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Egypt H5N1 Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 - May 19, 2009

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  • #76
    Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

    8 new cases of detention on suspicion of bird flu in the West .. ونقل الحالة ?٦٨? إلى ?صدر العباسية? And the transfer of the ?68? to ?a Abbasiyah?

    كتب نبيل أبوشال وعادل ضرة وأيمن أبوزيد ومحمد محمود خليل ومحمد حمدى ومحمد السمكورى وحمدى قاسم وياسر شميس وأحمد على ٢٥/ ٤/ ٢٠٠٩

    Nabil wrote Obchl, just dug Ayman Mahmoud Abu-Zeid, Mohamed Khalil, Mohamed Hamdi Mohamed Hamdi Asamkory Kassem Yasir Ahmed Shamis, the 4-25-2009

    أعلن الدكتور عصام عثمان، مدير عام الطب الوقائى، فى مديرية الصحة بالغربية أمس، أنه تم تحويل الحالة رقم ٦٨ المصابة بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور إلى مستشفى صدر العباسية بعد أن أكدت تحاليل المعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة إيجابية حالتها، وهى لسيدة من مدينة طنطا تدعى وفاء عبدالمجيد عبدالجواد ?٣٤ سنة ـ ربة منزل?.

    Dr. Essam Othman, Director General of Preventive Medicine, in a meeting Sunday attended by the Directorate of Health yesterday, it was transferred Case No. 68 infected by bird flu to hospital after a Abbasiyah laboratory tests confirmed that the central Ministry of Health, a positive situation, a woman called from the city of Tanta and fulfillment Abdel-Jawad ?34 year housewife?.

    وأجرت مديريتا الصحة والطب البيطرى مسحاً شاملاً لمنطقة كفر السجن التى تقيم بها المريضة، وتم أخذ عينات من زوجها وأولادها الثلاثة وكذلك أخذ عينات من سكان العقار المقيمين فى الطابقين الأول والثانى بالمنزل، كما تم فرض كردون أمنى مشدد وإزالة العشش وإعدام الطيور التى عثر عليها بداخلها فى المدافن الصحية المعدة لذلك.

    The Directorates of Health and Veterinary Medicine a comprehensive survey of the prison of Kfar valued patient, samples were taken from her husband and three children, as well as sampling of the population living in the real estate first and second floors of the house, as was imposed Kerdoun tight security and the removal of nests and the execution of the birds found in the inside cemeteries for the health to do so.

    كما احتجزت مستشفيات حميات المحلة وطنطا وكفر الزيات ٨ حالات جديدة للاشتباه بإصابتهم بالمرض، هم محمد الحربى الهنداوى ?٤ سنوات? من عزبة الشامى، وآية عبدالمجيد ?٤ سنوات? من قرية سندسيس التابعة لمركز المحلة، وهاجر مالك محمد ?عامان? شارع البسانية بقسم ثان المحلة، وعادل السيد يوسف صقر ?٢٨ سنة? من قرية سماتاى مركز قطور، وعبلة عبدالفتاح الشرقاوى ?٥٠ سنة? وهدير محمد محمود ?٣٥ سنة? من قرية أبيار مركز كفر الزيات، وماجدة محمود محمود أبوديبة ?٣٧ سنة? من قرية سملا مركز قطور، وصباح صديق عبدالوهاب الفيشاوى ?٤٠ سنة? عزبة الفار التابعة لقرية أبوجندى مركز قطور.

    Also detained, hospital admitted Tanta-Mahalla, Kafr Al-Zayat 8 new cases of suspected disease cluster, are Mohammed al-Harbi, Hindawi ?4 years? of al-Shami, and any Abdulmajeed ?4 years? from the village of Sandsis Center Mahallah, migrated and Malik Mohammad ?two?, Department of Second Street Albassanip Mahala, Adel Youssef Saqr Mr. ?28 years? from the village of Smatay Center Qtor and Abla Abdul الشرقاوى ?50 years? and the roar of Mohamed Mahmoud ?35 years? from the village of Kafr Al-Zayat Abyaar Center, and Magda Mahmoud Obodibp ?37 years? from the village of Simla Qtor Center and Sabah Abdul Wahab friend Fishawi ?40 years? Izbat mouse belonging to the village Obojendy Qtor Center.

    وعثر أهالى قرية شوبر التابعة لمركز طنطا على كميات كبيرة من الطيور النافقة داخل أجولة بلاستيكية، ملقاة فى إحدى الترع المارة بالقرية، وانتقلت على الفور فرق الطب البيطرى والصحة وتم انتشال كميات كبيرة من الأجولة الممتلئة بالطيور النافقة.

    And found the people of the village Schober of the Center for Tanta large quantities of dead birds in plastic bags, thrown in a canal passing the village, and moved immediately to the veterinary teams and health have been recovered large quantities of sacks full of dead birds.

    وفى الإسكندرية، شنت مديرية الأمن، أمس الأول، بالتنسيق مع مباحث التموين حملة مكثفة على أسواق المحافظة، أسفرت عن غلق ١٤٩ محلاً وتحرير ٩٤ محضراً وإعدام ١٥٥٠٠ دجاجة، وتحصين حوالى ٥ آلاف دجاجة فى قرى أبيس.

    In Alexandria, launched the Security Directorate, the day before yesterday, in coordination with the Investigation of Supply intensive campaign to market the province, resulted in the closure of 149 shops and 94 minutes and the liberation of the execution of 15500 chickens and vaccinated about 5 thousands of chickens in the villages of Apis.

    وفى جنوب سيناء، أصدر المحافظ محمد هانئ متولى تعليمات مشددة لمنع دخول الطيور الحية خوفاً من دخول المرض المحافظة السياحية وضرب السياحة بعد أن أصبح المرض متوطناً فى مصر. In South Sinai, the governor Mohammed Metwally Carefree strict instructions to prevent the entry of live birds from entering, fearing the disease hit the tourism and preservation of tourism after the disease has become endemic in Egypt.

    وقال خلال الجلسة الأخيرة لمجلس محلى المحافظة أنه تم إعدام ٤٠٠ دجاجة فى منطقة عيون موسى، وتم عمل لجان بمداخل المحافظة لمنع أى طيور قادمة إليها دون تصاريح رسمية. He said during a recent meeting of the Council of a local preservation had been culled 400 chickens in the eyes of Moses, was the work of the committees Bmdakhl the province to prevent any birds arriving without official permits.

