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Hemorrhagic fever outbreak kills 23 in south Sudan - unfounded

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  • Hemorrhagic fever outbreak kills 23 in south Sudan - unfounded

    Wednesday October 7, 2009

    KHARTOUM (Reuters) - A mysterious haemorrhagic disease suspected to be Ebola has killed at least 23 people and infected dozens more in Sudan's under-developed south, a southern Sudanese army official said on Wednesday.
    The World Health Organisation says Ebola, one of the most virulent viral diseases known to mankind, was discovered in south Sudan and the neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo in 1976. Some strains have a death rate of 25 to 90 percent.
    Kuol Diem Kuol, spokesman for the south Sudan army (SPLA) said blood samples had been sent to laboratories for testing but that doctors suspected it was Ebola.
    "So far from the SPLA there are 20 killed and three wives (of soldiers) also died," he told Reuters.
    "There is a huge number of the population affected that we don't have the (exact) number of," he added.
    A U.N. official in the south said they had attempted an assessment but needed more information from local government to be able to assess the situation.
    Kuol said symptoms included vomiting blood and bleeding from the ears and nose, adding it was very widespread in the Western Bahr al-Ghazal state.
    A 2004 outbreak of Ebola killed seven people in the south. Death rates in Sudan averaged around 50 percent of victims.
    Health officials say there is still no known cure for the disease, which is spread through bodily fluids, including blood.
    South Sudan, emerging from decades of civil war, has little health infrastructure and few medical staff.

  • #2
    Suspected Ebola outbreak in Sudan - 23 dead, dozens more ill

    Suspected ebola outbreak kills 23 in south Sudan-army
    Wed Oct 7, 2009 9:23am EDT
    Email | Print | Share| Reprints | Single Page[-] Text [+] Featured Broker sponsored link
    KHARTOUM, Oct 7 (Reuters) - A mysterious haemorrhagic disease suspected to be Ebola has killed at least 23 people and infected dozens more in Sudan's under-developed south, a southern Sudanese army official said on Wednesday.

    The World Health Organisation says Ebola, one of the most virulent viral diseases known to mankind, was discovered in south Sudan and the neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo in 1976. Some strains have a death rate of 25 to 90 percent.

    Kuol Diem Kuol, spokesman for the south Sudan army (SPLA) said blood samples had been sent to laboratories for testing but that doctors suspected it was Ebola.

    "So far from the SPLA there are 20 killed and three wives (of soldiers) also died," he told Reuters.

    "There is a huge number of the population affected that we don't have the (exact) number of," he added.

    A U.N. official in the south said they had attempted an assessment but needed more information from local government to be able to assess the situation.

    Kuol said symptoms included vomiting blood and bleeding from the ears and nose, adding it was very widespread in the Western Bahr al-Ghazal state.

    A 2004 outbreak of Ebola killed seven people in the south. Death rates in Sudan averaged around 50 percent of victims.

    Health officials say there is still no known cure for the disease, which is spread through bodily fluids, including blood.

    South Sudan, emerging from decades of civil war, has little health infrastructure and few medical staff


    • #3
      Re: Suspected Ebola outbreak in Sudan - 23 dead, dozens more ill

      It goes without saying that someone should send this to ProMed.

      There has not been (prior to this) any laboratory-confirmed cases of Ebola or Marburg in humans this year. We were almost overdue for one of these.


      • #4
        Re: Suspected Ebola outbreak in Sudan - 23 dead, dozens more ill

        Death (20) of the elements of an unknown illness EP!!


        مصرع (20) من عناصر الجيش الشعبي بمرض مجهول بولاية غرب الاستوائية جنوبي السودان Death (20) of the elements of an unknown illness with Army in West Equatoria, south Sudan

        لقي (20) من عناصر الجيش الشعبي مصرعهم جراء الإصابة بمرض مجهول في مناطق تمساحا والفرقة وكتكت بولاية غرب بحر الغزال جنوبي السودان. Was (20) of the elements of the Popular Army were killed by an unidentified disease in the areas of crocodile and the band and Kutkut in West Bahr el Ghazal in southern Sudan.

        وقالت السلطات الصحية إنها لم تتعرف بعد على المرض. Health authorities have said they have not yet identified the disease.

