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Indonesian Human Cases Sept 15 - Oct 4th, 2007

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  • Indonesian Human Cases Sept 15 - Oct 4th, 2007

    Thanks to History Lover, translation was a lot of work!

    Two "Suspect" Patients Return

    Beautiful Fatherland Space RS Sanglah Empty

    KEPULANGAN--Kadek Tiwik (2), a resident of Desa Bongkasa Biansemal, and Gusti Ay Putu Putri Nabila, (1,7) a resident of Jalan Gunung Mangu Denpasar, Thursday (13/9) yesterday, left the space vacant at Nusa Indah RS Sanglah. That space that is specifically for taking care of patients with bird flu was deserted yesterday.

    The number of patients suspected of bird flu that have been treated in the Nusa Indah space totals 26 people. Two among them were known to be positive bird flu, meanwhile the rest were negative.

    Secretary of Handling Flu Burung at RS Sanglah dr. Ken Wirasandhi some time ago said the suspect patients who were evidently negative bird flu, obviously suffered a tropical disease such as DHF, typhus, and inflamed throat.

    "Characteristics of the diseases are the same. Because they have the background to have touched a bird, they are being considered suspect and are being treated suitably with the procedure for bird flu.

    All this was from the results of inspection of the blood sample at the Department of Health Litbangkes , there were just two who were positive, meanwhile the rest suffer from DHF, typhus, and inflamed throat." Ken said distinctly.

    About the question of the payment, Ken added the pasien that expressed negative bird flu just/only dikenakan charge after results of lab and Litbangkes come out. Therefore expense maintenance before the result aforementioned exit/go/come out accounted on country (government). If the result is positve, then the expense will be accounted on to the utmost by means of the government (until) s/he recovers, "said Ken.

    Temporarily the reason the patient not may be permitted return home although the result of the test from Litbangkes was negative, Ken explained, the patient still must be looked after until they recover from their illness. For example, if struck by DHF the patient must still be looked after until they recover, even though the result of the test has come out.

    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #2
    Re: INDONESIA - Human cases - Sept 3 +

    "Characteristics of the diseases are the same. Because they have the background to have touched a bird, they are being considered suspect and are being treated suitably with the procedure for bird flu.

    All this was from the results of inspection of the blood sample at the Department of Health Litbangkes , there were just two who were positive, meanwhile the rest suffer from DHF, typhus, and inflamed throat." Ken said distinctly.
    This speaks volumes about how many victims are probably missed. If they haven't touched a bird or remember coming into contact with a bird they are assumed to suffering from DHF, typhus and inflamed throat.
    Please do not ask me for medical advice, I am not a medical doctor.

    Avatar is a painting by Alan Pollack, titled, "Plague". I'm sure it was an accident that the plague girl happened to look almost like my twin.
    Thank you,
    Shannon Bennett


    • #3
      Re: INDONESIA - Human cases - Sept 3 +

      It also speaks volumes regarding the 28 people in the past 30 days that were suspected bird flu patients.....I've got to wonder why they are coming in as suspected bird flu patients at all? Why bring on unnecessary "nasty rumors"? Why not come in with the suspicion of "DHF, typhus, and inflamed throat", and then, if not, they can announce infection of H5N1.

      It doesn't sound quite right to me.


      • #4
        Re: INDONESIA - Human cases - Sept 3 +

        Originally posted by Commonground View Post
        It also speaks volumes regarding the 28 people in the past 30 days that were suspected bird flu patients.....I've got to wonder why they are coming in as suspected bird flu patients at all? Why bring on unnecessary "nasty rumors"? Why not come in with the suspicion of "DHF, typhus, and inflamed throat", and then, if not, they can announce infection of H5N1.

        It doesn't sound quite right to me.

        Yes, that is an interesting question. Why not just announce a different diseases for the sick patients?

        The translations you and others provide indicate that the cost of treating for "bird flu" is borne by the government, not the individuals or their families. I think that the TPTB are concerned about human H5N1 and they want to catch all of the cases up front. So offering free health care insures that most potential cases would seek medical attention.

        Also, given the high CFR for actual H5N1 infected individuals, the TPTB could be caught lying if many of these cases were actually H5N1 but were initially passed off as dengue or some other disease. If we start having high fatalities rates from any local disease, all of the flu watchers would become very suspicious.


