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Saint Barth?lemy - 127 Cases Of Locally Acquired Chikungunya

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  • Saint Barth?lemy - 127 Cases Of Locally Acquired Chikungunya

    Saint Barth?lemy - 11 suspected cases of chikungunya

    26 december, 2013

    No confirmed cases yet.

    Situation ?pid?miologique actuelle ? Saint Barth?lemy

    A Saint Barth?lemy, la surveillance renforc?e mise en place depuis
    l?alerte a permis de d?tecter 11 cas suspects cliniquement ?vocateurs
    autour desquels des mesures de pr?vention ont ?t? mises en

    A l?heure actuelle, aucun de ces cas n?a ?t? confirm? biologiquement.

    INVS - 26 d?cembre 2013
    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #2
    Re: Saint Barth?lemy - 8 cases of chikungunya confirmed

    Saint Barth?lemy - 8 cases of chikungunya confirmed

    Saint Barth?lemy. Chikungunya : 8 cas confirm?s...

    Suite ? la d?tection de cas suspects de Chickungunya ? Saint-Barth?lemy lors du Comit? de Gestion du 23 d?cembre 2013, les donn?es actuellement disponibles font ?tat de 8 cas confirm?s....

    Lire la suite sur ? Saint Martin |
    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


    • #3
      Re: Saint Barth?lemy - Locally acquired chikungunya confirmed - 7 cases

      jan 3, 2014

      Epidemiological update Saint Barth?lemy

      Untill today 7 cases of chikungunya virus have been confirmed and 2 cases are classified as probable.

      During the last week of decemer 2013, 16 cases showed clinical symptoms, testresults are pending.

      INVS describes the situation as "epidemical".

      3 janvier 2014

      Situation ?pid?miologique actuelle ? Saint Barth?lemy

      A Saint Barth?lemy, la surveillance renforc?e mise en place depuis l?alerte
      ? Saint Martin a, dans un premier temps, d?tect? 11 cas suspects
      cliniquement ?vocateurs lors de l?avant derni?re semaine de d?cembre.

      Au cours de la derni?re semaine de d?cembre, la confirmation biologique
      de certains cas a montr? l?existence d?une circulation du virus ? Saint
      Barth?lemy. Une surveillance hebdomadaires des cas suspects a donc
      ?t? mise en place d?s cette semaine aupr?s des m?decins g?n?raliste.
      de l??le. Au cours de la derni?re semaine de d?cembre, 16 cas suspects
      ont ?t? signal?s par les m?decins g?n?ralistes.

      La surveillance des cas probables et confirm?s est men?e en ?troite
      collaboration avec le laboratoire d?analyses de biologie m?dicale de
      Saint-Barth?lemy et les laboratoires du CNR des arbovirus (Institut de
      Recherche Biom?dicale des Arm?es). Les donn?es (Figure 5) sont encore
      incompl?tes pour les derni?res semaines compte tenu des d?lais de
      transmission des pr?l?vements, en particulier aucun r?sultat n?a ?t? re?u
      pour la semaine 52. D?ores et d?j?, 7 cas confirm?s et 2 cas probables
      ont ?t? rapport?s par la surveillance depuis le d?but de l??pid?mie.

      Conclusions g?n?rales

      L??pid?mie de Chikungunya poursuit sa progression sur l?Ile de Saint Martin.

      La surveillance
      ? Saint Barth?lemy a ?galement mis en ?vidence des chaines locales de
      transmission. Ces deux territoires sont plac?s au niveau 3a du Psage* : situation

      En Martinique et en Guadeloupe, la confirmation biologique de nouveaux cas de
      chikungunya autochtones confirme l?introduction du virus sur ces territoires. La
      situation ?pid?miologique correspond ? la phase 2 du Psage* : transmission autochtone
      mod?r?e. Les mesures de surveillance renforc?e et de lutte antivectorielle doivent
      se poursuivre et s?intensifier pour pr?venir la survenue de cas secondaires et
      l?apparition de foyers.

      Pour la Guyane, la situation correspond toujours ? la phase 1 renforc?e du Psage du
      chikungunya dont l?objectif est d??viter et/ou de contr?ler au plus vite l?instauration
      d?une cha?ne locale de transmission du virus en mettant en place, sans d?lai, devant
      tout cas suspect, probable ou confirm?, les mesures de contr?le adapt?es.
      ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


      • #4
        Re: Saint Barth?lemy - Locally acquired chikungunya confirmed - 7 cases


        jan 10 2014

        Like Saint-Martin, Saint-Barth?lemy was placed in phase 3 epidemic after the discovery of 25 probable and confirmed cases and 54 suspected cases.

