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Norway: Pigs infected with swine influenza; confirmed at 14 farms

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  • Norway: Pigs infected with swine influenza; confirmed at 14 farms

    google translated

    Pigs infected with swine influenza

    For the first time it is detected swine flu in pigs in Norway. The crew of a farm in Nord-Trondelag is now ties the FSA added.

    Published 10.10.2009

    FSA received before the weekend message that farmers who worked with the current crew had discovered the swine flu, and it was therefore taken samples of the population.

    The samples on the farm was taken Friday, and after analysis at the National Veterinary Institute in Oslo, it was Saturday confirmed that the samples were positive.

    First time in Norway

    Swine flu A1N1 is a respiratory disease in pigs. It is a variant of influenza A (H1N1) which is the swine flu variant people experience. This means that for the first time been shown swine flu in pigs in Norway, and also for the first time is proven infection of swine flu from humans to animals.

    - We have had very few cases elsewhere in the world where the infection has passed from human to pig. In Norway, we have not had any instances of the regular swine flu that is specific to pigs, and we want to do what we can to prevent influenza A virus gets a foothold in the Norwegian swine population. It can lead to a sustained large losses for pig production in Norway, "said Bjorn R?the Knudtsen, regional director at the FSA in Tr?ndelag and M?re og Romsdal, NTB.

    R?the Knudtsen emphasizes that there is no harm in eating meat of swine, and says that the disease picture in pigs is the same as in humans.

    - People are not infected by eating pork. Pigs given the same symptoms as humans, that is, respiratory problems, coughing, sneezing, impaired general condition and poor appetite. After a week they recovered, and there is a low mortality factor, "he says.

    Measures introduced

    The crew on the farm in Nord-Trondelag is now ties added, so that no animals either to or from the farm and the FSA will follow up with mapping and sampling of herds in the vicinity. FSA will also follow up on other animals that may have been in contact with the crew in question.

    - The results of the samples we take from the nearby settlements, will show if we only have a single situation or if we have spread further, but it is so far no reason to say that we are dealing with an uncontrolled infection cases, "says R?hne Knudtsen.

    FSA urging farmers to keep pigs to familiarize themselves with measures to prevent infection with influenza virus from humans to pigs.

    At worst, some of the measures that must be implemented, be about the slaughter of herds, but R?hne Knudtsen do not think it necessarily goes so far.

    - It is only about one crew, so I do not think Christmas ribba is in danger, "he concludes.

    Gris smittet av svineinfluensa

    For f?rste gang er det oppdaget svineinfluensa hos gris i Norge. Besetningen i en g?rd i Nord-Tr?ndelag er n? b?ndlagt av Mattilsynet.

    Publisert 10.10.2009 20:04 - Oppdatert 10.10.2009 21:41 NTB

    Mattilsynet fikk f?r helgen melding om at en r?kter som jobbet med den aktuelle besetningen hadde f?tt p?vist svineinfluensa, og det ble derfor tatt pr?ver av bestanden.

    Pr?vene p? g?rden ble tatt fredag, og etter analysene hos Veterin?rinstituttet i Oslo ble det l?rdag bekreftet at pr?vene var positive.

    F?rste gang i Norge

    Svineinfluensaen A1N1 er en luftveissykdom hos gris. Det er en variant av influensa A (H1N1) som er den svineinfluensavarianten mennesker f?r. Det betyr at det for f?rste gang er p?vist svineinfluensa hos gris i Norge, og at det ogs? for f?rste gang er p?vist smitte av svineinfluensa fra mennesker til dyr.
    - Vi har hatt sv?rt f? tilfeller ogs? ellers i verden hvor smitte har g?tt fra mennesker til gris. I Norge har vi heller ikke hatt noen forekomster av den vanlige svineinfluensaen som er spesifikk for gris, og vi ?nsker ? gj?re det vi kan for ? forebygge at influensa A-viruset f?r fotfeste i norsk svinebestand. Det kan f?re til et vedvarende st?rre tap for griseproduksjon i Norge, sier Bj?rn R?the Knudtsen, regiondirekt?r i Mattilsynet i Tr?ndelag og M?re og Romsdal, til NTB.

    R?the Knudtsen understreker at det ikke er noen fare forbundet med ? spise kj?ttprodukter av svin, og sier at sykdomsbildet hos griser er det samme som hos mennesker.

