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Russia: In Soletskom two persons were lost from H1N1 flu

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  • Russia: In Soletskom two persons were lost from H1N1 flu

    In area Soletskom two persons were lost from a pork flu. Both women had accompanying diseases ? a bronchial asthma and hypertonic illness. According to preliminary estimates, the reasons for lethal outcomes became absence of treatment and inoculations against a flu.

    In the regional center desease goes on recession ? in comparison with the last week the number addressed the help has decreased for 13 percent.
    At cabinets of doctors of the first outpatient hospital traditional turns. Here on 6 therapists person ? half of residents of a trading side is necessary almost 20 thousand. A situation standard, physicians admit, during rise of desease by a flu and ОРВИ the number wishing to get to the doctor increases in some times.

    From February, 25th till March, 3rd the number ill a flu and ОРВИ has grown almost for 6 percent. 103 persons are hospitalized. The week epidemic threshold at children from 7 till 14 years is essentially exceeded. But to declare quarantine at all schools and kindergartens there is no sense, experts are assured. Enough that in the field of separate classes and groups close.

    В Солецком районе два человека погибли от вируса свиного гриппа. У обеих женщин были сопутствующие заболевания – бронхиальная астма и гипертоническая болезнь. По предварительным данным, причинами летальных исходов стали отсутствие лечения и прививок против гриппа.