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Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry in Karanganyar Regency, C. Java

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  • Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry in Karanganyar Regency, C. Java


    Setelah Itik, Menyusul Burung Puyuh Mati Mendadak
    Yon Haryono | Minggu, 30 Maret 2014 | 02:20 WIB

    After the Ducks , Quail Following Sudden Death
    Yon Haryono | Sunday, March 30, 2014 | 2:20 pm

    KARANGANYAR ( ) - Poultry owned by residents between villages in the district indicated Karangpandan each transmit avian influenza virus based on cases of sudden death in the past month . Poultry isolation step needs to be done so that the spread of the disease is not more widespread .

    Data from the Department of Animal Husbandry Karanganyar shows , the number of ducks suddenly died from bird flu in the village Modinan and village Gondangmanis , Karangpandan reached 600 tails . The same animal experienced quail . The location of two adjacent villages reinforces the notion trigger outbreaks . It is said Head of Livestock Sumijarto , owner duck grazing patterns need to be changed so that these birds do not roam freely and infect other populations . " Regional Gondangmanis including H5N1 or bird flu endemic . After the case was found dead in a row poultry infected with the virus , " he said .

    Based on the reports of commercial poultry veterinary officers and Animal Health Unit says four farms in Karangpandan with a population of 14,000 birds , exposure to bird flu . While four other farms have not seen signs of infection , where the population of 2,500 farm birds .

    Outbreaks of the disease occurred since the last week in February with clinical symptoms of high mortality , egg production drops and disruption of egg shell formation . The spread of disease incidence beginning of duck and chicken deaths of local residents who allegedly infected with AI . Cause of death confirmed bird flu based on clinical trials and supported carcasses surgically rapid test AI . ( * -10 )

  • #2
    Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in ducks & quail in Karanganyar Regency, C. Java


    Awas, Flu Burung 'Masuk'Karanganyar
    Yon Haryono | Kamis, 3 April 2014 | 07:10 WIB

    Google translation:

    Beware , Bird Flu ' Masuk'Karanganyar
    Yon Haryono | Thursday, April 3, 2014 | 7:10 pm

    KARANGANYAR ( ) - After hundreds menginveksi Karangpandan poultry , bird flu virus outbreak in the village of Jatipuro , District Jatipuro , Karanganyar . At least 200 chickens died suddenly contracted the virus in recent days .

    The report found , rapid action team officer of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries ( Disnakkan ) go to the location to quarantine and destroy diseased chickens dead chickens . Cause of death confirmed bird flu exposure , based on the results of the rapid test of Avian Influenza ( AI ) . " The results of this observation for three days , about 230 chickens died . The cause of bird flu , "said Head of Animal Health ( Keswan ) Disnakkan Karanganyar , Faturrahman at the site on Wednesday ( 02/04/2014 ) .

    The chickens died suddenly belong to several breeders who are located in the village of Jatipuro .
    Typically , these chickens aka diliarkan rarely in kandang.Pola this is exacerbating the spread of bird flu virus . From the beginning , people predict the chickens died because of the AI ​​, because clinical conditions such as neck bending and pale eyes . Then the chicken body convulsions before death . In order to obtain accurate results , samples of dead chickens will be examined in a laboratory test .

    Disnakkan head , Sumijarto say , in the case of an event sequence Jatipuro birds died suddenly due to bird flu in the past month . Accordingly, Sumijarto standby states Karanganyar bird flu outbreak . Disnakkan asking the public to report any dead birds discovered improperly . Various prevention is done so that no viruses are increasingly widespread , either through vaccination or localize poultry . ( * -10 )


    • #3
      Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry in Karanganyar Regency, C. Java


      03 Mei 2014 | 06:20 wib | Solo Metro
      Delapan Kalkun Mati Kena Flu Burung

      Google translation:

      May 3, 2014 | 6:20 pm | Solo Metro
      Eight Dead Turkeys Got Bird Flu

      KARANGANYAR , - not just attacking chickens , ducks or geese , bird flu virus H5N1 or Avian Influenza ( AI ) was also attacked turkey is in Karanganyar . Turkey deaths from bird flu occurred in mid- April in Hamlet Jetis Kulon , Jetis Village , District of Jaten , which killed eight turkey tail belonging to two local residents .

