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Martinique confirms local infections of chikungunya virus - 1058 cases - 1 fatality

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  • Martinique confirms local infections of chikungunya virus - 1058 cases - 1 fatality

    Martinique confirms 3 cases of chikungunya virus

    dec 26, 2013

    In Martinique island 3 cases of locally acquired chikungunya are confirmed in the laboratory (PCR). Testresults are pending for another 27 cases.

    Situation épidémiologique actuelle en Martinique

    En Martinique, trois infections par le virus chikungunya ont été
    confirmées par RT-PCR
    , l’une par le CNR des arbovirus (Institut de
    Recherche Biomédicale des Armées) à Marseille et les deux autres par
    le CNR associé des arbovirus à l’Institut Pasteur de Guyane. Ces personnes
    n’ont pas voyagé dans une zone à risques les deux semaines
    précédant l’apparition des signes cliniques.

    Ces confirmations révèlent qu’une chaîne de transmission du virus s’est
    établie en Martinique ce qui correspond à la phase 2 du Psage en Martinique
    (transmission autochtone modérée) qui a été déclarée le 19 décembre 2013.
    Le dispositif de surveillance épidémiologique a permis de détecter 27 cas
    cliniquement évocateurs pour lesquels les résultats des examens biologiques sont attendus.

    Les mesures de surveillance renforcée et de lutte antivectorielle
    doivent se poursuivre et s’intensifier pour prévenir la survenue de
    cas secondaires et l’apparition de foyers et ainsi éviter la diffusion
    du virus.

    INVS -26 décembre 2013
    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #2
    Re: Martinique confirms local infections of chikungunya virus - 13 cases

    jan 3, 2014

    Epdemiological update Martinique

    In Martinique 13 cases of chikungunya virus have been confirmed via RT-PCR.

    5 cases are classified as probable cases.

    43 cases are clinical suspect, testresults are pending.

    3 janvier 2014

    Situation ?pid?miologique actuelle en Martinique

    En Martinique, treize infections par le virus chikungunya ont ?t?
    confirm?es par RT-PCR, et cinq cas ont ?t? class?s comme probables.

    La moiti? de ces cas r?sident dans un m?me quartier de Fort de
    France. Les personnes concern?es n?ont pas voyag? dans une zone ?
    risques les deux semaines pr?c?dant l?apparition des signes cliniques.

    Ces donn?es confirment l?existence d?une cha?ne de transmission du
    virus en Martinique qui est plac?e en phase 2 du Psage en Martinique
    (transmission autochtone mod?r?e) depuis le 19 d?cembre 2013.
    Le dispositif de surveillance ?pid?miologique a permis de d?tecter 43 cas
    suspects cliniquement ?vocateurs pour lesquels les r?sultats des examens
    biologiques sont attendus.

    La surveillance syndromique ? partir du r?seau de m?decins sentinelles
    va ?tre mise en place d?s le d?but du mois de janvier 2014. Une r?union
    du Comit? d?experts pour les maladies infectieuses ?mergentes (CEMIE)
    est pr?vue prochainement pour examiner les donn?es ?pid?miologiques
    et proposer ?ventuellement un changement de phase du Psage.

    Les mesures de surveillance renforc?e et de lutte antivectorielle
    doivent se poursuivre et s?intensifier pour pr?venir la survenue de
    cas secondaires et l?apparition de foyers et ainsi ?viter la diffusion
    du virus.

    Conclusions g?n?rales

    L??pid?mie de Chikungunya poursuit sa progression sur l?Ile de Saint Martin.

    La surveillance
    ? Saint Barth?lemy a ?galement mis en ?vidence des chaines locales de
    transmission. Ces deux territoires sont plac?s au niveau 3a du Psage* : situation

    En Martinique et en Guadeloupe, la confirmation biologique de nouveaux cas de
    chikungunya autochtones confirme l?introduction du virus sur ces territoires. La
    situation ?pid?miologique correspond ? la phase 2 du Psage* : transmission autochtone
    mod?r?e. Les mesures de surveillance renforc?e et de lutte antivectorielle doivent
    se poursuivre et s?intensifier pour pr?venir la survenue de cas secondaires et
    l?apparition de foyers.

