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Five cases of plague confirmed in Tobruk, Libya, 2009

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  • #46
    Re: Plague in Libya & Ministry of Health in Egypt is Preparing Procedures

    I knew that this was not confirmed plague. This is undiagnosed, and when taken together with the undiagnosed deaths in Alexandria, raises the possiblility of something novel. The WHO needs to investigate quickly.

    This thread needs to be renamed.


    • #47
      Re: Plague in Libya & Ministry of Health in Egypt is Preparing Procedures

      From Zeinobia, one of the Egyptian H5N1 sources:

      A blog about Egypt and the Middle East as well as Egyptian affairs including politics and history

      Wednesday, June 17, 2009
      Black Death comes knocking on our doors
      Forget about H1N1 and H5N1 ,now we are having in Egypt even much more dangerous deadly catastrophe knocking on our Western doors : The Plague , the black death that can't be comprised.
      Earlier this week reports came from Libya that the plague began to appear and spread in its Eastern cities on our Western borders like Tobruk .
      The Libyan authorities have reported that 16-18 cases were infected including one death.
      It is interesting or even sadly enough to know that this is not the first time it happens in Libya,it had reported plague before in the past 30 years.
      Reports are saying that the sudden outbreak is caused a by leak that happened in one of Libya's biological weapons labs !! The mad man of Libya is playing with germs in his lab !! Did not he say that he won't mess with WMD again !!?? Now his own people are threatened because of him !!! Not only his people I am afraid
      The situation in Cairo is not good , we are already dealing with H1N1 and people are scared ,imagine when they read about the black death in Libya on our borders. People are extremely scared in Salloum and Marsa Matrouh.
      Thank Goodness both the ministries of health and defense understand the real challenge facing them. According to the official reports the ministry of health in coordination with the army have sent experts to the borders to watch the situation and take the needed precautions to stop any advance for the black death in to our country heaven forbid. "Hopefully this is true not press talk !!"
      The situation does not stop here.
      Unfortunately there are about 6000 Egyptian Expat on the borders who are stuck and can't come back to Egypt creating another problem.
      Of course according to health procedures it is better that those 6000 return back to Libya for the time being , we can't comprise this time.
      Already it is well known that where ever a Plague appears in a city no one should come to it or leave it. Religiously it is an order , Prophet Mohamed 'PBUH' said a quote by the same words regarding this issue. Unfortunately up till now we are depending on a very few news reports coming from Libya and our Western borders.
      It is a scary thing because I can't imagine heavens forbid if plague spreads in Egypt in a way or another what will happen and how many people it will kill , just think about rats in the shanty towns ,it is more than scary.
      Last edited by alert; June 17, 2009, 07:27 AM. Reason: rest of article


      • #48
        Re: Illness in Libya (poss. plague) & Ministry of Health in Egypt is Preparing Procedures

        Zeinobia's article is an opinion piece.


        • #49
          Re: Illness in Libya (poss. plague) & Ministry of Health in Egypt is Preparing Procedures

          Originally posted by Florida1 View Post
          Zeinobia's article is an opinion piece.
          I realize that, but she has been a credible source on H5N1, and she is also located in Egypt. I realize she has made some politically charged statements (about the ruler of Libya, for example), but I though it would be worth having some firsthand information.


          • #50
            Re: Illness in Libya (poss. plague) & Ministry of Health in Egypt is Preparing Procedures

            Nazeef confirms that Egypt is free of plague and emergency on the border

            كتب هدى رشوان وغادة حمدى وداليا عثمان وعلى الشوكى ١٧/ ٦/ ٢٠٠٩
            Hoda Rashwan wrote and Ghada Hamdi Osman, Dalia and spinal 6-17-2009 <table style="border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; direction: ltr;" align="right" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td align="center" valign="top">
            أعلن الدكتور أحمد نظيف، رئيس مجلس الوزراء، أن مصر ?خالية تماماً? من مرض الطاعون، الذى انتشر خارج حدود مصر الغربية، مؤكداً أنه يتابع الموقف بصفة مستمرة أولاً بأول.