    وفى القليوبية، قال المحافظ المستشار عدلى حسين، إن نسبة ما تم ضبطه من الدواجن الحية فى مصر لا تزيد على ٥٠٪ وهى مثل المخدرات تماماً، مشيراً إلى أن المشكلة تكمن فى الأسواق العشوائية لأنها تستمر ساعتين فقط ولا نستطيع أن نلحق بها، كما أنهم يبيعون طيوراً مصابة من خارج المحافظة ورخيصة، وبالتالى تباع بسرعة.

    In Qaliubiya, said Adly Hussein, governor's adviser, said that the rate has been adjusted from the live poultry in Egypt do not exceed 50%, such as a drug completely, pointing out that the problem lies in the slums, markets continue to be only two hours and we can not keep, as they sell with infected birds from outside the province and cheap, and consequently sold quickly.

    وفى قنا، أكد اللواء محمود جوهر، مدير الأمن، أنه تم شن حملة موسعة على الأسواق لضبط الباعة الجائلين للحد من انتشار المرض، موضحاً أن الحملة أسفرت عن إغلاق ٦ محال للطيور الحية، إغلاقاً إدارياً لها عن طريق رئيس الوحدة المحلية وإعدام ١٥٠٠ طائر وإزالة ١١ عشة من أسطح المنازل فى المدينة وضبط ٥ باعة جائلين يبيعون الكتاكيت، كما تم فحص ١٢ منزلاً توجد طيور بها. In Qena, the essence, Mahmoud, director of security, a campaign that was launched on the market expanded to control the street vendors to reduce the spread of the disease, adding that the campaign resulted in the closure of shops for the 6 birds live, whether it through the administrative head of the local unit and the execution of 1500 and the removal of 11 birds straw from the roofs of the houses in the city and seized 5 Jailin vendors selling chickens, and 12 homes were examined there by the birds.

    وفى البحيرة، أعلن المحافظ محمد شعراوى عن إغلاق ٥٦ محلاً لبيع الدواجن الحية فى مدينة دمنهور، موضحاً أنه جار إغلاق باقى محال بيع الدواجن الحية فى باقى مراكز المحافظة، مؤكداً توفير غاز أول أكسيد الكربون للقضاء على الدواجن المصابة بالمزارع.

    In the lake, the governor Mohammed Sharawi from the closure of 56 shops selling live poultry in the city of Damanhour, adding that the ongoing closure of the remaining stores that sell live poultry centers in the rest of the province, saying the provision of carbon monoxide for the elimination of infected poultry farms.


    • #77
      Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

      ?Environment? warns bird flu could mutate .. ومجلس المحافظين يجتمع لمواجهة تطورات انتشار الفيروس And the Board of Governors will meet to confront the spread of the virus

      كتب متولى سالم ومنى ياسين ومحمد المهدى، والمحافظات - ?المصرى اليوم? ٢٥/ ٤/ ٢٠٠٩

      Books Metwally Salem Mona Yassin, Mohamed Mahdi, and the provinces - ?Egyptian today? 25 / 4 / 2009

      [Camera - Amr Abdullah fears of the spread of avian flu because of domestic]
      تصوير- عمرو عبد الله

      Camera - Amr Abdullah
      مخاوف من انتشار أنفلونزا الطيور بسبب التربية المنزلية

      Fears of the spread of avian flu because of domestic

      يعقد مجلس المحافظين اجتماعاً طارئاً، الأسبوع الجارى، برئاسة الدكتور أحمد نظيف، رئيس مجلس الوزراء، لمناقشة التطورات الخطيرة لأنفلونزا الطيور وانتشار الفيروس القاتل فى معظم المحافظات، ليسجل أعلى معدلات الإصابة البشرية على مستوى العالم خلال الأشهر الأربعة الأولى من ٢٠٠٩.

      Board of Governors held an emergency meeting, this week, led by Dr. Ahmed Nazif, the Prime Minister, to discuss the dangerous developments of the avian flu and the spread of the deadly virus, in most provinces, to record the highest rates of human infection in the world during the first four months of 2009.

      وقالت مصادر إن الاجتماع تحدد له مبدئياً الأربعاء المقبل، وسيستعرض مدى تنفيذ قرارات اللجنة العليا لمكافحة أنفلونزا الطيور، خصوصاً إغلاق المزارع المختلفة وإزالة عشش التربية المنزلية ونقل حظائر الخنازير إلى منطقة صحراوية بحلوان.

      The sources said that the meeting is set tentatively next Wednesday, and will review the implementation of the decisions of the Higher Committee to combat avian influenza, particularly the closure of farms and the elimination of the various nest of home and the transfer of pig farms to the desert Monday.

      فى الوقت نفسه، واصل الفيروس هجومه الضارى، إذ احتجزت مستشفيات حميات المحلة وطنطا وكفر الزيات ٨ مواطنين للاشتباه فى إصابتهم بالمرض، بينهم ٣ أطفال و٤ سيدات.

      At the same time, the fierce attack the virus, since detained hospitals fevers and Mahala, Tanta and Kafr Al-Zayat 8 citizens suspected of having avian flu, including 3 children and 4 women.

      ونقلت المواطنة وفاء عبدالمجيد عبدالجواد من مستشفى حميات طنطا إلى مستشفى صدر العباسية، بعد ثبوت إصابتها بالفيروس، لتصبح بذلك الحالة رقم ٦٨. The Citizenship and Abdel-Jawad Wafa Hospital admitted to a hospital in Tanta was Abbasiyah, after being found infected with the virus, thus becoming the No. 68. من جانبها، طالبت ?المنظمة العالمية للصحة الحيوانية?، السلطات المصرية بتحصين الطيور ٣ مرات سنوياً، وشددت فى تقرير رسمى على ضرورة توفير اللقاحات والأمصال اللازمة. For its part, called ?the World Organization for Animal Health?, the Egyptian authorities to vaccinate birds 3 times a year, and stressed in an official report on the need to provide the necessary vaccines and serums.

      فيما كشفت مصادر بوزارة الزراعة أن اللقاح الذى تستعمله مصر غير فعال لمكافحة النسخة المصرية من الفيروس، إثر فشل الأجهزة البحثية المصرية فى إنتاج لقاح مصرى، بسبب ضعف التمويل الذى تقدمه الحكومة. Sources with the Ministry of Agriculture revealed that the vaccine used by Egypt ineffective against the Egyptian version of the virus, following the failure of research institutes in Egypt, an Egyptian production of a vaccine, because of the weakness of the financing provided by the government.

