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Nearly 1,000 fowls die for unclear reasons in Quang Nam province

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  • Nearly 1,000 fowls die for unclear reasons in Quang Nam province


    Nearly 1,000 fowls die for unclear reasons in Vietnam 2009-01-07 11:15:23

    HANOI, Jan. 7 (Xinhua) -- Nearly 1,000 fowls have died for unknown reasons in the central Quang Nam province of Vietnam in the past few days, triggering worries among local residents, Vietnamese newspaper The Youth reported Wednesday.

    Breeders have reported the dead poultry to the local veterinary bureau, said the newspaper.

    Vietnam National Steering Committee for Avian Influenza announced this year's first human case infected with the bird flu on Tuesday. The patient is from northern Thanh Hoa province.

    Vietnamese health officials warned last month the country is faced with risks of bird flu reoccurrence and human infection due to the low temperature in winter and spring.

    Last year, bird flu disease killed five Vietnamese and led to the killing and forced culling of more than 100,000 fowls, official statistics showed

  • #2
    Re: Nearly 1,000 fowls die for unclear reasons in Quang Nam province

    Updated map


    • #3
      Re: Nearly 1,000 fowls die for unclear reasons in Quang Nam province

      Detect a case of influenza A/H5N1 infection

      <hr size="1">
      Ng?y đăng: 07/01/2009
      Date: 07/01/2009

      Theo VietNamNet
      According to VietNamNet

      Tiếp x?c với gia cầm xong...
      Contact with poultry is completed ...

      Sau 10 th?ng y?n ắng, ng?y 6/1, Cục Y tế dự ph?ng v? m?i trường (Bộ Y tế) đ? ch?nh thức th?ng b?o một ca nhiễm c?m A/H5N1 mới.
      After 10 months ang yen, on 6 / 1, Department of Health and the Environment (Ministry of Health) has officially notified of a new infection influenza A/H5N1.

      Ng?y 6/1, TS Nguyễn Huy Nga, Cục trưởng Cục Y tế dự ph?ng v? m?i trường (Bộ Y tế) cho biết, kết quả x?t nghiệm của Viện Vệ sinh dịch tễ Trung ương khẳng định tại Việt Nam đ? ghi nhận th?m 1 trường hợp mắc c?m A/H5N1.
      On 6 / 1, Dr. Nguyen Huy Nga, Department Chief of Department of Health and Environment (Ministry of Health) said test results of the epidemiological hygiene Central confirmed in Vietnam has recorded 1 cases influenza A/H5N1.

      Đ? l? một b? g?i, 8 tuổi, tại x? Điền Trung, huyện B? Thước, tỉnh Thanh Ho?, khởi bệnh ng?y 27/12/2008, nhập viện Bệnh viện Đa khoa huyện B? Thước ng?y 2/1/2009 với c?c triệu chứng sốt, ho, đau họng, kh? thở, chụp XQ c? h?nh ảnh vi?m phổi do vi - r?t.
      It is a baby girl, 8 years old, in Central Fill, Ba Thuoc district, Thanh Hoa province, the disease started on 27/12/2008, hospitalized Hospital Ba Thuoc district on 2/1/2009 with the symptoms fever, cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing, XQ have taken pictures of the pneumonia - withdraw.

      C?ng ng?y, bệnh nh?n được chuyển điều trị tại Bệnh viện Đa khoa tỉnh Thanh Ho?.
      The same day, patients are treated in transition Hospital Thanh Hoa province.
      X?t nghiệm tại Viện Vệ sinh dịch tễ Trung ương ng?y 3/1/2009, cho kết quả dương t?nh với c?m A/H5N1.
      Tests at the Institute of Hygiene epidemiology Central on 3/1/2009, for positive results for influenza A/H5N1.

      Theo kết quả điều tra dịch tễ, trước khi khởi bệnh 1 tuần, bệnh nh?n v? gia đ?nh c? ăn thịt gia cầm mắc bệnh.
      According to a survey epidemiology, disease started before 1 week, patients and families eat infected birds.
      Ngo?i ra, tại gia đ?nh bệnh nh?n v? c?c hộ gia đ?nh xung quanh c? xuất hiện gia cầm chết kh?ng r? nguy?n nh?n.
      In addition, in families of patients and families around there appear influenza death unknown causes.

