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Canada: (C-B 382, Al 1348, Sa 859, Ma 831, On 3,636, Qc 2506, N-B 42, N-? 330, IPE 5, TNL 44, YK 1, TNO 9, Nu 405) - 10,403 cas - 55 morts

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  • Re: Canada: (C-B 115, Al 96, Sa 91, Ma 6, On 371, Qc 192, N-B 2, N-? 70, IPE 3, YK 1) - 947 CAS CONFIRM?S - 2 morts

    <TABLE id=border_table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width=150><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle bgColor=#333366>Cas de grippe H1N1 confirm?s en Ontario</TD></TR><TR><TD class=listbox_n align=middle>371</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle bgColor=#333366>en date du 26 mai 2009, 15 h 00 HAE</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


    • Re: Canada: (C-B 115, Al 107, Sa 91, Ma 6, On 371, Qc 192, N-B 2, N-? 70, IPE 3, YK 1) - 958 CAS CONFIRM?S - 2 morts

      Confirmed Cases in Alberta

      As of May 26, 2009, 11 new case have been confirmed, bringing the total to 107 confirmed cases of H1N1 influenza virus in Alberta.
      • Region breakdown ? 33 cases are from Calgary area, 43 are from Edmonton area, four from southern Alberta, 16 from central Alberta, 10 from northern Alberta, and one out of country resident.
      • Mild symptoms reported for all but four cases.
      • Of Alberta?s confirmed cases, 33 had travelled to affected areas; 20 had contact with other cases; 37 cases had no travel; 1 case is from out of country, and 16 cases have travel/exposure histories to be determined.
      Go back to the H1N1 influenza virus home page
      Case breakdown summary

      Sets policy and direction to achieve a sustainable and accountable health system to promote and protect the health of Albertans.


      • Re: Canada: (C-B 115, Al 107, Sa 91, Ma 6, On 495, Qc 192, N-B 2, N-? 70, IPE 3, YK 1) - 1082 CAS CONFIRM?S - 2 morts

        <TABLE id=border_table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width=150><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle bgColor=#333366>Cas de grippe H1N1 confirm?s en Ontario</TD></TR><TR><TD class=listbox_n align=middle>495</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle bgColor=#333366>en date du 27 mai 2009, 15 h 00 HAE</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


        • Re: Canada: (C-B 120, Al 107, Sa 91, Ma 6, On 495, Qc 192, N-B 2, N-? 70, IPE 3, YK 1) - 1087 CAS CONFIRM?S - 2 morts

          One hundred and twenty (120) individuals in British Columbia so far have tested positive for the H1N1 flu virus that has caused illness in the U.S. and Mexico:
          <TABLE width=301 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD class=style5 width=243>Northern Health</TD><TD class=style5 width=42>
          </TD></TR><TR><TD class=style5>Interior Health</TD><TD class=style5>
          </TD></TR><TR><TD class=style5>Vancouver Island Health Authority</TD><TD class=style5>
          </TD></TR><TR><TD class=style5>Vancouver Coastal Health</TD><TD class=style5>
          </TD></TR><TR><TD class=style5>Fraser Health</TD><TD class=style5>
          </TD></TR><TR><TD class=style12>TOTAL</TD><TD class=style12>


          • Re: Canada: (C-B 120, Al 109, Sa 91, Ma 6, On 495, Qc 192, N-B 2, N-? 70, IPE 3, YK 1) - 1089 CAS CONFIRM?S - 2 morts

            Confirmed Cases in Alberta

            As of May 27, 2009, two new case have been confirmed, bringing the total to 109 confirmed cases of H1N1 influenza virus in Alberta.
            • Region breakdown ? 33 cases are from Calgary area, 45 are from Edmonton area, four from southern Alberta, 16 from central Alberta, 10 from northern Alberta, and one out of country resident.
            • Mild symptoms reported for all but four cases.
            • Of Alberta?s confirmed cases, 33 had travelled to affected areas; 22 had contact with other cases; 40 cases had no travel; 1 case is from out of country, and 13 cases have travel/exposure histories to be determined.
            Go back to the H1N1 influenza virus home page

            Sets policy and direction to achieve a sustainable and accountable health system to promote and protect the health of Albertans.