        وقال وزير الصحة في الولاية اسحق الياس إبراهيم في تصريحات صحفية ان أعراض المرض تتمثل في النزيف عبر الأنف والتقيؤ ، وناشد اسحق حكومة الجنوب وبعثة الأمم المتحدة في السودان لتوفير الخدمات الطبية للمصابين. The Minister of Health in the state, Isaac Elias Ibrahim in a press statement that symptoms of the disease is bleeding through the nose, vomiting, and appealed to the Government of Yitzhak South and the United Nations Mission in Sudan to provide medical services to the injured.
        __________________ __________________


        • #5
          Re: Suspected Ebola outbreak in Sudan - 23 dead, dozens more ill

          This is not good. In the midst of violent unreastin the region, enforcing quarantine and contact tracing may be almost impossible in some locations.


          • #6
            Re: Suspected Ebola outbreak in Sudan - 23 dead, dozens more ill

            The above link describes a case with similar symptoms from Sudan that was medically evacuated to Uganda, tested negative for Ebola, and (apparently) recovered. This was about five weeks ago. It is not clear where in Sudan this case was, or what his infection was caused by.


            • #7
              Re: Suspected ebola outbreak kills 23 in south Sudan - army

              The death of 20 members of the SPLA an unknown illness in Western Bahr el Ghazal

              Wednesday, 07 October 2009

              Died 20 members of the SPLA by an unidentified disease in the areas of crocodile and the band and Kutkut in West Bahr el Ghazal. Health authorities have said they have not yet identified the disease. The Minister of Health in the state, Isaac Elias Ibrahim told reporters that the symptoms of the disease is bleeding through the nose and vomiting. Isaac appealed to the Government of the South and the United Nations Mission in Sudan to provide medical services



              • #8
                Re: Suspected ebola outbreak kills 23 in south Sudan - army

                Please merge this thread with this one:

                as we seem to be keeping two threads on this by accident.

                DONE - Niko
                Last edited by Niko; October 8, 2009, 09:14 AM. Reason: added note - done


                • #9
                  Re: Suspected ebola outbreak kills 23 in south Sudan - army

                  <TABLE style="DIRECTION: ltr; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; TEXT-ALIGN: left" borderColor=#111111 cellSpacing=5 cellPadding=5 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>
                  virus kills 23 people in southern Sudan
                  10/7/2009 6:56:00 PM GMT
                  10/7/2009 6:56:00 PM GMT
                  </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top>
                  </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="100%" colSpan=2>
                  فيروس إيبولا يقتل 23 شخصا في جنوب السودان
                  Ebola virus kills 23 people in southern Sudan <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
                  قال مسؤول بجيش جنوب السودان، اليوم الأربعاء، إن مرضا نزفيا غامضا يعتقد انه ايبولا قتل 23 شخصا على الأقل وأصاب عشرات آخرين في جنوب السودان.
                  Military official said South Sudan, on Wednesday, mysterious hemorrhagic disease that is believed to be Ebola killed at least 23 people and wounded dozens of others in southern Sudan. <o:p></o:p>
                  وتقول منظمة الصحة العالمية إن ايبولا، وهو واحد من اكثر الامراض الفيروسية المعروفة للبشر فتكا، اكتشف في جنوب السودان وجمهورية الكونجو الديمقراطية في عام 1976.
                  According to World Health Organization Ebola, one of the most viral diseases known to humans deadly, was discovered in southern Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1976.
                  وبعض سلالاته يتراوح معدل الوفيات عند مصابيها بين 25 و90 في المئة.
                  And some strains, mortality rate at Massabhe between 25 and 90 percent. <o:p></o:p>
                  وقال كول ديم كول المتحدث باسم الجيش الشعبي لتحرير السودان ان عينات دماء ارسلت الى مختبرات لفحصها ولكن الاطباء يشتبهون في انه ايبولا.
                  Diem said Cole Cole, spokesman for the Popular Army for the Liberation of Sudan, said the blood samples sent to laboratories for examination, but doctors suspected it was Ebola. <o:p></o:p>
                  وقال كول "حتى الآن لقي 20 من الجيش الشعبي لتحرير السودان حتفهم كما توفيت ثلاث من زوجات الجنود ايضا".
                  Kohl said "So far at least 20 of the Popular Army for the Liberation of Sudan killed and three people have died of the wives of the soldiers as well." <o:p></o:p>
                  وأضاف "هناك عدد كبير من السكان أصيبوا ونحن لانعرف عددهم على وجه التحديد".
                  "There is a large number of people injured and we do not know the number specifically." <o:p></o:p>
                  وقال مسؤول بالأمم المتحدة في الجنوب إنهم سعوا إلى إجراء تقييم ولكنهم بحاجة الى المزيد من المعلومات من الحكومة المحلية لكي يكونوا قادرين على تقييم الموقف.
                  The official said the United Nations in the south, they sought to assess, but they need more information from the local government to be able to assess the situation. <o:p></o:p>
                  وقال كول إن الاعراض تشمل القيء الدموي والنزيف من الاذنين والانف، وأضاف انه متفش على نطاق واسع في ولاية غرب بحر الغزال.
                  Kohl said the symptoms include vomiting blood and bleeding from the ears and nose, and added that he is rampant on a large scale in the state of Western Bahr el Ghazal. <o:p></o:p>
                  ويقول مسؤولون صحيون إنه لم يعرف حتى الأن علاج للمرض الذي ينتشر من خلال سوائل الجسم بما فيها الدم.
                  Health officials say it was not yet known cure for the disease which is spread through body fluids including blood.