      وقال الدكتور حامد سماحة، رئيس الهيئة العامة للخدمات البيطرية، إن حوالى ٤٥٠٠ مزرعة دواجن فى مصر تعمل دون ترخيص، من أصل ٨ آلاف مزرعة. "

      Dr. Hamid Samaha, Chairman of the General Authority for Veterinary Services, said that about 4500 poultry farms in Egypt, operating without a license, out of 8 thousand farms.

      وأصدرت وزارة البيئة تقريراً رسمياً يحذر من أن التباطؤ فى نقل الخنازير من الكتلة السكنية قد يؤدى إلى تسارع تحور الفيروس، ليصبح نسخة قابلة للانتقال من الإنسان إلى الإنسان، على اعتبار أن الخنازير تعمل كعائل وسيط للفيروس.

      The Ministry of Environment official report warns that the slowdown in the transport of pigs from the residential block could lead to the acceleration of the virus mutating to become a copy of the transition from human to human, as the pig headed act mediator of the virus.
      طالع المزيد


      • #78
        Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

        Suspected avian influenza cases to five kaafirs Sheikh
        السبت، 25 أبريل 2009 - 15:59
        Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 15:59
        وصول عدد الحالات المصابة بأنفلونزا الطيور إلى 66 خلال الأسبوع الماضى
        The number of cases of bird flu to 66 during the last week
        كفر الشيخ ـ عبير زاهر
        Abeer Al Zaher
        تم احتجاز خمس حالات من بينهم طفلان بمستشفى كفر الشيخ، للاشتباه فى إصابتهم بأنفلونزا الطيور، وهم سامية محمد عبد العزيز (45 سنة) يوسف جمال محمد (3 سنوات) طلبه فتحى عبده (23 سنة) عزة أبو اليزيد محمد (25 سنة) عمرو إبراهيم زيدان (4 سنوات) وهو شقيق الطفلة منار إبراهيم الحالة رقم 66 المصابة بأنفلونزا الطيور الأسبوع الماضى، وذلك بعد ظهور أعراض المرض عليهم من ارتفاع شديد فى درجة الحرارة ورشح الأنف.
        Five cases have been detained, including two children, hospital, Kafr El-Sheikh, on suspicion of having bird flu, they are Semitic, Mohamed Abdel-Aziz (45 years) Yusuf Jamal Mohammed (3 years) request Fathi Abdou (23 years), Izzat Abu Yazid Mohamed (25 years), Amr Ibrahim Zidane (4 years), a brother of the girl child Manar Ibrahim case No. 66 with the bird flu virus last week, after the emergence of symptoms of very high temperature and
        runny nose.

        تم أخذ عينه من المشتبه بإصابتهم بالمرض، وجارٍ تحليلها بمعامل وزارة الصحة لمعرفة إيجابيتها أو سلبيتها.
        Taking a sample was suspected to be infected by the disease, and being a factor analysis of the Ministry of Health to determine positive or negative.


        • #79
          Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

          After being held on suspicion of bird flu influenza
          هروب سيدتين من مستشفى حميات كفر الزيات
          Two women escape from a hospital fevers Kafr Al Zayat

          الأحد، 26 أبريل 2009 - 13:01
          Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 13:01
          هروب سيدتين من مستشفى حميات كفر الزيات
          Two women escape from a hospital fevers Kafr Al Zayat
          الغربية ـ هند عادل
          West India just
          <!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --><SCRIPT type=text/javascript>var addthis_pub="tonyawad";</SCRIPT><SCRIPT type=text/javascript src=""></SCRIPT> <!-- AddThis Button END -->
          تمكنت سيدتان من الهرب من مستشفى حميات كفر الزيات بعد احتجازهما للاشتباه فى إصابتهما بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور.
          Two women managed to escape from the fevers of Kafr Al-Zayat Hospital after being held on suspicion of bird flu virus.

          كانت هدير محمد وفادية الشرقاوى تمكنتا من الهرب من المستشفى، بعد أن تم إدخالهما أمس الأول بعد أن تم أخذ عينة دم ومسحة حلق منهما.
          The roar and Fadia Mohammed الشرقاوى were able to escape from the hospital, having been introduced on Monday after it had been taking blood samples and their melancholy hours.

          فوجئ أطباء المستشفى بهروب السيدتين وقاموا بإبلاغ مديرية الأمن ومأمور مركز كفر الزيات بهروب السيدتين من المستشفى، رغم وضعهما تحت العلاج المكثف ووضعهما تحت الملاحظة لحين ورود تقارير المعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة بمدى إصابتهم بالمرض من عدمه.
          Doctors were surprised to escape the hospital and the two women had informed the Security Directorate and Commissioner of the status of Kafr Al-Zayat escape from the hospital two women, despite their under intensive treatment and put under observation until the laboratory reports to the central Ministry of Health, illness, or not.


          • #80
            Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

            Suspected cases of bird flu children Kenawy
            الأحد، 26 أبريل 2009 - 15:14
            Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 15:14
            تم أخذ عينة من المريض وإرسالها إلى المعامل المركزية بالقاهرة
            Sample was taken from the patient and sent to labs central Cairo
            كتبت هند المغربى
            Written by India Morocco
            <!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --><SCRIPT type=text/javascript>var addthis_pub="tonyawad";</SCRIPT><SCRIPT type=text/javascript src=""></SCRIPT> <!-- AddThis Button END -->
            احتجز مستشفى حميات قنا اليوم الأحد، حالة للاشتباه فى إصابتها بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور، حيث دخل الطفل على ناصر (5 سنوات) إلى المستشفى فى حالة إعياء شديد يعانى من ارتفاع فى درجة الحرارة والسعال الشديد وأعراض مشابهة للمرض، وتبين أنه مخالط لطيور مصابة تربى بمنزلهم نفق عدد منها الفترة الماضية.
            Hospital admitted Qena held on Sunday, in case of suspicion of being infected with bird flu, where the child's income on Nasser (5 years) to the hospital in case of severe fatigue suffering from high temperature, cough and severe symptoms similar to the disease, indicating that Mkhalt of the infected birds died at their home grown number of the last period.

            تم أخذ عينة من المريض وإرسالها إلى المعامل المركزية بالقاهرة للتأكد من إصابته بالمرض من عدمه.
            Sample was taken from the patient and sent to labs central Cairo in order to ensure a disease or not.