            • Re: Canada: (C-B 120, Al 109, Sa 91, Ma 6, On 495, Qc 192, N-B 2, N-? 70, IPE 3, YK 1) - 1089 CAS CONFIRM?S - 2 morts

              <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=305 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=stitrebleupale colSpan=2>Douze cas sont ajout?s au bilan qu?b?cois

              </TD></TR><TR><TD class=auteur>La Presse Canadienne
              27/05/2009 15h57 </TD><TD align=right></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
              <!-- debut-photo --><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=305 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD bgColor=#006599></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=248 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD class=vignette2>
              ? AP/Hasan Jamali
              </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#006599></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
              <!-- fin-photo -->

              <TABLE align=right><TBODY></TBODY></TABLE>Douze cas de grippe A(H1N1) ont ?t? ajout?s, cet apr?s-midi, au nombre total de Qu?b?cois infect?s depuis avril, le portant ? 204.

              Ce cumulatif comprend ?galement les personnes gu?ries.
              Le directeur de la protection de la sant? publique, le docteur Horacio Arruda, a pr?cis? que 19 Qu?b?cois dont l'infection a ?t? confirm?e en laboratoire ont ?t? hospitalis?s. L'un d'eux fait partie des 12 nouveaux cas.

              <!-- InfinitTcDebutEncart --><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=168 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD></TD><TD bgColor=#000000></TD><TD width=10></TD><TD class=encart vAlign=top align=left width="100%">Consultez notre dossier sur la grippe A (H1N1) </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- InfinitTcFinEncart -->
              Trois individus n'?tant pas des r?sidents du Qu?bec y ont aussi re?u des diagnostics positifs, amenant en fait ? 207 le nombre de cas confirm?s sur le territoire qu?b?cois.
              La grippe A(H1N1) n'a pour l'instant co?t? la vie ? aucun Qu?b?cois. Deux personnes porteuses du virus ont perdu la vie au Canada.


              • Re: Canada: (C-B 120, Al 109, Sa 91, Ma 6, On 495, Qc 206, N-B 2, N-? 70, IPE 3, YK 1) - 1,103 CAS CONFIRM?S - 2 morts

                Quatorze nouveaux cas de grippe A (H1N1)

                27 mai 2009 - Quatorze nouveaux cas de grippe A (H1N1) sont confirm?s au Qu?bec, ce qui porte ? 206 le nombre de cas enregistr?s depuis la fin d'avril. Cette donn?e cumulative comprend des personnes maintenant gu?ries, et ne r?f?re donc pas au nombre de patients actuellement atteints.


                • Re: Canada: (C-B 120, Al 109, Sa 104, Ma 6, On 495, Qc 207, N-B 2, N-? 71, IPE 3, YK 1) - 1,118 CAS CONFIRM?S - 2 morts

                  Cas d'infection au virus H1N1 au Canada

                  L?Agence de la sant? publique du Canada (ASPC) s?est engag?e ? partager l?information concernant les cas de virus H1N1 chez les Canadiens. Les cas confirm?s sont affich?s les lundis, mercredis et vendredis ? 16 h (HAE).
                  En date du 27 mai 2009, un total de 1,118 cas de virus H1N1 confirm?s en laboratoire tel que signal? par 9 provinces et 1 territoire au Canada (voir Tableau 1 ci-dessous).

