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Veracruz Mexico: Bird Flu in the North

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  • Veracruz Mexico: Bird Flu in the North


    Sacrifican a 78 animales
    Brote de gripe aviar en el norte
    Monitorean la zona para evitar que la enfermedad se propague al resto del estado
    23 de Septiembre del 2008

    Un brote de gripe aviar se registr? en el norte del estado de Veracruz, afectando a 78 animales que ya fueron sacrificados. No obstante, permanece el monitoreo para evitar que la enfermedad se propague, revel? Efra?n Acosta Mart?nez, jefe del programa de salud animal de la Sagarpa.

    Agreg? que ya fue establecido el cerco sanitario correspondiente para evitar que la enfermedad se propague.

    ?Tenemos en el norte algunos brotes de influenza aviar en traspatios, pero ya se est? trabajando fuertemente en ello. Hemos hecho despoblaciones en los predios donde se ha encontrado la enfermedad y podemos decir que la tenemos bajo control?.

    El funcionario federal inform? adem?s que la enfermedad no se present? en ranchos productores sino en animales criados en traspatios. Luego del sacrificio y el monitoreo Veracruz conserva su estatus de libre de gripe aviar.

    ?No son ranchos. Realmente es en avicultura de traspatio donde tenemos 78 casos. El estado es libre de esta enfermedad. Entonces cualquier foco tenemos que actuar con mucha celeridad. Se indemniza a los productores, se sacrifica a los animales y se sigue haciendo monitoreos a lo largo de la entidad y seguimos conservando el estatus de libre?.

    Acosta Mart?nez tambi?n indic? que la carne de res que se produce en el estado est? libre de Clembuterol, f?rmaco que ha sido prohibido por causar da?os a la salud, por lo que no existen problemas en la exportaci?n de la carne.

    ?Estamos haciendo un trabajo intenso con los productores del estado donde los estamos certificando como productores confiables, libres de Clembuterol, esto tras una serie de pruebas de laboratorio. Hasta el momento todos los resultados han sido negativos?.

    Google translation:

    Slaughtered animals to 78
    Outbreak of avian flu in the north
    Monitor the area to prevent the disease from spreading to the rest of the state
    September 23, 2008

    An outbreak of bird flu was recorded in the northern state of Veracruz, affecting 78 animals that were slaughtered. However, it remains monitoring to prevent the disease from spreading, revealed Efrain Acosta Martinez, chief of animal health program of SAGARPA.

    He added that the fence has already been established for health to prevent the disease from spreading.

    "We have in the north some outbreaks of avian influenza in backyard, but is already working hard on it. We have made depopulation on the premises where the disease has been found and we can say that we have it under control. "

    The federal official also informed that the disease was not presented at ranches producers but in animals raised in backyard. After the slaughter and monitoring Veracruz retains its status as free of bird flu.

    "There are ranches. It really is in backyard poultry farming where we have 78 cases. The state is free of the disease. So any outbreak, we have to act very quickly. Compensation is paid to producers, the animals were sacrificed and continuing monitoring throughout the organization and continue to retain the status of self. "

    Acosta Martinez also indicated that the beef that is produced in the state is free of Clembuterol, a drug that has been banned for causing damage to health, so there are no problems in the export of meat.

    "We are doing intensive work with producers in the state where producers are certified as reliable, free Clembuterol, this after a series of laboratory tests. So far all results were negative. "

  • #2
    Re: Veracruz Mexico: Bird Flu in the North

    Latest outbreak of H5N2 reported in Mexico was in januari 2006:

    Last edited by Gert van der Hoek; September 26, 2008, 02:32 AM. Reason: typo
    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


    • #3
      Re: Veracruz Mexico: Bird Flu in the North

      A ProMED-mail post
      ProMED is the largest publicly-available surveillance system conducting global reporting of infectious diseases outbreaks. Subscribe today.

      ProMED-mail is a program of the
      International Society for Infectious Diseases
      The International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) brings together a network of individuals from around the world.

      Date: Tue 23 Sep 2008
      Source: Diario del Istmo, Agencia Imagen del Golfo report [in
      Spanish, trans. & summ. CopyEd.MJ, edited]

      An outbreak of bird flu was recorded in the northern area of the
      state of Veracruz, affecting 78 animals, which have already been
      Efrain Acosta Martinez, chief of the animal health
      program of SAGARPA [Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural
      Development, Fishing, and Food] indicated that, in any case,
      surveillance continues, and an epidemiological barrier is already in
      place to stop the disease from spreading.

      Acosta Martinez added: "We have some outbreaks of avian influenza in
      backyards in the north, but we are already working hard [to control
      the situation]. We have evacuated the premises where the disease was
      detected, and we can say that we have it under control."

      The federal official also stated that the 78 cases were not detected
      in poultry farms but in animals raised in backyards
      . After the
      slaughter of the birds and epidemiological surveillance of the area,
      Veracruz retains its "free of avian flu" status. He explained that
      whenever a focus is detected, reaction has to be quick in order for
      the state to maintain its free-of-disease status; producers are
      compensated, [infected] animals are slaughtered, and long-term
      surveillance of the zone is implemented.

      [Byline: Karla Cancino]

      Other similar reports:

      Últimas noticias en Veracruz y en México, sigue la información las 24 horas.

      Communicated by:

      [This is stated to be a low pathogenic strain, although the strain
      type is not provided. In 2006 there was an outbreak of H5N2, low
      pathogenic in Chiapas state in southern Mexico.
      The officials are
      certainly taking it seriously. Ongoing surveillance is necessary to
      fully root out the disease from the back yard flocks. Information on
      the specific strain of avian influenza virus identified would be appreciated.

      For a map of Mexico with states, see

      For the interactive HealthMap/ProMED map of Mexico with links to
      recent ProMED-mail postings on events in Mexico and surrounding
      areas, see,-102.5,5.

      ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

