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Egypt - An example of hospital care

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  • Egypt - An example of hospital care

    The headline drew me to this article, but it seems the deaths are due to poor neonatal care, not disease.

    The death of 10 children of hospital Sednaoui eastern region
    الثلاثاء، 30 يونيو 2009 - 19:15 Tuesday, June 30, 2009 - 19:15

    د.فريد إسماعيل عبد الحليم عضو مجلس الشعب
    D. Abdel Halim Farid Ismail, member of the People
    كتب مدحت وهبة Books Medhat Wahba

    تقدم النائب د.فريد إسماعيل عبد الحليم عضو مجلس الشعب عن دائرة أولى فأقوس بالشرقية بسؤال برلمانى إلى د.فتحى سرور رئيس مجلس الشعب ود.أحمد نظيف رئيس مجلس الوزراء بشأن وفاة قرابة 10 أطفال حديثى الولادة فى حضانات مبنى مبارك بمستشفى صيد ناوى التابع لمستشفيات جامعة الزقازيق بالشرقية. Deputy d. Abdel Halim Farid Ismail, member of the People for the first Voqos the eastern region to a parliamentary question d. Fathi Sorour, Speaker of the People, Dr.. Ahmed Nazif, the Prime Minister on the deaths of about 10 newborn babies in hospital nurseries building Mubarak fishing ناوى of the University Hospitals Zagazig eastern region.

    وأكد النائب أن هذه الواقعة ليست الأولى التى يتوفى فيها أعداد كبيرة من الأطفال حديثى الولادة، مما يثير تساؤلات ومخاوف من عدم تحقيق معايير السلامة فى الحضانات وغرف العناية المركزية، وكذلك الإهمال المتزايد وعدم وجود رقابة فعالة من قبل القائمين على الرعاية الصحية ووزارتى الصحة والتعليم العالى. The MP that this incident is not the first involving the death of a large number of newborn children, which raises questions and concerns of the lack of safety standards in the nursery rooms and intensive care, as well as the increasing neglect and the lack of effective control by the existing health care and the ministries of health and higher education.

    ووصف فريد ما حدث فى حضانات مستشفى صيدناوى بجامعة الزقازيق من وفيات جماعية للأطفال المبتسرين جريمة كبيرة وفساد عريض يحتاج إلى محاسبة ومساءلة كل المسئولين عن الصحة فى الشرقية وفى وزارتى الصحة والتعليم العالى لأن حياة أطفالنا وأبنائنا ليست بالرخيصة ولا الهينة حتى يتم التعامل معها لهذه الطريقة. He described what happened in a unique nursery Sednaoui Zagazig University Hospital of the mass mortality of premature infants big crime and corruption need to be broad accounting and accountability of all those responsible for health in the East and in the ministries of health and higher education because the lives of our children and our children are not Balrgesp not be so easy to deal with this method.

  • #2
    Re: 10 Children Die in One Hospital (this story isn't as scary as this headline makes it seem)

    I think its one of the teaching hospitals,it should give pause to all that read it as its a clear indication of the general state of health care within at least part of that system here.

    I will ad a couple of other articles from the last couple of days. one of which shows how long it can take to do things here.

    Translation: Arabic ? English
    إغماءات على شباك صرف الإنترفيرون بالمنصورة
    الثلاثاء، 30 يونيو 2009 - 20:22

    مرضى الكبد تدافعوا للحصول على عقار الإنترفيرون
    الدقهلية ـ محمد صالح

    شهدت مستشفى المنصورة الدولى اليوم أحداثا مؤسفة بعد أن تدافع مرضى الكبد فى سباق الحصول على عقار الإنترفيرون، فأدى إلى إصابة أربعة من المرضى بإغماءات وكسر شباك الصيدلية، مما أدى إلى توقف الصرف لمدة ساعتين.

    وأكد د.مجدى العاودالى مدير المستشفى "أن الإعداد الهائلة من المرضى التى تأتى للمستشفى كل يوم أصبح من الصعب استيعابهم بعد أن وصل العدد إلى 7500 مريض ويزيد العدد أسبوعيا بمعدل 200 مريض" وأضاف "إلا أننا سنحاول فتح أكثر من منفذ للتوزيع حتى لا نرى ما حدث اليوم يتكرر مرة أخرى".

    Igmeat on the net disbursement of interferon Mansoura
    Tuesday, June 30, 2009 - 20:22

    Patients with liver scrambled for the drug interferon
    Dakahliya Mohamed Saleh

    Egypt witnessed a hospital on Wednesday after the unfortunate events to defend the liver patients are in a race to obtain the drug interferon, resulting in injuries to four of the patients and to break the window Bigmeat pharmacy, which led to the suspension of the exchange for two hours.

    He said. Magdy Aodaly director of the hospital, "the vast numbers of patients who came to the hospital every day, it became difficult to accommodate them after the number to more than 7500 patients and the number of weekly rate of 200 patients," he said, "but we will try to open more outlets for distribution so as not to see what Today's event is repeated again. "

    Deputy calls for the inclusion of emergency care to the Center for Cancer DAMIETTA
    Wednesday, July 1, 2009 - 08:52

    D. Ahmed Fathy Sorour, Speaker of the People
    DAMIETTA Mu'taz Elsherbini

    Progress is fast, member of the People for the First Circuit Center and the city of Damietta, the note-d. Ahmed Fathy Sorour, President of the Council, regarding the care of all urgent and emergency Bcta town of Damietta, which was the completion of construction since 2006, and so far has not been operated and the building is still abandoned and free. (free means empty as in no equipment)

    Previously the Minister of Health agreed that the building be handed over to the Center for Cancer DAMIETTA since (during) 2007, so as to face the huge crowds of the increase in the number of patients visiting the center of the province of Damietta and the neighboring provinces

    the third one below indicates the X-CT system,was down due to a lack of spare parts.

    A mountain depends 600 pounds-Arish hospital
    Wednesday, July 1, 2009 - 09:03

    D. Nehlawi Tariq and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in northern Sinai
    Salem Abdel-Halim El-Arish

    D said. Nehlawi Tariq and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in northern Sinai, the d. The woman and the Minister of Health in the amount of 600 thousand pounds for the year-Arish hospital.

    Nehlawi said, that the amount allocated for the purchase of spare parts for X-CT system, which actually began work, said that there is an ongoing follow-up to the health sector, and investigate complaints of citizens in the event of default.
    The Nehlawi, maintaining that all the possibilities of using the service of Palestinian patients from the Rafah crossing, in accordance with the directives of the Minister and the Governor General Mohamed Shousha.


    • #3
      Re: 10 Children Die in One Hospital (this story isn't as scary as this headline makes it seem)

      Chairman of the Board of Zagazig University Hospitals:
      وفاة المبتسرين الثمانية في الحضانات بسبب تدهور حالاتهم The premature death of the eight nurseries because of the deteriorating situation
      الشرقية- عبدالعاطي محمد East - Aba'ati Mohamed

