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Schmallenberg virus : new Akabane-like virus in cattle, sheep and goats in Europe - 2011/2012

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  • #61
    Re: Schmallenbergvirus : new Akabane-like virus in cattle, sheep and goats in Europe


    Schmallenberg Virus

    Germany : current Information on ‛Schmallenberg virus’

    last updated 10th February 2012

    In Germany animals from 434 holdings have been tested positiv for ‛Schmallenberg virus’ so far.

    The cases occurred in 13 cattle holdings, 402 sheep holdings and 19 goat holdings

    Affected federal states are North Rhine-Westphalia (7 cattle, 185 sheep, 6 goat holdings), Lower Saxony (1 cattle, 62 sheep, 3 goat holdings), Hesse (41 sheep holdings, 2 goat), Schleswig-Holstein (1 cattle, 44 sheep holdings), Rhineland-Palatinate (2 Bison, 24 sheep, 3 goat holdings), Baden-Wuerttemberg (1 cattle, 3 sheep, 4 goat holdings), Brandenburg (7 sheep holdings), Thuringia (10 sheep holdings), Saxony-Anhalt (4 sheep holdings), Hamburg (1 cattle, 4 sheep holdings), Bavaria (9 sheep holdings), Saxony (9 sheep holdings) and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (1 goat holding).
    The Netherlands, Belgium , the United Kingdom and France have also reported cases of ‛Schmallenberg virus’, mostly in sheep.

    Link to map

    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


    • #62
      Re: Schmallenbergvirus : new Akabane-like virus in cattle, sheep and goats in Europe

      Belgium reports 103 farms affected with Schmallenberg virus

      feb 10 2012

      Today Belgium confirmed the Schmallenberg virus in 95 sheepholdings , 7 cattleholdings and 1 goat holding.

      link to map

      Belgique - AFSCA - Etat des lieux le 10/02/2012 - 13.00 hrs

      Virus Schmallenberg

      Depuis le 1er décembre, de nombreux cas de mortinatalité et de malformation chez des agneaux (mort-nés avec cou tordu, hydrocéphalie, membres déformés,…) ont été enregistrés aux Pays-Bas et Allemagne. Quelques veaux présentant des symptômes similaires ont également été signalés.

      Finalement le 23 décembre, le premier cas en Belgique a été détecté sur des agneaux nouveau-né présentant des malformations et/ou mort-né.

      Jusqu'aujourd'hui le virus Schmallenberg a été révélé dans 95 exploitations ovines, 7 exploitations bovines, et 1 exploitation caprines. Il est attendu que d’autre cas vont être mis en évidence et ce notamment dans la mesure où la période de gestation, principalement chez les ovins et les caprins, va prochainement débuter.

      Exploitations où le virus a été mis en évidence:

      Exploitations bovines - 7

      Exploitations ovines - 95

      Exploitations caprines - 1


      ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


      • #63
        Re: Schmallenbergvirus : new Akabane-like virus in cattle, sheep and goats in Europe

        Netherlands: Schmallenberg virus in cattle (4), sheep (89) and goats (5).

        Total of positive farms: 98

        Bloodsamples of 8 cattle holdings were found to be positive too. They were old samples from last autumn, these positives are not counted in the Netherlands.

        Similar positives are included in Belgium and Germany.

        Link to map

        Update VWA - Peildatum 10 februari 12.00

        Totaal aantal meldingen: 474 - Aangetoond: 98

        Runderen : 281

        Virus aangetoond : 4
        Niet aangetoond : 203
        Nog in onderzoek : 74

        De locaties waar misvormde kalveren gevonden zijn, bevinden zich in Drenthe (Echten, Peize) en Flevoland (Ens) en Zeeland (Wissenkerke).

        Uit bloedmonsters van herfst 2011 zijn 8 positieve rundveebedrijven gevonden. Anders dan in België en Duitsland,
        worden ze in Nederland niet meegeteld.

        Schapen : 172

        Virus aangetoond : 89
        Niet aangetoond : 62
        Nog in onderzoek : 21

        De locaties met schapen waar het virus is aangetoond, bevinden zich in alle provincies, behalve Utrecht en Flevoland.

        Geiten : 21

        Virus aangetoond : 5
        Niet aangetoond : 14
        Nog in onderzoek : 2

        De locaties met geiten waar het virus is aangetoond bevinden zich in Overijssel(2), Gelderland (2) en Zuid-Holland(1).