    - Folk blir ikke smittet av ? spise svinekj?tt. Grisene f?r samme symptomer som mennesker, alts? luftveisproblemer, hoste, nysing, svekket allmenntilstand og d?rlig matlyst. Etter en ukes tid friskner de til, og det er en lav d?delighetsfaktor, sier han.

    Forholdsregler innf?rt

    Besetningen p? g?rden i Nord-Tr?ndelag er n? b?ndlagt, slik at det ikke kommer dyr verken til eller fra g?rden, og Mattilsynet f?lger opp med kartlegging og pr?vetaking av besetninger i n?rheten. Mattilsynet vil ogs? f?lge opp andre dyr som kan ha v?rt i kontakt med besetningen det gjelder.
    - Resultatene av pr?vene vi tar av de n?rliggende besetningene, vil vise om vi bare har en enkeltsituasjon eller om vi har spredning videre, men det er s? langt ingen grunn til ? si at det dreier seg om et ukontrollert smittetilfelle, sier R?hne Knudtsen.

    Mattilsynet oppfordrer n? g?rdbrukere med svinehold til ? gj?re seg kjent med tiltak for ? hindre smitte med influensaviruset fra mennesker til gris.

    I verste fall kan noen av tiltakene som m? settes i verk, dreie seg om slakting av besetninger, men R?hne Knudtsen tror ikke det n?dvendigvis g?r s? langt.

    - Det dreier seg kun om ?n besetning, s? jeg tror ikke juleribba er i fare, avslutter han
    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #2
    Re: Norway: Pigs infected with swine influenza

    Looking at the non-human influenza in Norway, I see only avian. Most are in clearly wild birds (probably part of H5N1 surveillance), but the only one I worry about is H9N2 in a mallard. I hope their mallards don't share any space with swine.

    CAL15445 139 Avian HA H9N2 Norway 2005 Influenza A virus (A/mallard/Norway/685/05(H9N2))
    "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


    • #3
      Re: Norway: Pigs infected with swine influenza

      Possible influenza among pigs in Hedmark (possible case #2)

      Mattilsynet (FSA) take samples from a pig herd at a farm in Hedmark.
      The pigs there have symptoms that suggest influenza. Thus another pig herd may be affected by the H1N1 virus. H1N1 was identified in a lineup in Nord-Trondelag saturday.

      New in Norway

      ? "We are looking seriously at the situation, and the background for this is that we have never had the flu in pigs earlier in Norway, says an audit director at Mattilsynet (FSA), to NRK.

      Some of the pigs in the herd on the farm in Hedmark have respiratory symptoms and fever, and Mattilsynet (FSA) would now, as a precautionary measure, investigate whether also these pigs are affected by influenza A (H1N1), better known as swine flu. The pigs will be isolated until the test results are available, says FSA on their websites. Preliminary response is expected no earlier than Monday evening.

      Should the tests be positive, H1N1 will have been proven in two pig herds in two different counties.

      - No worries

      The pig affected by swine influenza in North-Tr?ndelag, was infected by a person with the disease.

      Landsverk emphasizes that consumers need not worry for infection in products made from pork.

      - "There are no health hazards associated with eating meat from pork or meat products from pork, " she says. (?NTB) (? NTB)



      • #4
        Re: Norway: Pigs infected with swine influenza

        Map: Norway

        Here we can see where Nord-Tr?ndelag and Hedmark is in Norway.....


        • #5
          Re: Norway: Pigs infected with swine influenza; 2nd farm too?

          Considering the mass slaughter of pigs for swine flu outbreak
          By Lars Aker Haug 11.10.2009 kl. 23:44 Kilde: VG NETT

          (AP) FSA considers to kill influenza infected swine populations, if it can limit the infection.
          <!-- Content of the article including fact boxes -->
          <TABLE class=edrumImageCaptionTABLE width=460 align=top border=0><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

          ASSESS LOT Slight: More Norwegian pigs can be infected with swine flu. Now consider FSA drastic measures. Photo: Kristian Helgesen

          Some pig herds located in the vicinity are now being tested for swine flu, which the FSA know that there have been exchanged or animals have been traffic between the crew who are infected and other ensembles. Besides being tested in a population Hedemark for swine influenza.

          FSA does not exclude that infected pig populations must be butchered, but it may already be too late to limit influensasmitten:

          - A decision to slaughter must be based on that we have justified the hope that we can limit the further spread of infection. If follow-up tests show that we have a situation where the infection has spread, it is less relevant, "said regional director for the FSA in Tr?ndelag and M?re og Romsdal, Bjorn Knutsen, told VG Nett.