      أكد د.خالد عبدالباري رئيس مجلس إدارة مستشفيات جامعة الزقازيق أن حالات الوفاة التي حدثت ثمانية أطفال داخل الحضانات تعاني من أمراض.. He said. Khalid Abdul Bari, board chairman of the University of Zagazig hospital deaths that occurred within eight children suffering from diseases of nursery .. لافتا إلي أن محضن مستشفيات جامعة الزقازيق الملجأ الأخير لكل الحالات المتدهورة بالمستشفيات الخاصة والعامة بالمحافظة. He pointed out that the immune Zagazig University hospitals of last resort for all cases of degraded public and private hospitals to maintain.
      أشار إلي أن جميع المستشفيات ليس بها أجهزة تنفس صناعي للأطفال المولودين حديثا "المبتسرين" وفي فترة سابقة كان هناك تحديد لدخول أي حالات من المستشفيات الأخري لسوء الحالات أكلينيكيا ولكن مع الظروف الاقتصادية الصعبة واستنزاف أصحاب الحالات في المستشفيات الخاصة ماديا وعدم وجود أجهزة تنفس صناعي بالمستشفيات العامة تم قبول هذه الحالات الصعبة بالمستشفي الجامعي وحالات الوفاة الثمانية تمت علي مدار أيام حيث يوجد بالمستشفي محضنين الأول مخصص لحالات التي يتم ولادتها بالمستشفي والثاني لاستقبال الحالات المحولة من مستشفيات أخري والحالات المحولة التي توفيت فيها حالتان بسبب التسمم الدموي وهي حالات محولة من مستشفيات خاصة بعد قضائها فترة من الوقت هناك فضلا عن أنها كانت محولة لفشل تنفسي ووضعت علي جهاز التنفس الصناعي فور دخولها وتوفيت بسبب الارتفاع الشديد في نسبة الصفراء في الدم والحالة الأخري كانت مججوزة بمستشفي خاص وكانت نسبة الصفراء عند دخولها "24م" ووزنها 1250 جراماً بالإضافة إلي حالتين بسبب نقص الوزن الشديد حيث إن وزنهما كان أقل من كيلو جرام وتعانيان من فشل في التنفس واحدهما محولة عام والأخري من المنزل. He noted that all hospitals, not by artificial respiration equipment for children newly born "premature" in the previous period there was a limit to the entry of any of the cases to other hospitals clinically ill cases, but with the difficult economic conditions and the depletion of the cases in private hospitals and the lack of physical presence of industrial respirators in public hospitals was difficult to accept such cases, the university hospital and eight deaths were the days where there Mhoudnin the first hospital devoted to the cases that are the birth hospital and the second to receive cases transferred from other hospitals and cases transferred by the two who died due to blood poisoning, which are converted from a private hospital after spending a period of of time there as well as it was converted to respiratory failure and placed on a ventilator and died immediately after entry because of the high rise in the proportion of yellow in the blood and the other was a special Mjjosp hospital and the proportion of yellow at the entry "24 M" and weighs 1250 grams, in addition to the two cases because of severe weight loss since the weight was less than a kilogram and suffering from respiratory failure and one of the converted and the other from the house.
      أضاف أن حالة توفيت بسبب عيب خلقي مركب بالقلب وفشل في التنفس وتوفيت في غضون ساعات قليلة من دخولها والحالة الثامنة والأخيرة كانت تعاني من نقص وزن شديد وانسداد معوي في الأثني عشر وتم اجراء عملية جراحية لها ولكنها لم تستجب وتوفيت لعدم كفاءة الرئة وجميع الحالات توفيت علي مدار خمسة أيام وبالمستشفي 30 حضانة وتم استقبال أكثر من 100 طفل في الشهر.. He said the case had died because of a defect complex congenital heart disease and respiratory failure and died within a few hours of entering the eighth and last case was suffering from severe weight loss and intestinal obstruction in the twelve and underwent surgery for her, but she did not respond and died because of the incompetence of all cases of lung and died in the past five days, and hospital were to receive custody of 30 of more than 100 children in the month .. مشيراً إلي أنه تم التحقيق في هذا الموضوع ولاتوجد أي أدانة. Pointing out that the investigation into this subject and there is no conviction


      • #4
        Re: 10 Children Die in One Hospital (this story isn't as scary as this headline makes it seem)

        There is a lot of information here. I believe the deaths were all infants who had been born prematurely or of low birth weight, so this might not indicate any fault on the hospital. And only a couple of the deaths indicate blood poisoning, which is unfortunately a common complication of infection in infants so small. I don't see any evidence yet that this is due to infectious disease.

        Parents of children Alambstren Sednaoui leave the hospital after the death of 8 children in the nursery
        الأربعاء، 1 يوليو 2009 - 21:05 Wednesday, July 1, 2009 - 21:05

        غموض حول سبب وفاة الأطفال
        Ambiguity about
        cause of death of children
        كتبت إيمان مهنا Written by Iman Muhanna

        شهد مستشفى صيدناوى بالشرقية وفاة 8 أطفال بحضانات مبنى مبارك بالمستشفى التابعة لمستشفيات جامعة الزقازيق، وكانت الوفاة قد تمت فى جميع غرف العناية المركزة، التى يبلغ عدد الغرف بها ثلاث غرف الأولى عناية مركزة والثانية محضن والثالثة حديث الولادة. Sednaoui Hospital has seen the eastern region and the death of 8 children in hospital incubators building Mubarak of Zagazig University Hospitals, and the death had been in intensive care rooms, which is the number of rooms by the first three-room care and the second and third incubator newborn.

        وكانت العناية المركزة هى أكثر غرفة ارتفع فيها عدد الوفيات إلى أربع أطفال بينما بلغ العدد فى المحضن وحديثى الولادة إلى حالتين، ليصل أجمالى المفقودين إلى 8 حالات على الأقل، وبسؤال الطبيب والمسئول عن غرفة العناية المركزة، قال إن مستشفى صيدناوى الوحيدة فى المحافظة الذى يستقبل تحضين الأطفال، وهذا نظراً لاقتصاديته، بالتالى يتوافد لدينا الكثير من جميع مراكز المحافظة، فالكثير منهم يأتى حاملا لميكروب معين والآخر كذلك، حتى تتراكم ميكروبات بشكل مكثف، رغم أننا نعقم بعد كل حالة بشكل روتينى. The intensive care is more room in which the number of deaths has risen to four children, while the total number of newborns and Mahdhan to two, bringing the total to 8 missing cases at least, and asked the doctor in charge of intensive care, he said that Sednaoui the only hospital in the county, which receives incubated children, and this is due to the Aguetsadith, therefore we have a lot to come from all centers of the province, many of them come with a particular microbe to the other as well, so accumulate microbes extensively, although we Nakm after each case is routine. ففى بعض الحالات يؤدى الميكروب للوفاة، بالإضافة إلى ذلك أغلب الحالات الوافدة إلينا تكون حالات متأخرة، مما يجعل نسبة حياتها ضعيفة. In some cases, the microbes that cause of death, in addition to most of the cases coming to us to be of late, making the proportion of life is weak.

        محمد موظف30 سنة، ووالد حنين إحدى الأطفال التى توفت فى هذا الحادث، يقول "تركت ابنتى قبل الوفاة بيوم فى حالة مستقره، كما طمأننى د. طارق الطبيب النوباتجى، وبالمناسبة عندما ذهبت إليه قبل المغرب كان نائما فى غرفته بالمستشفى، وقلقت من هذا الوضع، فهذا طبيب ينام فى بالنهار فكيف به بالليل"، ويضيف والد حنين "فى اليوم التالى، وهو يوم الوفاة/ جئت إلى المستشفى وكلى حنين وشوق لأرى ابنتى، ودخلت غرفتها لأصدم حينما رأيت إحدى الممرضات تنظف الغرفة، ولا يوجد بها أى أطفال، وحينما سألتها أين الأطفال قالت لى "ماتو" بهذا اللفظ غير الإنسانى، وعند التسلم سألت أحد العمال ما ظروف وفاة ابنتى، قال "مات النهاردة 10 أطفال منهم ابنتك تقريبا تسمم ولا حاجة". ويتابع والد الطفلة المتوفاة، من الغريب أنهم لم يتصلوا بى، ولا بأهالى الأطفال حتى لا يعلم أحد بهذه الجريمة والإهمال الجسيم فى حق هؤلاء الأطفال الأبرياء، الأمر الذى جعلنى أصر على فضح هذه الجريمة. Mohamed officer 30 years, and the father of a child Hanine died in the accident, "says my daughter left the day before the death in a stable condition, and assured me d. Alnobatjy Tariq doctor, and by the way, when I went to him before sunset, was asleep in his hospital room, and the worry of this situation, This is a day to sleep in the night, how, "says the father of nostalgia" in the next day, the day of death / I came to the hospital and I am nostalgic and yearning to see my daughter, and entered her room to shocked when I saw a nurse cleaning the room, and there is no any children, and when I asked her where She told me that the children "died" in the term non-human, and when I asked one of the workers taking over the circumstances of the death of my daughter, he said, "died today 10 children, including nearly poisoned your daughter does not need." and follow the father of the deceased girl, strange that they have not contacted me, and havoc on the children so no one knows of this crime and gross negligence in the right of these innocent children, which made me insist on exposing this crime.

        وبسؤال د خالد عبد البارى رئيس مجلس إدارة مستشفيات جامعة الزقازيق، قال إنها ليس هناك عيب فنى داخل أقسام الولادة، ولكن حالات الوفاة كانت لأطفال حالتهم الصحية متأخرة. The question Dr. Khalid Abdul Bari, board chairman of the Zagazig University Hospitals, said that there was no technical fault in the maternity wards, but the deaths were children, their health was too late.

        وسيطرت حالة من الرعب والفزع أصابت الأهالى بعد سماع هذه الأنباء السيئة، مما دفعهم مسرعين إلى استخراج أطفالهم المبسترين من هذا المستشفى. Took control of a state of terror and panic struck these people after hearing the bad news, which caused them to extract their children away from this hospital Alambstren. ويقول خالد والد أحد الأطفال، إننى أخذت طفلتى من المستشفى، حيث كانت محجوزة منذ أربع أيام بالحضانة، بعدما علمت بوفاة كل من معها بالقسم. According to Khalid, the father of a child, I took my child from the hospital, where she was booked for four days of custody, having learned of the death of her department.

