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Romania: Two other cases of H1N1 flu confirmed in Sibiu

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  • Romania: Two other cases of H1N1 flu confirmed in Sibiu

    Two other cases of sickness virus AH1N1 (known as the "swine flu") have been confirmed in Sibiu county. It is about two children, a boy and a little girl, aged 8 and 4 years old, both from the town Metiş.

    "Children have submitted forms of sickness lightweight to medium, was not admitted in the hospital, the evolution being favorable after treatment followed in the home", Simona Berariu, speaker Judeţene steering for public health.

    Number of cases of flu confirmed in the county thus arrives at 9, and up until now Are you sure you want to virus gripal 7 adults and 2 children.

    As far as free vaccination campaign antigripală population, up until now have been administered 17,136 of the 22,700 doses received in Sibiu in the Ministry of Health.

    Analizele de laborator au confirmat prezenţa virusului AH1N1 la doi copii din localitatea Metiş. Numărul cazurilor de gripă confirmate în judeţ ajunge astfel la 9.