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Negatives side effects of hydroxy-chloroquine

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  • Negatives side effects of hydroxy-chloroquine

    All thanks to Toubib in the French Forum at

    ...Attention aux effets secondaires ! L'utilisation de l'hydroxy-chloroquine, la chloroquine, plus connu comme la Nivaquine, dans le protocole de traitement du chikungunya, exige une surveillance m?dicale rigoureuse. C'est l'avis m?me de l'auteur du protocole, le Dr Farouk Bholah. Un traitement prolong? peut, entre autres, mener ? des troubles de vue importants.

    Snowy Owl translation (Non-Reviewed)
    ...Beware of secondary effects of the use of hydroxy-chloroquine, chloroquine, better known as Nivaquine in the protocol of treatment against chikungunya, needs a rigourous medical supervision.

    This is the advice of the creator of the protocol Dr Farouk Bholah.
    ''A long treatment can, among other things, causes serious sight problems.

    ''il sera moins risqu? s'il est prescrit seulement pour la phase chronique de la maladie,"

    '' It has less risks if it is only prescribed for the chronic phase of the disease''.

    Insuffisance r?nale
    Le risque que ce m?dicament entra?ne surgit surtout s'il la dose n'est pas respect?e. Ou si le traitement dure plusieurs mois.

    Renal slowdown,
    The risk that this medicine brings forth is happenning mostly when the dosage is not respected, or if the prescription last many months.

    Ainsi, les sujets qui pr?sentent d?j? une insuffisance r?nale ou h?patique peuvent aggraver leur situation de mani?re importante en ayant recours ? ce m?dicament. Idem pour ceux atteints de psoriasis (maladie de la peau provoquant des plaques).

    Thus, people presenting renal or hepatique problems can substantially aggravated their cases with this medicine. The same goes for those who have psoriasis.

    Le Dr Bholah pr?cise que pour des patients ayant des troubles neurologiques, en particulier les ?pileptiques, il existe un danger de d?t?rioration. De m?me pour ceux souffrant de maladies mentales.

    Dr Bholah specify that for people who have neurological problems, in particular the epileptics. there is a danger of deterioration. The same goes for those who have mental illness.

    Mais c'est surtout ses s?quelles sur la vision qui ruinent l'efficacit? de la Nivaquine. Si un patient constate des troubles de vue pendant le traitement, il doit imm?diatement le signaler ? son m?decin traitant. "Une partie du m?dicament peut rester d?pos?e dans la r?tine.

    But the negatives side effects on the vision diminish the efficacy of Nivaquine. If a patient has vision problems while in treatment, he/she must tell its Dr. ''A amount of the medicine can have deposits in the retina.

    Be careful of abuse, dosage must be respected.

  • #2
    Re: Negatives side effects of hydroxy-chloroquine

    There was a big study done recently on the vision effects of hydroxychloroquine, and they found it was dose-related, and found only at very high doses. The lower doses, such as 200 mg, are commonly used for years in the treatment of reheumatic diseases, without retinal effects. Some generic formulations cause terrible stomach cramps in some people if used for months. There is also evidence that it functions as an anti-cytokine agent.