            Dr. Ahmed Nazif, the Prime Minister, that Egypt is ?free? of the disease plague, which spread outside the borders of Egypt, the West, stressing that it is following the situation continuously kept.
            وصرح الدكتور مجدى راضى، المتحدث الرسمى باسم مجلس الوزراء، بأن نظيف تلقى تقريراً، أمس، من الدكتور حاتم الجبلى، وزير الصحة، تضمن الإجراءات المشددة التى اتخذتها وزارة الصحة للحيلولة دون وصول هذا المرض للحدود المصرية، كما تضمن التقرير إعلان حالة الطوائ فى منطقة الحدود بين مصر وليبيا، تحسباً لأى تطورات.

            Dr Magdy Rady, the spokesman for the Council of Ministers, Nazif received a report that, yesterday, Dr Hatem el-Gabali, Minister of Health, to ensure strict action taken by the Ministry of Health to prevent the arrival of the disease to the Egyptian border, the report also included the declaration of a state of emergency in the border area between Egypt and Libya, in anticipation of any developments.
            وقال راضى ? فى تصريحات أمس ? ?إن رئيس الوزراء يتابع الموقف أولاً بأول بالتنسيق مع الوزارات والجهات المعنية?.

            Radi said - in remarks yesterday - ?The Prime Minister is following the situation to keep the coordination with the ministries and stakeholders?.
            من جانبه أجرى الدكتور حاتم الجبلى، وزير الصحة، اتصالاً هاتفياً، أمس، بنظيره الليبى الدكتور محمد الحجازى اطمأن خلاله على الموقف بالنسبة لاكتشاف حالات إصابة بمرض الطاعون.

            For his part, Dr. Hatem el-Gabali, Minister of Health, contacted by telephone yesterday, Dr. Mohammed and his Libyan Alhijazy sure which position to detect cases of disease, plague.
            وقال الجبلى ـ لـ?المصرى اليوم? ـ ?إن الوزير الليبى أبلغنى بأن عدد حالات الإصابة بالطاعون بلغ ١٢ حالة، توفيت حالة واحدة، وتم شفاء سبع حالات، ومازالت أربع حالات أخرى تحت العلاج?.

            The mountain of the ?Egyptian today? ?The Libyan minister informed me that the number of cases of plague had 12 cases, one case died, seven cases have been recovered, and four other cases are still under treatment?.
            وأكد الجبلى ضرورة التزام الحذر من جانب مصر، وقال: ?هناك اتصال مع القوات المسلحة المصرية، بحكم تواجدها فى المنطقة، حيث بدأت تساعدنا فى عمليات رش واسعة النطاق على الحدود?، لافتاً إلى أنه تم إرسال لجنة من الطب الوقائى بوزارة الصحة إلى الحدود تعمل بجانب اللجنة التى تتابع أنفلونزا الخنازير.

            The mountain should be caution on the part of Egypt, said: ?There is contact with the Egyptian armed forces, by virtue of its presence in the region, began to help us in terms of large-scale spraying of the border?, pointing out that it was sent to the committee of Preventive Medicine, Ministry of Health to the operating the side of the Committee following the swine flu.
            فى المقابل، تسود حالة من الرعب بين بدو السلوم بسبب انتشار ?الجناطيش? - وهى فئران جبلية بلغة البدو ? خاصة أنها قد تتسبب فى نقل المرض لأنها تتواجد بأعداد كبيرة ? حسب تأكيداتهم - بين مدينتى السلوم المصرية ومساعد الليبية، وتتكاثر فى مخازن البضائع المنقولة بين البلدين.

            In return, there is a situation of terror among the Bedouins due to the spread of SALLUM ?Ganatic? - mice, a mountain in the Bedouin - especially as it may cause the transmission of the disease because they exist in large numbers - according to their affirmations - SALLUM between the cities of the Egyptian and Libyan assistant, and multiply in the stores of goods transported between the the two countries.
            فيما كثفت وزارة الصحة من تواجد فرقها الطبية بمنفذ السلوم ووصل فريق طبى إلى المنفذ لمتابعة إجراءات مكافحة المرض.

            With the Ministry of Health has stepped up the presence of medical teams and access SALLUM medical team arrived to the port for the follow-up action to combat the disease.