            • #81
              Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

              World Health Organization warns ..
              منظمة الصحة:الخنازير ستنقل أنفلونزا الطيور للبشر
              WHO: Avian flu pigs will be transferred to humans

              الأحد، 26 أبريل 2009 - 14:15
              Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 14:15

              عبرت المنظمة عن قلقها من اقتراب تحول الأنفلونزا إلى وباء - تصوير: عمرو دياب
              Organization expressed concern about the approach of turning to the influenza pandemic - Photo: Amr Diab

              كتبت أميرة عبد السلام
              Written by Amira Abdel-Salam

              <!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --><SCRIPT type=text/javascript>var addthis_pub="tonyawad";</SCRIPT><SCRIPT type=text/javascript src=""></SCRIPT> <!-- AddThis Button END -->
              حذرت منظمة الصحة العالمية من ظهور فيروس أنفلونزا الخنازير فى مصر، ووصفته بأنه "حالة ملحة فى مجال الصحة العامة"، مؤكدة أن الخنازير تمثل الوسيط الأساسى فى انتقال الفيروس من الطيور وبعضها إلى البشر وبعضهم.
              World Health Organization warned of the emergence of swine influenza virus in Egypt, described it as "an urgent need in the field of public health," asserting that the pigs are the principal mediator in the transmission of the virus from birds to humans and some of them.

              أنفلونزا الخنازير مرض وبائى حاد يصيب الخنازير بشكل رئيسى، وينتج عن فيروس الأنفلونزا من فئة (أ)، ويشهد العالم انتشاراً لهذا المرض بين الخنازير مسبباً حالة عالية من الرعب بعد فتكه بعدد كبير من البشر فى المكسيك، وينتشر هذا المرض بشكل خاص فى موسمى الخريف والشتاء، إلا أنه يمكن أن ينتشر فى أوقات أخرى من العام، طبقاً للمنظمة الدولية.
              Swine flu epidemic disease severely affects mainly pigs, and influenza caused by a virus that category (a), the world has witnessed the spread of the disease in pigs, causing a high state of terror after the lethality of a large number of people in Mexico, and the spread of the disease, in particular, in the autumn and winter seasons However, it can be deployed at other times of the year, according to the international organization.

              وقالت المنظمة إن هناك عدة سلالات لأنفلونزا الخنازير، شأنه فى ذلك شأن الأنفلونزا التى تصيب الإنسان، وتتحول طبيعة الفيروس بشكل مستمر، وفى العادة كان هذا النوع من أنفلونزا الخنازير لا يصيب البشر، إلا أنه سجل حالات إصابة عديدة فى المكسيك، معظمها بين أشخاص لهم اتصال مباشر بالخنازير، وأكدت منظمة الصحة العالمية أن بعض حالات الوفاة تمثل نوعاً جديداً لم يعرف من قبل لأنفلونزا الخنازير يحمل صفات جينية مختلفة عن تلك التى أصيب بها البشر فى مناطق مختلفة فى أوروبا وآسيا.
              The organization said that there are several strains of swine flu, like the flu that affect humans, into the nature of the virus on a continuous basis, and usually this type of swine flu does not infect humans, but that many cases recorded in Mexico, mostly among people with communication PIGS directly, and the World Health Organization confirmed that some cases represent a new kind of death is not known by the swine flu carries genetic qualities different from those that were injured by humans in different regions in Europe and Asia.

              ينتقل الفيروس بين البشر بطريقة مشابهة لانتشار الأنفلونزا الموسمية، أى عبر السعال والعطاس، وفيما عبرت منظمة الصحة العالمية عن قلقها، إلا أنها أشارت إلى أنه لا يزال من المبكر تغيير مستوى التأهب لمرحلة الوباء.
              Virus among humans a manner similar to the spread of seasonal influenza, or through coughing and sneezing, and World Health Organization has expressed concern, but pointed out that it is still too early to change the level of preparedness for a pandemic.

              وقالت المنظمة إنه يتم تلقيح الخنازير فى أمريكا الشمالية بشكل روتينى ضد هذا الفيروس، إلا أنه ليس هناك حتى الآن لقاح مخصص لمكافحة هذا الفيروس إذا أصاب البشر، مشيرة إلا أنه لا يمكن استخدام اللقاحات المخصصة للفيروسات الموسمية لمكافحة فيروس أنفلونزا الخنازير فى هذه الحالات.
              The organization said that he will be vaccinated pigs in North America routinely against the virus, but so far there is no vaccine to combat this custom, if the virus infected people, saying only that it can not be used for vaccines against viruses, seasonal flu virus in pigs of these cases



              • #82
                Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

                WHO avian influenza monitoring Kafr Sheikh
                الأحد، 26 أبريل 2009 - 11:26 Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 11:26

                ظهور حالتين إيجابيتين لمرض أنفلونزا الطيور الأسبوع الماضى بمحافظة كفر الشيخ
                The emergence of two cases positive
                bird flu last week, province of Kafr el-Sheikh

                كفر الشيخ ? عبير زاهر Kafr El-Sheikh - Abir Zahir

                تم وضع محافظة كفر الشيخ فى بؤرة الاهتمام بعد ظهور هاتين الحالتين الإيجابيتين لمرض أنفلونزا الطيور الأسبوع الماضى، حيث قام وفد من منظمة الصحة العالمية بزيارة إلى كفر الشيخ للتأكد من جهود وزارة الصحة ومحافظة كفر الشيخ فى مواجهة المرض والسيطرة على البؤر الإيجابية التى ظهرت بها تلك الحالات. Been developed province of Kafr el-Sheikh at the center of attention after the emergence of these cases, the affirmative for the bird flu last week, where a delegation from the World Health Organization visited the Kafr El-Sheikh to make sure that the efforts of the Ministry of Health and the province of Kafr el-Sheikh in the face of the disease and control of the positive spots appeared that such cases .

                وقد أصدر اللواء أحمد عابدين محافظ كفر الشيخ تعليماته لوكيل وزارة الطب البيطرى بالمحافظة بالانتقال إلى منازل الحالات الإيجابية المصابة بالمرض بمركز قلين، واتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة لمنع انتشار المرض بمكان آخر بنفس البؤرة المصابة، وكذلك جمع كل أنواع الطيور الموجودة بها، وإعدامها فوراً حتى لا تكون مصدراً لنقل العدوى إلى أشخاص آخرين. Has been issued, Major General Ahmed Abdeen, the governor of Kafr El-Sheikh instructed the Under-Secretary of the Department of Veterinary Medicine to maintain the transition to the homes of positive cases infected Kulain status and take necessary action to prevent the spread of the disease elsewhere infected with the same focus, as well as the collection of all existing bird species, and immediately executed so as not to be a source of transmission to others.