        Overzichtskaart Nederland met bedrijven waar Schmallenbergvirus is aangetoond + locaties

        Update 9 februari
        ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
        Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

        ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


        • #64
          Re: Schmallenbergvirus : new Akabane-like virus in cattle, sheep and goats in Europe

          From the excellent and frequently updated website Warmwell, by Mary Critchley

          February 10th 2012 ~ Reactions of the virologist, Ruth Watkins, after the online discussions

          Dr Ruth Watkins, formerly Head of Diagnostic Virology at St Mary's Hospital where she was an Honorary Consultant and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Virology at St Mary's Hospital Medical School, Imperial College School of Medicine, London, is currently a sheep farmer in Wales. With her expertise in virology and first hand knowledge of farming, her views are very valuable. Her summary of points:

          All those farms on which there has been an outbreak should keep those ewes to breed next year. From experience with Akabane and the use of vaccines it is clear that immunity from the acute and short lasting infection in the adult ewe is strong and likely to provide protection against reinfection. I am not sure if sufficient ewe lambs from this summer will also have been infected on these farms but this may well be so. So these ewe lambs as yearlings put to the ram next year if infected in 2011 or early in the summer of 2012 should not have affected lambs as they will be protected against having the infection whilst pregnant.

          The concept of the susceptible period of the foetus during which a primary infection of the mother ewe will cause death or deformities was not mentioned. It should be.The farmer with her question about lambing ewes in May should have no cause for concern. Even if infected in May there should not be a problem with her lambs. (There is a possibility of meningo-encaphalitis in calves and cattle but we don't know if this will occur with Schmallenberg virus and it only seems to occur with certain strains of the Shamondo viruses, and no comment can be made on this yet. I don't think there is a need to mention it).

          It is clear that lambing in April May would be advisable next year. May would be preferable. It was very mild this year and I am not sure when midges were no longer active but they could certainly have been through November at least. I believe that Pirbirght should be able to answer this. This would mean putting rams in at the start of December. This is such an important point that I am surprised the BVA man has not grasped it. I put my rams in in November but I am going to wait until December next year if the Schmallenberg virus is shown to be active next summer in the UK.

          The best date for cattle pregnancies is going to be a problem. The period of susceptibility of calves in utero is longer than for sheep. Also dairying and so on require Spring and Autumn calving. Probably Autumn calving will be safer than Spring calving.

          There should have been absolute clarity in the answer that no product has been shown to repel midges sufficiently to prevent biting and infection. Again the BVA vet should have been absolutely clear on this- he was corrected by the Belgian farmer. (Where was he during the BTV8 outbreak?)

          ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
          Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

          ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


          • #65
            Re: Schmallenbergvirus : new Akabane-like virus in cattle, sheep and goats in Europe

            Cows infected after eating from infected afterbirth?

            In an article from 2008 about "bluetongue", a number of possibilities are mentioned, how the virus can survive wintertime.

            A researcher says:

            There is also circumstantial evidence that cattle could become infected orally if they eat the afterbirth of an infected offspring from another cow.

            Eating from an afterbirth is normal, natural behavior of cows.

            May be something to take into account , in relation to "Schmallenberg".

            thanks to Mixin
            ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
            Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

            ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


            • #66
              Re: Schmallenbergvirus : new Akabane-like virus in cattle, sheep and goats in Europe

              10 feb 2012

              Total number of infected premises in Europe: 758

              Cattle - 25

              Sheep - 708

              Goats - 25

              Netherlands - 98

              Germany - 434

              Belgium - 103

              UK - 29

              France - 94

              ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
              Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

              ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


              • #67
                Re: Schmallenbergvirus : new Akabane-like virus in cattle, sheep and goats in Europe

                Link to map

                Germany: current Information on ‛Schmallenberg virus’

                last updated 13th February 2012

                In Germany animals from 473 holdings have been tested positiv for ‛Schmallenberg virus’ so far.

                The cases occurred in 15 cattle holdings, 438 sheep holdings and 20 goat holdings.

                Affected federal states are North Rhine-Westphalia (7 cattle, 193 sheep, 7 goat holdings), Lower Saxony (3 cattle, 68 sheep, 3 goat holdings), Hesse (46 sheep holdings, 2 goat), Schleswig-Holstein (1 cattle, 50 sheep holdings), Rhineland-Palatinate (1 Bison, 1 cattle, 24 sheep, 3 goat holdings), Baden-Wuerttemberg (1 cattle, 5 sheep, 4 goat holdings), Brandenburg (10 sheep holdings), Thuringia (14 sheep holdings), Saxony-Anhalt (5 sheep holdings), Hamburg (1 cattle, 4 sheep holdings), Bavaria (9 sheep holdings), Saxony (9 sheep holdings), Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (1 goat holding) and Saarland (1 sheep holding).

