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Iceland - Confirmed Cases A/H1N1 - 9

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  • Iceland - Confirmed Cases A/H1N1 - 9

    [First confirmed case in Iceland, news to be checked later with an English media version]

    Innlent - laugardagur, 23. ma?, 2009 - 12:10

    Sv?naflensa hefur greinst ? ?slandi

    Fyrsta tilfelli ? H1N1 flensunni hefur greinst h?r ? landi. Haraldur Briem, s?ttvarnarl?knir, sta?festi ?etta ? h?degisfr?ttum Bylgjunnar ? dag.

    Haraldur sag?i a? hinn smita?i v?ri n?kominn fr? New York og ?v? allar l?kur ? a? hann hef?i smitast ?ar.

    Fj?rir a?rir ? fj?lskyldu mannsins hafa veri? sendir ? ranns?knir, ?ar sem grunur leikur ? a? ?eir kunni a? hafa smitast l?ka.

    Haraldur ?treka?i a? l??an mannsins v?ri g?? og ekkert sem benti til annars en a? hann myndi n? s?r a? fullu.

  • #2
    Re: Iceland - Cases

    [Another source for the same]

    Innlent | | 23.5.2009 | 12:02

    Sv?naflensa ? ?slandi

    ?sgeir Kristinn L?russon
    M?tti ?essi fr?tt ekki b??a kv?ldsins?
    Eitt tilfelli infl?ensu A (H1N1) hefur veri? sta?fest h?r ? landi og grunur leikur ? a? fj?rir til vi?b?tar s?u smita?ir. S?ni ?ar a? l?tandi ver?a send til ranns?knar. Vi?komandi tilfelli eru ? h?fu?borgarsv??inu og ? Su?urlandi. ?etta kemur fram ? tilkynningu fr? s?ttvarnarl?kni.

    ? fundi s?ttvarnal?knis og almannavarnadeildar ? morgun var ?kve?i? a? l?sa ekki yfir ney?arstigi a? svo komnu m?li vegna ?ess a? veikindi ?eirra sem hlut eiga a? m?li eru ekki alvarleg. Hins vegar ver?a send ?t bo? ? dag til s?ttvarnal?kna landsins um a? skerpa ? eftirliti ? heilbrig?is?j?nustunni, tilkynna um grunsamleg veikindatilvik ?egar ? sta? og taka s?ni ?r vi?komandi.

    ?ll tilfellin sem h?r um r??ir eru innan s?mu fj?lskyldunnar. S? fyrsti sem veiktist kom fr? ?tl?ndum fyrir um viku s??an og n? er sta?fest a? hann hafi fengi? infl?ensuna. Hinir fj?rir veiktust ? kj?lfari? og grunur leikur ? a? ?eir s?u einnig smita?ir af infl?ensu A (H1N1).


    • #3
      Re: Iceland - Cases

      Swine flu in Iceland

      ?It was only a matter of time when it would show up here,? said Haraldur Briem, the main epidemiologist working on H1N1 in Iceland, which has now been confirmed in the country.

      Swine flu came to Iceland from New York; the infected person arrived before the weekend and became ill shortly after. Briem says that the person was not showing any symptoms on arrival and would therefore not have infected anybody else onboard the flight to Iceland.

      According to information from epidemiologists, it seems likely four other people are also infected in the capital region and South Iceland. All are believed to be members of the same family.

      If nobody else is already infected, it is hoped the illness can be stopped from spreading any further, as it can spread very rapidly if left unchecked.

      Swine flu has turned out to be a relatively mild strain of flu. While highly infectious, global deaths have been few and the illness has failed to gain a strong foothold in any European country.

      Iceland has enough immunisation medicine for a third of all inhabitants and it is being left to doctors? discretion who, if anybody, needs to be immunised.

      ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


      • #4
        Re: Iceland - Confirmed Cases A/H1N1

        via email -

        Sent From Bloomberg Mobile MSG


        Iceland Confirms First Swine Flu Case, Has Four Suspected Cases
        2009-05-23 13:28:33.977 GMT

        By Helga Kristin Einarsdottir
        May 23 (Bloomberg) -- Iceland has confirmed its first case
        of swine flu, chief epidemiologist Haraldur Briem said in a

        The victim is a person who returned from abroad about a
        week ago, according to the statement on the Directorate of
        Health?s Web site today.
        Four suspected cases, involving members of the traveler?s
        family, are being investigated, Briem said. All live in the
        capital Reykjavik and the southern part of the country,
        according to the statement.