        وعلم اليوم السابع، أنه حاليا تجرى تحقيقات مع الأطباء القسم بالمستشفى بمعرفة د خالد عبد البارى رئيس مجلس إدارة المستشفى، لمعرفة هل هناك تقصير أم لا وأعلن حالة من الطوارئ داخل المستشفى تحسبا لاكتشاف أى مخالفات أخرى. And informed the seventh day, that is currently being investigated by the hospital doctors Section Dr. Khalid Abdul Bari, board chairman of the hospital, to determine whether or not there is default and declared a state of emergency within the hospital in anticipation of the discovery of any other irregularities.

        وأصدرت جامعة الزقازيق بيان إعلامى، تنفى وجود أى عيوب فنية فى وفاة الأطفال، وأن الوفاة طبيعية، حيث أكد الدكتور خالد عبد البارى رئيس مجلس إدارة مستشفيات جامعة الزقازيق أن هناك أعدادا كبيرة من الأطفال تأتى للحضانات من داخل المحافظة ومن خارجها، وأن الوفيات عدد منهم يعد أمر طبيعيا، لأنه غالبا ما تكون حالاتهم خطيرة، وتحتاج لرعاية ومع ضعف الإمكانيات ترتفع نسبة حدوث الوفاة، علما بأن هناك مجهودا جبارا من الأطباء فى القسم. Zagazig University and issued a media statement, denying the existence of any technical flaws in the death of children, and a natural death, with Dr. Khalid Abdul Bari, board chairman of the Zagazig University Hospitals, there are large numbers of children came to the nursery within the department and from outside, and that the number of deaths is is natural, because it is often their cases are serious and need to care for and with double the possibilities of a high proportion of death, note that there is a huge effort of the doctors in the Section.

        وفى بيان أصدره قسم الأطفال بطب الزقازيق، نفى أن يكون هناك حالات وفاة جماعية، وذكر أن النسب العالمية للوفاة فى الأطفال المبسترين أقل من 1.5 كجم هى 50% من وفيات حديثى الولادة، علما بأن محضن مستشفيات جامعة الزقازيق يحتوى على 30 حضانة تخدم محافظة الشرقية والمحافظات المجاورة (مدن القناة – سيناء – الدقهلية ) علماً بأنه المكان الوحيد الحكومى الذى يحتوى على أجهزة تنفس صناعى بالمحافظة، حيث لا يوجد فى أى مستشفى حكومى بالمحافظة أجهزة تنفس صناعى، وتبلغ تكلفة الجهاز فى المستشفيات الخاصة حوالى 1500 جنيه، ولأنه المكان الوحيد فهو يستقبل كل الحالات المتدهورة صحياً. In a statement issued by the Department of Pediatrics, medicine Zagazig, denied that there are cases of mass death, and stated that the global rates of death in children Alambstren less than 1.5 kg is 50% of newborn deaths, the hospital incubator at Zagazig University contains 30 nursery serving the eastern province and the provinces neighbors (the Suez Canal - Sinai - Dakahliya) note that the only place the government, which contains the organs of ventilation to maintain, as there is no in any government hospital to maintain ventilation devices, and the cost of the device in the private hospitals, about 1500 pounds, and that the only place it receives cases deteriorating health.

        وفيما يلى نص البيان الذى نشرته جامعة الزقازيق على موقعها الإليكترونى: The following is text of the statement published by the University of Zagazig on its website:

        جامعة الزقازيق Zagazig University
        كلية الطب College of Medicine
        قسم الأطفال Department of Pediatrics,
        مستشفيات جامعة الزقازيق Zagazig University Hospitals
        مستشفى الأطفال الجامعى University Children's Hospital

        إيماء إلى ما نشر ببعض المواقع الإلكترونية وبعض الصحف الخاصة بخصوص حدوث عدد كبير من الوفيات فى مرضى مستشفى مبارك للأطفال بمستشفيات جامعة الزقازيق يوم السبت 27/6/2009 نود توضيح النقاط الآتية: Referring to what was published in some websites and some private newspapers regarding a large number of deaths in patients in a hospital for children Mubarak Zagazig University Hospital on Saturday, 27/6/2009 We would like to clarify the following points:
        عدد الوفيات يوم السبت 27/6/2009 كان العدد 4 حالات فقط وليس 10 حالات كما أعلن، وملابسات وفاة كل حالة كالآتى: The number of deaths on Saturday 27/6/2009 the number was only 4 of 10 cases and not as stated, and the circumstances of the death of each case as follows:
        1- الحالة الأولى: وهو طفل مبتسر مولود فى الأسبوع 28 العمر الرحمى الطبيعى هو 40 أسبوعا ومحولا من مستشفى بلبيس العام بعد 4 ساعات من الولادة ووزنه عند الدخول كان 1.2 كجم ودخل يوم 24/6/2009 وكان يعانى صعوبة شديدة فى التنفس مع نقص العمر الرحمى، وتم وضعه على جهاز التنفس الصناعى وتم حضوره للمستشفى فى عربة خاصة. 1 - First case: a child born prematurely at 28 week-old normal uterus is 40 weeks and converted into a hospital Bilbeis year after 4 hours of birth and weight at entry was 1.2 kg and entered on 24/6/2009 and was suffering severe breathing difficulty with the lack of age the uterus, and placed on a ventilator had been attending for a hospital in particular.
        2- الحالة الثانية: محولة من محضن خاص يوم 23/6/2009 بعد يومين من الولادة وكانت تعانى تسمما فى الدم مع ارتفاع فى درجة الحرارة وصعوبة شديدة فى التنفس وضعف فى النشاط العام ورفض للرضاعة وهذا موضح بالفحوصات الطبية التى أجريت لها عند الدخول. 2 - Second case: Converted from a special incubator on 23/6/2009, two days after birth and had suffered blood poisoning, with fever and severe difficulty in breathing, weakness in the overall activity and a rejection of the breast and this indicated that the medical examination carried out when the entry.
        3- الحالة الثالثة: محولة من مستشفى حميات الزقازيق 5/6/2009 ثم المستشفى العام وعمرها عند الدخول 20 يوما وهى ذات عمر رحمى 36 أسبوعا وتم تشخيصها على أنها حالة تسمم بالدم ونقص شديد بالصفائح الدموية مع نزيف داخلى وخارجى مستمر نتيجة عيوب الأيض الغذائى. 3 - the third case: Converted from a hospital and then admitted 5/6/2009 Zagazig General Hospital, aged 20 days upon entry, the age of 36 weeks was Rahmi diagnosed as a case of blood poisoning and severe shortage of blood Balsafaih with internal and external bleeding continuous metabolic defects result in food.

        4- الحالة الرابعة: محولة يوم 27/6/2009 من المنزل بعد يومين من الولادة وكان يعانى زرقة شديدة فى اللون وصعوبة فى التنفس ونسبة الأكسجين لحظة الدخول كانت 80% ، وتم تشخيصه بأنه عيب خلقى مركب فى القلب وتوفى بعد ساعتين من دخوله المستشفى بعد عمل كل الإسعافات الأولية لإنعاش القلب. 4 - the fourth case: Transferred on 27/6/2009 from home two days after birth and had a very blue in color and difficulty in breathing and oxygen to the moment of entry was 80%, and was diagnosed as a congenital defect in the heart vessel and died two hours after being admitted to hospital after the work of each first aid for the recovery of the heart.

