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Panasonic Says Bringing Workers Families Home Due to Pandemic Fears - Discussion, Economic Considerations, Other Companies Pan/Flu Plans

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  • Panasonic Says Bringing Workers Families Home Due to Pandemic Fears - Discussion, Economic Considerations, Other Companies Pan/Flu Plans

    02/10 06:16 Kansai

    Panasonic, ordered returned to the families of expatriate employees in preparation for the avian flu epidemic

    Major electronics company "Panasonic", in preparation for a global epidemic of avian flu, the expatriate employees and families of China and Africa, was being asked to return as soon as possible.
    The target return is in the region of Eastern Europe and Russia Latin America and Africa Middle East Asia and China, was ordered to immediately return the entire family of employees as a rule.
    Are concerned about the epidemic, of avian flu in the form of highly toxic and bird flu, because no vaccine is seen as a very high fatality rate.
    The measures being considered by many companies, Panasonic precautions, to an unusual size for almost the whole world seems to have a major effect on other Japanese companies are expanding overseas.

  • #2
    Re: Panasonic Sends Workers' Families Home on Flu Risk, Nikkei Says

    Panasonic return directive to combat pandemic

    2009.2.9 23:04

    The global epidemic of avian flu (pandemic) in preparation for the Asia and the Panasonic China, the Middle East and the resident staff, the family that accompanied 9 ordered them to return home by the end of nine days was . Global companies are not going to move cases of employees of the family home on a large scale, will likely influence the response of others.
    Accompanied the family home last year, have been concerned about the epidemic of avian flu to 12 and from the sequential instructions, taking into account the deadline for returning and transfer procedures may take longer to find housing and child after returning in late September set. Also, employees appointed to a new area is accompanied not allow the family.
    Target region is Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, Russia, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The list of medical conditions and taking into consideration the local, North America, Europe, Oceania and Asia are excluded Singapore. Overseas-based measures that are returned more than 100 companies in all regions, in 50 different countries is China's largest number of households and the number of people to return said.
    Bird flu in China this year and infected eight people, five of the increasing risk of causing death, and rage. Ministry of Health and Welfare in Japan for the damage when a pandemic occurs, the worst case, the estimated death toll has reached 64 million, is a major challenge to prevent the spread of infection.
    And begin to spread the infection, it could be difficult to return to the immigration regulations and that the company is "to prepare for emergencies as a responsible global company," he said.


    • #3
      Re: Panasonic Sends Workers' Families Home on Flu Risk, Nikkei Says

      Panasonic, order returned to the family representative INFURU = new measures - except for that number five developed countries

      Shanghai Jiji [9], PERTH <!--es-->

      は9日、新型インフルエンザに備えた予防的措置として、中国をはじめとするアジアや中南米、中東など世界5 地域に駐在する社員に、帯同家族をできるだけ早期に日本に帰国させるよう指示したことを明らか にした。

      on the 9th, as preventive measures to prepare for avian flu, Asia and Latin America and China, the world and five employees based in the Middle East region, will be asked to return to Japan accompanied the family as soon as possible said.

      海外に進出している日本企業の多くがインフルエンザ対策を検討しているが、現段階でこれだけ広範囲に家族の 帰国措置に踏み切るのは同社が初めてとみられ、他社の対応にも影響を与えそうだ。

      Is being considered by the flu that many Japanese companies expanding overseas, the family decided to return to the broad measure of this wealth in the first stage the company is likely to influence the response of others.

      同社によると、対象地域はアジア、中東、アフリカ、中南米、ロシア・独立国家共同体(CIS) 。

      According to the company, the target region in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, Russia, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).


      Considering the circumstances and the local health in Asia, excluding Singapore.


      North America, Europe and Oceania were also excluded.

      現地子会社数では中国が50社余りで最も多く、対象地域全体で約130社に上るが、帰国させる人数や世帯数 は明らかにしていない。

      Local subsidiaries in China are the most in more than 50 companies, about 130 are estimated to total area, size and number of households to return to Japan said.

      (2009/02/09-18: 33)


      • #4
        Re: Panasonic Sends Workers' Families Home on Flu Risk, Nikkei Says

        INFURU new measures indicate Panasonic expat returning to the family

        パナソニックは9日、新型インフルエンザの流行に備えるため、発生が予想される海外の特定地域に駐在する日 本人社員数百人に対して、家族を帰国させるよう指示したことを明らかにした。

        Panasonic 9, 2007, to prepare for the epidemic of avian flu, for hundreds of Japanese people living in certain areas is expected to occur overseas, said it had asked the family to return home.