      Sau khi bệnh nh?n nhập viện, c?c c?n bộ của Bệnh viện Đa khoa tỉnh Thanh H?a đ? tập trung cứu chữa cho bệnh nh?n v? hiện t?nh trạng bệnh nh?n tạm thời ổn định.
      After the patient is admitted, the staff of the Hospital Thanh Hoa province has focused on research to treat patients and the patient's condition temporarily stabilized.

      Cục Y tế dự ph?ng v? m?i trường đ? chỉ đạo Viện Vệ sinh dịch tễ Trung ương, Trung t?m Y tế dự ph?ng tỉnh Thanh H?a, cử c?n bộ phối hợp với ng?nh th? y trực tiếp gi?m s?t, khoanh v?ng v? xử l? triệt để ổ dịch nơi bệnh nh?n sinh sống.
      Department of Health and Environment has directed the Institute sanitation epidemiology Center, Medical Center for Thanh Hoa province, election officials in collaboration with veterinary sector direct supervision, and fold the area thoroughly to handle outbreak where patients live.

      Sắp đến Tết Nguy?n đ?n, Cục Y tế dự ph?ng v? m?i trường khuyến c?o, khi ph?t hiện gia cầm ốm, chết tuyệt đối kh?ng được giết mổ v? sử dụng m? phải th?ng b?o ngay cho ch?nh quyền địa phương; kh?ng vận chuyển, mua b?n gia cầm kh?ng r? nguồn gốc; đảm bảo ăn ch?n, uống s?i; rửa tay bằng x? ph?ng trước khi ăn v? sau khi đi vệ sinh; Khi c? triệu chứng sốt, ho, kh? thở c? li?n quan đến c?m gia cầm phải đến ngay cơ sở y tế gần nhất để được kh?m v? điều trị.
      Upcoming Chinese New Year, the Department of Health and Environment recommended when detecting influenza illness, death is not absolute slaughter and use which must immediately notify the local government, not transportation, purchase selling poultry unknown origin; ensure food cooked, boil drinking, washing hands with soap before eating and after going to the toilet; When symptoms are fever, cough, difficulty breathing related to avian influenza to be italy day basis in the nearest to the examination and treatment.

      Như vậy, ca mắc c?m A/H5N1 gần đ?y nhất l? th?ng 3/2008 đến nay sau 10 th?ng lại xuất hiện ca mắc mới.
      Thus, the influenza A/H5N1 infected last month are 3 / 2008 to now after 10 months appear to have new songs.
      T?ch luỹ cả nước t?nh từ trường hợp mắc đầu ti?n (th?ng 12/2003) đến nay l? 107 trường hợp, 52 trường hợp tử vong tại 36 tỉnh/th?nh phố.
      Accrued from the country cases first (in 12/2003) is now 107 cases, 52 cases of deaths in 36 provinces / cities.

      Trong b?o c?o khẩn của Ph?ng N?ng nghiệp v? Ph?t triển n?ng th?n huyện N?i Th?nh (Quảng Nam) gửi c?c cơ quan chức năng của tỉnh cho biết, t?nh trạng nhiều đ?n vịt của c?c hộ gia đ?nh ở th?n Lộc Ngọc, x? Tam Tiến, huyện N?i Th?nh chết h?ng loạt xuất hiện từ ng?y 31/12/2008, k?o d?i đến nay.
      In reporting emergency room of Agriculture and Rural Development Nui Thanh district (Quang Nam) to send the function of that situation more and more ducks in households in Ngoc Loc, Tam Tien, Nui Thanh district died series appears on 31/12/2008, lasts up to now.

      <table id="table1" align="right" width="150"><tbody><tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td style="text-align: center;">
      Chợ gia cầm - nơi xuất hiện dịch?
      Poultry markets - where the disease?
      Theo b? con nh?n d?n tại th?n n?y, t?nh trạng vịt chết h?ng loạt xuất hiện đầu ti?n v?o ng?y 31/12/2008 tại trại vịt của ?ng L? Xu?n Đối.
      According to relatives of people in this situation ducks died series appear first on 31/12/2008 at duck farms by Le Xuan The.

