abdul Aziz, Governor of Giza, the decision to ban the breeding and sale of live birds and poultry, to cope with the disease and prevent its spread and the closure of any place is defined by the sale of live birds


                              • #90
                                Re: Egypt - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 24, 2008+

                                Confiscation *‬193 *‬A neighborhood birds
                                And the removal of *‬800 *‬straw in *‬26 *‬County
                                Written by Mr. Chadia *: ‬started branches of government moves to control the urgent *‬bird flu *. ‬The General Directorate of Investigation, headed by Major General Mustafa Supply *‬Amer Assistant Secretary of the Interior and the Director General of Investigation to tighten controls on the supply *‬stores that sell birds, *‬and guide citizens to ban breeding bird houses and the removal of the nests *. ‬resulted *‬campaigns led by Major General Mahmoud Lotfi *‬Assistant Minister for Economic Security for restraint *‬*‬193 *‬A neighborhood birds *. Also decided to remove ‬*‬800 *‬straw, *‬and the confiscation of *‬90 *‬tons of poultry waste *. ‬campaigns included the provinces of Cairo, Giza, and the lake and Kafr El-Sheikh, Gharbia, Monoufia and Eastern Dakahliya, Port Said, Suez, Ismailia, North Sinai and South Sinai, Menia, Beni *‬SUEF and valley *‬new, Qena and Aswan, Luxor, Sohag and Red Sea, Fayyoum *. ‬managed fog Department seized a large number of accused of smuggling and the transfer of live birds in violation of the decision of the Minister of Agriculture, *‬presentation and circulation of banned live poultry shop *. ‬*‬total number of arrests *‬8 *‬thousands have been accused of referring them to prosecutors *‬, *‬and *‬reservation to live birds *.