        予防段階で家族を帰国させる対策を採用している企業は珍しく、今後、海外に進出している日本企業の動向にも 影響を与えそうだ。

        Companies have adopted measures to prevent the return a rare family in the future, likely will affect the trend of Japanese companies expanding overseas.

        対象地域は中国などのアジア、中東、アフリカ、中南米、ロシアで、いずれも新型インフルエンザの発生源とな る可能性が指摘されており、パナソニックは、9月末までに家族を帰国させるように求めることに した。

        Target areas in Asia such as China, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, Russia, has been a potential source of avian flu, Panasonic, to require them to return home to their families by the end of did.


        The employees are also assigned to the area to be covered, the bank will not allow the family.


        • #5
          Re: Panasonic Sends Workers' Families Home on Flu Risk, Nikkei Says

          Representative of the family home with instructions INFURU new Panasonic

          パナソニックは9日、新型インフルエンザの世界的な流行に備え、中国やアフリカなど大規模な被害発生が懸念 される地域に駐在する社員に対し、家族を今年9月末までに帰国させるよう指示したことを明らか にした。

          Panasonic 9, 2007, in preparation for a global epidemic of avian flu, the resident district employees are concerned about the massive damage caused and China and Africa, nine in the family was instructed to return them to the end of said.

          対象となる地域はほかに、シンガポールを除くアジア、ロシア、独立国家共同体(CIS)、東欧、中近東、中 南米。

          In addition to the target region, Asia excluding Singapore, Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Central and South America.

          欧米やオーストラリアなど一部を除くほぼ全世界が対象となる大規模な帰国指示は異例で、他の日本企業にも影 響を与えそうだ。

          Large-scale return instructions that virtually the entire world except Western Australia and in some rare and likely to have an impact on Japanese companies.

          パナソニックは、これまでの世界的な鳥インフルエンザの発生状況や、各地の医療事情などを考慮 。

          Panasonic, and by a global outbreak of bird flu so far, considering the medical circumstances of the country.

          新型インフルエンザ流行の危険性がこれまでになく高まっていることから、昨年12月に、対象地域に駐在する 社員に対し、原則として家族全員を帰国させるよう伝えたという。

          That the unprecedented increase the risk of avian flu pandemic, in December 2005, employees living in the area, so that it would in principle be returned to all the family.


          And finding housing in Japan, and ready as soon as the children change schools, and to return home immediately.


          • #6
            Re: Panasonic Sends Workers' Families Home on Flu Risk, Nikkei Says

            Panasonic return directive to combat pandemic

            <!-- grok target title end -->
            2009.2.9 23:04
            2009.2.9 23:04

            <!-- grok target body start -->
            新型インフルエンザの世界的大流行(パンデミック)に備え、パナソニックが中国をはじめとするアジア、中東 などに駐在する社員に、帯同家族を9月末までに帰国させるよう指示していることが9日わかった 。

            The global epidemic of avian flu (pandemic) in preparation for the Asia and the Panasonic China, the Middle East and the resident staff, the family that accompanied 9 ordered them to return home by the end of nine days was .

            グローバル展開している企業で、大規模に社員の家族の帰国措置に踏み切る例はなく、今後、他社の対応にも影 響を与えそうだ。

            Global companies are not going to move cases of employees of the family home on a large scale, will likely influence the response of others.

            帯同家族の帰国は、新型インフルエンザの流行が懸念され始めた昨年12月から順次指示しており、帰国後の住 居探しや子供の転校手続きに時間がかかることなどを考慮して帰国期限は9月末に設定した。

            Accompanied the family home last year, have been concerned about the epidemic of avian flu to 12 and from the sequential instructions, taking into account the deadline for returning and transfer procedures may take longer to find housing and child after returning in late September set.


            Also, employees appointed to a new area is accompanied not allow the family.


            Target region is Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, Russia, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

            現地の医療事情などを考慮してリストアップしており、北米、欧州、オセアニアやアジアではシンガポールを除 外している。

            The list of medical conditions and taking into consideration the local, North America, Europe, Oceania and Asia are excluded Singapore.

            帰国措置の対象となる海外拠点は全地域で100社を超え、国別では中国が50社で最も多いが、帰国させる人 数や世帯数は明らかにしていない。

            Overseas-based measures that are returned more than 100 companies in all regions, in 50 different countries is China's largest number of households and the number of people to return said
            中国では今年に入って鳥インフルエンザに8人が感染し、うち5人が死亡するなど大流行の発生源になる危険性 が高まっている。

            Bird flu in China this year and infected eight people, five of the increasing risk of causing death, and rage.

