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China - Children with pneumonia go to clinics "main force" in Fujian Province

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  • China - Children with pneumonia go to clinics "main force" in Fujian Province

    Children with respiratory tract of patients into the clinic "main force"

    2010-06-01 04:07:00 来源: 《东南快报》 跟贴0条 手机看新闻
    2010-06-01 04:07:00 Source: "Southeast Express" to keep abreast of 0 cell phones and news
    如何让孩子在这个夏天更健康快乐地成长,帮家长掌握相关知识,本报今起推出?儿童健康系列报道及讲座?,结 合时下热点的儿童健康问题,选取比较突出的病例进行调查。

    How to make children healthier and happier in the summer, grow, and help parents to access knowledge, newspaper starts today launched the "Children's Health series of reports and seminars," and with health problems of children a hot topic currently, more prominent cases selected for investigation.

    The weather is uncertain, hot and cold, but this weather has become a high incidence of respiratory disease of children.
    记者昨日从福建省妇幼保健院了解到,现在每天来就诊的儿童患者,患呼吸道疾病的达到70%,不少儿童患者还 因为呼吸道感染而患上肺炎。

    Reporter learned yesterday from Fujian Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and now children every day to seek treatment for patients suffering from respiratory disease 70%, many children were also suffering from pneumonia because of respiratory tract infection.
    5个月大的丽丽,在5月29日夜里突然一直咳嗽,丽丽妈发现她的头很烫,于是用温水给孩子擦额头,两个小时 后,孩子的体温38.6℃,丽丽妈赶紧给孩子服退烧药。

    5 month-old Lily, in the May 29 night suddenly been coughing, Lili Ma found her head was hot, then wipe with warm water to the kids forehead, two hours later, the child's body temperature 38.6 ℃, Lili Ma antipyretic services rushed to the child.

    Next day, Lily fever is gone, do not cough up.

    But the evening Shiyou burning, has also been a dry cough, Lili Ma Lili gave antipyretics to eat at night, Lily burned to pull.
    但昨天早上,丽丽又开始发烧咳嗽,并且呼吸急促,到福建省妇幼保健院一查,验血诊断是支气管肺 炎。

    But yesterday morning, Lili began to cough and fever, and shortness of breath, to the Fujian Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital for a check, blood test diagnosis of bronchial pneumonia.
    福 建省妇幼保健院儿科主任医师刘光华告诉记者,之所以出现这样的情况,主要是由于最近天气忽冷忽热,容易引起 感冒,再加上儿童免疫功能差,尤其是婴幼儿各器 官组织发育不完善,如小儿鼻毛稀少,不能起到过滤空气中灰尘的作用等,病原体极易通过口、鼻直接进入呼吸道 引发感染,从而导致肺炎。

    Fujian Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Pediatrics, MD Liu Guanghua, director told reporters that the reason this happens mainly due to the recent hot and cold weather, can trigger a cold, coupled with poor immune function of children, especially infants and development of various organs and tissues imperfections, such as the nose rare in children, can not play the role of dust in the air filter, etc., pathogens easily through the mouth, nose directly into the respiratory tract caused infection, leading to pneumonia.


  • #2
    Re: China - Children with pneumonia go to clinics "main force" in Fujian Province

    Fujian belongs to Subtropics Oceanity Monsoon Climate, warm and humid all year round.

