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Suspect death from A/H1N1 in La Rioja

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  • Suspect death from A/H1N1 in La Rioja


    Google translation:

    He said Graseli, health minister
    On Thursday the results of the youth who died from suspected Influenza A

    Gustavo Graselli, health minister, spoke with RADIO PHOENIX on the resignation of the minister Oca?a, the suspension of classes in three provinces, the statement of the health emergency in Buenos Aires and the death of a young riojano suspected to be caused by virus of Influenza A/H1N1. "On Thursday the results of this young man from Buenos Aires" Graselli reported.

    Local - 29/06/2009
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    "We have not reached the peak of respiratory diseases, yet there is no need to suspend classes or holiday work," he said in a conversation with Graselli RADIO PHOENIX, explaining the situation in the province before the wave of information circulated on Monday on the situation of the country to the Influenza A/H1N1.

    He also explained that "the young man who died 30 years died in Rioja for a pneumonia that was complicated. It started with a bilateral pneumonia and after an infectious process was very damaging. "

    "It raised the question that could be influenza A. You will be taken and samples were sent to explore Buenos Aires to "informed Graselli also anticipated that these results will be Thursday in the province.

    Asked people to be met by the Hospital as outpatients Vera Barros. "Because the guard is for emergency cases. In clinics the doctor can keep track of the pathology. That is the most advisable, "he said again and anticipate that will reinforce the attention on the hospital.

    Given the statements of the now former minister Oca?a and criticism because no action was taken because it was in the midst of an electoral process. Graselli said "there (in Buenos Aires), there are many cases of influenza A. Riojanos for the winter we are going to have problems both with the people who come to the province with the guys who travel in Iran to the south end of the course. "

    "In the coming days we will have a meeting with students and families of these kids so they can take the necessary measures to prevent infections" explained Graselli.

    For his part, President Kirchner Crstina, following the resignation of Oca?a, met with epidemiological specialists and is expected in the coming days is taken as "drastic" to attack the disease. The sayings of Oca?a seem confirmed. The campaign was a key health measures to slow disease progression.