        Le Quotidien Du Medicin
        ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
        Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

        ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


        • #5
          Re: Saint Barth?lemy - Locally acquired chikungunya confirmed - 31 cases


          Current epidemiological situation in St. Barthelemy

          At St. Bartholomew, enhanced surveillance implementation
          since the alert in Saint- Martin , in the first instance ,
          11 suspected cases detected during the week 2013-51 .
          Since 23 December 2013 , weekly monitoring
          clinically suggestive cases of chikungunya
          conducted among GPs of the island and
          helped to identify so far, 81 cases clinically
          evocative .

          Monitoring of probable and confirmed cases is still
          conducted in close collaboration with the laboratory of
          medical biology from Saint- Barth?lemy and laboratories
          CNR arboviruses ( Biomedical Research Institute
          Armed ) . The data are still incomplete
          for the last few weeks because of the time
          transmission of samples.
          Already , 31 confirmed or probable cases have been reported
          by monitoring since the beginning of the epidemic.

          ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
          Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

          ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


          • #6
            Re: Saint Barth?lemy - 31 Cases Of Locally Acquired Chikungunya Confirmed


            24 01 14

            24 January 14

            Since 23 December 2013, monitoring
            Weekly cases clinically suggestive
            Chikungunya is made to physicians
            general of the island and has identified 110
            until January 19, 2014 (Figure 4).

            The weekly number of cases clinically
            considered suggestive increased slightly from the
            first to the third week of January 2014.

            The number of positive cases is biologically
            increase since the beginning of the epidemic
            Saint-Barth?lemy (Figure 5).
            A total of 45 cases were positive biologically
            reported till date.

            The cumulative number of ED visits
            with suspected chikungunya since the beginning
            of enhanced supervision until January 19
            In 2014 is estimated at 54
            (Figure 6). Peak activity
            emergency was found during the first
            week of January 2014.

            INVS -
            Situation ?pid?miologique du chikungunya dans les Antilles. Point au 23 janvier 2014.
            ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
            Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

            ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


            • #7
              Re: Saint Barth?lemy - 56 Cases Of Locally Acquired Chikungunya Confirmed

              January 30, 2014

              Surveillance of cases clinically suspect

              Since 23 December 2013 , monitoring
              Weekly cases clinically suggestive
              Chikungunya is made to physicians
              general of the island and has identified 180
              until week 2014-04 (Figure
              4 ) . The weekly number of cases clinically
              estimated evocative has increased significantly
              During the fourth week of January 2014
              70 estimated cases .

              Monitoring of probable and confirmed cases

              The number of cases has increased biologically positive
              Weekly 2013-50 to 2014-02 (Figure
              5) and appears to decrease since . But the evolution of
              the epidemic curve may be interpreted to
              this stage because many patients are still
              waiting for laboratory confirmation for the week
              2014-03 and 2014-04 (40%
              and 70 % of the results pending). Already ,
              56 biologically positive cases have been reported
              from the beginning of the epidemic.

              ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
              Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

              ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


              • #8
                Re: Saint Barth?lemy - 83 Cases Of Locally Acquired Chikungunya Confirmed


                February 7, 2014

                Since 23 December 2013 , monitoring
                Weekly cases clinically suggestive
                Chikungunya is made to physicians
                general of the island. It has identified at
                the February 2 , 215 cases clinically suggestive

                ( Figure 4 ) . During the last week
                January ( S2014 -05) , the weekly number
                estimated cases clinically suggestive decreased
                compared to the previous week , from
                70 cases in 44 cases weekly . At this stage , it is
                difficult to say that this trend
                should follow in the coming weeks
                to see if it is confirmed .

                The number of biologically positive
                continues to grow . A total of 83 patients
                been confirmed since the second week of
                December 2013
                ( S2013 -50) including 25 ( 30%),
                during the fourth week of January 2014
                ( Figure 5 ) . The observed decrease in the
                Previous epidemiological only confirms
                not , the time between sampling and the date of
                reporting results up to 15
                days . To date, 25 samples have to
                week 2014-05 are awaiting confirmation .