        • #5
          Re: INDONESIA - Human cases - Sept 3 +

          this is true. Something else just occurred to me. Apparently, these people were "cured" by taking tamiflu, as that was what was prescribed to them upon admittance and throughout their duration.
          Now, would tamiflu cure these ailments? Is DHF Dengue? And I know tamiflu isn't curing typhus. Inflamed throat? The symptoms coming in are all hot high and breathless. I don't know. It just gets very confusing.


          • #6
            Re: INDONESIA - Human cases - Sept 3 +

            [The Malay Translator is still down (has been all day).]

            NEW CASE

            Caption: [pic shows woman on ventilator]
            GAMBAR monitor di Ruang Flamboyan RS Hasan Sadikin Bandung memperlihatkan kondisi pasien ?suspect? flu burung, IK (30), Rabu (19/9). Sejak masuk RSHS, Selasa (18/9), kondisi IK masih kritis dan tak sadarkan diri.

            Pasien Flu Burung tak Sadarkan Diri
            BANDUNG, (PR).-
            Ruang flamboyan RS Hasan Sadikin (RSHS) Bandung kembali menerima pasien suspect flu burung berinisial IK (30), Selasa (18/9) malam. Pasien perempuan itu masuk RS dalam keadaan tidak sadarkan diri dan mengalami gejala terserang virus flu burung (Avian influenza).

            GAMBAR monitor di Ruang Flamboyan RS Hasan Sadikin Bandung memperlihatkan kondisi pasien ?suspect? flu burung, IK (30), Rabu (19/9). Sejak masuk RSHS, Selasa (18/9), kondisi IK masih kritis dan tak sadarkan diri.*RIRIN N.F./"PR"
            Berdasarkan informasi yang dihimpun ?PR?, warga Kp. Sumberbakti RT3 RW 1 Desa Cilandak, Kec. Anjatan, Kab. Indramayu tersebut dalam kondisi hamil. Satu pekan sebelumnya, lima ekor ayam miliknya mati mendadak. Selang beberapa hari, IK pun mengalami sesak napas dan suhu tubuh tinggi dengan gejala makin berat. Hingga akhirnya IK pun tak sadarkan diri.

            Untuk menyelamatkan nyawa IK, bayi yang dikandungnya pun terpaksa dilahirkan meski usia kandungan belum memadai. Dilahirkan dalam kondisi prematur, bayi itu tak mampu bertahan hidup dan akhirnya meninggal dunia.

            Ketika ditemui di ruang tunggu Ruang Flamboyan RSHS Bandung Rabu (19/9), suami IK, Sunardi (32) mengakui, IK memiliki riwayat kontak dengan unggas miliknya yang mati secara mendadak, sepekan lalu. Tak hanya IK, dirinya pun merasa melakukan kontak langsung dengan ayam-ayam yang mati itu.

            Namun, dia enggan berkomentar lebih banyak karena belum tahu kepastian penyakit yang diderita istrinya. ?Kan hasil tesnya belum ada. Jadi, belum tentu dia menderita flu burung,? ujarnya.

            Sanak keluarga di Indramayu, menurut dia, sangat mencemaskan keadaan IK, terutama ibu korban yang terus menangis.

            Sebelum ditangani RSHS Bandung, IK sempat mendapat perawatan di RS Indramayu dan RS Subang. Karena ada riwayat kontak dengan unggas dan menunjukkan gejala seperti penyakit flu burung, IK dinyatakan sebagai suspect ke-105 yang ditangani RSHS. Dari jumlah tersebut, sebelas pasien dinyatakan positif mengidap virus flu burung, dan delapan orang di antaranya meninggal dunia.

            Menurut Ketua Tim Penanggulangan Flu Burung RSHS Bandung dr. Hadi Yusuf, pasien IK sejak masuk hingga pemeriksaan hari pertama, Rabu (19/9), menunjukkan kondisi yang kritis dan tak sadarkan diri. ?Dalam pemeriksaan terakhir, suhu tubuh pasien tinggi dan mengalami batuk-batuk,? ujarnya ketika dihubungi lewat telefon.

            Hasil pemeriksaan rontgen pun, menurut Hadi, menunjukkan gejala paru-paru akut (pneumonia). ?Sampel darah sudah kita kirimkan ke lab untuk pemeriksaan dan pembuktian virus lebih jauh,? ungkapnya.

            Hadi pun mengakui, IK yang menunjukkan gejala terserang virus flu burung sedang dalam kondisi hamil sebelum akhirnya bayi yang dikandungnya terpaksa dilahirkan. Pasien tiba di RSHS dalam kondisi sudah melahirkan di RS lain. ?Keputusan tersebut diambil karena IK tak sadarkan diri. Bayi yang dilahirkannya pun prematur,? ujarnya menambahkan.

