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Germany - asymptomatic wild duck shot : had H5N8

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  • Germany - asymptomatic wild duck shot : had H5N8

    Germany reports second case of bird flu - H5N8 found in wild bird

    Nov 22 (Reuters) - German authorities on Saturday confirmed a second case of the H5N8 strain of bird flu in the eastern state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, with the virus found in a wild bird.

    The strain is highly contagious among birds but has never been detected in humans.

    "For the first time, the H5N8 virus has been confirmed in a wild bird in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern," Agriculture Minister Christian Schmidt said in a statement.

    in German:

    Alle Nachrichten aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Politik, Wirtschaft, Sport, Kultur, Polizei-Meldungen von NDR 1 Radio MV, dem Nordmagazin und NDR MV Live.

    Krickente=Anas crecca=Eurasian teal

    breeds in temperate Eurasia and migrates south in winter
    small dabbling duck
    breeds across northern Eurasia

    in UK greater numbers of Siberian birds arrive in winter.
    In winter, there are high densities around the Mediterranean, including the entire
    Iberian Peninsula and extending west to Mauretania; on Japan and Taiwan; as well
    as in South Asia. Other important wintering locations include almost the entire length
    of the Nile Valley, the Near East and Persian Gulf region, the mountain ranges of
    northern Iran, and South Korea and continental East and Southeast Asia.

    This dabbling duck is highly gregarious outside of the breeding season
    it is a common inhabitant of sheltered freshwater wetlands with some tall vegetation,
    such as taiga bogs or small lakes and ponds with extensive reedbeds. In winter,
    it is often seen in brackish waters and even in sheltered inlets and lagoons along the seashore.[3]
    The Eurasian teal usually feeds by dabbling, upending or grazing

    in winter they are often crepuscular or even nocturnal feeders.[3]

    Lampertheimer Zeitung‎ - 27. Okt. 2014
    Derzeit mausern sich mehrere Hundert Krickenten ihr Gefieder im Bereich der Flachwasserzone,
    Wintergäste aus dem fernen Westsibirien
    I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
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