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Egypt, MoH: Death of 5 and 8 injured by seasonal flu in a week

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  • Egypt, MoH: Death of 5 and 8 injured by seasonal flu in a week

    Last week epidemic compared to previous weeks. A statement issued by the Ministry of Health said Tuesday. "The number of hospitals have been booked influenza symptoms 332, proved to be, including 8 cases of positive, When she died in 5 cases".

    On the one hand, the Ministry - in a statement on Tuesday that "Follow-up to The epidemic infectious diseases among school children during last week with the beginning of the half Second Semester revealed the injury of 159 cases of acute reimmunization, 44 students injured بالجديرى waterway, with no book any of them Hospital Complications did not happen," he said. It also has been detected 5 injured pupils seasonal flu virus H1n1 infections, and all the guest Reference is expected in the border, the low for the past few weeks to For the same period of the previous year," according to the statement ".

    It is worth mentioning that the Ministry of Health and Population are tightening measures to reduce the flu and other infectious diseases educational establishments, In addition to the full coordination with the Ministry of Education. Al-Azhar institutes and the Ministry of Higher Education.

    أعلنت وزارة الصحة والسكان «استمرار انحسار معدلات الإصابة بالإنفلونزا الموسمية (H1N1) خلال الأسبوع الوبائي الأخير مقارنة بالأسابيع السابقة.