            Meski IK menunjukkan gejala terserang virus flu burung, Hadi masih belum bisa memastikan penyakit yang diderita IK. ?Berdasarkan penuturan suaminya, justru yang mengalami kontak langsung dengan ayam yang mati adalah suaminya. Namun demikian, karena ada riwayat dengan kematian akibat flu burung, akhirnya IK dinyatakan sebagai suspect,? katanya.

            Dengan demikian, IK pun mendapat pelayanan kesehatan sesuai dengan prosedur standar operasional (SOP) bagi suspect flu burung, di antaranya pemasangan alat bantu pernapasan dan dirawat di ruang khusus suspect flu burung di Ruang Flamboyan RSHS Bandung. Selain itu, IK juga diberi obat tamiflu dan sejumlah antibiotik lain. ?Hal itu untuk mencegah berkembang biaknya virus lain yang mungkin masuk ke dalam tubuhnya,? ucap Hadi. (A-158)


            • #7
              Re: INDONESIA - Human cases - Sept 3 +

              Thanks Commonground, short summary:

              On Java, in Bandung Hospital arrived on september 18, a suspect patient, woman (30), initials IK, from Indramayu region, Cilandak village. She was in critical condition.

              Previously she was treated in RS Indramayu and RS Subang.

              The rontgenphoto´s show pneumonia, because of contact with dead poultry she was treated according to the standard procedures for bird flu. She is treated with Tamiflu and antibiotica.
              "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
              Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

              ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


              • #8
                Re: INDONESIA - Human cases - Sept 3 +

                Thanks Dutchy, Commonground, Theresa42, Treyfish, and Laidback Al.


                • #9
                  Re: INDONESIA - Human cases - Sept 3 +

                  Thanks Dutchy.
                  These are specific paragraphs that I have hand translated:


                  Ruang flamboyan RS Hasan Sadikin (RSHS) Bandung kembali menerima pasien suspect flu burung berinisial IK (30), Selasa (18/9) malam. Pasien perempuan itu masuk RS dalam keadaan tidak sadarkan diri dan mengalami gejala terserang virus flu burung (Avian influenza).

                  Hand Translation: Ruang Flamboyan RS Hasan Sadikin (RSHS) Bandung to return accept patient suspect flu burung initials IK (30), Tuesday (18/9) night. Patient woman that entered RS in condition not to make realize onself and to experience indication infection virus flu burung (she was unconscience).


                  GAMBAR monitor di Ruang Flamboyan RS Hasan Sadikin Bandung memperlihatkan kondisi pasien ?suspect? flu burung, IK (30), Rabu (19/9). Sejak masuk RSHS, Selasa (18/9), kondisi IK masih kritis dan tak sadarkan diri.

                  Hand translation:
                  Image monitor in Ruang Flamboyan RS Hasan Sadikin Bandung to show condition patient ?suspect? flu burung, IK (30), Wednesday (19/9). From to enter RSHS, Tuesday (18/9), condition IDK still critical and not conscience.


                  Ketika ditemui di ruang tunggu Ruang Flamboyan RSHS Bandung Rabu (19/9), suami IK, Sunardi (32) mengakui, IK memiliki riwayat kontak dengan unggas miliknya yang mati secara mendadak, sepekan lalu. Tak hanya IK, dirinya pun merasa melakukan kontak langsung dengan ayam-ayam yang mati itu.

                  Hand translation:
                  A moment/Time found in ruang tunggu Ruang Flamboyan RSHS Bandung Rabu (19/9), husband IK, Sunardi (32) admit, IK to own a story contact with poultry ownership which by means of all at once, one week previous. Not just IK, herself also {think/believe} undertake contact direct with chicken that died.


                  • #10
                    Re: INDONESIA - Human cases - Sept 3 +

                    This is from Commonground who had to jet [More info on IK - 30. Spent 6 hours in room before they moved her to Intensive Care. I think the husband is a nurse/medic...from what I translated, by word]

                    Warga Indramayu Suspect Flu Burung
                    Kamis, 20/09/2007
                    BANDUNG (SINDO) – Ida Khodijah, 30, pasien suspect flu burung, kemarin dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin (RSHS), Bandung, Jawa Barat. Warga Kampung Cilandak,****, Desa Cilandak, Kec Anjatan, Kab Indramayu, that entered RSHS enough Tuesday (18/9) malam pukul 20.00 WIB.