                  <TABLE id=table-cases cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 summary="Tableau 1 : Sommaire des cas virus H1N1 (grippe porcine humaine) confirm?s en laboratoire tels que signal?s par les provinces et territoires ? l'Agence de la sant? publique du Canada"><CAPTION>Tableau 1 : Sommaire des cas d?infection du virus H1N1 confirm?s en laboratoire tels que signal?s par les provinces et territoires ? l?Agence de la sant? publique du Canada, en date du 27 mai 2009 a 16 h (HAE). </CAPTION><THEAD><TR><TH scope=col>Province / Territoire</TH><TH scope=col>Nouveaux cas confirm?s en laboratoire depuis le 25 mai 2009<SUP> 1</SUP></TH><TH scope=col>Nombre total de cas (incluant les cas nouveaux) </TH><TH scope=col>Nombre total de d?c?s <SUP>2 </SUP></TH></TR></THEAD><TBODY><TR><TD scope=row>Colombie-Britannique</TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD class=alignCenter>0</TD></TR><TR><TD scope=row>Alberta</TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD class=alignCenter>1</TD></TR><TR><TD scope=row>Saskatchewan</TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD class=alignCenter>0</TD></TR><TR><TD scope=row>Manitoba</TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD class=alignCenter>0</TD></TR><TR><TD scope=row>Ontario</TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD class=alignCenter>1</TD></TR><TR><TD scope=row>Qu?bec</TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD class=alignCenter>0</TD></TR><TR><TD scope=row>Nouveau-Brunswick</TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD class=alignCenter>0</TD></TR><TR><TD scope=row>Nouvelle-?cosse</TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD class=alignCenter>0</TD></TR><TR><TD scope=row>?le-du-Prince-?douard</TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD class=alignCenter>0</TD></TR><TR><TD scope=row>Terre-Neuve</TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD class=alignCenter>0</TD></TR><TR><TD scope=row>Yukon</TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD class=alignCenter>0</TD></TR><TR><TD scope=row>Territoires du Nord-Ouest</TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD class=alignCenter>0</TD></TR><TR><TD scope=row>Nunavut</TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD vAlign=bottom>
                  </TD><TD class=alignCenter>0</TD></TR><TR class=totals><TD scope=row>Total</TD><TD class=alignCenter>197</TD><TD class=alignCenter>1,118</TD><TD class=alignCenter>2</TD></TR></TBODY><TBODY><TR><TD class=footer colSpan=4><SUP>1 </SUP>Note : Les PT peuvent choisir d'annoncer les cas qui ont ?t? confirm?s apr?s 15 h, HAE.
                  Ces cas doivent ?tre repr?sent?s dans la mise ? jour ?pid?miologique suivante.
                  <SUP>2</SUP>Le nombre de d?c?s est inclus dans le nombre de cas

                  En date du 27 mai 2009, la moiti? des cas sont ?g?s de 22 ans ou moins (m?diane de 17 ans; ?tendue: entre <1 et 86 ans). A ce jour, 43 cas ont n?cessit? une hospitalisation et deux d?c?s ont ?t? signal?s. La plus r?cente date d?apparition des sympt?mes est le 21 mai 2009.

                  Le graphique ci-dessous, une courbe ?pid?miologique, a ?t? mis ? jour en date du 25 mai 2009. Il d?montre l??volution actuelle de l??closion du virus H1N1 au Canada. Il d?montre ?galement la date d?apparition des sympt?mes du virus H1N1 pour chacun des cas confirm?s en laboratoire.

                  Figure 1 : Nombre de cas d'infection de virus H1N1 confirm?s en laboratoire au Canada selon la date d?apparition des sympt?mes tels que signal? ? l?Agence de la sant? publique du Canada, en date du 25 mai 2009 (N=588).
                  Source : Minist?res provinciaux et territoriaux de la Sant?
                  Lorsque vous ferrez l'interpr?tation de ce graphique, veuillez noter que :
                  • Le graphique est pr?par? de mani?re r?trospective et est mis ? jour ? l?aide des informations disponibles ? ce moment. Il n?est pas aussi exact que le Tableau 1 qui montre le sommaire des cas confirm?s en laboratoire, puisque les renseignements concernant la date d?apparition des sympt?mes sont plus difficiles ? compiler.
                  • Il y a toujours un d?lai entre la date de d?but d?une maladie et celle o? le cas est signal? aux autorit?s de sant? publique. Ce d?lai repr?sente le temps n?cessaire aux patients pour consulter leur m?decin, faire les tests laboratoires et d?envoyer les r?sultats laboratoires aux autorit?s de sant? publique.


                  • Re: Canada: (C-B 120, Al 109, Sa 104, Ma 11, On 495, Qc 207, N-B 2, N-? 71, IPE 3, YK 1) - 1,123 CAS CONFIRM?S - 2 morts