        أما الطفلة موضع الشكوى توفيت يوم 28/6/2009 وليس 27/6/2009 كما أعلن وكان عدد الوفيات الكلى بالمحضن فى هذا اليوم 4 حالات بيانها كالآتى: The girl in question died on 28/6/2009 and 27/6/2009 is declared as the number of deaths and kidney Bamahdhan in 4 cases of this day are as follows:
        1- الحالة موضع الشكوى: محولة من البيت يوم بعد خروجها بساعات من محضن خاص (حمدى السيد) وكان عمرها عند الدخول 11 يوما، وكان عمرها الرحمى (30 أسبوعا) ووزنها 1.25 كجم وكانت تعانى ارتفاعا شديدا فى نسبة الصفراء مع تسمم فى الدم وضعف فى النشاط العام ورفض كامل للرضاعة، مما استدعى القيام بعملية تغيير كامل لدم الطفلة ولكن ارتفاع نسبة الصفراء مع التسمم أدى إلى هبوط حاد فى الدورة الدموية والقلب. 1 - the subject of the complaint: Transferred from the House on a few hours after graduating from a special incubator (Mr. Hamdi) and when entering the age of 11 days, and the age of the uterus (30 weeks) and weighs 1.25 kilograms and was suffering a sharp rise in the proportion of yellow with blood poisoning, and weak overall activity and a complete rejection of the breast, which necessitated a complete change to the process of blood child, but the high proportion of yellow with poisoning led to a sharp decline in the circulatory system and heart.
        2- الحالة الثانية: محولة من قسم الجراحة العامة يوم 24/6/2009 نتيجة انسداد معوى خلقى ثم معالجته جراحياً وكان يعانى زيفا داخليا وخارجيا مستمرا، أدى إلى هبوط حاد فى الدورة الدموية وكان وزنه 2.5 كجم. 2 - Second case: Transferred from the Department of General Surgery on 24/6/2009 due to a blocked stomach congenital and surgical treatment and was suffering falsely continues internally and externally, has led to a sharp decline in the circulatory system and the weight was 2.5 kg.
        3- الحالة الثالثة: محولة يوم 19/6/2009 من محضن خاص وعمره عند الدخول 17 يوما وكان يعانى عند الدخول فشلا فى التنفس على جهاز تنفس صناعى، ويعانى تسمما فى الدم وكان وزنه 1.4 كجم. 3 - the third case: Transferred on 19/6/2009 from a special immune-old at the time of entry and 17 days at the time of entry was suffering respiratory failure, was on a respirator and suffered blood poisoning and was weighing 1.4 kg.
        4 الحالة الرابعة : محولة من مستشفى حوادث النساء وعمره الرحمى 30 أسبوعا، ووزنه عند الدخول 1.7كجم فى يوم 24 \6 وكان يعانى صعوبة فى التنفس نتج عنه توقف متكرر للتنفس، مما استدعى وضعه على جهاز التنفس الصناعى ولم تتم الاستجابة، مما أدى إلى هبوط حاد فى الدورة الدموية والقلب. 4 fourth case: Converted from a hospital incidents of women and IUD 30 weeks old, and weighs 1.7 kg at the time of entry on 24 \ 6 and was having difficulty breathing caused by recurrent cessation of breathing, and was put on a ventilator was not the response, which led to a fall sharply in the circulatory system and heart.
        وبناء على ما تقدم نوضح الآتى: Based on the above clarify the following:
        عدد الوفيات فى يوم السبت والأحد كان 8 كالآتى: The number of deaths on Saturday and Sunday, 8 was as follows:
        1. 1. 2 حالة نتيجة التسممم الدموى وكانت أوزانهم 1.4 ، 1.3 كجم. 2 Altzmmm a result of the case of the bloody and weight were 1.4, 1.3 kg.
        2. 2. حالة نتيجة ارتفاع شديد بالصفراء. The case of the result of very high Balsafra.
        3. 3. حالة بسبب مضاعفات جراحية. The case because of complications of surgery.
        4. 4. حالتان نتيجة نقص شديد بالوزن ومضاعفات فى الأطفال المبسترين. Cases due to a lack of weight and severe complications in children Alambstren.
        5. 5. حالة بسبب عيب فى الأيض الغذائى. The case because of a defect in the metabolism of food.
        6. 6. حالة بسبب عيب خلقى مركب فى القلب. The case because of a defect in complex congenital heart disease.
        علماً بأن الوفيات تمت فى ساعات متفرقة خلال اليومين، وليس يوما واحدا، وبالتالى فهى ليست وفيات جماعية كما أعلن. Note that the deaths were at different times during the days, not one day, and are therefore not mass mortality was also announced.

        النسب العالمية للوفاة فى الأطفال المبسترين أقل من 1.5 كجم هى 50% من وفيات حديثى الولادة، فما بالنا بطفل يعان عددا كبيرا من المشاكل كما هو موضح، علماً بأن نسبة الوفيات لدينا فى محضن جامعة الزقازيق هى 15 – 20% شهرياً فقط وهى أقل من النسبة العالمية. Global percentages of death in children Alambstren less than 1.5 kg is 50% of newborn death, what then is a child suffered a large number of problems as it is shown, the mortality rate we have in Zagazig University is immune from 15 to 20% per month only, which is lower than World.
        محضن مستشفيات جامعة الزقازيق يحتوى على 30 حضانة تخدم محافظة الشرقية والمحافظات المجاورة (مدن القناة – سيناء – الدقهلية)، علماً بأنه المكان الوحيد الحكومى الذى يحتوى على أجهزة تنفس صناعى بالمحافظة حيث لا يوجد فى أى مستشفى حكومى بالمحافظة أجهزة تنفس صناعى، وتبلغ تكلفة الجهاز فى المستشفيات الخاصة حوالى 1500 جنيه، ولأنه المكان الوحيد فهو يستقبل كل الحالات المتدهورة صحياً. Zagazig University Hospitals incubator containing 30 nursery serving the eastern province and neighboring provinces (the Suez Canal - Sinai - Dakahliya), note that the only place the government, which contains the organs of ventilation to maintain as there is no in any government hospital to maintain ventilation devices, and the cost of the device in private hospitals, about 1500 pounds, and that the only place where it receives the deteriorating health.

        الصور المرفقة بالموضوع المنشور على الموقع الإلكترونى هى صور ملفقة ولا تخص محضن مستشفيات جامعة الزقازيق، حيث لا يسمح أبداً بدخول أكثر من طفل ولو كانوا توأم فى نفس الحضانة، كما أن هذا النوع الموضح بالصور لا يوجد أساساً عندنا. Photo attached to the subject, published on the website are not fabricated images incubator hospitals belonging to the University of Zagazig, where there is never allowed to enter more than one child if they are twins in the same nursery, and that this kind illustrated there is no basis for us.

        فى كل دوام عمل يكون هناك طبيبان وليس واحدا (طبيب مقيم ومدرس مساعد ) يتبادلان العمل والراحة. In all-time doctors work there is not one (resident doctor and a teacher assistant) exchange of work and rest. بناء على ما تقدم نهيب بكل وسائل الإعلام تحرى الدقة والمصداقية والموضوعية قبل نشر أى أخبار غير دقيقة تؤدى إلى بلبلة الناس وزعزعة الثقة فى مستشفى يعتبر أحد علامات وقلاع طب الأطفال ليس فى مصر فقط، ولكن فى كل الشرق الأوسط بما يحمله من خبرات وإمكانات، والانتقاص من حق أناس لا يألون جهداً فى خدمة مرضاهم وفى خدمة مصرنا الحبيبة. Based on the foregoing we call upon all the media accurate, credible and objective news before the publication of any inaccurate lead to confusion and undermine people's confidence in the hospital is one of the citadels of Medicine and the signs of children not only in Egypt, but throughout the Middle East, with its expertise and potential, and the erosion of the right people are sparing no effort in serving their patients in the service of our beloved Msrna.


        • #5
          Re: Egypt - An example of hospital care

          "3- الحالة الثالثة: محولة من مستشفى حميات الزقازيق 5/6/2009 ثم المستشفى العام وعمرها عند الدخول 20 يوما وهى ذات عمر رحمى 36 أسبوعا وتم تشخيصها على أنها حالة تسمم بالدم ونقص شديد بالصفائح الدموية مع نزيف داخلى وخارجى مستمر نتيجة عيوب الأيض الغذائى. 3 - the third case: Converted from a hospital and then admitted 5/6/2009 Zagazig General Hospital, aged 20 days upon entry, the age of 36 weeks was Rahmi diagnosed as a case of blood poisoning and severe shortage of blood Balsafaih with internal and external bleeding continuous metabolic defects result in food."

          I take this to mean that there was a hemorrhage at some point?

          I gather from the information in this thread that they are having trouble keeping the private hospitals open and they are transfering these neonates to the public hospitals. The problem seems to be with the transport more than the hospitals themselves. Are they closing down the private hospitals? And why would they choose to move these fragile babies in the first place?


          • #6
            Re: Egypt - An example of hospital care

            Whats outlined below as care coupled with the process is pretty much the way it is within some facilities.

            24 hours with possible swine flu
            What happens when you suspect your child is suffering from H1N1? Alaa Abdel-Ghani was forced to go where you wouldn't normally want to set foot


            Mustafa had been just fine up until Friday noon prayers. My 12-year-old had been his usual irritable, unapproachable, never satisfied self. He wanted to go swimming in the club, then play football. But he had to pray first and his mood was foul. The sermon was taking too long, it was hot and the subsequent prayer, conducted under an inescapable sun, was, too, inordinately long.

