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Lithuania reports 1st swine flu death; 2nd fatal case in Baltic countries

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  • Lithuania reports 1st swine flu death; 2nd fatal case in Baltic countries


    Lithuania reports 1st swine flu death; 2nd fatal case in Baltic countries
    November 18, 2009 8:35 a.m.

    VILNIUS, Lithuania - Lithuania says a 14-year-old boy is the country's first swine flu-related fatality.

    The Health Ministry says the boy died at a clinic in the central city of Kaunas on Wednesday morning. It gave no other details. It was the second reported swine flu death in the Baltic countries where only a few hundred cases have been confirmed by officials.

    Neighbouring Latvia said last week that a 50-year-old woman died at a hospital in the capital, Riga.

    Estonia has not reported any deaths. It says only 200 cases of the epidemic have been confirmed.
    "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much." - Mother Teresa of Calcutta

  • #2
    Re: Lithuania reports 1st swine flu death; 2nd fatal case in Baltic countries

    Lietuvoje patvirtintas pirmas mirties atvejis dėl vadinamojo kiaulių gripo

    Ieva Urbonaitė, Paulius Garkauskas, DELFI, BNS

    2009 lapkričio mėn. 18

    Lietuvoje patvirtintas pirmas mirties atvejis dėl vadinamojo kiaulių gripo A(H1N1). Tai Seimo Sveikatos reikalų komiteto posėdyje trečiadienį prane?ė sveikatos apsaugos ministras Algis Čaplikas. Jis patvirtino, jog mirties atvejis dėl ?io gripo u?fiksuotas Kauno medicinos universiteto klinikose, o mirė 14 metų berniukas.

    Tai - pirmasis mirties atvejis nuo ?ios ligos Lietuvoje. Kaip DELFI sakė KMUK gydytoja Ilona Stirbienė, berniukas buvo stiprios sveikatos. Dvi dienas sirgęs namuose, vėliau buvo i?ve?tas į ligoninę, kur po keturių dienų mirė.
    Tyrimai dėl vadinamojo kiaulių gripo buvo atlikti dar dviem vaikams, bet jie nepasitvirtino.

    Pasak gydytojos, vien per antradienį į KMUK dėl ūmių vir?utinių kvėpavimo takų susirgimų kreipėsi apie 60 vaikų.

    "Konstatuotas mirties atvejis, gydytojai dabar tiria, kokios komplikacijos, bus pateikta speciali i?vada, bet vaikas, kuris mirė, sirgo A(H1N1) gripu, tai patvirtinta laboratoriniais tyrimais", - ?urnalistams sakė A.Čaplikas.
    Jo pateiktais duomenimis, nuo vadinamojo kiaulių gripo sukeltų komplikacijų mirė 14 metų berniukas.

    Kauno savivaldybės Sveikatos skyriaus vedėjo pavaduotojas Algimantas Ka?emėkaitis BNS patvirtino turįs ?odinę informaciją, kad Kaune mirė moksleivis.

    "Turiu ?odinę informaciją, kad mirė vienos mokyklos moksleivis, ir tai gali būti susiję", - sakė Kauno savivaldybės pareigūnas.
    Lietuvoje bir?elio - lapkričio mėnesiais patvirtinus daugiau nei pusantro ?imto susirgimų ?ia gripo forma, nuo praėjusios savaitės Lietuvoje nebetiriami visi pacientai, kurie įtariami susirgę pandeminiu gripu.


    Sveikatos naujienos, naujausi medicinos pasiekimai, pokyčiai sveikatos apsaugos sistemoje, psichologija, sveikas kūnas, ligų simptomai, sveika gyvensena, sportas, mitybas, specialistų patarimai.

    Lithuania confirmed the first fatality on the so-called swine flu

    November 2009. 18

    Lithuania confirmed the first fatality on the so-called swine influenza A (H1N1). This is the Family Health Committee meeting on Wednesday informed the Minister of Health, Algis Čaplikas. He confirmed that the deaths recorded for the flu, Kaunas Medical University Hospital, and 14-year-old boy died. This - the first fatality from the disease in Lithuania. How DELFI said Kaunas University of Medicine Doctor Ilona Stirbienė, the boy was in rude health.

    The two-day history of the house, was later transported to the hospital, where four days after he died.

    Studies on the so-called swine flu were carried out two more children, but they did not.

    According to the doctor, just over on Tuesday to the Kaunas University of Medicine for acute upper respiratory tract disease called about 60 children.

    "Observed deaths, doctors are now considering the complications will be presented in a specific conclusion, but a child who died, had A (H1N1) influenza confirmed by laboratory tests", - told A.Čaplikas.

    His data provided by the so-called swine flu complications died, 14-year-old boy.
    Kaunas Municipality Health Department Deputy Head of Algimantas Ka?emėkaitis confirmed to BNS that he had oral information, the student died in Kaunas.

    "I have verbal information that the death of one school child, and may be connected" - Kaunas municipal official said.

    Lithuania June - November confirmed more than one hundred and fifty cases of this form of flu from last week's nebetiriami Lithuania, all patients who fall ill are suspected pandemic influenza.

    Now is a pandemic

    "This fact, and began earlier than usual incidence of epidemic influenza shows that Lithuania has come a new influenza A (H1N1), known as swine flu, a pandemic" - DELF doctor said Infektol?gia Arvydas Ambrozaitis.

    DELFI conference on Wednesday organized by professor pointed out that most influenza pandemic affects young people (average age about 20 years). It was found that this infection is also often die young, the average age low as 30 years. Statistics show that about 6 percent. of all deaths in pregnant women have.

    "At this flu differs from seasonal. The latter caused complications and exacerbation of chronic diseases killed more older people ", - noted A. Ambrozaitis.
    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

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