                  • #10
                    Re: Suspected ebola outbreak kills 23 in south Sudan - army

                    Most Recent Alert
                    View printable version
                    Published Date
                    2009-10-07 13:14:27
                    PRO/EAFR> Viral hemorrhagic fever - Sudan: (West Bahr al-Ghazal),
                    Archive Number
                    Full Text
                    Date: 7 Oct 2009
                    Source: Reuters Health

                    Suspected ebola outbreak kills 23 in south Sudan: army
                    A mysterious haemorrhagic disease suspected to be Ebola has killed at
                    least 23 people and infected dozens more in Sudan's under-developed
                    south, a southern Sudanese army official said on Wednesday [7 Oct 2009).

                    The World Health Organisation says Ebola, one of the most virulent
                    viral diseases known to mankind, was discovered in south Sudan and
                    the neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo in 1976. Some strains
                    have a death rate of 25 to 90 percent.

                    Kuol Diem Kuol, spokesman for the south Sudan army (SPLA) said blood
                    samples had been sent to laboratories for testing but that doctors
                    suspected it was Ebola.

                    "So far from the SPLA there are 20 killed and 3 wives (of soldiers)
                    also died," he told Reuters.

                    "There is a huge number of the population affected that we don't have
                    the (exact) number of," he added.

                    A U.N. official in the south said they had attempted an assessment
                    but needed more information from local government to be able to
                    assess the situation.

                    Kuol said symptoms included vomiting blood and bleeding from the ears
                    and nose, adding it was very widespread in the Western Bahr al-Ghazal state.

                    A 2004 outbreak of Ebola killed 7 people in the south. Death rates in
                    Sudan averaged around 50 percent of victims.

                    Health officials say there is still no known cure for the disease,
                    which is spread through bodily fluids, including blood.

                    South Sudan, emerging from decades of civil war, has little health
                    infrastructure and few medical staff.


                    [According to the above newswire, there are reports of a probable
                    viral hemorrhagic fever occurring in South Sudan. While the newswire
                    mentions that ebolavirus infection is suspected, if one reviews prior
                    ProMED-mail postings, one sees that the Sudan has had prior outbreaks
                    of viral hemorrhagic fever caused by agents other than the
                    ebolavirus. In 2007 there was an outbreak of Rift Valley Fever, in
                    1999, 2003 and 2005 there were outbreaks of yellow fever, and in 2004
                    there was an outbreak of ebolavirus. In addition, while Marburgvirus
                    infections have not been confirmed in the Sudan, there have been
                    outbreaks in neighboring Uganda (2007) and the Democratic Republic of
                    the Congo (2003).

                    More information from knowledgeable sources in the region would be
                    greatly appreciated.

                    For a map of the Sudan see
                    For the HealthMap/ProMED interactive map of West Bahr al-Ghazal
                    State, see - Mod.MPP]

                    [see also:
                    Ebola hemorrhagic fever - Uganda (02): (Mbale) NOT 20090825.201424
                    Ebola hemorrhagic fever - Uganda: (Mbale) RFI 20090825.201420
                    Marburgvirus, Egyptian fruit bat - Uganda 20090802.201034]

                    For additional background postings on viral hemorrhagic fever in the
                    Sudan, the following can be found at the general ProMED-mail website