    Pour la Guyane, la situation correspond toujours ? la phase 1 renforc?e du Psage du
    chikungunya dont l?objectif est d??viter et/ou de contr?ler au plus vite l?instauration
    d?une cha?ne locale de transmission du virus en mettant en place, sans d?lai, devant
    tout cas suspect, probable ou confirm?, les mesures de contr?le adapt?es.
    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


    • #3
      Re: Martinique confirms local infections of chikungunya virus - 13 cases


      jan 10, 2014

      Since the first indigenous case identified December 19, 8 towns of Martinique are affected (especially Fort de France), placing the island in phase 2B "active circulation of the virus with the presence of several local chains of transmission" .

      The number of patients who visited the sentinel physician network rose to 120 last month. Approximately 48 confirmed or probable cases were recorded.

      Le Quotidien Du Medicin

      ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


      • #4
        Re: Martinique confirms local infections of chikungunya virus - 48 cases



        Current epidemiological situation in Martinique

        Since early December 2013, the reinforced monitoring device
        cases clinically suggestive based on the network of sentinel physicians
        was estimated at 340
        , the number of consultations in general practice
        for suspected chikungunya . Over 65 % of these cases ( 220 ) have
        been reported between 6 and 12 January . These data confirm
        that virus circulation intensifies in the department .

        Monitoring of probable and confirmed cases is carried out in close
        collaboration with medical laboratories city , and hospital
        Martinique and the CNR of arboviruses of the Pasteur Institute
        Guyana and the CNR arboviruses the IRBA in Marseille. data
        are still incomplete for the last weeks
        Given transmission delays levies account. From now
        already 127 confirmed or probable cases were reported by the monitoring
        since the second week of December 2013.

        ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
        Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

        ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


        • #5
          Re: Martinique confirms local infections of chikungunya virus - 127 cases


          24 January 14

          The weekly number of cases clinically
          suggestive of chikungunya seen in medicine
          city ​​is on the increase in the
          second and third week of January to
          nearly 300 cases . In total, it could be
          estimated from the sentinel physician network
          that 655 cases clinically suggestive of chikungunya

          were seen in general practice since
          early December 2013 ( Figure 7).

          Monitoring of probable and confirmed cases
          is conducted in close collaboration with laboratories
          Medical Biology city, and hospital
          Martinique and the CNR of arbovirus
          Pasteur Institute of French Guiana and the CNR
          arbovirus of the IRBA in Marseille.

          The weekly number
          confirmed or probable cases follows the
          same progression as the case clinically
          suggestive , data of last week
          is still incomplete in view of possible
          transmission removal . 267 confirmed cases
          or probable were reported
          by monitoring
          since the second week of December
          2013 ( Figure 8 ) .

          INVS -
          Situation ?pid?miologique du chikungunya dans les Antilles. Point au 23 janvier 2014.
          ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
          Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

          ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


          • #6
            Re: Martinique confirms local infections of chikungunya virus - 364 cases

            January 30, 2014

            The weekly number of cases clinically suggestive
            Chikungunya seen in general practice has
            increased further during the fourth week
            January 2014. This growth , however, remains
            moderate , 16 % compared to the level of
            previous week.

            In total, it could be estimated from the network
            980 cases clinically as sentinel physicians
            suggestive of chikungunya were seen
            in medicine
            City since early December 2013 ( Figure 7).

            The weekly number of confirmed cases or
            likely tended to stabilize since mid -January.

            This is due partly to the difficulties
            Important encountered by laboratories
            ( CNRs and virology laboratory
            CHUM) to analyze all samples taken
            in general practice and other demand
            that was made to healthcare professionals
            Liberals do not routinely ask the
            laboratory confirmation of chikungunya .