          High load

          The farmer on the farm where the pigs infected with swine flu takes the situation very difficult, NRK reported.

          - He's not good, and it is clear this is a big burden for him, "said Jon Tr?ite, head of the Nord-Tr?ndelag Farmers Union to NRK Tr?ndelag.

          He says that farmers in the district are now very worried.

          This is a serious situation for the swine industry in the county, and there is much uncertainty about the incident, said Tr?ite.

          <TABLE class=edrumImageCaptionTABLE width=260 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
          Downplaying: physician Bj?rn Iversen from the National Institute of Public Health (FHI) does not mean influensasmitten among pigs are dangerous to humans.
          Of Public Health has refused to let the pig farmers come first in inluensak?en, but now the pig farmers have a rematch.

          - The most important thing is that we are swine producers and animal personnel receive the vaccine as soon as possible. What has happened raises this debate. One can see that it is contagious surprisingly quickly and fairly easily, "says Kristin Ianssen in Norsvin to VG Nett.

          But the NIPH rejects letting pig farmers get the vaccine first:

          - The reason for this is that life and health comes first. First, we need to vaccinate those who are at increased risk of dying. Only when they have received the vaccine will open it for other groups, "says Bj?rn Iversen from the NIPH.

          - Can the infection in both directions

          Of Public Health does not believe that the flu outbreak among Norwegian pigs pose any major health risks, but does not rule out that the pigs can infect humans.

          - Theoretically the infection in both directions, but this is the first time it is shown influenza infection from humans to pigs in Norway, "says Iversen.

          It has, according to the NIPH also been detected infection from humans to pigs in Canada and Norway, before the outbreak of swine flu at the farm in Levanger.

          - It may say something about this virus is more easily susceptible both ways. Swine Influenza infects a lot easier between animals and humans. It makes it a second major challenge for pig farmers.

          (Reuters 11.10.2009


          • #6
            Re: Norway: Pigs infected with swine influenza; 2nd farm too?

            12.10.2009 02:54
            Suspected influenza in pig herds

            By Ritzau
            Norwegian authorities investigating whether several swine herds are infected by H1N1, also known as swine flu. A herd is already infected.
            Norwegian health authorities are investigating a pig herd is suspected to be infected by swine influenza.

            It happens after a portion of the pigs have difficulty breathing and fever are symptoms of H1N1 flu.

            The crew is on a farm in Hedmark about 300 kilometers north of Oslo. Farm Sunday was isolated, and veterinarians have taken a number of samples which is expected for Monday.

            Some pigs are treated with antibiotics without it helped, which strengthens the suspicion of H1N1.

            Saturday H1N1 was detected in a pig herd hundreds of miles further north in Norway Levanger northeast of Trondheim. It is the first case of H1N1 in a pig herd in Norway.

            The crew were infected by a man who had H1N1. According to the Norwegian Mattilsynet is the first time that pigs are infected by a human.

            Mattilsynet has also taken samples of six other farms in Levanger.



            • #7
              Re: Norway: Pigs infected with swine influenza; 2nd farm too?

              Maybe swine workers should wear N95 masks around the herd.

              At least until they are vaccinated.

              Farm workers caring for livestock that can transfer influenza to humans (swine, turkeys, etc.) should possibly be treated like HCW in a treatment setting. i.e., if you haven't been vaccinated, then wear a mask.

              I can see it now - a greased pig contest with the contestants wearging masks!

              "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


              • #8
                Re: Norway: Pigs infected with swine influenza; 2nd farm too?

                - snip -

                Not first in line

                Public Health will not give priority to pig farmers in the first round of immunization against swine flu in spite of the swine flu has been detected in pigs in Norway.

                At 1700 on Monday afternoon will be clear about a number of pigs are infected by the flu.

                ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                • #9
                  Re: Norway: Pigs infected with swine influenza; 2nd farm too?

                  google translated, edited

                  800 pigs culled in Nord-Tr&#248;ndelag

                  FSA in Nord-Trondelag is taking no chances and will start to cull already Tuesday

                  800 pigs from the hill in Nord-Trondelag shall run to Steinkjer Tuesday evening to
                  be slaughtered. It confirms the regional director Bjorn R&#248;the Knudtsen to TV 2

                  It is the first time it has broken out among the animals, and FSA Northern Norway takes no

                  FSA butcher scheduled a new lineup on Wednesday. The meat will be destroyed,
                  although it should not be a risk of transmission to humans.