            Following the sermon, as if escaping a death sentence, Mustafa ran like a rocket upstairs to pack his sporting gear and off we drove to the club. On the way, he looked uncomfortable, complaining of the heat and blaming it on the overzealous sheikh.

            In the club, Mustafa cut his usual three-to-four-hour swim time to just one hour. He had limited his lunch to French fries and a soda. And this aspiring goalkeeper had not the slightest inclination to lace up.

            We cut short our club day. At home we stuck a thermometer in Mustafa's mouth; it read 38.5. By evening it had jumped to 40. After giving him something to reduce the fever, my wife Dina and I decided to wait until morning before taking any more action.

            With three children, we had been through illnesses dozens of times and in normal times we would not have panicked. But these were not normal times and there was one recurring thought I could not shake off: just three days earlier, on Tuesday, Mustafa had been to AUC.

            It had been commencement day at the American university and the entire family had gone to the new campus in Qattameya to celebrate Dina's newly acquired Master's degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. The campus had been sealed off the entire previous week after seven cases of swine flu were reported in AUC's Zamalek dormitory.

            For good measure, the AUC bus we took had been taking the dormitory route. The driver possessed the in vogue surgical mask he did not wear and had a bottle of liquid soap for passenger use.

            After the ceremony we mingled and I distinctly remembered Mustafa shaking hands with an American professor.

            Throughout the night Mustafa's temperature would not fall and by morning a bad case of diarrhoea had begun. It was time to go to a hospital. But which one? From what I understood, private hospitals were not yet dealing with swine flu. They don't test for it and do not have its cure, Tamiflu.

            The information operator told us to call 105, the swine flu hotline. The strangest thing happened when Dina dialed 105: somebody actually answered. Dina was told to go to Hommeyat Imbaba, a hospital that deals strictly with fevers and which was the closest near us in Agouza.

            I had never been to Hommeyat Imbaba, never knew anybody who had. But I knew all too well two things: it was government-run and it was basically for free, and I dreaded both. The two forever conjure up images of inefficiency and poor quality.

            During the 15-minute taxi ride, I thought about the deaths and thousands afflicted in dozens of countries since swine flu was introduced to the world just two months ago, but despite that, the belief that it will never happen to you, that neither you nor your loved ones will ever get swine flu.

            Hommeyat Imbaba is a large, flat, decrepit, dull grey labyrinth which looks like it was built at the time of the dinosaurs. It is more outdoors than indoors. Men and women in white were hard to find but nurses were plentiful. They all had masks but many preferred to dangle them from their necks.

            The hospital's most striking feature is its patients. In their hundreds, Les Miserables -- the poor, the downtrodden, the broken souls of Egypt -- wait for help. I had to wonder when would "help" finally arrive for these destitute and what form it takes.

            At the gate you are met by what looks like a mass protest. Dozens of people standing every which way but a queue and striving mightily to reach one tiny iron-barred window, seeking what turned out to be a ticket that will give one the opportunity to meet a savior doctor. It would take at least an hour to get this priceless piece of paper so I looked around for help. I found it in the form of a middle-aged intern. "Can you help me, please? My son needs to see a doctor."

            "You have to get a ticket first."

            "How much?"

            "A pound and a half."

            "Can you get one for me?"

            "No problem."

            I gave him five pounds. In a couple of minutes he was back with the ticket and offered me the change which I politely said he could keep. He was grateful and showed it by allowing us into a room which I'm sure dozens had been waiting to enter before I came along. I felt guilty for cutting in line but the alternative was far worse.

            In this two-bed room, a nurse took the ticket and Mustafa's temperature under the armpit. Still 40. Mustafa was asked to lie down and was given a check-up by a youthful doctor who pronounced him fine. "It's a normal flu," he said. He wrote a prescription for one medicine I was given free and another which had to be bought elsewhere.

            The check-up was fast, too fast for our liking. We were not convinced. You want to leave a place like Hommeyat Imbaba as quickly as possible and you want to hear that your son is safe but you have doubts when he's not tested the way we heard and read he should be. The swab test comes to mind as an example.

            Back home, we called 105 again and the second strangest thing happened: someone answered. But I pitied the poor woman who took the call for I knew what was coming. Dina does not mince words and was about to give a withering lecture. One particular memorable quote: "You guys must be joking! You're telling me that a 20-something-year-old who graduated from the school, not of medicine but agriculture, checked my son for possible swine flu, using only a stethoscope? We laugh when we see these things in our soap operas, but now this is real life, and you'd better tell me what to do next and fast because what just happened is absolute nonsense."

            The woman could not get in a word edge-wise except to say "try the Giza Chest Hospital."

            The Giza Hospital was pricier (entrance fee LE5), less crowded, more orderly and had infinitely cleaner bathrooms than the hole-in-the-floor variety in Hommeyat Imbaba, and Mustafa needed a lot of bathrooms that day. But as I was to find out, Giza dealt only with bird flu, not swine flu. Better than nothing, I thought.

            At the gate, I was met by a security officer. "This boy has a high fever and bad diarrhoea. Where should I go?"

            "The skin unit is that way."

            I had to laugh out loud. "What skin? I don't want a dermatologist. I want a doctor!"

            Around a dozen patients were waiting for the kind of doctor I wanted to see. I slipped a female assistant guarding the clinic door LE5 and I was inside in 20 minutes.

            The same sort of check-up was performed but the doctor was genuinely concerned about Mustafa's AUC visit. Another doctor evinced the same sentiments and was worried enough to write me a transfer letter to Hommeyat Imbaba. The letter read: "Query swine flu."

            Back in Hommeyat Imbaba I bumped into my old intern friend whom I now got to know by name. "Mohamed, to whom do I take this letter?"

            "This time you can see the head of the fevers unit."

            "Why not the first time?" I asked. "Why all this waste of time?" I received only a toothy grin for a reply.

            By this time Mustafa's fever had broken which was relief.

            This last doctor allayed our fears somewhat. "Your son doesn't have the symptoms you must have if it's swine flu. He doesn't have a runny nose, he's not sneezing or coughing and has no body aches. And his fever could never have gone down so quickly if he had swine flu. His tonsils are in bad shape and that could cause fever and diarrhoea, but I'm sure he'll be okay."

            He prescribed the required medicines and that was it.

            In four hours, Mustafa had gone to two hospitals -- one he went to twice -- and had seen five doctors. Considering Egypt's traffic, red tape and general state of confusion, not bad. His visit to AUC also proved a huge catalyst. To every nurse and doctor I met I repeated the mantra: "This boy was in AUC on Tuesday. This boy was in AUC on Tuesday."

            Mustafa is back to normal, a bit weak from the fluids he lost but back to his usual irritable, unapproachable, never satisfied self. His family wouldn't want it any other way.


            • #7
              Re: Egypt - An example of hospital care

              I suspect some of whats below is true, no mater what. its pretty un-settling for those that require any type of regular treatment related to kidney functions which require dialysis.

              Translation: Arabic ? English
              تعطل أجهزة الغسيل الكلوى بمستشفى إبشواى
              الجمعة، 3 يوليو 2009 - 12:49

              من يستجيب لهذه المأساة ؟
              كتبت رباب الجالى

              يعانى مستشفى إبشواى المركزى بالفيوم تعطل 30% من الأجهزة بوحدة الغسيل الكلوى بالمستشفى، وأكد أحد المسئولين بالمستشفى أن وحدة الغسيل الكلوى بالمستشفى تضم 25 ماكينة، منهم 10 سلبيين و15 إيجابيين، تعطل منهم 6 ماكينات بأربعة أعطال عادية، وماكينتان يحتاجان لقطع غيار. وأشار مصدر مسئول أن إدارة المستشفى قامت بإبلاغ الشركة المسئولة عن الصيانة منذ قرابة خمسة أيام، ولم يتم الصيانة وهو ما يجعل الإقبال كبيرا على باقى الماكينات، ويحرم بعض المواطنين من حقهم فى العلاج.

              أما مركز يوسف الصديق، شهد بالأمس، الأربعاء، غياب كامل للأطباء بكافة الوحدات الصحية والعيادات منذ الصباح، وهو ما جعل الناس يعتقدون أن هناك إضرابا من الأطباء على مستوى المركز، وتوجه الكثير من المرضى إلى الوحدات الصحية، لكنهم لم يجدوا أطباء، فاضطروا للتوجه إلى مركز إبشواى ومدينة الفيوم.