      Head of Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries ( Disnakkan ) Sumijarto say , turkey deaths in Jaten was the first time in Karanganyar , could even be in Central Java . "
      Our officers already check and make sure the turkey 's death was positive for AI , " said Sumijarto .

      Death turkey that has also been reported to the Center for Veterinary existing in Wates , Kulon Progo Regency , Yogyakarta .
      " Formerly the Center for Veterinary in Wates had been told that there are cases in Karanganyar turkey AI contact to report , then we immediately report along with the sample , " said Sumijarto .

      Former Secretary of the Executive Agency for Agricultural Extension , Fisheries and Forestry ( BP4K ) said , animals have a Latin name Meleagris gallopavo was dead within three days . However kallkun was bred citizen home , so it is not a large -scale farms .

      In addition to turkey , at the same time there is also an on-site deaths 34 dead chicken AI attack . Also the same deaths that hit Banaran chicken in Hamlet , Village Jati , Jaten , and the largest is the case of the death of the chicken breeders belonging in the village Rejosari , District Gondangrejo .

      At that location about 3,000 broiler chickens exposed dead AI . " The rooster is in two large enclosures , where there are 5,000 chickens . A cage containing all 2,500 dead tail , whereas in the other cages 500 birds died and the remaining survivors as removed from the cage , " said Sumijarto .

      Alumni Faculty of Agriculture revealed that , in addition to vaccines and spraying disinfectant , it also defines a vaccine to farmers . Has also provided training on how to injecting vaccines and spraying disinfectant .

      This is so that the farmers can take precautions that pet animals are not infected with AI , in addition to maintaining the cleanliness of the cage . He argued , extreme weather lately , has led to the outbreak of dead animals exposed to AI in Karanganyar .

      ( Basuni Hariwoto / CN26 / SMNetwork


      • #4
        Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry in Karanganyar Regency, C. Java


        Diserang Flu Burung, 3.500 Ayam Mati Mendadak
        3 Mei 2014 | 9:33
        Nanang Rahadian -

        Google translation:

        Bird Flu Attacked , 3500 Sudden Death Chickens
        May 3, 2014 | 9:33
        Nana Rahadian -

        Karanganyar - Around 3,500 broiler chickens and turkeys died suddenly in Hamlet Jetis Kulon , Jetis Village , District and Village Jaten Rejosari , District Gondangrejo , Karanganyar last few days . Allegedly thousands of birds exposed to avian influenza ( AI ) or bird flu .

        Overall Rejosari Village , District Gondangrejo , AI virus has killed 3,500 broiler chickens . Banaran Village , District of Jaten , 109 chickens also suffer the same fate . Seeing the potential for emerging avian mortality , predicted in the next few months the AI virus attacks will continue raging .

        Based on the information gathered by journalists , in the last three months has been noted that 10 cases of poultry owned by residents in some areas in Karanganyar attacked the bird flu virus . In fact , as many as seven turkeys chickens owned by residents Jetis Kulon village , Village Jetis , District of Jaten also died suddenly . The phenomenon of bird flu turkey attack is relatively new . The reason for this AI viruses only attack chickens , ducks , and stuck .

        Disnakkan head Karanganyar , Sumijarto say about the death of chickens turkeys types that occur in Hamlet Jetis Kulon , Jetis Village , District of Jaten is indeed quite rare . Upon receiving the news , it was immediately reported to Disnakkan Central Java Province .

        " There have been 10 cases of poultry deaths due to bird flu virus in the first quarter . The case was assessed to rise over the previous year were only 20 cases , " beber Sumijarto , Friday ( 2/5 ) .

        Currently , said Sumijarto , Disnakkan still have AI vaccine stocks as much as 50 thousand pieces . However , vaccine stocks are valued far short of the ideal because of the poultry population reached 7,207,995 tails consisting of laying chicken , free-range chicken , duck , quail , chicken broilers , and ducks manila .

        Based on data Disnakkan , at the end of 2013 as many as 8,000 dead birds are known to die suddenly due to a virus attack AI . The area is often attacked by the AI ​​virus , among others, the District Gondangrejo , Kebakkramat , Tasikmadu , Karangpandan , Mojogedang , and Jaten
        Editor : Marhaendra Wijanarko