            It is essential that this recommendation is
            followed to book these analyzes to patients
            actually requiring laboratory confirmation
            Chikungunya (eg those with
            risk factors) .

            Since early December 2013 , 364 cases biologically
            were reported positive
            by the system
            surveillance ( Figure 8).

            Since the beginning of the circulation of the virus , 29 cases
            confirmed or probable chikungunya were
            more than 24 hours , six were
            children ( 40 % ) .
            Nine cases have been already classified , 2
            severe and 7 non- severe forms (Figure
            11); severe forms concerning persons
            over 75 years with co -morbidities .

            ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
            Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

            ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


            • #7
              Re: Martinique confirms local infections of chikungunya virus - 518 cases


              February 7, 2014

              Current epidemiological situation in Martinique

              The estimated number of cases clinically suggestive
              Chikungunya seen in general practice during
              fifth week of January 2014 indicates the
              further increase the number of cases
              recorded since the beginning of December 2013 ( Figure
              7 ) . An increase of 34 % of the number observed
              estimated clinically suggestive cases , seen in
              Medicine city between the fourth and
              fifth week of January.
              Since the introduction of the device
              monitoring in 1480 cases consulted a
              GP grounds of suspicion of
              chikungunya .

              The number of biological confirmations chikungunya
              weeks 2014-04 and 2014-05 , showed
              lower , probably due to the change of
              recommendations to prescribers
              What technical constraints as well as known
              CNRs and the virology laboratory of CHUM.
              Since the establishment of biological monitoring ,
              390 confirmed cases and 128 probable cases
              been diagnosed
              ( and hospital ) (Figure 8). there is
              essential that prescribers reserve the
              analyzes in patients with factors
              risk of developing as well as those forms
              unusual disease .

              Since the establishment of the monitoring device
              in-hospital , 46 cases biologically
              positive chikungunya were hospitalized
              24 hours of which 18 ( 39%) were
              Children (<18 years).
              In total, 20 cases have already been identified and
              classified as non - severe forms and shapes in 3 cases
              severe. Two of the three severe forms
              involved patients aged over 75 years
              with co - morbidities associated with infection
              ( Figure 11 ) .

              The epidemic continued in Martinique with a 34% increase in the number of cases clinically suggestive of chikungunya
              seen in the city between 2014-04 and 2014-05 weeks ( late January 2014).
              The Martinique is still in Phase 3a of Psage : epidemic situation proved with local chains of transmission .

              ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
              Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

              ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


              • #8
                Re: Martinique confirms local infections of chikungunya virus - 844 cases


                February 14, 2014

                Current epidemiological situation in Martinique

                The estimated number of cases clinically suggestive
                Chikungunya seen in general practice during
                first week of February indicates continued
                increasing the number of cases recorded
                since early December 2013 ( Figure 7). we
                observed an increase of 18 % of the estimated number
                cases clinically suggestive , viewed in medicine
                City between weeks 05 and S2014 - S2014 -06 .
                Since the introduction of the device
                monitoring , an estimated 2,040 cases consulted
                a GP for reasons of suspicion of
                chikungunya .

                The number of biological confirmations chikungunya
                continued to grow during the week
                S2014 -04 despite the recommendation not to
                more systematically confirm the suggestive case .
                Weeks S2014 -05 and S2014 -06 , the
                data are still incomplete. Note
                for the past two weeks that the capacity
                laboratory analysis are saturated .
                Since the establishment of biological monitoring ,
                844 confirmed and probable cases were diagnosed

                ( and hospital ) (Figure 8).

                It is essential that prescribers reserve
                analysis to patients
                risk factors as well as to those
                developing unusual forms of

                Since the establishment of the monitoring device
                in-hospital , 70 cases biologically
                positive chikungunya were hospitalized more
                including 24 hours
                25 ( 36%) were
                Children (<18 years). The number of hospitalized cases
                increased week S2014 -03 . for
                week S2014 -05 and S2014 -06 data
                are consolidated.