            • #51
              Re: Illness in Libya (poss. plague) &amp; Ministry of Health in Egypt is Preparing Procedures

              Decided to intensify agriculture committees pass the border areas to prevent the arrival of the Libyan mice infected with plague to Egypt

              كتب متولى سالم ١٧/ ٦/ ٢٠٠٩
              Books Metwaly Salem 6-17-2009 <table style="border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; direction: ltr;" align="right" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td align="center" valign="top">
              قررت وزارة الزراعة من خلال الهيئة العامة للخدمات البيطرية والإدارة المركزية لمكافحة الآفات الزراعية تكثيف لجان المرور على المناطق الحدودية بمحافظتى مطروح والوادى الجديد والبدء فى استخدام المبيدات والسموم اللازمة للانتهاء من أعمال المكافحة فى هذه المناطق.

              Ministry of Agriculture decided by the General Authority for Veterinary Services and the Central Administration for the intensification of agricultural pest control committees traffic border areas and the governorates of the valley is the new start in the use of pesticides and poisons for the completion of the work of control in these areas.
              وقرر أمين أباظة وزير الزراعة تكليف الجهات المعنية بمكافحة القوارض بإعداد تقرير يومى عن أعمال المكافحة لاستعراض نتائج أعمال لجان مكافحة الفئران والقوارض الاخرى، للوقاية من مرض الطاعون بعد ظهور حالات إصابة بالمرض فى ليبيا، والتنسيق مع وزارة الصحة للقيام بأعمال التقصى والمسح للقوارض المتواجدة فى المناطق الحدودية والمناطق السكنية وتحليل عينات منها بمعرفة وزارة الصحة للتأكد من خلوها من مرض الطاعون وإعدامها بمعرفة الأجهزة المعنية.

              The Amin Abaza, Minister of Agriculture mandated actors involved in the fight against rodents to prepare a report on the work on control of the review of the work of the committees against rats and other rodents, for the prevention of the disease after the appearance of plague infection in Libya, and coordination with the Ministry of Health to carry out investigation and survey of rodents found in the border areas and residential areas and analysis of samples by the Ministry of Health to make sure that they are free from disease, plague and destruction by the organs concerned.
              وأكد الدكتور حامد سماحة، رئيس هيئة الخدمات البيطرية، أن الهيئة عكفت خلال الأيام القليلة الماضية على وضع تصور للمكافحة الوقائية ضد انتشار أو ظهور مرض الطاعون، التى تتسبب فيه القوارض بأنواعها، فى مصر، وذلك من خلال التنسيق مع مديريات الطب البيطرى بالمحافظات، خاصة مطروح التى تقع على الحدود مع ليبيا.

              And Dr. Hamed Samaha, chief of veterinary services, the Commission has been in the past few days on the development of the concept of preventive control against the spread or outbreak of plague, which is caused by different kinds of rodents, in Egypt, through coordination with the directorates in governorates of Veterinary Medicine, is especially Located on the border with Libya.
              وأضاف سماحة أن المذكرة التى بعث بها إلى وزير الزراعة شملت وضع تصور عن السبل الوقائية وحملة الهيئة ضد انتشار المرض، وذلك من خلال إجراءات لرش الحدود بالمبيدات لمنع نقل أى حيوانات من القوارض إلى الحدود المصرية.

              His Eminence, that the note sent to the Minister of Agriculture and included a picture of the ways of the preventive campaign against the spread of the disease, procedure, and pesticide spraying the border to prevent the transfer of any animals from rodents to the Egyptian border.
              وأبدى عدم استبعاده دخول قوارض وفئران إلى مصر، لأن الحدود مفتوحة، ومن الممكن أن تدخل من بلد لآخر تماماً مثلما تدخل من بيت لآخر، وهنا يقع مكمن الخطورة فى انتقال المرض.

              The exclusion of non-entry of rodents and mice to Egypt since the border is open, and it is possible to enter from one country to another, just as the intervention of the house to another, and here is where the risk of transmission of the disease.
              ومن جانبه أكد الدكتور محمد توفيق، رئيس الإدارة المركزية لمكافحة الآفات بوزارة الزراعة، إمكانية دخول القوارض الليبية إلى الحدود المصرية، باعتبارها الناقل الأول للعدوى، قائلاً: لم نتخذ إجراءات خاصة للوقاية من المرض القادم من ليبيا، لأننا بالفعل نقوم بأعمالنا على أكمل وجه طوال العام.