                The Netherlands, Belgium , the United Kingdom and France have also reported cases of ‛Schmallenberg virus’, mostly in sheep.

                ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                • #68
                  Re: Schmallenbergvirus : new Akabane-like virus in cattle, sheep and goats in Europe

                  Schmallenberg-virus in Europe - 2012


                  This map is based on FAO-Empres data. The latest data are not available yet for the map. Regular updates will be published in this thread.

                  Latest update: 13 february 2012 - 21.45

                  Total number of known infected premises in Europe: 797

                  Cattle - 27

                  Sheep - 744

                  Goats - 26

                  Netherlands - 98

                  Germany - 473

                  Belgium - 103

                  United Kingdom - 29

                  France - 94

                  ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                  Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                  ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                  • #69
                    Re: Schmallenbergvirus : new Akabane-like virus in cattle, sheep and goats in Europe

                    Link to map

                    Germany: current Information on ‛Schmallenberg virus’

                    last updated 14th February 2012

                    In Germany animals from 506 holdings have been tested positiv for ‛Schmallenberg virus’ so far.

                    The cases occurred in 15 cattle holdings, 470 sheep holdings and 21 goat holdings.

                    Affected federal states are North Rhine-Westphalia (7 cattle, 201 sheep, 8 goat holdings), Lower Saxony (3 cattle, 72 sheep, 3 goat holdings), Hesse (50 sheep holdings, 2 goat), Schleswig-Holstein (1 cattle, 51 sheep holdings), Rhineland-Palatinate (1 Bison, 1 cattle, 27 sheep, 3 goat holdings), Baden-Wuerttemberg (1 cattle, 7 sheep, 4 goat holdings), Brandenburg (11 sheep holdings), Thuringia (17 sheep holdings), Saxony-Anhalt (6 sheep holdings), Hamburg (1 cattle, 4 sheep holdings), Bavaria (11 sheep holdings), Saxony (9 sheep holdings), Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (2 sheep, 1 goat holding) and Saarland (2 sheep holdings).

                    The Netherlands, Belgium , the United Kingdom and France have also reported cases of ‛Schmallenberg virus’, mostly in sheep.

                    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                    • #70
                      Re: Schmallenbergvirus : new Akabane-like virus in cattle, sheep and goats in Europe

                      Note: at this moment it is hard to confirm "Schmallenberg" in cattle. In a few weeks a serological test will be available. Than we can know the true extent of the spread of Schmallenberg.

                      In the Netherlands malformed calves outnumber malformed lambs.

                      From DEFRA

                      Schmallenberg virus: updated 14 february 2012

                      Schmallenberg virus (SBV) has now been identified in samples submitted from 40 farms in the south and east of England, across the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Kent, East Sussex, West Sussex and Hertfordshire.

                      All of the counties where SBV infection has been identified are in the zones recognised as potentially at risk from infected midges being blown across last summer from affected areas in northern mainland Europe.

                      With the exception of one SBV positive cattle sample from a farm in West Sussex, all of the GB cases of SBV infection have been diagnosed in sheep to date.

                      Figures correct as at 13 February 2012

                      County Submissions with confirm infection
                      (based on clinical signs and virus identification)

                      Norfolk - 10

                      Suffolk - 11

                      Essex - 3

                      Kent - 6

                      East Sussex - 6

                      Hertfordshire - 1

                      West Sussex - Sheep(2) - Cattle (1)

                      Total 40

                      Last edited by Gert van der Hoek; February 14, 2012, 12:50 PM. Reason: fixed link
                      ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                      • #71
                        Re: Schmallenbergvirus : new Akabane-like virus in cattle, sheep and goats in Europe

                        Schmallenberg-virus in Europe - 2012


                        This map is based on FAO-Empres data. The latest data are not available yet for the map. Regular updates will be published in this thread.

                        Latest update: 14 february 2012 - 19:30

                        Total number of known infected premises in Europe: 843

                        Cattle - 27

                        Sheep - 789

                        Goats - 27

                        Netherlands - 100

                        Germany - 506

                        Belgium - 103

                        United Kingdom - 40

                        France - 94

                        ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                        Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                        ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                        • #72
                          Re: Schmallenbergvirus : new Akabane-like virus in cattle, sheep and goats in Europe

                          Link to map

                          Germany: current Information on ‛Schmallenberg virus?