                  FSA will not have
                  the disease among animals in Norway at all and this is an attempt to eradicate it.

                  TV 2 er Norges beste nettsted for nyheter, sport, underholdning, vær, tv-guide og video.
                  ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                  Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                  ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                  • #10
                    Re: Norway: Pigs infected with swine influenza; 2nd farm confirmed

                    google translated

                    2nd pigfarm infected with new H1N1

                    1400 pigs culled in Nord-Tr?ndelag

                    FSA will the 1400 pigs should be culled and disposed of to avoid influenza infection spread to several farms in North-Tr?ndelag.

                    Swine flu is confirmed in two herds in Norway, with a total of 1,400 animals.

                    Both the National Veterinary Institute and Norwegian Food Safety Authority recommends that the animals should be culled to prevent further spread of the disease so far has never taken root in Norway. One of the herds was sent for slaughter already Tuesday afternoon.

                    - We butcher this line first because it is in an area with 55 pig farmers and 23,000 animals. We want to prevent proliferation, "said Communications Kjell L?vik the FSA in Tr?ndelag and M?re og Romsdal.

                    The crew, who had confirmed influenza infection on Monday, is around 500 animals. The herd of 900 pigs in ?sen located in an area with fewer animals and will be slaughtered in a few days.


                    - These animals are culled and since destroyed, as some of the animals are clinically sick, and not only has the infection of influenza in itself. We do not butcher the sick animals and eating them, it is considered unethical, "said department director Jorun Jarpar the Veterinary Institute of NTB.

                    Agriculture Minister Lars Peder Brekk (Q) is kept continuously informed about developments and stands behind the recommendation from academic environments.

                    - Together with Iceland, Norway is the only country in Europe that has not swine flu as part of everyday life in agriculture. When the advice from fagorganene and the industry itself is that we will continue to have a precautionary approach, so I relate to it, "Brekk NTB.

                    He said it was not unexpected that the disease would appear also in Norway, but characterizes the situation that has arisen as serious.


                    FSA held Tuesday to organize the transport of animals from Skogn to Nortura slaughterhouse in Steinkjer, who will take care of n?dslakten. Abattoir closed for other activities and be disinfected after Skogn-herd is slaughtered. Carcasses will be placed in sealed containers for disposal.

                    - This is the normal way and do it, there are guidelines for how such things should be done to prevent infection of animals for slaughter to come later, "says CEO Joakim Lystad at the FSA.

                    - Should it prove that the infection has set itself in the Norwegian pig herds, we consider the strategy of slaughter again, "said Lystad.

                    He believes the Norwegian pig farmers understand the seriousness of the matter and that everyone in the industry to take appropriate measures to prevent further infection.

                    - Demanding

                    At the National Veterinary Institute is the desire to continue to keep swine flu from Norwegian herds sharply. While the rest of Europe and the United States has had to throw in the towel and accept the losses the disease gives, Norway can still boast an influenza-free pig hold.

                    - To live with this disease is very demanding, even if it is not dangerous to eat meat from animals infected with the virus, "said Jorun Jarpar.

                    1.400 griser n?dslaktes i Nord-Tr?ndelag

                    Mattilsynet vil at 1.400 griser skal n?dslaktes og destrueres for ? unng? at influensasmitten sprer seg til flere g?rder i Nord-Tr?ndelag.

                    Publisert 13.10.2009

                    Det er p?vist svineinfluensa i to besetninger i Norge med totalt 1.400 dyr.

                    B?de Veterin?rinstituttet og Mattilsynet anbefaler at dyrene n?dslaktes for ? hindre videre spredning av sykdommen som hittil aldri har f?tt feste seg i Norge. Den ene av besetningene ble sendt p? slakt allerede tirsdag ettermiddag.

                    ? Vi slakter denne besetningen f?rst fordi den er i et omr?de med 55 griseb?nder og 23.000 dyr. Vi vil hindre spredning, sier kommunikasjonsr?dgiver Kjell L?vik i Mattilsynet i Tr?ndelag og M?re og Romsdal.

                    Besetningen, som fikk konstatert influensasmitte mandag, er p? rundt 500 dyr. Besetningen p? 900 griser i ?sen i Levanger ligger i et omr?de med f?rre dyr og vil bli slaktet om noen dager.