              واتضح أن السبب فى غياب الأطباء أن مدير الإدارة الصحية بمركز يوسف الصديق، اجتمع بكافة الأطباء بالمركز منذ الصباح حتى الثالثة عصرا، ولم يضع فى اعتباره المرضى الذين يحتاجون إلى هؤلاء الأطباء.

              Crash, a hospital dialysis Ibcoay
              Friday, July 3, 2009 - 12:49

              To respond to this tragedy?
              Rabab wrote Galy

              Hospital suffering Ibcoay Central Fayyoum disrupted 30% of the organs of the hospital's dialysis unit, and hospital officials confirmed that one of the dialysis machine 25 includes the hospital, including 10 negative and 15 positive, 6 were disrupted machine breakdowns normal four, and Maquintan need for spare parts. The official source that the management of the hospital has informed the company responsible for maintenance for nearly five days, and no maintenance, which makes a great demand on the rest of the machinery, and deprived some citizens of their right to treatment.
              The Center for Yusuf friend saw yesterday, on Wednesday, a complete absence of doctors in all health units and clinics since the morning, which made people believe that there is a strike of doctors at the Center, and draws a lot of patients to health units, but they did not find doctors, so they had to go to Ibcoay Center and the city of Fayoum.

              It turned out that the reason for the absence of doctors that the health status of the Director of Administration Yusuf friend, he met all the doctors place from the morning until three in the afternoon and did not take into account the patients who need doctors.


              • #8
                Re: Egypt - An example of hospital care

                Translation: Arabic ? English
                "القويضى" يحمل وزارة الصحة مسئولية تدهور المستشفيات بحلوان
                الأربعاء، 8 يوليو 2009 - 12:23

                الدكتور حازم القويضى محافظ حلوان
                كتبت هايدى عبد الوهاب

                أكد الدكتور حازم القويضى محافظ حلوان، خلال لقائه بطلبة الجامعات فى مركز إعداد القادة بالمحافظة، أن مستشفى حلوان العام تعانى تدهورا فى منشآتها، وتفتقر لكثير من المعدات والأجهزة، محملا وزارة الصحة المسئولية، واتهمها بالتقصير.

                وأضاف القويضى، أنه على الرغم من الظروف الصعبة التى تمر بها مستشفيات المحافظة، إلا أن الأطباء الموجودين فيها من أمهر الأطباء، مؤكداً أن مستوى الطبيب المصرى يضاهى مستوى الطبيب العالمى. وأشار إلى أن المدينة الطبية الجديدة التى ستقام بالتعاون مع اتحاد كبرى الشركات الإنجليزية (isl)، باستثمارات 8 مليارات جنيه وتضم 21 مستشفى ومركزا علاجيا، سيكون بها 20% من السرائر بالمجان.

                "Alqweidy" a Ministry of Health responsible for the deterioration of hospital Monday
                Wednesday, July 8, 2009 - 12:23

                Dr. Hazem Alqweidy Governor of Helwan
                Heide wrote Abdel Wahab

                Dr. Hazem Alqweidy HELWAN governor, during a meeting with university students in the preparation of leaders to maintain the status, the Helwan hospital suffering a deterioration in public facilities, and lack many of the equipment and devices, loaded with the Ministry of Health is responsible, and accused of dereliction.

                The Alqweidy that, despite the difficult circumstances experienced by the hospitals to maintain, but the doctors who are skilled doctors, stressing that the level of the Egyptian doctor, the doctor achieved a level of the world. He pointed out that the new medical city, which will be held in collaboration with the great English company (isl), investments of 8 billion pounds and includes 21 hospitals and treatment centers, will have 20% of the Aserair free of charge.


                • #9
                  Re: Egypt - An example of hospital care

                  read the article below on this blog
                  those couple of people chasing down. then blogging all of that information seem very

                  Translation: Arabic ? English
                  أثناء زيارتهم لجامعة بنها..وفد طلاب الطب الأجانب ينتقد "مستشفيات مصر"
                  السبت، 11 يوليو 2009 - 12:31

                  الوفد الأجنبى استقباله بجامعة بنها
                  انتقد وفد كليات الطب الأجنبية، والذى تستضيفه جامعة بنها حاليا، والمكونه من 17 طالباً وطالبة من 14جنسية من 17 كلية طب حول العالم، بناء على اتفاقية التبادل العلمى والطلابى.

                  انتقد الوفد إجراءات مكافحة العدوى داخل المستشفيات المصرية، وأكدوا أنه لا يوجد أى اهتمام بمكافحة العدوى داخل المستشفيات، حتى من جانب الأطباء وفرق التمريض، مما ينذر بكارثة فى حال وجود وباء لا قدر الله.

                  جاء انتقاد الطلاب فى حضور الدكتور حسام العطار رئيس الجامعة والدكتور محسن خيرى عميد كلية الطب وعدد كبير من أساتذة الجامعة، ولم ينفِ أحد منهم انتقادات الوفد.

                  كما انتقد الطلاب أيضا ظاهرة التدخين داخل المستشفيات، وخاصة مستشفى الجامعة، وذلك من جانب المرضى والزوار والأطباء وفرق التمريض، وأكدوا أن هذه الظاهرة لا يمكن أن تحدث فى بلادهم لأن من يفعل ذلك يتعرض لعقوبات وغرامات رادعة، كما عبروا عن دهشتهم من تضخم عدد مرضى الكبد الوبائى.

                  During their visit to the University of milk ..
                  The delegation of foreign medical students criticized the "hospital" Egypt
                  Saturday, July 11, 2009 - 12:31

                  Foreign delegation met Banha University
                  Criticized the delegation of foreign medical schools, which is currently hosted by the University of Banha, consisting of 17 students from 14 nationalities from 17 Faculty of Medicine around the world, based on the scientific and student exchanges.

                  Criticized the infection control procedures within the Egyptian hospital, and stressed that there was no interest in combating the infection in hospitals, even by doctors and nursing teams, which portends a disaster in the event of a pandemic is not as much as God.
                  The criticism of the students in the attendance of Dr. Hussam Al-Attar the university president, Dr. Mohsen Khairy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and a large number of university professors, one of them did not deny the criticism.

                  The students also criticized the phenomenon of smoking in hospitals, especially university hospital, by patients, visitors, doctors and nursing teams, and stressed that this phenomenon could not occur in the home do so because it is being subjected to deterrent fines and penalties, and expressed surprise at the rise in liver patients epidemic.


                  • #10
                    Re: Egypt - An example of hospital care

                    إجراء عملية جراحية فى مستشفى بولاق الدكرور بـ"كشافات الموبايلات" Undergo surgery at a hospital in Bulaq Dakrur the "كشافات mobiles"
                    الأثنين، 13 يوليو 2009 - 22:19 Monday, July 13, 2009 - 22:19

                    أطباء بمستشفى بولاق الدكرور أغلقوا بطن مريض انتظارا لعودة الكهرباء

                    Doctors Hospital Bulaq Dakrur closed abdomen patients waiting
                    for the return of electricity
                    كتب محمود سعد الدين Mahmoud Al Saad Eddin

                    شهدت غرفة العمليات بمستشفى بولاق الدكرور العام صباح اليوم الاثنين، انقطاعا مفاجئا لتيار الكهرباء العمومى بالمستشفى لمدة ساعة ونصف، وذلك أثناء إجراء عدد من العمليات الجراحية بالغرفة، مما أدى إلى فشلها وعدم إتمامها لتعطل أجهزة التخدير بالمستشفى. Saw the operating room Bulaq Dakrur General Hospital on Monday morning, a sudden disruption of the flow of electricity universal hospital for an hour and a half, during a number of surgical operations room, which led to failure, and non-completion of the disruption of the organs of sedation in hospital.

                    وقال طبيب بالمستشفى ? رفض ذكر اسمه - إن زملاءه الأطباء بغرفة العمليات أغلقوا بطن مريض يدعى مصطفى رمضان حمودة دون إتمام عملية استئصال حصوة بالكلى، مضيفا أن يأس الأطباء من عودة التيار الكهربائى دفعهم إلى عدم إتمام العملية على أن يعيدوا فتح بطن المريض مرة أخرى فى وقت لاحق، ويستقر المريض حاليا بقسم جراحة المسالك البولية بالمستشفى. The doctor said the hospital - who refused to give his name - that his operations room doctors closed abdomen patients named Mustafa Mahmoud Ramadan without the completion of the eradication of kidney stone, adding to the despair of doctors of a return to power them to the failure to complete the process to re-open the belly of the patient again in the time Subsequently, the patient was stabilized and the Department of Urology hospital.

