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Iceland: Swine flu confirmed in pigs

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  • Iceland: Swine flu confirmed in pigs

    scroll for translation in English


    Svínahirðar taldir hafa smitað svín

    Talið er líklegt að svínaflensa sé komin upp á Suðurnesjum á einu af stærstu svínabúum landsins. Sýni voru tekin þar í dag. Tveir af fjórum svínahirðum á búinu voru með einkenni inflúensu í síðustu viku en þeir voru ekki bólusettir þótt þeir væru í forgangshópi.

    Svínabúið sem um ræðir er á Minni Vatnsleysu á Suðurnesjum. Þar eru um 4000 svín, þar af um 400 gyltur. Grunur um veikindi vaknaði um helgina þegar fór að bera á lystarleyti hjá gyltum á búinu og þá voru sumar þeirra farnar að hósta. Gunnar Örn Guðmundsson héraðsdýralæknir fékk svo tilkynningu í morgun.

    Sýnin eru nú í ræktun á tilraunastöð háskóla íslands að keldum en reynist þessi grunur réttur er þetta í fyrsta sinn sem svín hér á landi smitast af svínaflensu.

    google translated


    Pigfarm thought to have infected pigs

    It is likely that the swine flu that come up on Suðurnesjum one of the largest pig farms in the country. Samples were taken until today. Two of the four pigs were finished in court with flu symptoms last week but they were not vaccinated, although they were the priority.

    Pig has been in question is on the Memory Vatnsleysu Suðurnesjum. There are about 4000 pigs, of which about 400 gyltur.

    Suspicion about the illness woke up this weekend when left to carry on the extent of appetite gyltum the ready and some of them were starting to cough.

    Gunnar Örn Guðmundsson Local Veterinary Unit received such a notice in tomorrow.

    The samples are now in cultivation in the Experimental University of Iceland to Keldur but proves that suspicion is correct that the first time that pigs in this country infected by swine flu.
    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #2
    Re: Iceland: Swine flu suspected in pigs

    Now confirmed.

    Google Translated link

    Confirmed infection in pigs

    Experimental University of Iceland to Keldur has now confirmed that the infection in pigs in the pigs finished on Memory-Vatnsleysu is caused by influenza virus A (H1N1), the so-called swine flu.

    This is the web Matv?lastofnunar and also, to immediately suspect woke up yesterday were placed restrictions on the transport of live animals and all created AIDS Prevention hertar.

    Other sv?nab?ndur are asked to be well aware of swine flu symptoms on their farms and contact N ? if the suspect comes.

    Pig Flu do not receive the food and the people posed no risk of consumption sv?nakj?ts, according Matv?lastofnunar.


    • #3
      Re: Iceland: Swine flu confirmed in pigs

      scroll for english translation

      Sta?fest s?king ? sv?num

      Tilraunast?? H?sk?la ?slands a? Keldum hefur n? sta?fest a? s?king ? sv?num ? sv?nab?inu ? Minni-Vatnsleysu er af v?ldum infl?ensuveirunnar A(H1N1), svonefndrar sv?naflensu.

      ?etta kemur fram ? vef Matv?lastofnunar og jafnframt, a? um lei? og grunur vakna?i ? g?r voru settar takmarkanir ? flutning l?fd?ra fr? b?inu og allar smitvarnir hertar.

      A?rir sv?nab?ndur eru be?nir a? vera vel vakandi fyrir einkennum sv?naflensu ? s?num b?um og hafa samband vi? h?ra?sd?ral?kni ef grunur vaknar.

      Sv?naflensa berst ekki me? matv?lum og f?lki stafar ?v? engin h?tta af neyslu sv?nakj?ts, a? s?gn Matv?lastofnunar.

      thanks to Hogweed
      "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