        • #5
          Re: Iceland - Cases

          Originally posted by Dutchy View Post
          Iceland has enough immunisation medicine for a third of all inhabitants and it is being left to doctors? discretion who, if anybody, needs to be immunised.

          Pardon me Iceland text writer, but: WHAT immunisation, there are no known novel triple pandemic virus flu vaccines hammered at the moment for the population.

          Only presumed hypothetic experimental or VIP ones.

          Another masquerade for panic control, or an missguide of the reporter ...


          • #6
            Re: Iceland - Confirmed Cases A/H1N1

            Too bad. I was hoping Iceland would be able to close its boarders and keep the little ****** out. No way.

            In fact no way for anyone anywhere these days.

            The Doctor


            • #7
              Re: Iceland - Confirmed Cases A/H1N1

              Originally posted by the doctor View Post
              Too bad. I was hoping Iceland would be able to close its boarders and keep the little ****** out. No way.

              In fact no way for anyone anywhere these days.

              I can think of a few places without AH1N1. All the countries that are endemic with H5N1....Egypt....Indonesia....Vietnam.


              • #8
                Re: Iceland - Confirmed Cases A/H1N1

                Originally posted by Commonground View Post
                I can think of a few places without AH1N1. All the countries that are endemic with H5N1....Egypt....Indonesia....Vietnam.

                I think what you meant to say was you can think of a few places where ther are no "announced, offical, acknowledged or confrimed" cases. There is of course a significant difference in the reality of what you said - and what I just said above.


                • #9
                  Re: Iceland - Confirmed Cases A/H1N1

                  Useful Link

                  Iceland Ministry of Health
                  Last edited by FrenchieGirl; June 20, 2009, 12:07 PM. Reason: corrected link


                  • #10
                    Re: Iceland - Confirmed Cases A/H1N1 - 7

                    This report seems to say: 3 new H1N1 cases confirmed in Iceland; totalling 7 .

                    yrst birt: 15.07.2009 09:59
                    Síðast uppfært: 15.07.2009 10:15

                    3 ný tilfelli svínaflensu á Íslandi

                    Þrjú ný tilfelli inflúensu A (H1N1) hafa verið greind hér á landi. Um er að ræða fólk á aldrinum 18 til 19 ára. Fólkið er ekki alvarlega veikt en, það greindist með H1N1 eftir heimkomu frá útlöndum. Þar með hafa 7 manns greinst hérlendis með inflúensuna.

                    Þetta kemur fram í fréttatilkynningu frá sóttvarnalækni og almannavarnadeild ríkislögreglustjóra. Alls hafa tæplega 120 þúsund tilfelli verið greind í heiminum nú.

                    Sóttvarnarlæknir hvetur lækna til að taka sýni hjá sjúklingum með flensulík einkenni og eru nýkomnir efrá löndum þar sem inflúensan er í mestri útbreiðslu. En ekki sé síður mikilvægt að taka sýni frá einstaklingum sem eru með einkenni inflúensu og hafa smitast á Íslandi án tengsla við útlönd.

                    Svo virðist sem dánarhlutfall af völdum inflúensu A (H1N1) sé svipað og í árstíðabundinni inflúensu. Fólk með undirliggjandi sjúkdóma er í mestri hættu á alvarlegum veikindum en þó hefur verið greint frá stöku dauðsföllum hjá fullfrískum einskaklingum. Í langflestum tilfellum veldur sýkingin inflúensulíkum einkennum sem ganga sjálfkrafa yfir.

                    Hægt er að sjá tilkynninguna hér.

                    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                    • #11
                      Re: Iceland - Confirmed Cases A/H1N1 - 9

                      This report seems to say there are now 9 cases in Iceland

                      V?sir, 18. j?l. 2009 09:57
                      N?unda sv?naflensutilfelli? sta?fest ? ?slandi

                      N?unda tilfelli? af sv?nainfl?ensu hefur veri? sta?fest h?r ? landi en um er a? r??a karlmann ? ?r?tugsaldri. Ma?urinn tengist ekki ?eim einstaklingum sem greinst hafa me? sv?nainfl?ensu h?r ? landi og ?? segir ennfremur ? heimas??u Landl?knis a? ma?urinn hafi ekki fer?ast erlendis n?veri?. Ma?urinn er ? batavegi.

                      Web translation

                      Ninth case with sv?nainfl?ensu hast veri? confirm here river fellow countryman while about is snuggle up to speech karlmann river twenties. Man copula not them individual whom sport ? brj?sti with sv?nainfl?ensu here river fellow countryman and then sayest moreover river home page Surgeon General snuggle up to man hafi not travel oversea fame. Man is river batavegi.