                Although the number of cases clinically suggestive decreased during the last week of January , the only variation
                one week does not confirm a decrease in viral circulation. In parallel, the number of weekly
                biologically confirmed cases is still increasing.
                Epidemiological indicators confirm the continuation of the chikungunya epidemic on St. Bartholomew. this community
                was placed on December 30, 2013 in phase 3a of Psage .

                ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                • #9
                  Re: Saint Barth?lemy - 104 Cases Of Locally Acquired Chikungunya


                  February 14, 2014

                  Current epidemiological situation in St. Barthelemy

                  Since 23 December 2013 , monitoring
                  Weekly cases clinically suggestive
                  Chikungunya is made to physicians
                  general of the island and has identified 270
                  clinically suggestive cases
                  ( Figure 4 ) .
                  The decline in the number of cases clinically suggestive
                  in week 5 was not confirmed during the week
                  6, and 55 cases were seen in the
                  During the week - S2014 06.

                  A total of 104 probable or confirmed cases were
                  since week 50, S2013 - 21
                  Case week S2014 -05 ( Figure 5 ) .
                  Following the recommendation not to confirm
                  biologically all cases, and book
                  testing patient for which the diagnosis
                  is necessary to support this indicator
                  will experience reduced without
                  demonstrate a decrease in transmittance .

                  Conclusions for Saint Barth?lemy

                  Epidemiological indicators confirm the continuation of the chikungunya epidemic on St. Bartholomew. this community
                  was placed on December 30, 2013 in phase 3a Psage .

                  Faced with this epidemic , it is recommended not to prescribe systematic laboratory confirmation in all
                  cases suggestive , but only if necessary to support the patient in order not to saturate the resources
                  biological confirmation .
                  ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                  Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                  ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                  • #10
                    Re: Saint Barth?lemy - 114 Cases Of Locally Acquired Chikungunya


                    February 21, 2014

                    Current epidemiological situation in St. Barthelemy

                    Since 23 December 2013 , monitoring
                    Weekly cases clinically suggestive
                    Chikungunya is made to physicians
                    general of the island and has identified 350
                    clinically suggestive cases
                    until 16 February
                    2014 ( Figure 4 ) .

                    The number of cases seen clinically suggestive
                    consultation in week 7 is 82 , with
                    an overall increasing trend
                    for 3 weeks.

                    The cumulative number of ED visits
                    for suspected chikungunya since the beginning of
                    enhanced to the second monitoring
                    week of February 2014 ( S201 -07) is 121
                    ( Figure 5 ) .
                    Since late December, the average number of
                    weekly ED visits is to
                    author of 15 , with a tendency to increase
                    for two weeks.
                    Between 10 and 16 February, 24 crossings
                    suspected chikungunya were recorded.

                    A total of 114 positive cases ( probable and confirmed ) were
                    reported since week 10 of 2013 to 50 during the first week of February 2014 ( S 2014-06 ) .

                    Conclusions for Saint Barth?lemy

                    Epidemiological indicators confirm the continuation of the chikungunya epidemic on St. Bartholomew. this community
                    was placed on December 30, 2013 in phase 3a of Psage ( proven epidemic ) .
                    Response to the epidemic , it is recommended not to prescribe systematically laboratory confirmation in all
                    but only in case of need for case management of patient so as not to saturate the resources
                    biological confirmation .
                    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                    • #11
                      Re: Saint Barth?lemy - 127 Cases Of Locally Acquired Chikungunya


                      February 28, 2014

                      Current epidemiological situation in St. Barthelemy

                      Since 23 December 2013 , monitoring
                      Weekly cases clinically suggestive
                      Chikungunya is made to physicians
                      general of the island and has identified 380
                      clinically suggestive cases until 23 February
                      2014 ( Figure 4 ) .

                      The number of cases seen clinically suggestive
                      week consultation S2014 -08 is 28 , the
                      down from the previous week (82).

                      Surveillance of biologically probable and confirmed :
                      A total of 127 positive cases ( probable and confirmed ) were
                      reported since week 50 of 2013
                      , including 11 cases
                      During the second week of February ( S2014 -07).

                      Epidemiological indicators confirm the continuation of the chikungunya epidemic on St. Bartholomew. However ,
                      epidemiological indicators do not reflect an intensification of the latter. Saint Barth?lemy is still
                      Phase 3a of Psage ( proven epidemic ) .

                      Response to the epidemic , it is recommended not to prescribe systematically laboratory confirmation in all
                      s, but only in case of need for case management of patient so as not to saturate the resources
                      Organic confirmation .

                      ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