                    ? Disse dyrene blir n?dslaktet og siden destruert ettersom noen av dyrene er klinisk syke og ikke bare har smitten av influensa i seg. Vi slakter ikke syke dyr og spiser dem, det anses som uetisk, forklarer avdelingsdirekt?r Jorun Jarp i Veterin?rinstituttet til NTB.

                    Landbruksminister Lars Peder Brekk (Sp) holdes l?pende orientert om utviklingene og stiller seg bak anbefalingen fra fagmilj?ene.

                    ? Sammen med Island er Norge det eneste landet i Europa som ikke har svineinfluensa som en del av hverdagen i landbruket. N?r r?dene fra fagorganene og fra bransjen selv er at vi vil fortsette ? ha en f?re var-holdning, s? forholder jeg meg til det, sier Brekk til NTB.

                    Han sier det ikke var uventet at sykdommen ville dukke opp ogs? i Norge, men karakteriserer situasjonen som er oppst?tt som alvorlig.


                    Mattilsynet holdt tirsdag p? ? organiserte transporten av dyrene fra Skogn til Norturas slakteri i Steinkjer, som skal ta seg av n?dslakten. Slakteriet stenges for annen virksomhet og skal desinfiseres etter at Skogn-besetningen er slaktet. Skrottene blir lagt i lukkede konteinere for destruering.

                    ? Dette er vanlig m?te og gj?re det p?, det er retningslinjer for hvordan slikt skal gj?res for ? hindre smitte til slaktedyr som kommer senere, sier administrerende direkt?r Joakim Lystad i Mattilsynet.

                    ? Skulle det vise seg at smitten har satt seg i de norske grisebesetningene, f?r vi vurdere strategien med nedslakting p? nytt, sier Lystad.

                    Han tror norske griseb?nder forst?r alvoret i saken og at alle i bransjen tar de n?dvendige forholdsregler for ? hindre videre smitte.

                    ? Krevende

                    P? Veterin?rinstituttet er ?nsket om fortsatt ? holde svineinfluensa unna norske besetninger sterkt. Mens resten av Europa og USA har m?ttet kaste inn h?ndkleet og akseptere tapene sykdommen gir, kan Norge fremdeles skilte med influensafritt grisehold.

                    ? ? leve med slik sykdom er sv?rt krevende selv om det ikke er farlig ? spise kj?tt fra dyr som er smittet med viruset, sier Jorun Jarp.
                    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                    • #11
                      Re: Norway: Pigs infected with swine influenza; confirmed at 5 farms

                      google translated

                      Several herds infected

                      Thus it is confirmed five infected herds, said Food Safety Authority.

                      RULES FOR THE SWINE FLU

                      The new H1N1 virus (swine flu) can spill from people to pigs and on the pigs.

                      HERE ARE THE RULES

                      Contact Prohibition: Persons who have or have had flu-like symptoms (fever, respiratory symptoms, muscle pain, diarrhea, etc.) the last seven days, will not have contact with pigs. Pork Producers are encouraged to ask visitors for this if they are uncertain.

                      Infection: If in such a situation is not possible to get others to look after the pigs, to use a surgical mouth bind and disposable gloves. Munn The bandage should as a minimum, replaced between each care. If someone in the immediate family or circle of friends has the flu, should one at work in the pig house, wash and disinfect hands and mouths using surgical towels and disposable gloves.

                      Veterinarians and others who have been in the pigsty where there is suspicion of swine flu, should shower and change clothes, and they will not fit in with other pigsty in less than 72 hours. This applies in a situation where there are only one or a few infected herds, and has ambitions to keep the pig population free of swine flu.

                      When the vaccine against the new virus comes, should pork producers and others who come in direct contact with pigs went to vaccinate.


                      All the positive samples are in the area between Stj?rdal and Levanger.

                      - The results show that the infection probably is not limited to the first two p?visningene. It seems that the way infectious from human to pigs is more significant than for other animal diseases. FSA re-evaluate why previous strategy for fighting the disease, "said regional director Bjorn R?the Knudtsen the FSA said in a statement.

                      According to Kjell L?vik at the FSA, this means that the disease has now established itself in swine herds in Tr?ndelag.

                      Several studies

                      Swine flu virus appears to infection more easily from human to pigs than first thought. Therefore, the FSA now wait to further avvliving of herds. It will not be created fighting zones around the infected farms.

                      FSA will now investigate whether there are more crews around the country who are infected.