            厚生労働省はパンデミックが発生したときの日本国内の被害について、最悪の場合、死者が64万人に達すると 試算しており、感染の拡大防止が大きな課題になっている。

            Ministry of Health and Welfare in Japan for the damage when a pandemic occurs, the worst case, the estimated death toll has reached 64 million, is a major challenge to prevent the spread of infection.

            感染が広がりだすと、出入国が規制されるなど帰国が困難になる可能性が高いことから、同社は「グローバル展 開する企業の責任として非常事態に備えることにした」としている。

            And begin to spread the infection, it could be difficult to return to the immigration regulations and that the company is "to prepare for emergencies as a responsible global company," he said.


            • #7
              Re: Panasonic Sends Workers' Families Home on Flu Risk, Nikkei Says

              I called Panasonic Headquarters and spoke to a Mr. K. in the public relations department. He told me:

              1) They want the families back by September,

              2) Not the employees,

              3) This is a "proactive action",

              4) No special information on the timing of a pandemic,

              5) These regions are involved: Asia (except Singapore), Middle East, Africa, Russia and surrounding former USSR countries, Latin America.

              6) Criteria - a) incidences of bird flu infections b) underlying medical infrastructure.


              • #8
                Re: Panasonic Sends Workers' Families Home on Flu Risk, Nikkei Says

                No further layoffs = Panasonic (M) PR

                2009/02/07 17:17 JST配信
                2009/02/07 17:17 JST delivery

                <!--- article -->
                【ペタリンジャヤ】 先ごろマラッカ工場の閉鎖と490 人の従業員のレイオフの方針を発表したパナソニック・グループは、マレーシアにおける更なる人員削減は行わ ない方針だ。

                By closing the plant in Melaka and Petaling Jaya - 490 Group Panasonic recently announced plans to lay off employees, further cuts in Malaysia but will not.

                英字紙「ザ・スター」の取材に対し、マレーシア法人の広報担当幹部が答えたところによると、マラッカ州バト ゥ・ベレンダム工場で生産していたフィルムキャパシターなどの部品に対する需要が大幅に減ったことから同工 場の閉鎖が決定。

                Paper letter "The Star" in an interview, said a spokeswoman for the corporation officials said Malaysia, it significantly reduced the demand for parts and factory FIRUMUKYAPASHITA the Malacca State BERENDAMU BATOU decision to close the plant.

                また、音響・映像機器のスイッチなどを生産しているセランゴール州スンガイウェイ工業団地内の工場は、効率 化のためにシャアラムの工場に集約するが、人員削減は行わないという。

                The plant in Selangor工業団地SUNGAIUEI and switch to the production of audio-visual equipment will be consolidated into the factories SHAARAMU for efficiency, downsizing is not.


                For other plants, with the status quo to continue operations because of continued demand.

                同幹部は、現在の段階で景気後退による需要減の規模は予測できないとしたが、グループ全体の売り上げの75 %を占める輸出分野での打撃が大きいという。

                Officials said the scale of the decline in demand due to the current recession and the unpredictable, the Group's sales hit 75 percent higher in total exports.

                Panasonic 1967


                Since its entry into Malaysia, operates 21 affiliates, employees and the total is two million.

                パナソニック・グループはデジタル家電の世界的な販売不振などを受けて全世界の従業員約30万人のうち5% (1万5,000 人)の削減を行うと発表している。

                Panasonic Group employees around the world and the poor worldwide sales of digital consumer electronics, 30 million 5% (15,000 people) announced it will cut.


                • #9
                  Re: Panasonic Sends Workers' Families Home on Flu Risk, Nikkei Says

                  Sanyo, Panasonic executives meet CE requirements and business continuity

                  三洋電機のパナソニックへの子会社化で動向が注目される三洋電機コンシューマエレクトロニクス(三洋CE、 鳥取市立川町七丁目)の事業継続を求め、平井伸治知事と竹内功鳥取市長らは今月下旬に大阪でパナソニック幹 部と面談することが六日分かった。

                  Sanyo Consumer Electronics will be the trend with a subsidiary of Panasonic Sanyo (Sanyo CE, 7-chome, Tachikawa-cho Tottori) for business continuity, the mayor and governor of Tottori Takeuti Isao Hirai Nobuharu the Panasonic in Osaka later this month Sunday was to meet with executives.


                  Sanyo CE request and maintain employment and production.


                  Said in a press conference the mayor Takeuchi.


                  Panasonic executives are seeing the Governor Hirai, will be the first to come out from the policy of the subsidiary.