                          last updated 15th February 2012

                          In Germany animals from 550 holdings have been tested positiv for ‛Schmallenberg virus? so far.

                          The cases occurred in 17 cattle holdings, 512 sheep holdings and 21 goat holdings.

                          Affected federal states are North Rhine-Westphalia (9 cattle, 208 sheep, 8 goat holdings), Lower Saxony (3 cattle, 75 sheep, 3 goat holdings), Hesse (58 sheep holdings, 2 goat), Schleswig-Holstein (1 cattle, 63 sheep holdings), Rhineland-Palatinate (1 Bison, 1 cattle, 28 sheep, 3 goat holdings), Baden-Wuerttemberg (1 cattle, 8 sheep, 4 goat holdings), Brandenburg (13 sheep holdings), Thuringia (18 sheep holdings), Saxony-Anhalt (6 sheep holdings), Hamburg (1 cattle, 4 sheep holdings), Bavaria (12 sheep holdings), Saxony (13 sheep holdings), Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (3 sheep, 1 goat holding), Saarland (2 sheep holdings) and Berlin (1 sheep holding).

                          The Netherlands, Belgium , the United Kingdom and France have also reported cases of ‛Schmallenberg virus?, mostly in sheep.

                          ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                          Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                          ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                          • #73
                            Re: Schmallenbergvirus : new Akabane-like virus in cattle, sheep and goats in Europe

                            Schmallenberg virus

                            Information for farmers and vets in Great Britain


                            Risk to humans

                            According to an initial risk assessment carried out by public
                            health authorities in the Netherlands and a follow-up risk
                            assessment by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and
                            Control, there is unlikely to be a risk to human health from
                            Schmallenberg virus; but this is not yet certain.

                            Farmers and veterinary surgeons are advised to take sensible
                            hygiene precautions when working with livestock and abortion
                            material. Although several members of the group of related
                            viruses can affect humans, the ability to do so is thought to be due
                            to a gene sequence which is not present in Schmallenberg virus.

                            Pregnant women should not have contact with sheep and goats
                            at lambing/kidding time due to risks of exposure to other
                            disease causing organisms.

                            Full text:
                            "Safety and security don't just happen, they are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear."
                            -Nelson Mandela


                            • #74
                              Re: Schmallenbergvirus : new Akabane-like virus in cattle, sheep and goats in Europe

                              Schmallenberg-virus in Europe - 2012


                              This map is based on FAO-Empres data. The latest data are not available yet for the map. Regular updates will be published in this thread.

                              Latest update: 15 february 2012 - 19:40

                              Total number of known infected premises in Europe: 902

                              Cattle - 29

                              Sheep - 846

                              Goats - 27

                              Netherlands - 103

                              Germany - 550

                              Belgium - 111

                              United Kingdom - 40

                              France - 94

                              ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                              Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                              ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                              • #75
                                Re: Schmallenbergvirus : new Akabane-like virus in cattle, sheep and goats in Europe

                                Germany: current Information on ‛Schmallenberg virus?

                                last updated 16th February 2012

                                In Germany animals from 587 holdings have been tested positiv for ‛Schmallenberg virus? so far.

                                The cases occurred in 22 cattle holdings, 540 sheep holdings and 25 goat holdings.

                                Affected federal states are North Rhine-Westphalia (12 cattle, 209 sheep, 9 goat holdings), Lower Saxony (4 cattle, 83 sheep, 3 goat holdings), Hesse (63 sheep holdings, 3 goat holdings), Schleswig-Holstein (2 cattle, 67 sheep holdings), Rhineland-Palatinate (1 Bison, 1 cattle, 28 sheep, 3 goat holdings), Baden-Wuerttemberg (1 cattle, 8 sheep, 4 goat holdings), Brandenburg (13 sheep holdings), Thuringia (20 sheep holdings, 1 goat holding), Saxony-Anhalt (13 sheep holdings), Hamburg (1 cattle, 4 sheep holdings), Bavaria (12 sheep holdings), Saxony (14 sheep holdings), Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (3 sheep, 1 goat holding), Saarland (2 sheep holdings, 1 goat holding) and Berlin (1 sheep holding).

                                The Netherlands, Belgium , the United Kingdom and France have also reported cases of ‛Schmallenberg virus?, mostly in sheep.

                                ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                                Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                                ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