                      - In addition to the area already affected, this means that we also must examine the herds in other parts of the country where there are many pig farmers, "Roth said Knudtsen

                      Mattilsynet har fått bekreftet at tre nye besetninger er smittet av svineinfluensa.

                      Flere besetninger smittet

                      Dermed er det bekreftet fem smitta besetninger, melder Mattilsynet.

                      Mattilsynet har sendt inn fire pr?ver til analyse. Tre av dem viste seg ? v?re positive.

                      REGLER FOR SVINEINFLUENSA

                      Det nye H1N1-viruset (svineinfluensa) kan smitte fra mennesker til griser og videre mellom griser.

                      HER ER REGLENE

                      Kontaktforbud: Personer som har eller har hatt influensalignende symptomer (feber, luftveissymptomer, muskelsmerter, diar? osv.) siste syv dager, skal ikke ha kontakt med svin. Svineprodusenter oppfordres til ? sp?rre bes?kende om dette dersom de er usikre.

                      Smittevern: Hvis det i en slik situasjon ikke er mulig ? f? andre til ? stelle grisene, skal en bruke kirurgisk munnbind og engangshansker. Munnbindet skal som et minimum skiftes mellom hvert stell. Hvis noen i n?rmeste familie eller omgangskrets har influensa, skal en ved arbeid i grisehuset vaske og desinfisere hender og bruke kirurgisk munnbind og engangshansker.

                      Veterin?rer og andre som har v?rt i grisehus hvor det foreligger mistanke om svineinfluensa, skal dusje og skifte kl?r, og de skal ikke inn i andre grisehus f?r det har g?tt 72 timer. Dette gjelder i en situasjon hvor det kun er ?n eller f? infiserte besetninger, og en har ambisjoner om ? holde svinepopulasjonen fri for svineinfluensa.

                      N?r vaksinen mot det nye viruset kommer, b?r svineprodusenter og andre som kommer i direkte kontakt med gris la seg vaksinere.


                      Alle de positive pr?vene ligger i omr?det mellom Stj?rdal og Levanger.

                      - Resultatene viser at smitten trolig ikke er begrenset til de to f?rste p?visningene. Det kan virke som om smitteveien fra menneske til gris er mer vesentlig enn for andre dyresykdommer, sier regiondirekt?r Bj?rn R?the Knudtsen i Mattilsynet i en pressemelding.

                      I f?lge Kjell L?vik i Mattilsynet betyr dette at sykdommen n? har etablert seg i svinebesetningene i Tr?ndelag.

                      Flere unders?kelser

                      Svineinfluensaviruset ser ut til ? smitte lettere fra menneske til gris enn f?rst antatt. Derfor vil Mattilsynet n? vente med ? ytterligere avvliving av besetningene. Det vil heller ikke bli opprettet bekjempelsessoner rundt de smitta g?rdene.

                      To av besetningene skal ha blitt smittet av g?rdbrukeren.

                      - Det betyr at vi m? endre bekjempelsesm?ten vi har hatt fram til n?. Vi m? i langt st?rre grad ta hensyn til at sykdommen smitter fra mennesker til dyr, enn fra dyr til dyr, som er det vanlige innenfor dyresykdommer, sier R?the Knudsen til NRK.

                      Mattilsynet vil n? unders?ke om det er flere besetninger rundt om i landet som er smittet.

                      - I tillegg til det omr?det som allerede er rammet, inneb?rer dette at vi ogs? m? unders?ke besetninger i andre landsdeler hvor det er mange svineb?nder, sier R?the Knudtsen
                      ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                      • #12
                        Re: Norway: Pigs infected with swine influenza; confirmed at 5 farms

                        8 farms, worse than first thought, stopping slaughter, spreading faster and easier.

                        Pig on eight farms in Nord-Trondelag is infected with swine flu. FSA is uncertain whether the infection can be combated.
                        15. oktober 2009 kl. 20:13.

                        Think many people are affected
                        FSA takes svaberpr?ver of pigs. The samples will be analyzed for influenza

                        Mouth Bind, good hygiene, and restrictions on movement of pigs are now the most important weapons in the fight against the spread of infection.
                        Earlier this week, it was confirmed infection in two herds in Levanger. Thursday was trying response from the National Veterinary Institute from several other farms in the area. Six of the farms were infected. Pigs are infected by humans, either directly or indirectly.