                Conclusions for Martinique

                The epidemic continues in Martinique with a rising number of cases clinically suggestive of chikungunya
                seen in the city between 2014-05 and 2014-06 weeks (early February 2014).

                The Martinique is still in Phase 3a of Psage : epidemic situation proved with local chains of transmission .
                ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                • #9
                  Re: Martinique confirms local infections of chikungunya virus - 943 cases


                  February 21, 2014

                  Current epidemiological situation in Martinique

                  The estimated number of cases clinically suggestive
                  Chikungunya seen in general practice during
                  second week of February confirms the continuation
                  the increase in the number of cases recorded
                  since early December 2013 ( Figure 6). we
                  observed a 50% increase in the estimated number
                  clinically suggestive , viewed in medicine
                  City between weeks 06 and S2014 - S2014 -07 .
                  Since the introduction of the device
                  monitoring , an estimated 3030 cases consulted
                  a GP for reasons of suspicion of
                  chikungunya .

                  Monitoring of laboratory confirmed or probable cases :
                  In total , 943 positive cases ( probable and confirmed ) were
                  identified in Martinique since early December 2013.

                  Since the establishment of the monitoring device
                  in-hospital , 88 cases biologically
                  positive chikungunya were hospitalized more
                  including 24 hours 28 ( 32 %) were
                  children (<18 years). The weekly number of
                  hospitalized cases in early February is more important
                  than that observed in January.
                  NB : data for the last two weeks
                  remain incomplete.
                  A total of 40 cases have been classified as nons?v?re
                  and 5 cases in severe form. Two such
                  severe cases have involved people
                  older than 75 years with co- morbidity ;
                  one involved a newborn ( Figure 9).

                  Conclusions for Martinique

                  The number of cases clinically suggestive of chikungunya seen in the city continues to grow , with including a 50% increase between the first and second week of February 2014.

                  The progression of the epidemic is also observed in the number of crossings adored Emergency Centre Hospitalier Pierre Zobda Quitman and MFME .

                  The Martinique is still in Phase 3a of Psage : epidemic situation proved with local chains of transmission .
                  ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                  Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                  ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                  • #10
                    Re: Martinique confirms local infections of chikungunya virus - 1058 cases


                    February 28, 2014

                    Current epidemiological situation in Martinique

                    The estimated number of cases clinically suggestive
                    Chikungunya (887 cases) seen by doctors
                    general the 3rd week of February ( S2014 -
                    08) tends to stabilize over the week
                    previous . The development over the next
                    weeks will confirm or invalidate
                    this trend. From the first week of
                    December 2013 estimates based
                    weekly statements of doctors
                    sentinels were used to estimate the number 3940
                    of patients seen
                    in the city
                    GPs for reasons of suspicion of
                    Chikungunya ( Figure 6 ) .

                    Since the introduction of the device Biomonitoring chikungunya in collaboration with the National Reference Centres
                    and Virology Laboratory , CHUM , 1058 cases were diagnosed for a confirmed or probable infection of chikungunya .
                    In addition, the recommendations of the new diagnostic strategy continue to target priority patients
                    risk factors as well as developing an unusual form of the disease , even in the current context characterized
                    by a shortage of diagnostic resources.

                    Since the establishment of the monitoring device
                    epidemiological intra hospital , a total
                    118 patients with laboratory confirmation for
                    chikungunya were hospitalized (over 24
                    hours ) . Of the total 83 patients classified
                    depending on the degree of severity, 71 (86&#37; ) presented
                    not a severe form of the infection and 12 ( 14%)
                    developed a severe form of the disease.
                    In addition, 41 patients (35%) of the 118 patients
                    hospitalized less than 18 years ( Figure 9).
                    One person died in hospital and death
                    was assessed as being indirectly related to
                    infection .

                    The chikungunya epidemic continues in Martinique . The set of monitoring indicators reflecting a tendency
                    stabilization . Must await the coming weeks to confirm this trend.

                    The Martinique is still in Phase 3a of Psage : epidemic situation proved with local chains of transmission .
                    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