      Gia đ?nh ?ng Đối thả nu?i đ?n vịt n?y c?ch đ?y hơn 2 th?ng, với khoảng 300 con, v? đ? xuất hiện t?nh trạng vịt chết h?ng loạt trong những ng?y qua khoảng hơn 100 con.
      Family him to drop out breeding ducks this month more than 2 months ago, with about 300 children, and has appeared in a series of ducks died in the days of more than 100 children.

      C?n gia đ?nh ?ng Ng? Văn Minh thả nu?i nu?i 300 con v? đ? chết gần hết cả đ?n, chỉ c?n khoảng 9 con.
      But his family Ngo Van Minh drop raising 300 foster children have died and nearly all of us, only about 9 children.

      Ngay sau khi xuất hiện t?nh trạng c?c đ?n vịt của c?c hộ d?n tr?n chết h?ng loạt trong những ng?y qua, ch?nh quyền địa phương đ? cấp b?o ng?nh chức năng kiểm tra, tổ chức phun ho? chất khử tr?ng để đề ph?ng l?y lan tr?n diện rộng.
      Immediately after appearing in the flocks of ducks on the death of the series in the past, local authorities have reported industry function test, held spray chemicals coincides khử to prevent the spread of wide.

      Theo nhận định của cơ quan chức năng v? b? con trong khu vực cho biết, c? thể dịch l?y lan từ chợ gia cầm Kỳ Trung, l? chợ đầu mối bu?n b?n gia cầm tập trung.
      According to authorities and relatives in the area said, and can spread from poultry markets in China Ky, for the poultry traders focused.

      Hiện ch?nh quyền địa phương huyện N?i Th?nh đ? cử c?n bộ th? y đến lấy mẫu gửi x?t nghiệm để t?m nguy?n nh?n chết của đ?n vịt n?y do đ?u.
      At the local government Nui Thanh district sent veterinary staff to send the samples tested for the cause of death due to start this duck.
      Tuy nhi?n, đến nay vẫn chưa c? kết quả.
      However, until now still no results.


      • #4
        Re: Nearly 1,000 fowls die for unclear reasons in Quang Nam province

        Chicken death by disease, the animals not to italy

        People take a series of children buried ducks died

        This morning, 7-1, people Tam Tien, Nui Thanh district (Quang Nam) continue to reflect in more than a week through dozens of villages in Ngoc Lam khốn units out raising ducks do not understand why falls patients died series. Symptoms flocks of ducks are developing normally bong giay đ?nh stop it, take the green and then rolling out to die.

        He Ngo Van Minh raising ducks 300 (including 200 ducks birth) in one week ducks bong rolling out the use of death, now only 9 Vỏn vẹn children.

        For Le Xuan, Ngoc Loc village 300 feeding the duck, now also have 100 children. In the last few days, flocks of ducks each day of his death for more than 20 children.

        For England, said, neighbors have a family ducks died, but they do not overwhelm the meat bring food, water flows by streams flowing around the hamlet to the flocks of ducks spread the disease around.

        Before this situation, people have reported the local government but also one of "you meeting." Trong khi đ?, ?ng Phạm Ngọc Anh, Chi cục trưởng Chi cục Th? y Quảng Nam, khẳng định kh?ng hề c? chuyện gia cầm chết xảy ra ở bất kỳ địa phương n?o của tỉnh

        Thon Ngoc Lam, Tam Tien has for China - where chickens ducks everywhere focus on selling to buy. Problems quarantine is not interested in the people very worried "resources" from other diseases brought about.

        News, photos: Kim Son


        • #5
          Re: Nearly 1,000 fowls die for unclear reasons in Quang Nam province

          Both ducks thousand children die unknown causes

          07/01/2009 0:09

          In Ngoc Loc, Tam Tien, Nui Thanh H. (Quang Nam) during the past week thousands of children have almost stopped dead ducks bong is listed, making the area very wild bring. 300 ducks out of Le Xuan For nearly 100 children died. Passport he Ngo Van Minh raising ducks 300 children (including 200 ducks tongue) within 1 week to pass only 6.1 true 9 children.

