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Lithuania - Cases - 15

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  • Lithuania - Cases - 15

    Influenza A/H1N1 in Lithuania sick for 5 people - SSA

    <small>08.07.09 05:54</small>
    <small>08.07.09 05:54</small>

    Число заболевших гриппом A/H1N1 в Литве достигло пяти человек, сообщило во вторник министерство здравоохранения прибалтийской республики.

    The number of cases of influenza A/H1N1 Lithuania to five people, said on Tuesday the Ministry of Health of the Baltic republics.

    В лаборатории Литовского центра СПИДа подтвердили еще два случая заболевания гриппом A/H1N1.

    In the laboratory, the Lithuanian AIDS Center confirmed two more cases of influenza A/H1N1.

    Все заразившиеся - жители Вильнюса, передает агентство DELFI.

    All infected - the residents of Vilnius, transfer agency DELFI.

    По его данным, трое заболевших ранее гриппом A/H1N1 уже выздоровели, передает агентство DELFI.

    According to his data, three patients previously influenza A/H1N1 has recovered, transfer agency DELFI.

    Один больной - 30-летний мужчина, другой - 36-летний.

    One patient - 30-year-old man, and another - 36-year-old.

    Первый недавно вернулся из Индонезии, и у него поднялась температура, стало болеть горло, начался кашель.

    The first had recently returned from Indonesia, and his temperature rose, it became sick sore throat, cough began.

    Он обратился в лабораторию Центра СПИДа 1 июля, чтобы провели исследование.

    He appealed to the laboratory AIDS Center on July 1 that conducted the study.

    Как заразился второй мужчина, неизвестно.

    As a contracted second man is unknown.

    Сейчас ведется эпидемиологическое исследование, говорится в сообщении агентства.

    There is epidemiological study, said the agency.

    Всемирная организация здравоохранения (ВОЗ) впервые более чем за 40 лет официально объявила 11 июня о введении шестого, максимального, уровня угрозы пандемии в связи со стремительным распространением по миру гриппа A(H1N1).

    World Health Organization (WHO) for the first time in more than 40 years, officially announced on 11 June on the introduction of the sixth, the maximum level of the threat of a pandemic due to the rapid spread of the world influenza A (H1N1).

    По данным на 6 июля подтверждено 94 тысячи 512 случаев заболевания людей гриппом A/H1N1 в 135 странах и территориях, 429 человек скончались.

    As of July 6, by 94 thousand 512 human cases of influenza A/H1N1 in 135 countries and territories, 429 people died.

  • #2
    Re: Lithuania - Cases - 10

    ECDC reports 10 cases for Lithuania as at 23 July 2009


    • #3
      Re: Lithuania - Cases - 15

      BC, Vilnius, 29.07.2009.

      Three new cases of swine flu registered in Lithuania

      Three new cases of swine flu have been registered in Lithuania. A total of 15 people have been diagnosed with A(H1N1) flu type in Lithuania so far, reports ELTA/LETA.

      Daiva Razmuviene, deputy director of the Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control Center (ULPKC), told ELTA that all diagnoses were confirmed on Tuesday evening. One of the diseased is Vilnius resident. He contracted swine flu in Lithuania from a sick person. Another one is not from the capital and he brought the disease from abroad.

      "That person contracted the new type of flu in one of the countries in Europe. There is no need to specify the country, because cases of swine flu have been registered in all European countries, therefore it is possible to contract this infection anywhere," Razmuviene said.

      Experts monitoring information about cases of infectious diseases in the country are still specifying information about the third person who contracted swine flu.

      According to the data of the Healthcare Ministry, swine flu morbidity in Lithuania remains one of the lowest in Europe. This rate, calculating the index of morbidity per 100,000 people, is lower only in Poland and Bulgaria.