                يأتى ذلك بعد ظهور الحالتين الإيجابيتين لمرض أنفلونزا الطيور الأسبوع الماضى بمحافظة كفر الشيخ، والتى سجلت الحالة 64 لسيدة تدعى سعدية عبد اللطيف (34 سنة) حيث تم حجزها للعلاج لمدة 10 أيام بمستشفى حميات كفر الشيخ، والتى توفت أمس بسبب مضاعفات المرض الخطيرة. This came after the emergence of the affirmative case for bird flu last week, province of Kafr el-Sheikh, which recorded a 64 case of a woman named Saadiya Abdel-Latif (34 years) were booked for treatment for a period of 10 days of hospital fevers Kafr el-Sheikh, who died yesterday because of the serious complications of the disease.

                والحالة الثانية رقم 66 على مستوى الجمهورية للطفلة منار إبراهيم زيدان (عام ونصف) من قرية شباس عمير بمركز قلين، والتى تم تحويلها إلى مستشفى منشية البكرى لوضعها تحت المراقبة والعلاج المكثف. The second case, No. 66 at the level of the Republic of the girl child Manar Ibrahim Zidan (a year and a half) from the village center Kulain Chaabas Amir, which was transferred to a hospital for its Tamiflu drug under intensive surveillance and treatment.

                وذلك بعد تعرضهم للطيور المصابة بمرض إنفلونزا الطيور. And after exposure to infected birds with avian flu.



                • #83
                  Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

                  WHO avian influenza monitoring Kafr Sheikh
                  الأحد، 26 أبريل 2009 - 11:26
                  Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 11:26
                  ظهور حالتين إيجابيتين لمرض أنفلونزا الطيور الأسبوع الماضى بمحافظة كفر الشيخ
                  The emergence of two cases positive for bird flu last week, province of Kafr el-Sheikh
                  كفر الشيخ ? عبير زاهر
                  Kafr El-Sheikh - Abir Zahir
                  <!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --><SCRIPT type=text/javascript>var addthis_pub="tonyawad";</SCRIPT><SCRIPT type=text/javascript src=""></SCRIPT> <!-- AddThis Button END -->
                  تم وضع محافظة كفر الشيخ فى بؤرة الاهتمام بعد ظهور هاتين الحالتين الإيجابيتين لمرض أنفلونزا الطيور الأسبوع الماضى، حيث قام وفد من منظمة الصحة العالمية بزيارة إلى كفر الشيخ للتأكد من جهود وزارة الصحة ومحافظة كفر الشيخ فى مواجهة المرض والسيطرة على البؤر الإيجابية التى ظهرت بها تلك الحالات.
                  Been developed province of Kafr el-Sheikh at the center of attention after the emergence of these cases, the affirmative for the bird flu last week, where a delegation from the World Health Organization visited the Kafr El-Sheikh to make sure that the efforts of the Ministry of Health and the province of Kafr el-Sheikh in the face of the disease and control of the positive spots appeared that such cases .

                  وقد أصدر اللواء أحمد عابدين محافظ كفر الشيخ تعليماته لوكيل وزارة الطب البيطرى بالمحافظة بالانتقال إلى منازل الحالات الإيجابية المصابة بالمرض بمركز قلين، واتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة لمنع انتشار المرض بمكان آخر بنفس البؤرة المصابة، وكذلك جمع كل أنواع الطيور الموجودة بها، وإعدامها فوراً حتى لا تكون مصدراً لنقل العدوى إلى أشخاص آخرين.
                  Has been issued, Major General Ahmed Abdeen, the governor of Kafr El-Sheikh instructed the Under-Secretary of the Department of Veterinary Medicine to maintain the transition to the homes of positive cases infected Kulain status and take necessary action to prevent the spread of the disease elsewhere infected with the same focus, as well as the collection of all existing bird species, and immediately executed so as not to be a source of transmission to others.

                  يأتى ذلك بعد ظهور الحالتين الإيجابيتين لمرض أنفلونزا الطيور الأسبوع الماضى بمحافظة كفر الشيخ، والتى سجلت الحالة 64 لسيدة تدعى سعدية عبد اللطيف (34 سنة) حيث تم حجزها للعلاج لمدة 10 أيام بمستشفى حميات كفر الشيخ، والتى توفت أمس بسبب مضاعفات المرض الخطيرة.
                  This came after the emergence of the affirmative case for bird flu last week, province of Kafr el-Sheikh, which recorded a 64 case of a woman named Saadiya Abdel-Latif (34 years) were booked for treatment for a period of 10 days of hospital fevers Kafr el-Sheikh, who died yesterday because of the serious complications of the disease.

                  والحالة الثانية رقم 66 على مستوى الجمهورية للطفلة منار إبراهيم زيدان (عام ونصف) من قرية شباس عمير بمركز قلين، والتى تم تحويلها إلى مستشفى منشية البكرى لوضعها تحت المراقبة والعلاج المكثف.
                  The second case, No. 66 at the level of the Republic of the girl child Manar Ibrahim Zidan (a year and a half) from the village center Kulain Chaabas Amir, which was transferred to a hospital for its Tamiflu drug under intensive surveillance and treatment.

                  وذلك بعد تعرضهم للطيور المصابة بمرض إنفلونزا الطيور.
                  And after exposure to infected birds with avian flu.



                  • #84
                    Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

                    Backstory on the 64th BF victim in Egypt, Saadia Ahmed Abdel Latif Al-Hamed. credits Helblindi

                    "Kulain" and called Saadiya .. A victim of bird flu Neglect and ignorance of doctors alexandria Reason

                    Kulain buried in the town of Kafr Sheikh Ahmed Abdullatif Fiqidthm Saadiya 33-year-old - who died after a struggle with the bird flu for 10 days.
                    Show that behind the death of her neglect and ignorance of the disease, doctors .. Where people went to the doctors in clinics in Alexandria, including university professors - maintains the evening of their names .. Throughout the entire week and sustained a suspected not to be infected with bird flu, after re-entered the hospital admitted her family Kafr El-Sheikh.

                    As a result of neglect, illness, where the chickens they bought the 20 "hatching eggs" age of each month in April and in April bought 2 duck 3 months old from a street vendors in the duck died the next day that had contact with chickens after 15 chickens died once the home of the deceased one of them Vtkhalst them, trash them! In the "5" April was the high temperature, running nose and shortness of breath Vatjh by the people of Alexandria.