              For his part, Dr. Mohamed Tawfiq, head of the Central Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture, pest control, rodent access to the Libyan border, as the first carrier of the infection, saying: we do not take special measures for the prevention of the disease coming from Libya, because we already do our best throughout the year .
              وأضاف: ?مفيش محافظة أفضل من محافظة فى أعمال الوقاية، فمطروح مثلها مثل الوادى الجديد وشمال سيناء وسائر المحافظات?.

              He added: ?there is no better than the province, counties in the work of prevention, Vmatarouh like the New Valley and the northern Sinai and the other provinces?.
              ولفت إلى أنه تقرر تكثيف مرور اللجان المختصة بأعمال المكافحة فى المناطق الحدودية الغربية بمحافظتى مطروح والوادى الجديد واستخدام السموم اللازمة للقضاء على القوارض ومنها الفئران.

              He pointed out that it had been decided to intensify the work of the relevant passage of the control in the border areas of the governorates of the West and the valley is the new and the use of poisons to eliminate rodents, including mice.



              • #52
                Re: Illness in Libya (poss. plague) &amp; Ministry of Health in Egypt is Preparing Procedures

                I was thinking about this last night but so far haven't seen anything about it. Has anyone ever reported pneumonic plague as a secondary infection in influenza? That combination yields some very unpleasant thoughts.
                Wotan (pronounced Voton with the ton rhyming with on) - The German Odin, ruler of the Aesir.

                I am not a doctor, virologist, biologist, etc. I am a layman with a background in the physical sciences.

                Attempting to blog an nascent pandemic: Diary of a Flu Year


                • #53
                  Re: Illness in Libya (poss. plague) &amp; Ministry of Health in Egypt is Preparing Procedures

                  This report from January 2009 was conisdered too odd to be believable, but may be read in a different light now.

                  It may be more likely that an unusual disease (plague) was attributed to terrorists for poliitical purposes. I do even know the geography to know if the locations overlap.
                  Thought has a dual purpose in ethics: to affirm life, and to lead from ethical impulses to a rational course of action - Teaching Reverence for Life -Albert Schweitzer. JT


                  • #54
                    Re: Illness in Libya (poss. plague) &amp; Ministry of Health in Egypt is Preparing Procedures

                    Originally posted by Thornton View Post
                    This report from January 2009 was conisdered too odd to be believable, but may be read in a different light now.

                    It may be more likely that an unusual disease (plague) was attributed to terrorists for poliitical purposes. I do even know the geography to know if the locations overlap.
                    ProMed investigated that above report and found no such outbreak. That story was entirely political. There is definitely an outbreak here, but the rumor of a bioweapon would have the same political tone.

                    If the disease is bubonic plague, it is likely due to a natural source. If the disease is penumonic plague, that could be due to an old Soviet bioweapon or some other unusual source. I agree at the moment that the rumor of a bioweapon has strong political undercurrents, but pneumonic plague would be unusual.

                    Of course, this might have nothing to do with plague at all. If this is something that is not common in Libya, such as animal anthrax or a hemorrhagic fever, the doctors might just be suspecting plague because plague happened 25 years ago. As I mentioned above, the list of diseases that could be mistaken for plague is VERY long.

                    The WHO should have a team in the area as we speak. I anxiously await their report.


                    • #55
                      Re: Illness in Libya (poss. plague) &amp; Ministry of Health in Egypt is Preparing Procedures

                      Another news source, with different counts. This source is based in Singapore and is NOT local.

                      Bubonic plague in Libya

                      TRIPOLI - THIRTEEN cases of bubonic plague have been recorded in eastern Libya, near the border with Egypt, Health Minister Mohamad Hijazi told AFP on Wednesday, stressing the situation was under control.
                      'Thirteen cases of the plague have been recorded in a village 30 kilometres away from Tobruk. Eleven people have already (been treated and) left hospital,' he said, without reporting any deaths.

                      Libyan media have spoken of between one and three fatalities.

                      'The situation is under control. We are leading a massive campaign to clean up and disinfect the place,' said Mr Mohamad Hijazi, explaining that the illness was caused by rising rat numbers attracted by livestock being reared near homes.