                    Confirmed Cases of H1N1 Flu in Manitoba

                    As of May 27, 2009
                    <TABLE cellPadding=4 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD bgColor=#015e3f colSpan=2>Health Region</TD></TR><TR><TD width=420 bgColor=#b3c98b>Assiniboine</TD><TD width=98 bgColor=#b3c98b>
                    </TD></TR><TR><TD width=420 bgColor=#b3c98b>Brandon</TD><TD bgColor=#b3c98b>
                    </TD></TR><TR><TD width=420 bgColor=#b3c98b>Burntwood</TD><TD bgColor=#b3c98b>
                    </TD></TR><TR><TD width=420 bgColor=#b3c98b>Central</TD><TD bgColor=#b3c98b>
                    </TD></TR><TR><TD width=420 bgColor=#b3c98b>Churchill </TD><TD bgColor=#b3c98b>
                    </TD></TR><TR><TD width=420 bgColor=#b3c98b>Interlake</TD><TD bgColor=#b3c98b>
                    </TD></TR><TR><TD width=420 bgColor=#b3c98b>Nor-Man</TD><TD bgColor=#b3c98b>
                    </TD></TR><TR><TD width=420 bgColor=#b3c98b>North Eastman</TD><TD bgColor=#b3c98b>
                    </TD></TR><TR><TD width=420 bgColor=#b3c98b>Parkland</TD><TD bgColor=#b3c98b>
                    </TD></TR><TR><TD width=420 bgColor=#b3c98b>South Eastman</TD><TD bgColor=#b3c98b>
                    </TD></TR><TR><TD width=420 bgColor=#b3c98b>Winnipeg</TD><TD bgColor=#b3c98b>
                    </TD></TR><TR><TD width=420 bgColor=#015e3f>Total</TD><TD bgColor=#015e3f>
                    For more information on the H1N1Flu, please click here:


                    • Re: Canada: (C-B 120, Al 117, Sa 104, Ma 11, On 495, Qc 207, N-B 2, N-? 71, IPE 3, YK 1) - 1,131 CAS CONFIRM?S - 2 morts

                      Confirmed Cases in Alberta

                      As of May 28, 2009, eight new case have been confirmed, bringing the total to 117 confirmed cases of H1N1 influenza virus in Alberta.
                      • Region breakdown ? 35 cases are from Calgary area, 50 are from Edmonton area, four from southern Alberta, 16 from central Alberta, 11 from northern Alberta, and one out of country resident.
                      • Mild symptoms reported for all but four cases.
                      • Of Alberta?s confirmed cases, 33 had travelled to affected areas; 23 had contact with other cases; 41 cases had no travel; 1 case is from out of country, and 19 cases have travel/exposure histories to be determined.


                      • Re: Canada: (C-B 120, Al 117, Sa 104, Ma 11, On 495, Qc 225, N-B 2, N-? 71, IPE 3, YK 1) - 1,149 CAS CONFIRM?S - 2 morts


                        Vingt-un nouveaux cas de grippe A (H1N1)

                        28 mai 2009 - Vingt-un nouveaux cas de grippe A (H1N1) sont confirm?s au Qu?bec, ce qui porte ? 225 le nombre de cas enregistr?s depuis la fin d'avril. Cette donn?e cumulative comprend des personnes maintenant gu?ries, et ne r?f?re donc pas au nombre de patients actuellement atteints.


                        • Re: Canada: (C-B 120, Al 117, Sa 123, Ma 11, On 495, Qc 225, N-B 2, N-? 71, IPE 3, YK 1) - 1,168 CAS CONFIRM?S - 2 morts

                          H1N1 Flu Virus Surveillance Results

                          The Ministry of Health continues to monitor the H1N1 flu virus in Saskatchewan. Thus far, the vast majority of cases reported in the province - and throughout Canada - exhibit mild symptoms. The ministry will next update the case numbers on Monday, June 1st, as it moves toward weekly reporting. This is consistent with the Public Health Agency of Canada. If the situation changes, the website will be updated.

                          <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width=211>Health Region*
                          </TD><TD vAlign=top width=182>
                          Cases Confirmed
                          </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=211>Cypress
                          </TD><TD vAlign=top width=182>
                          </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=211>Five Hills
                          </TD><TD vAlign=top width=182>
                          </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=211>Heartland
                          </TD><TD vAlign=top width=182>
                          </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=211>Kelsey Trail
                          </TD><TD vAlign=top width=182>
                          </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=211>Prairie North
                          </TD><TD vAlign=top width=182>
                          </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=211>Prince Albert Parkland
                          </TD><TD vAlign=top width=182>
                          </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=211>Regina Qu'Appelle
                          </TD><TD vAlign=top width=182>
                          </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=211>Saskatoon Health Region
                          </TD><TD vAlign=top width=182>
                          </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=211>Sun Country
                          </TD><TD vAlign=top width=182>
                          </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=211>Sunrise
                          </TD><TD vAlign=top width=182>
                          </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=211>Athabasca
                          </TD><TD vAlign=top width=182>
                          </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=211>Keewatin Yatth?
                          </TD><TD vAlign=top width=182>
                          </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=211>Mamawetin Churchill River
                          </TD><TD vAlign=top width=182>
                          </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=211>
                          </TD><TD vAlign=top width=182></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=211>TOTAL
                          </TD><TD vAlign=top width=182>
                          </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>* The health region listed for a reported case may be changed after final verification of place of residence.
                          Updated May 29, 2009

                          Find programs and services, jobs, education, health, families, First Nations, immigration, taxes, legislation, ministries and more.