                    Saadiya Kulain returned to the hospital and introduced her family and discovered one of the central hospital resident doctors immediately bird flu and transferred to a hospital diets in the April 15, but she died of the lateness of the discovery of the disease was a positive factor of the samples sent to the Ministry of Health.

                    Saadiya have 3 children, were sentenced to 11 years - 8 years and Khalid - Ibrahim 7 years - They were in a state of shock and total breakdown during the funeral of their mother.

                    Kulain on behalf of the Department of Criminal Investigation to investigate the personality of the seller who sold the roving of the infected duck Saadiya.

                    Surprisingly, the day after the injury and reached the girl Saadiya Manar Mahmoud Zidane "a year and a half" of bird flu, one of the village, "Amir Cbasi," Center Kulain, also quoted by ambulance to hospital in the capital Cairo.



                    • #85
                      Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

                      Avian influenza and confuse the Ministry of Health
                      كتبت أميرة عبد السلام
                      Written by Amira Abdel-Salam
                      <!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --><SCRIPT type=text/javascript>var addthis_pub="tonyawad";</SCRIPT><SCRIPT type=text/javascript src=""></SCRIPT> <!-- AddThis Button END -->
                      أعلنت وزارة الصحة وصول عدد حالات الاشتباه بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور فى الإنسان أمس الاثنين 30 حالة بشرية تتراوح أعمارهم ما بين سنتين وحتى 73 سنة منهم 10 حالات بمحافظة كفر الشيخ و4 بالإسكندرية و3 فى الغربية و2 فى كل من دمياط والقاهرة و6 أكتوبر وأسوان وحالة واحدة فى كل من المنيا وقنا والبحيرة والشرقية والدقهلية.
                      Ministry of Health has announced the arrival of a number of suspected cases of bird flu in humans on Monday, 30 human cases between the ages of two and up to 73 years, including 10 cases of province of Kafr el-Sheikh and Alexandria, 4 and 3 in the West and 2 in both Cairo and Damietta, October 6, Aswan and one case each in Minya and Qena, the lake and the eastern and Dakahliya.

                      وشدد الدكتور عمرو قنديل رئيس الإدارة المركزية للشئون الوقائية ضرورة الاهتمام بتعليمات الوقاية مثل غسل الأيدى بالماء والصابون عدة مرات بعد التعرض للحيوانات مع الحذر الشديد أثناء التعامل مع الحيوانات المريضة واستخدام العادات الصحية السليمة كتغطية الأنف والفم أثناء الكحة أو العطس وعدم مغادرة المنزل فى حالة الشعور بأحد أعراض الأنفلونزا، وذلك لمن يخالطون الخنازير مؤكدا على ضرورة الإبلاغ لسرعة اكتشاف المرض.
                      The President, Dr. Amr Kandeel, the central administration of the affairs of the need for preventive attention to instructions, such as handwashing, prevention of water and soap several times after exposure of animals with extreme caution in dealing with sick animals and the use of sound health habits to hedge in the nose and mouth while sneezing or cough, and not to leave the house if you feel the symptoms of a influenza, and those who come into close contact with pigs, stressing the need to report to the rapid detection of the disease.
                      ومن ناحية أخرى واصل الدكتور نصر السيد مساعد الوزير للشئون الوقائية، استمرار تنشيط الترصد الوبائى لمرض أنفلونزا الخنازير على جميع مستوى المنشآت الصحية وحتى الآن لم يتم الإبلاغ عن أى حالة مشتبهة بمرض أنفلونزا الخنازير على مستوى الجمهورية.
                      On the other hand, Dr. Nasr Assistant Minister for preventive, continuing the revitalization of the epidemic surveillance of swine flu at all levels of health facilities and so far has not been reporting any suspected case of swine flu at the level of the Republic.
                      وأضاف مساعد الوزير أن الوزارة قد اتخذت الإجراءات الوقائية اللازمة لمواجهة مرض أنفلونزا الخنازير ورفع حالة الاستعداد القصوى بجميع منافذ الحجر الصحى على مستوى الجمهورية، وتدعيم القوى البشرية فى جميع الأقسام بجميع الإمكانات والاحتياجات اللازمة، لافتاً إلى مناظرة ثلاث طائرات حتى تاريخ اليوم فحص خلالها 17 راكبا قادمين من الدول الموبوءة بالمرض وتم عمل كروت مراقبة صحية لمتابعتهم.
                      The assistant minister said the ministry has taken necessary preventive measures to face the disease, swine flu and the lifting of the state of alert in all ports quarantine at the level of the Republic, and the strengthening of the manpower in all sections of all the possibilities and needs, he said, pointing to the three planes corresponding to the date of the examination day, during which 17 passengers from States affected by the disease control was the work of health cards to follow up.



                      • #86
                        Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +


                        ome a pandemic but has not reached that stage.
                        FOREIGN EXCHANGE
                        Bird flu blamed in Egypt child's death

                        Six-year-old Ali died last week, and health workers don't know the source of his disease. Bird flu has been blamed in the deaths of 26 people in Egypt since 2006, the most of any nation outside Asia.
                        By Jeffrey Fleishman
                        April 30, 2009
                        Reporting from Cairo -- Beyond smokestacks and whipped donkeys, past fish curled on dirty ice and sparrows skimming laundry hanging in alleys, the death of 6-year-old Ali Mohammed Ali brought mystery, health inspectors and truckloads of police to a poor Cairo neighborhood.

                        Ali, a first-grader and computer wizard from Shubra el Kheima, died last week in a hospital, his lungs full of fluid, a stent in his chest. Health officials say he had bird flu, but they can't pinpoint where he picked it up: The market, the school, on the rooftops with the pigeon keepers or on a recent trip to his grandfather's village in the Nile Delta?

                        Nobody knows. Homes and classrooms have been disinfected, neighborhood poultry has been confiscated and culled, and the man splitting chicken breasts with a machete next to the baker keeps watch for police in case he has to disappear in a hurry. There is alarm and nonchalance, talk of a health epidemic, grumbles of conspiracy.

                        "The Health Ministry came. They checked our flat, they took our blood. They tested everyone in this building for infection," said Ali's mother, Aleya Ismail. "But still they don't know how it got into my son. Where can I raise poultry here? Under the bed? How could this virus have found him?"