                      He said cowsheds had been destroyed and a foreign pest control firm sent to eradicate the rats, in an operation to be supervised by a World Health Organisation (WHO) representative and a French expert.

                      Mr Mohamad Hijazi said the illness had previously hit Libya in the 1970s and 1980s.

                      The plague is 'primarily a disease of rodents and their fleas, which can infect humans. It is transmitted between rodents by rodent fleas, and can be transmitted to people when infected rodent fleas bite them,' according to WHO.

                      'Plague is a very severe disease in people, with case fatality rates of 50-60 per cent if left untreated.' -- AFP


                      • #56
                        Re: Illness in Libya (poss. plague) &amp; Ministry of Health in Egypt is Preparing Procedures

                        And now Egypt has sealed off the border. This is an extreme reaction to a disease curable by antibiotics.

                        Egypt takes precaution measures at borders to avert "Black Death"

               2009-06-17 19:56:12 Print

                        CAIRO, June 17 (Xinhua) -- Egyptian Health Minister Hatem el-Gabali toured the Egyptian border with Libya Wednesday to inspect the measures taken to prevent "Black Death" plague from being transmitted into Egypt, Nile TV reported.

                        "Egypt is free of 'Blake Death' plague and we are taking precaution measures to prevent it from being transmitted into Egypt," Nile TV Quoted el-Gabali as saying.

                        "We are cooperating with Marsa Matroh officials to vacuum the area by antiseptics," el-Gabali said.

                        Libyan authorities earlier reported an outbreak of bubonic plague in town of Tubruq, and the World Health Organization (WHO) have sent an investigation team there.

                        About 18 suspected cases have been reported in Libya but the number of confirmed cases is still unknown.


                        • #57
                          Re: Illness in Libya (poss. plague) &amp; Ministry of Health in Egypt is Preparing Procedures

                          If the disease is bubonic plague, here is a good explanation.

                          Libya records 13 cases of bubonic plague

                          Health Minister says illness is caused by rising rat numbers attracted by livestock in Eastern Libya.


                          • #58
                            Re: Illness in Libya (poss. plague) &amp; Ministry of Health in Egypt is Preparing Procedures

                            The fact that no one can agree on the number of deaths, suspected, and confirmed cases is a little troubling.

                            Bubonic plague reported in Libya

                            The World Health Organization (WHO) is sending an expert to Libya to look into a reported outbreak of bubonic plague not far from the Egyptian border.

                            Libyan officials say at least one person has died and several more have been infected in the town of Tubruq.

                            Cases of the disease, which was known as the Black Death in medieval Europe, are reported quite frequently in sub-Saharan Africa.

                            Bubonic plague can be treated with antibiotics if diagnosed early.

                            The WHO received a request from Libya to investigate the suspected cases in Tubruq on Tuesday, spokeswoman Aphaluck Bhatiasevi said.

                            An expert is on his way to Tubruq where he will help a government team study epidemiological data and check the reported cases.

                            If confirmed, it would be the first outbreak in that part of Libya for about 25 years, Ms Bhatiasevi said.

                            The Associated Press news agency quoted a Libyan official as saying that two people had been treated and sent home, and 10 others turned out not to have the disease.

                            Plague primarily affects wild rodents, and is spread between them by fleas.

                            Humans who contract the plague through flea bites normally develop a bubonic form - in other words, a form that enters via the skin.

                            Besides Africa, cases have also been reported in some Asian countries and in the US in recent years.


                            • #59
                              Re: Illness in Libya (poss. plague) &amp; Ministry of Health in Egypt is Preparing Procedures

                              the egyptain minister of health has reported and confirmed the plauge in libya to egypts public via local tv. and said, its in two places in libya, this could help explain the numbers


                              • #60
                                Re: Illness in Libya (poss. plague) &amp; Ministry of Health in Egypt is Preparing Procedures

                                Originally posted by Twall View Post
                                the egyptain minister of health has reported and confirmed the plauge in libya to egypts public via local tv. and said, its in two places in libya, this could help explain the numbers
                                Can you give us a link? Is it bubonic or pneumonic? Bubonic would tend to be natural, whereas pneumonic would be more suspicious.