                    Ida alleged suspect setelah five tall bird possession Husband, Sunardi, died sudden. Victim non stop/straight thru to experience/undergo feverish and sick/sore/aching throat as well as a cough after death bird mentioned above. Before rushed to RSHS, pasien to have an opportunity treated husband who having a profession as a nurse/a medic. Pasien directly brought to RSHS because sick more and more critical. ”Condition pasient a point in time arrive at RSHS already done not good, exceedingly critical. Pasien sudah tidak sadar,” kata anggota Tim Penanggulangan Flu Burung RSHS Bandung, dr Rudi Wisaksono,kemarin.

                    She explain, patient which/that arrive at RSHS since/from hour 14.00 WIB Tuesday (18/9) that direct examined in room installation/a facility "oh no!" urgent (IGD). A short time insufficient more/greater than 6 hour observasi in room IGD that, temperature body pasien to achieve 38 derajat Celsius. After pasien taken to room Flamboyan RSHS untuk dirawat secara intensif, ”(Diperiksa intensif) because have symptom cough, crowded breath, and feverish high,” tandas Rudi. He/She remark, patient suspect flu burung at-105 that treated at Ruang Flamboyan RSHS mentioned up to now not yet to make realize self/person.

                    ”Presently still/even though use/utilize equipment to aid breathing because condition very critical.” Rudi mengaku, pihak RSHS sudah mengirimkan sampel darah yang pertama ke Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan (Balitbangkes) Departemen Kesehatan (Depkes) Jakarta. Sementara sampel darah yang kedua akan dikirim setelah pemeriksaan. Sunardi, suami pasien, yang ditemui di ruang tunggu menolak berkomentar.

                    Last edited by Gert van der Hoek; September 20, 2007, 01:50 AM. Reason: removed adress



                    • #11
                      Re: INDONESIA - Human cases - Sept 3 +

                      Update on the patient IK in Bandung Hospital, she is called Ida Khodijah:

                      Her condition was critical and is getting worse.

                      Fever has gone up.

                      A week before the woman fell ill, chickens died suddenly, looked like bird flu, shortly after the chickens died, she developed symptoms, high fever etc, the husband had direct contact with those chickens, not the woman, that is why they did not think she could have bird flu.

                      Livestock service did not vaccinate or cull chickens near his home, said the husband.

                      Test results did not come back from Jakarta yet.

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                      Last edited by Gert van der Hoek; September 20, 2007, 03:44 PM.
                      "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                      • #12
                        Re: INDONESIA - Human cases - Sept 3 +

                        Snip from a translation by History Lover at FW, the husband had symptoms too, not serious enough to get hospitalized; remember he is a medic, he went to the hospital, may be used Tamiflu?:

                        He also expressed, before IK attended, that the husband Sunardi, also attended some time ago. Sunardi also suffered the same symptoms as bird flu disease.

                        "But the old husband was not attended, because his condition was good enough," he said.

                        Full translation from History Lover:

                        Bird Flu Patient IK In Critical Condition

                        September 20, 2007

                        Flamboyan Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin space (RSHS) Bandung accepts back a bird flu "suspect" patient. The woman patient with the initials IK (30), Kp warga. Cilandak**** rw Desa Cilandak, Kec. Anjatan, Kab. Indramayu. Ik originally entered Ruang IGD RSHS on Tuesday (18/9) approximately 14.00 WIB o'clock. After being stated as a "suspect" patient at approximately 20.00 WIB o'clock, she was transferred to Ruang Flamboyan.

                        Based on the collected evidence "GM", patient IK had symptoms that imitated the flu bird disease, namely crowded breath, coughing, and high body temperature. According to information, the patient suffered all these symptoms since last week before she attended Rabu (12 / 9). According to the doctor's evidence, Wicaksono Rudi, a member of the Bird Flu Handling Medical Team at RSHS Bandung, the patient was an Indramayu resident visiting to RSHS after getting references from Hospital (RS) Subang.

                        "The patient originally suffered bird flu symptoms since last week. The RS Subang doctor later reconciled her to RSHS, because her condition was grievous enough," said Rudi when relating to a journalist, yesterday.