                          • Re: Canada: (C-B 120, Al 121, Sa 123, Ma 11, On 495, Qc 225, N-B 2, N-? 71, IPE 3, YK 1) - 1,172 CAS CONFIRM?S - 2 morts

                            Confirmed Cases in Alberta

                            As of May 29, 2009, four new case have been confirmed, bringing the total to 121 confirmed cases of H1N1 influenza virus in Alberta.
                            • Region breakdown ? 35 cases are from Calgary area, 53 are from Edmonton area, four from southern Alberta, 17 from central Alberta, 11 from northern Alberta, and one out of country resident.
                            • Mild symptoms reported for all but four cases.
                            • Of Alberta?s confirmed cases, 34 had travelled to affected areas; 29 had contact with other cases; 44 cases had no travel; one case is from out of country, and 13 cases have travel/exposure histories to be determined.
                            Go back to the H1N1 influenza virus home page

                            Sets policy and direction to achieve a sustainable and accountable health system to promote and protect the health of Albertans.


                            • Re: Canada: (C-B 120, Al 121, Sa 123, Ma 11, On 495, Qc 225, N-B 2, N-? 73, IPE 3, YK 1) - 1,174 CAS CONFIRM?S - 2 morts

                              Latest News

                              May 29
                              There have been 73 confirmed cases of H1N1 (human swine influenza) in Nova Scotia. We will update this website weekly, on Fridays.


                              • Re: Canada: (C-B 120, Al 121, Sa 123, Ma 11, On 626, Qc 225, N-B 2, N-? 73, IPE 3, YK 1) - 1,305 CAS CONFIRM?S - 2 morts

                                Ontario's H1N1 count jumps by 131
                                By Staff
                                Friday, May 29, 2009

                                NEWS RELEASE

                                ONTARIO MINISTRY
                                OF HEALTH AND
                                LONG-TERM CARE

                                131 new confirmed cases of H1N1 flu virus in Ontario

                                TORONTO - (May 29) - Dr. David Williams, Ontario's acting chief medical officer of health, says there are 131 new confirmed cases of H1N1 flu virus since Wednesday, bringing the total number of cases in Ontario to 626.

                                Almost all of the cases reported to date are considered mild.

                                One person with a chronic pre-existing medical condition died on May 23.

                                The autopsy results from the Office of the Chief Coroner have shown that the cause of death is pneumonia that appears to be of bacterial origin and there is evidence of significant heart disease also present.

                                The role of H1N1 virus in this case is unclear and may be difficult to ascertain.

                                Six people who have the H1N1 flu virus were in hospital as of May 28, a number of whom have underlying medical conditions.

                                The Ontario cases involve 315 males and 309 females (the gender of two cases is unknown) with an age range of (less than)1 to 80.

                                New confirmed cases in Ontario

                                Toronto - 76
                                Peel Region - 26
                                York Region - 15
                                Halton - 3
                                City of Ottawa - 3
                                Simcoe Muskoka District - 3
                                Hamilton - 1
                                Wellington Dufferin Guelph - 2
                                Waterloo Region - 1
                                Niagara Region - 1

                                Quick facts

                                Symptoms of the H1N1 flu virus (human swine flu) are similar to seasonal influenza (flu) including headache, chills and cough followed by fever, loss of appetite, muscle aches and fatigue, runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes and throat irritation.

                                Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may occur in adults as well as in children. In more severe cases, or in people with chronic conditions, complications such as pneumonia may develop.

                                People returning from Mexico who have symptoms of respiratory illness should contact their health care provider or call Telehealth Ontario at1-866-797-0000.

                                For general information on the H1N1 flu virus (human swine flu), call the ServiceOntario INFOline at 1-800-476-9708 or visit the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care website.

                                Learn more

                                For more information about human swine flu, click here.

                                To learn more about hand washing, go here.

                                Read about public health initiatives in the province.

                                NEWS RELEASE ONTARIO MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND LONG-TERM CARE ************************* 131 new confirmed cases of H1N1 flu virus in Ontario TORONTO - (May 29) - Dr.