                  竹内市長は「平井知事らと今月下旬にパナソニックの上層部と面談する。三洋CEの地域での存在や波及効果な どの重要性を伝えたい」と述べた。

                  Mayor Takeuchi "Panasonic executives to meet with the governor later this month, Hirai said. Sanyou CE and convey the importance and repercussions of the presence in the region."


                  Japan is headquartered in the schedule and Panasonic Kadoma City, Osaka Prefecture, near the company to be called.

                  The bank also plans to八村輝夫鳥取商工会議所会頭.
                  パナソニックは四日、二〇一〇年三月末までに全世界で約一万五千人の人員削減と生産拠点二十七カ所を閉鎖す る方針を発表したばかり。

                  Panasonic 4 days, 20 to 10 just announced plans to close its manufacturing facilities and 72 places layoffs of about 50,001 people worldwide by the end of March.

                  県商工労働部は「三洋CEには高い技術力と豊富な人材がそろっており、カーナビゲーションなどヒット商品も 多い。三洋CEの事業継続と雇用維持を要望するが、少なくとも現在の生産体制を維持し、減産しないように求 める」としている。

                  County Department of Commerce and Industry is working "to Sanyo CE and all the high technology and a wealth of talent, many hit products such as car navigation systems. Sanyou CE requirements to maintain employment and to continue operations, maintain the current production system, at least and seek not to cut production, "he said.

                  また竹内市長は三洋CEの支援策として、市内の公共施設などの古いテレビを地上デジタル対応テレビに買い替 える際、三洋電機とパナソニックの製品を購入すると明らかにした。

                  Sanyo CE Takeuchi mayor and as a support for terrestrial digital TV to renew an old television and in public facilities, announced it would buy the Panasonic and Sanyo.

                  対象は二百十八台、三千三百万円分で、二十七日から開かれる二月議会に提案する補正予算案に計上し、順次買 い替える。

                  Target is 80 102 units, 100 million yen in 3003, to better gauge the amended budget proposal to Congress to be held from February 72, renew soon.


                  • #10
                    Re: Panasonic Sends Workers' Families Home on Flu Risk, Nikkei Says

                    Panasonic Downsizes Employee Rolls by 15,000 Following Brutal Quarter

                    02/04/09 2:44 PM PT
                    The bottom is not yet in sight for the downward-spiraling consumer electronics sector. Panasonic is just one of several companies to announce a large reduction in its global workforce on the heels of stunning losses. In Panasonic's case, the all-but-dried-up market for plasma TVs is a major pain point.

                    Entering European Markets: A Challenging but Real Opportunity
                    Although the U.S. has a large Internet population, 79 percent of all Web users are now outside the U.S. Online retailers have viable options for entering into international expansion mode, particularly with respect to European markets. [Download PDF: 6 pgs | 686k]
                    In yet another sign of the worsening global recession, Japanese consumer electronics giant Panasonic said Wednesday that it will lay off 15,000 employees, or 5 percent of its workforce, by March. Half of the job cuts will be made in Japan.
                    Panasonic is the second large Japanese consumer electronics company to announce massive layoffs in the past week. Computer maker NEC (Nasdaq: NIPNY) said it will slash 20,000 jobs on Jan. 30. Hitachi (NYSE: HIT) and Toshiba also recently announced significant layoffs.
                    Panasonic said it will close 13 factories in Japan and 14 overseas by the end of next month.
                    The company's restructuring announcement came on the same day Panasonic announced dismal financial results for the quarter ended Dec. 31, 2008. The company lost 63.1 billion yen (US$706.8 million) compared with earnings of 115.2 billion yen ($1.3 billion) during the same period in 2007.
                    Panasonic's stock was down .25 percent to $12.18 in mid-day trading on Wednesday.

                    The bottom is not yet in sight for the downward-spiraling consumer electronics sector. Panasonic is just one of several companies to announce a large reduction in its global workforce on the heels of stunning losses. In Panasonic's case, the all-but-dried-up market for plasma TVs is a major pain point.

