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China - Hoof Foot Mouth Disease Found in Cows in Bejing Suburb

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  • China - Hoof Foot Mouth Disease Found in Cows in Bejing Suburb

    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td colspan="3" class="detail" align="center" height="20">Beijing Daxing Cow-A foot and mouth disease occurred 575 cattle have been culled </td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" class="detaily" align="center"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="5"><tbody><tr><td>
    Experts say do not Jichi beef, milk, </td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" align="center" width="95%"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="5"><tbody><tr><td>
    </td></tr></tbody></table><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="44"><tbody><tr><td style="font-size: 10pt; color: rgb(59, 59, 59);" align="center" bgcolor="#e7e7e7" width="97%" height="23">
    京报网 日期:2010-01-22 13:54 网络编辑:
    Beijing, Nov Date :2010-01-22 13:54</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table>

    Found that the leading dairy farming district epidemic has been blocked

    Daxing city region Cow-A foot and mouth disease.

    Beijing plans to start immediately and take decisive measures to dispose of, release the blockade order, culling positive cows and cows with a total of 575 groups.

    相关农业专家表示,口蹄疫不是人畜共患病,不会对人的健康造成任何威胁,消费者不用担心牛肉制品和奶制品的 安全。

    Related agricultural experts said the disease is not a zoonotic disease, does not pose any threat to human health, consumers need not worry about the safety of beef products and dairy products.


    Foot and mouth disease occurred in only one culture
    1月20日,北京市农业局在对全市重点养殖场(小区)、交易市场等开展重大动物疫病监测时,从大兴区礼贤镇 龙头村龙头奶牛养殖小区检测出23份A型口蹄疫病原学阳性样品。

    January 20, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Agriculture focus on farms in the city (district), trading and market the launch of major animal disease monitoring, from Rhenish Town, Daxing District, the village leader to detect the leading dairy farming district 23-A foot and mouth disease etiology positive samples.


    Agricultural Bureau of Daxing District, carried out in other farming district investigation found no abnormalities.

    Closure order issued positive cattle slaughtered

    Beijing has issued closure orders, culling positive cows and the same group of cattle, and all were carried out innocent treatment.
    Pairs of breeding farms residual forage, feed, cow manure and other pollutants to harmless treatment.

    冬季易高发 疫源不明确
    Easy high incidence foci in winter is not clear
    This reporter has learned that winter is the high incidence of cattle suffering from foot and mouth period.
    2009年一二月份,武汉、新疆、上海等地相继发生了口蹄疫疫情,今年1月12日,农业部通报新疆库尔勒市 发生A型口蹄疫疫情。
    2009 Yier Yue copies, Wuhan, Xinjiang, Shanghai, foot and mouth disease outbreaks have occurred this year, January 12, informed the Ministry of Agriculture, Xinjiang Korla city of A-type foot and mouth disease outbreak.
    相关农业专家表示,包括猪牛羊在内的偶蹄动物都易感染口蹄疫,目前所应用的口蹄疫疫苗对本病也没有交叉保护 。
    Related agricultural experts said, including pig cloven-hoofed animals, including cattle and sheep are susceptible to foot and mouth disease, foot and mouth disease vaccine is currently applied to this disease and no cross-protection.
    此外由于存在疫源不明、扩散范围不清、畜群无免疫保护等不确定因素,该疫病的发展趋势和影响程度难以预测, 所以对于其他养殖场来说唯一能做的就是全力防控疫情的发生。
    In addition, because of foci is unknown, the scope of proliferation is unclear, herd immunity protection, no uncertainty, the epidemic trends and impact are difficult to predict, so for other farms, the only disease prevention and control efforts can do is to place.
    不是共患病 不会传染人
    A total of infected people are not sick will not be
    口蹄疫病毒主要通过病毒污染的动物产品、精液、粪便和废弃物,以及病毒污染的衣物、车辆、饲料、器具等传播 ;主要感染牛、羊、猪等偶蹄类动物,不是人畜共患病,也不会通过奶、肉等制品传染到人,对人的健康和安全不 造成威胁,世界上也没有发生因接触病牛及奶而感染的病例。
    Foot and mouth disease virus through virus-contaminated animal products, semen, feces and waste, as well as the virus contaminated clothing, vehicles, feed, appliances and other transmission; primarily infects cattle, sheep, pigs and other cloven-hoofed animals, is not a zoonotic disease, is also not through milk, meat and other products transmitted to people, human health and safety do not pose a threat to the world also did not occur through contact with infected cow and the milk cases.
    本报记者 邵泽慧 刘航 摄
    Reporter aerial SHAO Ze-hui Liu