                        - Sad day
                        - It's a sad day. The goal has been to keep Norway free of swine flu. Probably it will not succeed, "said supervisory director Kristina Landsverk at the FSA in NTB.

                        Pigs that now have become ill have a far weaker symptoms than previously seen at the classical swine flu. FSA believes, therefore, that many more herds may be infected than we have hitherto been realized.

                        - The fact that the symptoms are less gratifying because it means that it can mean smaller losses for the industry, "said regional director Bjorn R?the Knudtsen the FSA.

                        - At the same time it means that the infection is not so easy to detect. It is reasonable to assume that there are several herds that are infected unless it is proven, "he says.

                        - Use the lips bind!
                        FSA is now started with a research program over the next two to three weeks to get answers to the prevalence of the infection. Targeted sampling is necessary. Initially it will be sampled on farms where people have had the flu.

                        - The moral is that if the owner or the farmers have symptoms of swine flu, then they should rather not go into the barn, "says Landsverk.

                        Pig farmers should use mouth bind in the barn, requesting FSA and the Norwegian Farmers' Union. Otherwise the Council to hold extra good hygiene in animal husbandry to limit contagion. FSA also ask the farmers who have had swine flu or been associated with others who have been sick to get in touch.

                        Avliver not
                        At the beginning of the week it was established infection at two farms in North-Tr?ndelag. On one farm, the entire crew of approximately 500 pigs driven to the slaughterhouse.

                        The FSA has now decided that until further notice should not be performed euthanasia. The reason is that the virus appears to infection more easily from human to pigs than first thought. Coercion Slaughter will not be able to limit the outbreak.

                        - It will not lead. We must now change the way we have for decades been used to fight infection in the herd animal, "Roth said Knudtsen. Combating zone around the farms is also considered to have limited effect.

                        Instead, the government has introduced restrictions on herds that are affected. Healthy animals can be brought to the slaughter. Livdyr, as piglets and the like, must be investigated and shown that they are free from infection before they can be sold.

                        - Dramatic
                        FSA is in dialogue with industry on how to implement the measures.

                        - This is a dramatic situation for the Norwegian swine production, and especially for piglet producers, "said Secretary General Per G. Skorge in a press release from the Norwegian Farmers' Union.

                        Skorge says FSA must now insert all the available resources in the sampling and combating disease.
                        - While there is reason to repeat that pork producers can not be NOK cautious when dealing with animals, "he says.

                        Swine Influenza in pigs causes little mortality, but can lead to significant production losses in the form of lower growth. FSA emphasizes that swine influenza virus is not transmitted through food, and that one can not get the virus from eating pork. (? NTB)



                        • #13
                          Re: Norway: Pigs infected with swine influenza; confirmed at 5 farms

                          Eight herds infected with swine influenza
                          Publisert: 15.10.2009 Sist oppdatert: 15.10.2009 Published: 15/10/2009 Updated: 15/10/2009

                          Det er per torsdag ettermiddag p?vist influensasmitte i ?tte svinebesetninger i Nord-Tr?ndelag. It's Thursday afternoon and proven influenza infection in eight swine herds in North-Tr?ndelag. Det betyr at ytterligere tre besetninger har f?tt p?vist smitte. This means that three additional crews have been proven infection.

                          Torsdag ettermiddag kom laboratoriesvar p? seks nye pr?ver fra Veterin?rinstituttet, og tre av disse var positive. Thursday afternoon laboratory response to six new samples from the Veterinary Institute, and three of these were positive. Totalt er det n? p?vist influensasmitte i ?tte besetninger, men ?n av pr?vene m? gjennomg? videre laboratorieunders?kelser for endelig bekreftelse. In total there are now proven influenza infection in eight herds, but one of the samples must undergo further laboratory investigations for final confirmation.

                          Ogs? i de tre siste tilfellene er det mistanke om smitte via direkte eller indirekte kontakt med influensasyke r?ktere eller eiere. Also in the last three cases, the suspicion of infection through direct or indirect contact with flu-sick fish farmers or owners. Alle g?rdene dette gjelder ligger i omr?det mellom Stj?rdal og Levanger i Nord-Tr?ndelag. All the farms in question are in the area between Stj?rdal and Levanger in Nord-Trondelag.

                          - Dette bekrefter at endringen Mattilsynet gjorde i sin strategi tidligere i dag, var en riktig avgj?relse, sier regiondirekt?r Bj?rn R?the Knudtsen i Mattilsynet. - This confirms that the FSA made the change in its strategy earlier today, was a correct decision, "said regional director Bjorn R?the Knudtsen the FSA.

