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Egypt, M.O.H. warned lawmakers of new threat avian dogs "H3 N8"

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  • Egypt, M.O.H. warned lawmakers of new threat avian dogs "H3 N8"

    thought this was a dog only issue mentioned below.It could also be just something mentioned to get the media looking in another direction for a bit

    Translation: Arabic ? English
    د. حاتم الجبلي وزير الصحة:
    وفاة "سماح" ليست تمثيلية لإلغاء العمرة
    .. ونواب البرلمان: أنفلونزا الكلاب.. في الطريق!!

    كتب - مجدي عبدالرحمن وعبداللاه هاشم:

    نفي د. حاتم الجبلي وزير الصحة أن تكون وفاة "سماح" - التي ماتت عقب عودتها من أداء العمرة - مجرد تمثيلية لإلغاء العمرة.. أكد أن الضحية ماتت بأنفلونزا الخنازير وأبدي استعداده لتحمل المسئولية كاملة أمام الرأي العام إذا ثبت أنها ماتت بمرض آخر.
    قال إن عينة التحاليل الموجودة خاصة بالمتوفاة وليست لأي شخص آخر. وهذا لاينفي اصابتها بأمراض أخري مثل القلب والحمي الروماتيزمية وجلطة بالشريان والتهاب حاد وفشل تنفسي ونقص في نسبة الاكسجين بالدم فهذه الأمراض موجودة لكن الوفاة سببها أنفلونزا الخنازير.
    قرر د. الجبلي التحقيق مع أطباء الحجر الصحي وإعادة النظر في أسلوب فحص القادمين من الخارج لعدم اكتشاف حالة المصابة عند وصولها إلي مصر رغم ظهور علامات المرض عليها.
    علي جانب آخر حذر نواب البرلمان من خطر جديد يتمثل في أنفلونزا الكلاب "H3 N8

    D. The woman and the Minister of Health:
    The death of a "grace" is not representative of the abolition of Umrah
    .. And the deputies: Avian dogs .. On the way!!

    Books - Magdi Abdel Rahman and Hashim Abdella:

    Denied. The woman and the Minister of Health that the death of a "grace" - who died after returning from performing Umrah - a mere representative of the abolition of Umrah .. Confirmed that the victim died of swine flu and expressed his willingness to assume full responsibility for the public if it is proved that she was with another.
    The sample analysis, especially those deceased and not to any other person. This is to discharge her, such as heart disease and stroke, and rheumatic fever and acute umbilical cord and respiratory failure and lack of oxygen in the proportion of blood, this disease exists, but the deaths caused by swine flu.

    D decided. Mountain to investigate doctors quarantine and re-examination of the way from abroad to discover the status of non-infected on arrival in Egypt, despite the emergence of signs of the disease.
    On the other hand, warned lawmakers of a new threat is the avian dogs "H3 N8

  • #2
    Re: Egypt, M.O.H. warned lawmakers of new threat avian dogs "H3 N8"

    It's either a distraction or more likely a misunderstanding. We've had H3N8 canine influenza outbreaks frequently in the US with no reported human infections. I think I actually read a more detailed article about H3N8 canine influenza in the Al-Youm source, but didn't post it because I didn't think it was relevant. It wasn't referring to cases in Egypt, but to the US.


    • #3
      Re: Egypt, M.O.H. warned lawmakers of new threat avian dogs "H3 N8"

      I just did some hunting there has never been a documented human case of H3N8.


      • #4
        Re: Egypt, M.O.H. warned lawmakers of new threat avian dogs "H3 N8"

        Although it was suspected to have caused the 1889 pandemic or a h2n2. We are not sure which one it was.


        • #5
          Re: Egypt, M.O.H. warned lawmakers of new threat avian dogs "H3 N8"

          I just think that the level of "flu" alert is so high in Egypt right now that anything about flu will be published. I wish I could find that article I saw a couple days ago in the Al-Youm - it was sensational journalism at its worst.


          • #6
            Re: Egypt, M.O.H. warned lawmakers of new threat avian dogs "H3 N8"

            must be a distraction for the media,I raised a few race horses and did layup work on my farm prior to moving to Egypt.all the horses every three months were giving equine fluvacs which they indicate this stain may have came from.

            i recall from many years ago some deaths of horse people in Argentina due to the equine strain.

            it just struck me as odd, as i read another small article on the 6th of October ( a city here) where they were looking at disallowing the importing of pets do to the Chance of spreading another flu type disease.


            • #7
              Re: Egypt, M.O.H. warned lawmakers of new threat avian dogs "H3 N8"

              Originally posted by alert View Post
              I just think that the level of "flu" alert is so high in Egypt right now that anything about flu will be published. I wish I could find that article I saw a couple days ago in the Al-Youm - it was sensational journalism at its worst.
              lots of that here, with politics driving the media.


              • #8
                Re: Egypt, M.O.H. warned lawmakers of new threat avian dogs "H3 N8"

                I think you're right about equine influenza in Argentina - this quote comes from an article in post #23 in the now infamous "Oaxaca Illnesses" thread. The original link has been disabled. (I wonder how that outbreak turned out? - LOL) I guess it was an H7 equine influenza. I wish I had known that three months ago as not to interpret this paragraph as nonsense.

                La gripe aviar fue identificada por primera vez hace cien años en Italia y estaba relacionada solamente con las aves, por eso su nombre. Bird flu was first identified in Italy one hundred years ago and was related only to birds, thus its name. Es producida por un virus que tiene al menos 15 subtipos de los cuales los más peligrosos para los humanos son los H5 y H7, causantes de las epidemias en China y en Argentina. Is caused by a virus that has at least 15 subtypes of the most dangerous to humans are the H5 and H7, which cause epidemics in China and Argentina.


                • #9
                  Re: Egypt, M.O.H. warned lawmakers of new threat avian dogs "H3 N8"

                  That same article contains the following text. Would someone like to explain to me exactly what incident this refers to? I thought at the time they were referring to the H3N2 Hong Kong flu of 1968 (or possibly even SARS - but no one died of SARS in Argentina - I hope), but I think this is now a reference to some equine flu incident. And Google is not helping me find this incident now because all references to flu in Argentina now point to the current pandemic.

                  En Argentina murieron cientos de personas por un brote de influenza aviar hace apenas unos años, después de que la mutación del virus se identificó en Hong Kong y luego se trasladó vía aérea a varias partes del mundo. In Argentina hundred people died in an outbreak of avian influenza a few years ago, after the mutation of the virus was identified in Hong Kong and then moved by air to various parts of the world.


                  • #10
                    Re: Egypt, M.O.H. warned lawmakers of new threat avian dogs "H3 N8"

                    And Google is not helping me find this incident now because all references to flu in Argentina now point to the current pandemic.
                    Try adding "-2009" to your search query. I have that same problem, so I use the "-" option a lot.

                    "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


                    • #11
                      Re: Egypt, M.O.H. warned lawmakers of new threat avian dogs "H3 N8"

                      Originally posted by AlaskaDenise View Post
                      Try adding "-2009" to your search query. I have that same problem, so I use the "-" option a lot.

                      I've been trying that. Most of the current articles don't explicitly mention the year, so they don't get excluded. I've also been only looking for sources that are several years old. I'm not finding much.

                      I made a separate thread in the discussion room (can you fix my spelling error in the title) to discuss this more fully. There are a couple very specific claims in that article.