                        Egypt has had 65 cases of bird flu, including 26 deaths, since 2006 -- the highest national toll outside Asia, where the virus, designated as H5N1, was believed to have first appeared in humans in 1997.

                        Ali's fever and final hours in an intensive care unit came days before word came of the swine flu outbreak that is suspected in the deaths of more than 150 people in Mexico and has spread in the United States and into Europe and the Middle East. Egypt has ordered the slaughter of the nation's 300,000 pigs.

                        Bird flu, which has killed hundreds of people worldwide, threatens to be a pandemic but has yet to reach that critical stage, though it has become embedded in bird flocks and spread to dozens of nations. Arising mainly from direct contact with infected fowl, bird flu lingers at the edge of the swine flu crisis, another deadly squiggle of cells and strands beneath the microscope.

                        The World Health Organization is concerned that, like swine flu, the avian virus could mutate and become easily transmissible between humans. Scientists fear that if this happens the avian virus could be more dangerous than the swine flu outbreak, overwhelming cities such as Cairo, where overcrowding, poor sanitation, suspicion and cultural traditions are more potent than Tamiflu prescriptions and warnings spoken through the masks of health workers.

                        Shubra el Kheima unfolds where the Nile ripples through marsh grass as it flows north out of Cairo toward the delta. Apartment buildings of brick, dried mud and mortar heave against one another, keeping daylight out of the alleys until the sun is at its highest. The market blows with garbage, flies whirl, donkeys chew grass off carts, and cats slip past coal bins and into the butchers.

                        Most families, like Ali's, arrived decades ago from villages. They were electricians, laborers, seamstresses. They hauled country life to the city; their sons and daughters raise chickens and race pigeons, and when they don't know the exact address of a friend or cousin they yell names through alleys and are guided by fingers pointing this way and that. Anyone passing a corner can sip water from clay jugs, known as ollas, a communal drinking habit since ancient times.

                        God moves them; the loudspeakers at the mosque crackle with his name. They are suspicious of police and anything that bears a government stamp or imprint of officialdom. They have rocked one another's babies, buried one another's dead and finished one another's sentences. And now they can't believe that Ali, a boy they knew, is gone, taken by a virus whose name is two capital letters and two numbers.

                        "The police have seized the chickens from the market," said Hayem Mohammed, a heavyset woman with gold looped earrings and an aluminum cane. "Why should we be scared? We all believe in God and God's will."

                        "I'm not convinced it was bird flu," said Alaa Abou Donya, a burly man standing in the shade near a mechanic's shop. "Ali's family used to have pigeons, but they cleaned up their house a year ago. They buried Ali in a normal grave. You wouldn't do this if the boy had been infected."

                        Down another alley, men sip from ollas, their eyes following a stranger. No one sneaks in here; life and space are too compressed. The alleys open to the wide street. The cabbage man lifts his tarp at the market, green spills into the dust; women sell eggplant and red onions, and fish, long dead, bob in the water of melted ice. A thwack and a tug, bits of chicken tumble from Sayed Mohammed Ahmed's chopping block; cats flock to his feet.

                        "I only sell farm-raised chickens," he said.

                        "It's the ducks and chickens raised in houses that are infected. But when the police come they take all the meat no matter where it came from. I have to hide when I see them."

                        He skinned and sliced, handing two breasts to a woman; his sticky fingers reached for money from his shirt pocket.

                        "People aren't scared," he said. "They understand this bird flu scare is all a trick to kill the business of local chicken producers so importers connected to the government can make big money. That's what this is all about."

                        Behind a window with a pastel shutter, Ali's mother sits on a bed in a room decorated with plastic flowers and a poster of Mecca. She is dressed in mourning black, except for the glint of pearl on the pin in her head scarf. The needle prick in her arm, where they drew blood to give her son, is weeks old now. She blames the doctors and hospitals for not figuring out what was wrong with him until he was too far gone to bring back.

                        "He had a fever," Ismail said. "I took him to five doctors who said it was only a throat infection. They gave him antibiotics. Another doctor said he had pneumonia. We took him to a private hospital. They said his lungs were full of fluid that needed to be sucked out, but they didn't have the tools. We took him to a state hospital. It took them three days before they drained the fluid."

                        Her son started fading. A doctor asked if the family raised poultry at home. She said no. The flat was too small and cramped and her husband's father had forbidden it years ago. The health inspectors came to investigate; no one else was sick. They widened the search to the neighborhood and Ali's grandfather's village in the delta. Nothing.

                        Ismail sat near her daughter, Noura, 8, and her 7-month-old son, Ahmed. A woman carrying groceries peeked in and headed up the stairs. The sun was high over the littered alley.


                        Noha El-Hennawy of The Times' Cairo Bureau contributed to this report.


                        • #87
                          Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

                          Post #86:
                          Six-year-old Ali died last week, and health workers don't know the source of his disease. Bird flu has been blamed in the deaths of 26 people in Egypt since 2006, the most of any nation outside Asia.
                          I've got Ali as #63 in my confirmed list.


                          • #88
                            Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

                            Samala Humadi woman detained on suspicion of bird flu
                            الخميس، 30 أبريل 2009 - 15:21
                            Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 15:21
                            أنفلونزا الطيور تهدد المصريين بكارثة
                            Avian influenza threatens the Egyptian disaster
                            كتبت هند المغربى
                            Written by India Morocco
                            <!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --><SCRIPT type=text/javascript>var addthis_pub="tonyawad";</SCRIPT><SCRIPT type=text/javascript src=""></SCRIPT> <!-- AddThis Button END -->
                            احتجز مستشفى حميات نجع حمادى، سيدة للاشتباه فى إصابتها بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور، حيث دخلت سعاد عبد اللطيف أحمد (35 سنة) إلى مستشفى حميات نجع حمادى فى حالة إعياء شديد وتعانى من ارتفاع فى درجة الحرارة وسعال شديد، وإعراض مشابهة للمرض، وتبين أنها مخالطة للطيور بالمنزل التى نفق منها 48 دجاجة الأيام الماضية.
                            Detained hospital fevers Naga Hammadi, a woman on suspicion of being infected with bird flu, which entered Suad Ahmed Abdel Latif (35 years) admitted to hospital in Naga Hamadi, in the case of extremely weak and suffering from high fever and severe cough, and similar symptoms of the disease and was shown to contact with birds the house that 48 chickens had died a few days ago.