                    Ebola hemorrhagic fever - Congo DR (02): (KS) 20081229.4093
                    Ebola hemorrhagic fever - Uganda (09): (Bundibugyo) 20071209.3972
                    Rift Valley fever - Sudan: WHO 20080122.0272
                    Rift Valley fever - Sudan (11): WHO 20071221.4108
                    Rift Valley fever - Sudan 20071103.3570
                    Ebola hemorrhagic fever - Uganda: (Bundibugyo), WHO 20071130.3869
                    Hemorrhagic fever - Uganda (04): (Bundibugyo), Ebola confirmed 20071130.3859
                    Hemorrhagic fever - Uganda (02): (Bundibugyo), Marburg NOT 20071116.3718
                    Rift Valley fever, bovine, ovine - Sudan: (West Nile), OIE 20071114.3694
                    Zaire ebolavirus, apes - Gabon/DR Congo: lineage variation 20071020.3423
                    Ebola hemorrhagic fever - Congo DR (08) 20070926.3191
                    Ebola hemorrhagic fever - Congo DR 20070910.2996
                    Marburg hemorrhagic fever - Uganda (05) 20070817.2697
                    Marburg hemorrhagic fever - Uganda 20070803.2514
                    Viral hemorrhagic fever - Uganda (Kamwenge): Marburg conf. 20070801.2490
                    Viral hemorrhagic fever - Uganda (Kamwenge): Marburg susp., RFI 20070801.2475
                    Rift Valley fever - Eastern Africa (18): Kenya, bovine 20070219.0624
                    Yellow fever - Sudan (South Kordofan) (07) 20051223.3665
                    Yellow fever - Sudan (Kordofan) 20051121.3387
                    Ebola hemorrhagic fever - Sudan (W. Equatoria) (09) 20040807.2180
                    Ebola hemorrhagic fever - Sudan (W Equatoria) 20040525.1404
                    Acute hemorrhagic fever - Sudan (W Equatoria) (03): Ebola conf. 20040524.1387
                    Acute hemorrhagic fever - Sudan (W Equatoria)(02) 20040521.1369
                    Acute hemorrhagic fever - Sudan (W Equatoria): susp 20040518.1328
                    Yellow fever - Sudan (south) (02) 20030527.1298
                    Yellow fever - Sudan (south) 20030523.1263
                    Undiagnosed disease - Sudan (south) (04) 20030517.1224
                    Undiagnosed disease - Sudan (south): RFI 20030509.1153
                    Ebola hemorrhagic fever - Congo Rep: suspected 20020611.4469
                    Hemorrhagic fever, Marburg virus - Congo, DR (02) 19990507.0753
                    Undiagnosed deaths - Sudan (south) (04) 19990331.0513
                    Yellow fever, suspected - Sudan (south) (03) 19990322.0455
                    Acute hemorrhagic fever syndrome - Sudan 20020307.3706
                    Yellow fever, suspected - Sudan (south) (03) 19990322.0455
                    Yellow fever, suspected - Sudan (south) (02) 19990321.0450
                    Yellow fever, suspected - Sudan (south) 19990318.0420
                    Undiagnosed deaths - Sudan (south) (02) 19990318.0411
                    Undiagnosed deaths - Sudan (south) 19990303.0304]


                    • #11
                      Re: Suspected ebola outbreak kills 23 in south Sudan - army

                      <TABLE style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>Ebola virus kills 23 in southern Sudan </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="97%"><TABLE style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width="99%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=newsResource vAlign=top width=8></TD><TD class=newsResource vAlign=top width=340>
                      </TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #990000 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #990000 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #990000 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #990000 1px solid" vAlign=top width=266></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=3>
                      المرض أدى لمقتل أكثر من20 من جنود الجيش الشعبي لتحرير السودان (رويترز-أرشيف) قال مسؤول بجيش جنوب السودان اليوم إن مرضا نزفيا غامضا يعتقد أنه إيبولا قتل 23 شخصا على الأقل، وأصاب عشرات آخرين جنوب السودان.
                      Disease led to the deaths of more than 20 soldiers of the Popular Army for the Liberation of Sudan (Reuters Reuters) - The military official said South Sudan today is a mystery disease that is believed to be hemorrhagic Ebola killed at least 23 people and wounded dozens of others in southern Sudan.
                      وتقول منظمة الصحة العالمية إن إيبولا -وهو واحد من أكثر الأمراض الفيروسية المعروفة فتكا بالبشر- ...
                      The World Health Organization says that the Ebola - one of the most deadly viral diseases known to human beings - ...