                    وكشف الطبيب لليوم السابع عن قيامه بإنهاء عملية جراحية داخل غرفة العمليات على ضوء كشافات الهواتف المحمولة، مضيفا أنه كان يجب أن يكمل العملية تحت أى ظروف. A doctor for the seventh day of the termination of its operation within the operations room in the light of كشافات mobile phones, he said, adding that he must complete the process under any circumstances.


                    • #11
                      Re: Egypt - An example of hospital care

                      Translation: Arabic ? English
                      وكيل مديرية الشئون الصحية بالمحافظة يكشف..
                      مستشفى أمراض الصدر ببورسعيد دون عناية مركزة
                      الجمعة، 17 يوليو 2009 - 14:46

                      المستشفى تعانى نقص الأجهزة
                      بورسعيد ـ محمد فرج

                      كشف الدكتور عماد الدين حسن وكيل وزارة مديرية الشئون الصحية ببورسعيد، عن عدم وجود وحدة عناية مركزة بمستشفى الصدر "المصح البحرى"، نظرا لضعف الاعتمادات المالية المخصصة من وزارة الصحة. كما طلب من الدكتور عصام مغازى مدير إدارة الأمراض الصدرية بوزارة الصحة، بتوفير جهاز تنفس صناعى لعلاج الحالات الخاصة بالفشل التنفسى الذى يحدث كمضاعفات نتيجة للإصابة بمرض الأنفلونزا.

                      وحذر الدكتور عصام السنوسى استشارى الأمراض الصدرية ببورسعيد، من خطورة حدوث اندماج وتزاوج منتظر بين فيروس ثنائى الأنفلونزا خلال فصل الشتاء القادم. كما أنه يتم دراسة أمراض الجهاز التنفسى والالتهابات الشعبيه الرئوية التى تحدث نتيجة إجراء عمليات نقل أجزاء من الكبد، وبحث كيفيه التعامل مع هذه الحالات.

                      Under the Directorate of Health Affairs shows the maintenance ..
                      Chest diseases hospital in Port Said with attention focused
                      Friday, July 17, 2009 - 14:46

                      The hospital is suffering a lack of organs
                      Port Said Mohamed Farag

                      Dr. Emad El Din Hassan, Undersecretary of the Ministry of the Directorate of Health Affairs in Port Said, from the absence of a hospital intensive care unit chest "maritime institution" due to its poor financial allocations from the Ministry of Health. He also asked Dr. Essam Maghazi Chest Director of the Department of the Ministry of Health, to provide a respirator to treat special cases of respiratory failure, which occurs Kamadaafat result of infection with influenza.

                      Warned Dr. Essam SNOUSSI advisory Chest Port Said, the risk of integration and intermarriage between expected bilateral influenza virus during the upcoming winter season. It is a study of respiratory illnesses and pulmonary bronchitis occurs as a result of the transfer of parts of the liver, and discuss how to deal with these cases.


                      • #12
                        Re: Egypt - An example of hospital care

                        Translation: Arabic ? English
                        بسبب انقطاع التيار الكهربائى 10 ساعات..
                        نجاة 16 طفلاً بحضانات مستشفى طنطا من الموت
                        الأربعاء، 29 يوليو 2009 - 13:39

                        انقطاع الكهرباء يهدد أطفال الحضانات
                        الغربية هند عادل

                        تعرضت حياة أكثر من 16 طفلاً بالحضانات بمستشفى طنطا الجامعى للخطر، نتيجة انقطاع التيار الكهربائى وحرق الكابل الأرضى المغذى للمستشفى، وذلك بسبب الأحمال الزائدة بعد انفجاره فى الثالثة صباحاً، مما عرض الأطفال داخل الحضانات لمشكلة كادت تودى بحياتهم، وعلى الفور تمت الاستعانة بمولدات بديلة لتشغيل قسم الحضانات بعد انقطاع التيار عن جميع أرجاء المستشفى وغرف العمليات والعناية المركزة.

                        تم نقل 4 أطفال منهم إلى قسم الباطنة، كان من بينهم طفلان حالتهما خطيرة، وقام على الفور الدكتور شوقى العبد عميد كلية الطب ورئيس المستشفى بالتواجد داخل المستشفى، والاتصال بمديرية الأمن بالغربية ومرفق الإسعاف ووكيل وزارة الصحة والقيادات الأمنية، لرفع حالة التأهب القصوى وفتح الحضانات الموجودة داخل المستشفيات العامة، والتنسيق بين المستشفيات الخاصة لفتح الحضانات فى حالة تعرض الأطفال للخطر واستمرار انقطاع التيار. واتهم أهالى الأطفال والمرضى إدارة المستشفى وشركة كهرباء جنوب الدلتا بالإهمال الجسيم، نتيجة عدم تغيير الكابلات وإحلالها وتجديدها إلى جانب عدم إجراء الصيانة اللازمة المستمرة، واستمر انقطاع التيار الكهربائى عن باقى أرجاء المستشفى لأكثر من 10 ساعات كاملة، وجارى استبدال الكابل الأرضى التالف بآخر جديد.

                        Due to the interruption of electricity 10 hours ..
                        Survival of 16 children with incubators Tanta hospital death
                        Wednesday, July 29, 2009 - 13:39

                        Blackouts threatens children nursery
                        West India just

                        The lives of more than 16 children, Tanta University Hospital Balhoudanat risk, due to the interruption of power cable and the burning of the ground, usually at the hospital, because of the extra load after the third exploded in the morning, putting children in the nurseries of the problem almost cost their lives, and immediately was the use of generators for the operation of the alternative nurseries after the blackout on all parts of the hospital and operating rooms and intensive care.

                        4 children were transferred them to the inner section, including two in serious condition, and immediately, Dr. Shawki Al-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and president of the hospital presence within the hospital, contact the Directorate of Security and Facility emergency meeting Sunday attended by the Under-Secretary, Ministry of Health and security leaders, to lift the state of maximum alert and the opening of the existing nursery within public hospitals, and coordination between private hospitals to open a nursery in the case of children's exposure to risk and the continued power cuts. He accused the parents of patients and the hospital administration and the South Delta Electricity Company of gross negligence, as a result of changing the cables and replacement and renovation as well as the lack of ongoing maintenance required, and blackout continued for the rest of the hospital for more than 10 hours in full, and the ongoing replacement of the damaged cable ground a new one.


                        • #13
                          Re: Egypt - An example of hospital care

                          this pre-dates the first post in this thread but is just now the first time i have read or heard of this issue...

                          In reality, and mortality in intensive care in Fayoum ..
                          Referral and secretary of Health in Fayoum and 5 doctors for disciplinary trial
                          Wednesday, November 25th, 2009 - 16:25

                          Hatem mountain
                          Fayoum - Rabab Jali

                          Counsel decided Samir Badawi, Chairman of the Administrative Prosecution Authority, to refer Dr Hussein Sophie Abu Talib, Deputy Minister of Health in Fayoum, to the Disciplinary Board, a specialist in Zagazig University, the ones lent to the Ministry of Health, and to bring 5 of the doctors working in intensive care unit at the General Hospital in Fayoum to the Disciplinary Tribunal , as well as sanctioning 7 of the doctors and hospital staff administratively for committing financial and administrative irregularities led to the deaths of a number of patients in hospital intensive care unit during the period from January and February.

                          Dr. Hatem mountain, Minister of Health, decided to transmit the fact of the death of 15 patients a hospital intensive care Fayoum General Hospital as a result of wrongdoing to the Attorney General transmitted by the technical office of Chancellor Abdul Hai Vazhurp, a lawyer for the first year of Fayoum prosecutors for investigation, and condemned the technical reports by the Committee set up by The Ministry of Health officials, doctors from the intensive care unit, and revealed the disruption of all equipment and intensive care unit at the time.

                          Counsel informed the mountain Mohammad Nabil, Vice-Chairman of the Commission and the Director of the Administrative Prosecution Fayoum "section first," offenses that occurred in the intensive care unit, and proceeded Adviser Mohammed Mustafa, head of the Administrative Prosecution, Investigation into the case, which decided to refer them to the nearest disciplinary hearing, in accordance with the decision Counsel soldier Hammad, Vice-Chairman of the Board and Director of the disciplinary action in Cairo.