                            تم عزلها بالمستشفى وأخذ عينات وإرسالها للمعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة لتحليلها للتأكد من إصابتها بالمرض من عدمه.
                            Been isolated in hospital and took samples and sent to labs central Ministry of Health for analysis to ascertain whether or not infected with the disease.
                   D49&prev=/translate_s%3Fhl%3Den%26q%3D%2Bbird%2Bflu%2B%2Bapr il%2B6%2B2009%26tq%3D%25D8%25A7%25D9%2586%25D9%258 1%25D9%2584%25D9%2588%25D9%2586%25D8%25B2%25D8%25A 7%2B%25D8%25A7%25D9%2584%25D8%25B7%25D9%258A%25D9% 2588%25D8%25B1%2B6%2B%25D8%25A3%25D8%25A8%25D8%25B 1%25D9%258A%25D9%2584%2B2009%26sl%3Den%26tl%3Dar%2 6start%3D40&usg=ALkJrhgb8fJPX8FY5kT3QD0mO_TcGOPn-w



                            • #89
                              Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

                              Suspected avian influenza infection girl lake
                              الخميس، 30 أبريل 2009 - 17:48
                              Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 17:48

                              فوبيا أنفلونزا الطيور تجتاح محافظات مصر
                              Vobia bird flu is sweeping over Egypt

                              البحيرة شعبان فتحى
                              Lake Sha'baan Fathi

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                              احتجز مستشفى حميات دمنهور، فتاة، للاشتباه فى إصابتها بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور، بعد ظهور أعراض تتشابه مع أنفلونزا الطيور، من ارتفاع فى درجة الحرارة، واحتقان فى الحلق، وصعوبة فى التنفس, حيث تم أخذ عينة دم منها لتحليلها فى المعامل المركزية بالقاهرة، لبيان مدى إيجابية العينة.
                              Detained hospital fevers Damanhour, a girl, on suspicion of being infected with bird flu, after the emergence of symptoms similar to bird flu, with a high temperature, sore throat, difficulty in breathing, where blood samples were taken for analysis in the central laboratory in Cairo, with the extent of positive sample.

                              وتلقى اللواء مجدى أبو قمر مدير أمن البحيرة إخطاراً من مستشفى حميات دمنهور باحتجاز وردة زغلول الصاوى (13 سنة) مقيمة بقرية البيضا بكفر الدوار، للاشتباه فى إصابتها بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور، وعلى الفور انتقلت القيادات الأمنية بمرافقة الطب البيطرى والصحة، لتطهير منزل الفتاة والمنازل المحيطة، وكذلك المخالطين لها.
                              The Major General, Magdi Abu Amar, director of security of the lake, a notice of the detention hospital fevers Damanhour Warda El Sawy (13 years) resident in Kafr Dawar Beida village, on suspicion of being infected with bird flu, the leadership moved immediately to the security escort of Veterinary Medicine and health, to clean up the house of the girl and the surrounding houses, as well as contact them.



                              • #90
                                Re: Egypt H5N1 Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

                                22 detention of a citizen on suspicion of bird flu in 6 provinces

                                - ?Egyptian today? 2 / 5 / 2009
                                Detained in hospital diets 6 provinces about 22 cases, yesterday and the day before yesterday, on suspicion of bird flu patients, and was executed about 8000 birds suspected of being infected with the disease.

                                In Menoufia, detained hospital fevers Shebin new case on suspicion of her, following the emergence of symptoms of the infection. "Said Dr Hesham Atta, Deputy Minister of Health Menoufia:? The situation of a woman named Madiha Mohammad Abdel Wahab (39 years old), housewife, from the village of Centna stone, of the seven Swimming Center, which is raising domestic birds ?.

                                In the lake, held 5 Damanhour hospital admitted cases, yesterday, on suspicion of contracting the disease, namely: Mohamed Mohamed Moussa, ?20 years?, a resident of Kafr al-Dawar counterpart, Mahmoud Allam ?7 years? Ragheb and his brother ?8 years?, staying Bazbp Dalilah the village of Kom-Qanatir, Obouhms of the Center, and accepted Mr. ?29 years?, resides in the village of Kom Ombo Boboualemtamir and Stip Alcolmy ?30 years? resident Abu Almtamir.

                                In Dakahlia, was detained in Mansoura Chest Hospital on Monday, including two children, 7 cases of suspected bird flu patients, namely: the Secretary of Fathi Razeq ?40 years?, from the village of the stadium and the status of Belkas Chadia Abdasameea Mr. ?39 years? from the village of dead slaves built the status of Sweden Fahim Mahmud Gharib ?40 years? from the village of Mansoura and the status of Talpanp Ebtisam Sollymy Jabr ?33 years? from the village of Union Bmit Slsell and Mohammad Shilbaya ?48 years? Alsnellowin of the city, in addition to the two children, gave Mr. Ibrahim Abboud ?3 years? from the village of stone Ooic the status of Egypt and Ahmed Abdel Rahman and the ?two and a half?, from the village of Alhawwal Balsnellowin.

                                In the West, the hospital admitted Tanta detained, Musa Mohamed Ahmed, ?20 years?, from the village of Lake counterpart, Ahmed Rizk, ?24 years?, from the village of al-Muhsin Awaid Hmaa Alexandria, recruits meeting Sunday attended by the central security forces, Riza Ibrahim ?22 years?, Warbah the house of the village of Tanta Sptas Center and Suhair Wahab ?45 years?, housewife, and the livelihood of Nabil Abd ?12 years? student, and Hanan veil ?36 years? housewife and a resident of a dead gazelle Balsntp.

                                In Kafr el-Sheikh, was arrested Abdullah verses hospital diets ?68 years?, from the village of Shin's meeting Sunday attended by the Center for Qtor.

                                In Damietta, he was detained hospital diets Suhair Farghali Hidayat housewife from the village of Albesasitp of the Damietta Center, and the benefit of different Abdalmqsod dead from the village of Kafr Saad Oboghalb status.

                                In Suez, the Governor Seif Eddin Galal, to prevent the breeding of birds in the home, and non-entry of live poultry from neighboring provinces and to emphasize the lack of circulation in the market only to sell only poultry slaughtered, "said Dr Adel Abbas, Under-Secretary, Department of Veterinary Medicine Suez, had been executed about 2440 birds in the campaigns, extensive and diverse, on Saturday.

                                In Fayoum, able to control supply, control of the 5800 District of birds, including the 3000 duck with a foreign strain, with all the difficulty in breathing, accompanied by a certificate of non-health benefit free of avian flu, were to form a committee from the Directorate of Supply moved to the dump health Kom Ooshim culled birds seized