                      • #12
                        Re: Suspected ebola outbreak kills 23 in south Sudan - army

                        Mysterious disease kills 20 SPLA soldiers

                        <TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=left>Thursday 8 October 2009 03:30.
                        </TD><TD vAlign=top width=170></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
                        October 7, 2009 (KHARTOUM) ? Some 23 people among them 20 soldiers of southern Sudan army died of a unexplained disease suspected to be Ebola, said the Sudan people Liberation Army (SPLA).
                        <DL class="spip_document_3739 spip_documents spip_documents_right" style="FLOAT: right"><DT> </DT><DT class=spip_doc_titre style="WIDTH: 277px">SPLA soldiers smoke cigarettes in a military barrack in Nabanga, near the Sudan-Congo border, Western Equatoria, April 12, 2008. (Reuters) </DT><DD class=spip_doc_descriptif style="WIDTH: 277px">SPLA soldiers smoke cigarettes in a military barrack in Nabanga, near the Sudan-Congo border, Western Equatoria, April 12, 2008. (Reuters) </DD></DL>Kuol Diem Kuol, SPLA spokesman said doctors suspect it to Ebola but they wait for the confirmation form medical laboratories where blood samples had been sent for testing.
                        Speaking to Reuters he admitted they do not know the exact number of the affected population.
                        The Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a viral hemorrhagic fever. There are four recognized species within the ebolavirus genus, which in turn have number specific strains. The Zaire virus is the type species, which is also the first discovered and the most lethal.
                        Sudan Ebola virus is the second species of Ebola that emerged simultaneous with the Zaire virus. It was believed to have originated amongst cotton factory workers in Nzara, Sudan, with the first case reported as a worker exposed to a potential natural reservoir.
                        Scientists tested all animals and insects in response to this; however, none tested positive for the virus. The carrier is still unknown.
                        The most recent outbreak occurred in May 2004. 20 confirmed cases were reported in Yambio County, Sudan, with five deaths resulting. The average fatality rates for were 54% in 1976, 68% in 1979, and 53% in 2000 and 2001.
                        Kuol said the mysterious disease was very widespread in the Western Bahr al-Ghazal state.



                        • #13
                          Re: Suspected ebola outbreak kills 23 in south Sudan - army

                          Click on the link in Treyfish's post to see the comments on the article. They are some of the most vicious, hate-filled, scared things I have ever seen, blaming the outbreak on various ethnicities, and accusing various people of deliberately creating the Ebola virus.

                          There is going to be a lot of anger and fear that authorities must deal with to control this outbreak.


                          • #14
                            Re: Suspected ebola outbreak kills 23 in south Sudan - army

                            <TABLE style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left" height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="98%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD bgColor=#e8eef5></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top height="100%">
                            <TABLE id=AutoNumber26 style="DIRECTION: ltr; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="95%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="100%">
                            <TABLE style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=0 width=0% align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #808080 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #808080 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #808080 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #808080 1px solid"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
                            مصرع (20) من عناصر الجيش الشعبي بمرض مجهول بولاية غرب الاستوائية جنوبي السودان
                            Death (20) of the elements of an unknown illness with Army in West Equatoria, south Sudan
                            لقي (20) من عناصر الجيش الشعبي مصرعهم جراء الإصابة بمرض مجهول في مناطق تمساحا والفرقة وكتكت بولاية غرب بحر الغزال جنوبي السودان.
                            Was (20) of the elements of the Popular Army were killed by an unidentified disease in the areas of crocodile and the band and Kutkut in West Bahr el Ghazal in southern Sudan.

                            Health authorities have said they have not yet identified the disease.

                            The Minister of Health in the state, Isaac Elias Ibrahim in a press statement that symptoms of the disease is bleeding through the nose, vomiting, and appealed to the Government of Yitzhak South and the United Nations Mission in Sudan to provide medical services to the injured.

                            وعلي صعيد آخر قال وزير التربية والتعليم بولاية جونقلى جون ماكين كول في تصريح صحفي أن انعدام الأمن اثر سلباً على العملية التعليمية خاصة في الأجزاء الشمالية من الولاية مشيراًً إلى ان المعلمين ليسو بالكفاءة المطلوبة.
                            On the other hand, said Minister of Education, Jonglei State, John McCain, Cole told a news briefing that the lack of security has negatively impacted on the educational process, especially in the northern parts of the state, pointing out that teachers are not a required efficiency. http://translate.googleusercontent.c...YwQ-yVBHbZa7dg



                            • #15
                              Re: Suspected ebola outbreak kills 23 in south Sudan - army

                              And a ProMed post. Note that in addition to Ebola, possible agents for this outbreak include Marburg (although not quite geographically correct - reported from bordering countries, but not yet Sudan), yellow fever, and several other etiologies.