                          The investigations have included the 15 accused and an unknown first synthesized in conflict with the signing of the seventh and eighth on a document submitted to resign causing them, and prosecutors charged for the second Abla Hassan Mohamed, Senior nursing staff the intensive care unit, was charged with inaction in action officially scheduled on the presentation of items of medical solutions is the subject of submission of On February 14, 2009 allocated to start the measurement and analysis of the gases in the blood of patients with intensive care unit, did not bring this matter to the conflict with the fifth and sixth or management of the hospital from June 30, 2008 until February 13, resulting in expiry of the number of cartons Article 3 solution "scrape and 3 carton "WASH", a $ 16 thousand and 731 pounds, and joined with a third, Reda Abdel-Salam Mohamed nursing supervisor in the neglect of the request to provide the type of medical supplies and items, to start the analysis of gases in the blood throughout the period from February to September 2009, and neglect in the care level of hygiene Special furniture "family" for patients, as well as negligence in the issuance of instructions to the nursing team members to engage patients in uniform and neglect in the request for and supply of adequate quantity of "Aliketrudz" needed to start the Monitor, and decided to sanction the prosecution accused the second and third with administrative intensity, and the prosecutor for the fourth Nadia Abdel-Hamid, head of nursing, negligence in the supervision and follow-up on the work of subordinates second, third and decided to save what was attributed to the lack of definite importance and to draw its sufficiency.

                          And directed the prosecution of the fifth Dr. Hisham Abdel-Mohsen Anwar current president of the Intensive Care Unit charged with negligent supervision on the business unit, jointly with the thirteenth of the failure to take official action regarding the fulfillment of medical follow-up data, and the evolution of the health status of patients and the results of rumors, tests, prosecutors decided to sanction administrative with mitigation.

                          And directed the prosecution of the sixth Dr. Ramadan Ahmed Sadek, Head of Specialist and intensive care unit, was charged with the deposit of 110 pieces "Ilictrudz" agreement with the X in the offending wheel his belongings without the knowledge of hospital administration, although the unit need to the class, with a view has prevailed and no one else and failed to take necessary action debate on the health status of the patient "Association" throughout the evening was given to him late Monday, February 9th and the morning, and the inclusion of data in the computer unit on Bmqaissat supply of equipment and machinery and accessories, furniture, medical and non-medical in favor of the Directorate of Health Affairs about bidding problem which has 3 committees chairmanship and membership of some of the other, despite the confidentiality of such data by law, and violates the established rules on the Attendance during the "Alnobtgiat" assigned to it, and keep the request for leave from the normal 11-17 until 16/12/2008, and that throughout the period from 15/11 until 2 February, without presentation, which resulted in the failure to take measures prescribed by the law regarding the calculation of the duration of leave subject of the request in a timely manner, in addition to his absence from work days 31/12/2008, 1, 2, 9, 10, 12 February, without any reason, lost from work from 14 to 16 February, and cut off from work from March 5 until April first, claiming Mlazemth to bed, and decided the prosecution referred to the Disciplinary Tribunal.

                          For the seventh and eighth, Dr Mohammed Hamdi Attia, Dr. Adel Fathy Sayed resident doctors intensive care unit has interrupted work at the hospital, claiming Mlazemthma of the mattress 1 to 15 February, and the Ninth Dr. Tarek Adly August cut off from the work of 1 to February 16, the central hospital without Tamia official permission, and claimed Mlazemth to bed from 6 to March 12, and X Dr. Nevine Ahmed Ahmed decile, which was cut to work from 1 to 16 February, and participated in the sixth with the issue of "Alalictrudz" and cut off from working in the Directorate of Health Affairs from 5 to 11 March and slackened to receive work in the Directorate-General Court, and in the aftermath of the evacuation of the outskirts of the central hospital Snurs from 5 to 11 March and the prosecution decided to refer four to the Disciplinary Tribunal.

                          As the prosecutor of the Eleventh Dr. Hisham Ahmed Mukhtar Assistant Specialist intensive care unit charged with absence from work, claiming Mlazemth of the mattress 1 to March 11, and the second ten Dr. Khaled Abdel Salam Ibrahim, Deputy Resident, Department of Endoscopy and diseases of the digestive system, which has been out of work from 1 to 17 February and was lax in recognizing the work enlightening General Hospital in Cairo from 6 to 13 March and the prosecution decided Mjazathma administratively with intensity.

                          As the prosecutor of the thirteenth Dr. Anas Abd al-Hakam Abdel-Mohsen, a senior specialists and the Under the hospital, any request for leave of absence to him by the sixth day of December 31, 2008, and that in January 2009 without the capacity or the competence of the failure in conjunction with the fifth to take action on the officially scheduled to meet medical follow-up data, and the evolution of health status and test results, rumors and ticket data and the entry of patients unity throughout the period from January 1 to February 10, 2009, and decided to allocate the prosecution to investigate with administrative relief.

                          And directed the prosecution of the fourteenth Afaf Kamel Mohamed, senior director of specialist staff of the Directorate of Health Affairs, failing to take action towards the re-established official view the offending decision XV No. 908 for the year 2009, and that on February 26, 2009 due to the illegality of the issuance and adoption of the latter to him, "General Manager health "because it contained a re-offending VI to work Fayoum General Hospital, in violation of Resolution No. 907 issued by the violator in the fifteenth day before giving effect to the resolution, Dr. Assistant Minister of Health No. 6 of 2009 and prosecutor decided Mjazadtha administratively.

                          As the prosecutor of the fifteenth Dr Hussein Sophie Abu Taleb, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in Fayoum violation of rules and laws and the issuance of the adoption of resolution No. 908 of 2009 on the order of an administrative editor personally in his own handwriting, Feb. 26, annulled the offending cause VI Diwan Directorate of Health Affairs, and continued to work for a hospital Fayoum in violation of General Order No. 907, adopted on the banks of administrative Remover signing the previous day, February 25, and done according to the resolution, Dr. Assistant Secretary for Health Affairs for medical treatment No. 6 for the year 2009 based on the formal approval of the Minister of Health in February 19, 2009 Assignment VI offender, in addition to the offenders seventh to the twelfth to the medical units of the curative care sector at the Ministry and the placement of the luminous General Hospital, in the event-free formulation of the biblical command, for the benefit of the purpose for which is included without a specific date for its effective date and implementation, resulting in the obstruction of the Disclaimer VI formally dissenting from the Court in the Directorate and the Ministry's decision to defer activation, resulting in the ministry's decision not to put into effect until 16 April 2009 and prosecutor decided to allocate it to the Disciplinary Board at the University of Zagazig, referred to the disciplinary trial.


                          • #14
                            Re: Egypt - An example of hospital care

                            The lack of presence in Alnobtjip night ..
                            Referral specialists and 27 doctors and nurses to investigate Gharbia
                            Sunday, November 29th, 2009 - 14:06

                            Abdel-Hamid Shenawy Governor Bank of Western India fair

                            Decided and Dr. Sharif Hammouda Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Gharbia, to transmit the 23 specialist and 4 resident doctors and a nurse for Legal Affairs, due to lack of their presence during the night work Alnobtjip Samanoud central hospitals and public and Mahala Minshawi year.

                            Where the conversion of 11 specialists and 2 resident doctor Samanoud Central Hospital and 12 specialists and a resident doctor and nurse Mahala General Hospital and a resident doctor hospital Minshawi year, when he was passing on Saturday night on hospitals, and notes that they were present during periods of evening and Alnobtgiat law, and decided immediately transferred Affairs legal investigation.


                            • #15
                              Re: Egypt - An example of hospital care

                              The absence of 21 doctors and nurses, hospital Fayoum Tuesday, December 1st, 2009 - 16:51

                              D. Galal M. Said, Fayoum Governor
                              Fayoum - Rabab Jali

                              Revealed to the committees of the financial and administrative inspections in Fayoum Governorate absences 16 doctors and five nurses at the hospital level Central General Hospital, Fayoum governorate of Fayoum.

                              Wali. Galal M. Said, Fayoum Governor has instructed the formation of committees of the inspection the financial and administrative work of the unannounced visits, the timing of one of the hospitals in central and Fayoum General Hospital revealed the absence of 3 visits to doctors and two nurses Fayoum General Hospital.

                              Also revealed the committee, which visited the Central Hospital Snurs the absence of 9 doctors and workers from the hospital, but hospital Ebshiway Central has revealed a surprise visit from her absent and 4 doctors working as shown by the absence of three nurses Tamia Central Hospital.

                              The committee called for in their reports that all the absentee doctors and nurses to investigate, as well as referral physician is responsible for overseeing the passage of time commissions for negligence in carrying out its mission.