                          Avventer avliving og bekjempelsessoner Pending killing and fighting zones
                          Svineinfluensaviruset ser ut til ? smitte lettere fra menneske til gris enn f?rst antatt. Swine flu virus appears to infection more easily from human to pigs than first thought. Mattilsynet vil derfor avvente ytterligere bruk av avliving. FSA will therefore await the further use of euthanasia. Det vil heller ikke bli opprettet bekjempelsessoner rundt de positive besetningene i f?rste omgang. It will not be created fighting zones around the positive herds in the first place.

                          Restriksjoner p? besetninger Restrictions on livestock
                          Inntil flere resultater foreligger, vil Mattilsynet videref?re bruk av restriksjoner p? smittede og mistenkte smittede besetninger. Until more results are available, FSA will continue its use of restrictions on infected and suspected infected herds. De viktigste begrensningene vil omfatte forflytning av levende dyr, mens transport av dyr til slakt vil tillates etter n?rmere godkjenning. The main constraints will include the transfer of live animals, while the transport of animals to slaughter will be allowed for further approval.

                          De n?rmeste ukene vil nye resultater gi ny kunnskap om smittespredning. The next few weeks, new results provide new knowledge about the spread of infection. Da kan vi ogs? ta stilling til hvilke tiltak som er n?dvendige for ? begrense videre spredning av sykdommen. Then we can also decide what measures are necessary to limit the further spread of the disease.

                          Videre kartlegging Further mapping
                          Mattilsynet vil n? unders?ke om besetninger i andre deler av landet ogs? er smittet. FSA will now investigate whether the herds in other parts of the country are also infected. Det er naturlig ? konsentrere seg om omr?der der det er tett konsentrasjon av gris, og besetninger der r?ktere har v?rt syke eller f?tt p?vist influensa. It is natural to concentrate on areas where there are dense concentrations of pigs and herds where the fish farmers have been sick or had proven influenza.

                          - I tillegg til det omr?det som allerede er rammet, inneb?rer dette at vi ogs? m? unders?ke besetninger i andre landsdeler hvor det er mange svineb?nder, sier R?the Knudtsen. - In addition to the area already affected, this means that we also must examine the herds in other parts of the country where there are many pig farmers, "Roth said Knudtsen.

                          Mattilsynet er i dialog med n?ringen om hvordan vi praktisk skal gjennomf?re dette. FSA is in dialogue with industry on how to practically implement this.

                          Trygt ? spise kj?tt Safe to eat meat
                          Kj?tt og kj?ttprodukter representerer ingen helsefare. Meat and meat products represent no health hazard. Svineinfluensaviruset smitter ikke via matvarer og en kan ikke f? svineinfluensa av ? spise svinekj?tt eller produkter av svin. Swine Influenza virus infects not through food and can not get swine flu from eating pork or pork products.

                          Smittebegrensning Transmission Limitation
                          Alle besetningseiere m? n? ta ansvar for ? begrense smittespredning. All herd owners must now take responsibility for limiting the spread of infection. F?lg instruks om forebyggende tiltak som ligger p? Mattilsynets nettsider. Follow the instructions on preventive measures is the Norwegian Food Safety Authority website.

                          Kontakttelefon for b?nder Contact Phone for farmers
                          Mattilsynets distriktskontor, tlf. Norwegian Food Safety Authority district office, tel. 060 40 060 40

                          Mattilsynets pressekontakt Norwegian Food Safety Authority press officer
                          Mattilsynets pressevakt, tlf. Norwegian Food Safety Authority pressevakt, tel. 469 12 910 469 12 910


                          • #14
                            Re: Norway: Pigs infected with swine influenza; confirmed at 5 farms

                            Late today it has been known that pigs in 8 farms are positive; pigs in the farms have the virus. This has come as a shock because the pigs were not displaying clear symptoms / seems sick. It has to be assumed that pigs in other locations are infected as well. Tests will be conducted in the entire country. It is probably impossible to stop the spread. It seems like this virus transmits to pigs from humans easier than previously thought. I doubt this is only the case in Norway. What is going on in other places, like China?


                            • #15
                              Re: Norway: Pigs infected with swine influenza; confirmed at 5 farms

                              The fact that this seems entrenched in pigs now. Gives the virus even more opportunities for mutation.