          The child she is very urgent that the flocks of ducks died unknown reasons, people have reported to local authorities last week but throughout all districts and communes are still not interested. So that today Pham Ngoc Anh - Department heads Its italy Quang Nam has confirmed a local are closely monitoring cattle disease of poultry. The worrying area Ngoc Loc village is adjacent border regions 3 communes and immediately adjacent to the city of Tam Ky, chickens from ducks was brought back to the city market to sell.


          • #6
            Re: Nearly 1,000 fowls die for unclear reasons in Quang Nam province

            Thousands of children dead ducks unknown cause in Vietnam.

            [Date 07/01/2009]

            The flocks of ducks Ngoc Loc village, Tam Tien, Nui Thanh district, Quang Nam Province) is gradually dying every hour.

            In the last week, nearly a thousand baby ducks Ngoc Loc village, Tam Tien, Nui Thanh district, Quang Nam spread death unknown causes. Meanwhile, leaders of the provincial veterinary departments still have not confirmed the hề have any dead poultry in the province by the disease.

            Only this morning, flocks of ducks 300 Le Xuan for 20 more children died, raising the total number of ducks have died in four days to more than 150 children. Ri?ng hộ anh Ng? Văn Minh chỉ trong tuần qua, 300 con vịt (200 vịt đẻ) đ? chết v? chỉ c?n đ?ng 9 con trong chuồng.

            The ducks have this common symptom is going groggy and spread death. "The child died ducks are most people butcher for food, water as duck meat is that the stream near the state should spread the disease duck out quickly," Mr. Tran Dinh Institute, Head Loc village Ngoc, said.

            With the reality, to this lunch, Pham Ngoc Anh, Department Chief Veterinary Department in Quang Nam province, is confirmed, the vaccination, disease surveillance of the cross-sectoral networks and veterinary facilities should be very positive to this point in the province have no status influenza epidemic was dead.


            • #7
              Re: Nearly 1,000 fowls die for unclear reasons in Quang Nam province


              Thursday , Jan 08, 2009, Posted at: 15:53(GMT+7)
              Mekong Delta faces bird flu threat, ducks die in central province

              Widespread farming of free-range ducks and a slackening in the campaign to vaccinate water fowl are threatening a fresh outbreak of bird flu in the Mekong Delta.

              According to official agencies, the disease occurred in Tra Vinh, Dong Thap, Soc Trang, Ca Mau, and Kien Giang provinces and Can Tho last year, killing 31,350 ducks.

              Local administrations undertook intensive measures and managed to stamp out the epidemic, but then they relaxed their vigil.

              For instance, in the Mekong delta province of Hau Giang which has around 3 million water fowl, health workers immunized over 97 per cent of the birds during the first round of vaccination but the rate plummeted to 60 per cent the second time around. The situation has been repeated in province after province.

              Local administrations blame it on a shortage of veterinary workers and a preponderance of small farms with free-range birds scattered around the region.

              Mr. Nguyen Hien Trung, head of the Hau Giang Department of Animal Health, warned about a possible resurgence of bird flu -- winter is normally the peak season ? because water fowls raised on small farms in remote and distant areas are not adequately vaccinated.

              The head of the Dong Thap Province Department of Animal Health, Vo Be Hien, said a thorough vaccination campaign must be carried out to head off the epidemic.

              It is necessary to make local officials and agencies responsible for the task and raise public awareness of the disease, he said.

              Central outbreak

              Around 100 ducks in a flock of 300 owned by farmers Le Xuan Doi and Ngo Van Minhin in Nui Thanh District in the central province of Quang Nam died five days ago.

              They suspect the deaths that spread from their neighbor?s house. The neighbor reportedly cooked and ate a duck that had died of the disease instead of destroying it, and wastewater from his house, that flows into the local canal, spread the disease.

              Surprisingly, the head of the province Department of Animal Health, Pham Ngoc Anh, said there were no poultry deaths in his area though the two farmers said that they had immediately reported their birds? deaths to commune officials.

              The cause of the birds? deaths is yet to be officially ascertained.

              Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Cao Duc Phat has instructed all local authorities to carry out measures before and after the Lunar New Year to stamp out the disease.

              He told officials to tour villages and report to the ministry about the disease.

              He also ordered them to closely monitor transport, sale, and slaughter of poultry, disinfect farms, and prepare for a comprehensive vaccination campaign targeting every single bird in the coming weeks.
              By Staff Writers - Translated by Uyen Phuong