                              Archive Number 20091008.3482
                              Published Date 08-OCT-2009
                              Subject PRO/AH/EDR> Ebola hemorrhagic fever - Sudan: (WB) susp. RFI

                              REQUEST FOR INFORMATION
                              ************************************************** *************************
                              A ProMED-mail post
                              ProMED-mail is a program of the
                              International Society for Infectious Diseases

                              Date: Wed 7 Oct 2009
                              Source: Reuters Africa [edited]

                              A mysterious haemorrhagic disease suspected to be [Ebola haemorrhagic
                              fever] has killed at least 23 people and infected dozens more in
                              Sudan's under-developed south, a Southern Sudanese army official said
                              on Wednesday [7 Oct 2009).

                              The World Health Organisation says Ebola haemorrhagic fever, one of
                              the most virulent viral diseases known to mankind, was discovered in
                              South Sudan and the neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo in
                              1976. Some strains [of ebolavirus] have a death rate of 25 to 90 percent.

                              Kuol Diem Kuol, spokesman for the South Sudan army (SPLA) said blood
                              samples had been sent to laboratories for testing but that doctors
                              suspected [the disease was Ebola haemorrhagic fever]. "So far there
                              have been 20 deaths in the SPLA and in addition 3 wives of soldiers
                              have died, he told Reuters. There is a huge number of the [general]
                              population affected also, but we don't have the (exact) number," he
                              added. A UN official in South Sudan said they had attempted an
                              assessment but needed more information from local government to be
                              able to evaluate the situation.

                              Kuol said symptoms included vomiting blood and bleeding from the ears
                              and nose, adding it was very widespread in the West Bahr-al-Ghazal state.

                              A 2004 outbreak of Ebola haemorrhagic fever killed 7 people in the
                              south. Death rates in Sudan averaged around 50 percent of victims.

                              Health officials say there is still no known cure for the disease,
                              which is spread through bodily fluids, including blood.

                              South Sudan, emerging from decades of civil war, has little health
                              infrastructure and few medical staff.

                              Communicated by:

                              [Viral hemorrhagic fevers can be caused by many different viruses,
                              including those classified in the families _Arenaviridae_,
                              _Bunyaviridae_, _Filoviridae_, and _Flaviviridae_. Laboratory
                              diagnosis is required to identify the particular agent involved. In
                              this outbreak an ebolavirus, a member of the family _Filoviridae_ is
                              suspected to be the cause of the outbreak on historical grounds
                              rather than on the basis of diagnostic data.

                              _Ebolavirus_ was first identified in a western equatorial province of
                              Sudan and in a nearby region of Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of
                              the Congo) in 1976 after significant epidemics in Yambuku in northern
                              Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Nzara in southern Sudan.
                              Between June and November 1976, _Ebolavirus_ infected 284 people in
                              Sudan, causing 151 deaths, and there was another outbreak in Sudan in
                              1979 with 33 cases, including 22 deaths. Overall, according to WHO,
                              about 1850 cases with over 1200 deaths have been documented since
                              ebolavirus was discovered. The exact origin, locations, and natural
                              reservoir of ebolaviruses remain unknown, but the Egyptian bat is now
                              thought to be a likely source (see ProMED-mail Ebola & Marburg
                              hemorrhagic fever, Egyptian fruit bat - W. Africa 20091006.3469).

                              The information in the Reuters report is insufficient to determine
                              whether the current outbreak in southern Sudan is due to ebolavirus
                              infection, or is a consequence of infection with another agent, or
                              due to another cause. Further information is awaited.

                              A map showing the location of the state of West Bahr-al-Ghazal can be
                              accessed at
                              The HealthMap/ProMED-mail interactive map of Sudan can be accessed at
                              <>. - Mod.CP]

                              [see also:
                              Ebola hemorrhagic fever - Sudan (W. Equatoria) (09) 20040807.2180
                              Ebola hemorrhagic fever - Sudan (W Equatoria) (08) 20040706.1810
                              Ebola hemorrhagic fever - Sudan (W. Equatoria) (07) 20040622.1668
                              Ebola hemorrhagic fever - Sudan (W. Equatoria) (06) 20040618.1626
                              Ebola hemorrhagic fever - Sudan (W. Equatoria) (05) 20040612.1581
                              Ebola hemorrhagic fever - Sudan (W. Equatoria) (04) 20040609.1547
                              Ebola hemorrhagic fever - Sudan (W Equatoria): (03) 20040602.1500
                              Ebola hemorrhagic fever - Sudan (W Equatoria): (02) 20040527.1435
                              Ebola hemorrhagic fever - Sudan (W Equatoria) 20040525.1404]