                        Rudi later defined a chronology about how the patient received the disease the first time. Predicated on the evidence obtained from the patient's husband, Rudi said, IK originally suffered hot symptoms that were high enough after a bird on their property died, Tuesday (11/9). Next day or Wednesday (12/9), IK her condition grew grievous. Least of all she is 7 months pregnant. In the following days, IK's condition continued to deteriorate. IK's symptoms, a hot temperature and body, coughing, and crowded breath continued. Because of that, IK's husband, whose profession is treatment, took his better half (istrinya) to RS Subang. At the hospital, Jumat (14 / 9), IK later expressed concern, because her premature baby's body was not in good condition."

                        "After expressing this, doctor at the hospital later suggested that patient be attended in RSHS," said Rudi.

                        He also expressed, before IK attended, that the husband Sunardi, also attended some time ago. Sunardi also suffered the same symptoms as bird flu disease.

                        "But the old husband was not attended, because his condition was good enough," he said.

                        At this time, the patient's condition, said Rudi, is in critical situation. The patient also wore a machine to assist with breathing. The patient's blood sample has been dispatched to Balai Penelitian and Pengembangan Health (Balitbangkes) Centre in Jakarta.

                        "The results have not come out and we will follow up with dispatching further blood samples. Clearly, this time the team doctor time will keep the patient under strict supervision," said Rudi.
                        "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                        Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                        ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                        • #13
                          Re: INDONESIA - Human cases - Sept 3 +

                          From MetroTV on Ida in Bandung Hospital:

                          She was pregnant from her first child, because of her declining health, the hospital decided to "quicken the birth process".
                          Apparently she lost her child.

                          Last edited by Gert van der Hoek; September 21, 2007, 01:43 AM.
                          "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                          Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                          ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                          • #14
                            Re: INDONESIA - Human cases - Sept 3 +

                            Originally posted by Dutchy View Post
                            From MetroTV on Ida in Bandung Hospital:

                            She was pregant from her first child, because of her declining health, the hospital decided to "quicken the birth process".
                            Apparently she lost her child.

                            See this thread for discussion relating to pregnancy and H5N1.


                            • #15
                              Re: INDONESIA - Human cases - Sept 3 +

                              Interesting story from Surabaya, it seems if a doctor from the bird flu hospital RSUD Sutomo is touring to do some checks at villages.

                              If someone has bird flu like symptoms, he/she is examined and if necessary given medication (Tamiflu). If the symptoms get worse the patient should go to hospital immediatly.

                              Makes you wonder: must be hundreds or thousands of people like this man, M Musleh from Karang Tembok, near Surabaya, Java. Put on Tamiflu, did not get registered.

                              Disclaimer: just my interpretation, please make your own judgement.

                              Did not do a full translation, just through the machine.

                              Looks like bird flu

                              A resident from Karang Tembok examined intensive

                              suarasurabaya. net| “Symptoms meski that appeared is not that detailed symptoms on h5ni virus, but even so our will continued did pemantauan and invigilate perkembangannya. if that appeared symptoms in a few this kedepan days detailed on h5ni virus, accordingly will we immediate rujuk to rsud dr sutomo”.

                              The symptoms do not match H5N1 completely, but will we do monitoring and if there appear more symptoms, we will immediatly take him to hospital (RSUD Sutomo)

                              Dr. Tjahyono hanky puskesmas head pegirian break the, jumat (21 / 09) on suarasurabaya. net, seconds found after did a check on some coral warga gang wall 5, including on m. Musleh.

                              M. Musleh, 46 years, coral warga gang **** nomor, according to family confession for rabu (19 / 09), suffered crowded interruptions breath, pusing-pusing, and hot high. Some obat meski has coba taken, but the kondisi fixed takes place.

                              “What virus karena flu bird yes? We khawatir, the past few days question mulai rabu (19 / 09) arrived panasnya these days nggak turun-turun. Continued he said if do stood nggliyeng head. Gimana this?” Musna story a diantara m family. Musleh, jumat (21 / 09).

                              Jumat (21 / 09) with aparat kelurahan and kecamatan pegirian and some petugas from puskesmas pegirian including dr. Tjahyono hanky puskesmas head pegirian, direct did a check on the dead chicken owner sudden coral dikampung gang wall 5.

                              “Pemantaun will our do continued. If in a few hot kedepan days high, and cask pusing-pusing musleh have not heal also. Immediate will we rujuk to rsud dr sutomo. but arrived as far as this still not terdeteksi,” Pungkas dr. Hanky Tjahyono.(

                              Last edited by Gert van der Hoek; September 21, 2007, 02:25 PM.
                              "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                              Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                              ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