                    <!--ps: 78 crid: 5711:pdf_entereuro_ci-1 cc:nz--> Entering European Markets: A Challenging but Real Opportunity
                    Although the U.S. has a large Internet population, 79 percent of all Web users are now outside the U.S. Online retailers have viable options for entering into international expansion mode, particularly with respect to European markets. [Download PDF: 6 pgs | 686k] <!--/ps: 78 crid: 5711:pdf_entereuro_ci-1 cc:nz-->
                    In yet another sign of the worsening global recession, Japanese consumer electronics giant Panasonic said Wednesday that it will lay off 15,000 employees, or 5 percent of its workforce, by March. Half of the job cuts will be made in Japan.
                    Panasonic is the second large Japanese consumer electronics company to announce massive layoffs in the past week. Computer maker NEC (Nasdaq: NIPNY) said it will slash 20,000 jobs on Jan. 30. Hitachi (NYSE: HIT) and Toshiba also recently announced significant layoffs.
                    Panasonic said it will close 13 factories in Japan and 14 overseas by the end of next month.
                    The company's restructuring announcement came on the same day Panasonic announced dismal financial results for the quarter ended Dec. 31, 2008. The company lost 63.1 billion yen (US$706.8 million) compared with earnings of 115.2 billion yen ($1.3 billion) during the same period in 2007.
                    Panasonic's stock was down .25 percent to $12.18 in mid-day trading on Wednesday.

                    Downsizing a Long Time Coming

                    "I think the size of the layoffs coming out of Japan overstates the problem a little bit," Van Baker, a consumer <nobr style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 100&#37;;" id="itxt_nobr_10_0">electronics</nobr> analyst with Gartner (NYSE: IT) , told the E-Commerce Times. "Historically, Japanese companies have been reticent to do any layoffs at all. I think they've realized that this is an opportunity to do some reductions that they should have done a few years ago."
                    On the other hand, the recession has forced consumers worldwide to put the kibosh on spending for discretionary items such as computers, cell <nobr style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 100%;" id="itxt_nobr_14_0">phones</nobr>, MP3 players, cameras, televisions and other devices, sending the companies that make those items into a collective downward spiral, he said.
                    Plasma TVs Falling Out of Favor

                    Panasonic has a great deal of exposure in the plasma television market, which has exacerbated its current difficulties.
                    "Panasonic's sweet spot has been the plasma television market, and LCD (liquid crystal display) TVs are eating plasma's lunch right now," Baker said. "All of the past shortcomings of LCD TVs have been addressed by the manufacturers. And plasma is for TVs only. LCDs are used in a variety of consumer electronics items."
                    Unlike many consumer electronics companies, which often farm out the fabrication of different components of their products to partners, Panasonic owns every part of plasma TV production, said Ben Bajarin, director of the consumer technology practice at Creative Strategies.
                    "Panasonic does the glass, the chips, everything," Bajarin told the E-Commerce Times. "They do have LCD offerings, but their portfolio isn't as good as other companies like LG, Samsung and Sony."
                    Weak American Dollar

                    Another major problem for Japanese manufacturers is the weak American dollar versus the relatively strong yen, Bajarin said.
                    "The only way for them to fight that is to raise prices, which they can't do," he said. "Or, they have to make it up in sales volumes, which they can't do because there isn't as much demand. None of those solutions are really very viable, so what you're seeing is downsizing of the workforce and scaling back of manufacturing. Those things are good to do right now."
                    In yet another sign of the worsening global recession, Japanese consumer electronics giant Panasonic said Wednesday that it will lay off 15,000 employees, or 5 percent of its workforce, by March. Half of the job cuts will be made in Japan. Panasonic is the second large Japanese consumer electronics company to announce massive layoffs in the past week. Computer maker NEC said it will slash 20,000 jobs on Jan. 30. Hitachi and Toshiba also recently announced significant layoffs. Panasonic said it will close 13 factories in Japan and 14 overseas by the end of next month.


                    • #11
                      Panasonic To Send Workers families home

                      Panasonic Sends Workers' Families Home on Flu Risk, Nikkei Says
                      Email | Print | A A A

                      By Fergus Maguire

                      Feb. 10 (Bloomberg) -- Panasonic Corp. has instructed Japanese workers assigned to parts of Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and South America to send family members back to Japan because of the risk of outbreaks of new influenza strains, Nikkei English News said, without citing anyone.

                      The Osaka-based electronics maker has asked workers' families to return home by the end of September, the report said, adding it was not known how many people were affected by the decision.

                      Click here for web link



                      • #12
                        Re: Panasonic To Send Workers home

                        The Japanese corporation Panasonic is preparing for influenza pandemic, and withdraws to the family home zagransluzhaschih

                        09. 02. 2009 | 18: 50
                        Printable version

                        Okio, 9 February. Reading. ITAR-TASS Alexey Sukhorukov. Handbook of Japanese corporations "Panasonic" / Panasonic Corp. / Ordered all employees working in the regions of the world where possible spread of a new strain of avian influenza is the threat of the epidemic, before the end of September this year to send home their family members. The area at risk includes virtually all countries in Asia, CIS countries including Russia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Central and South America, announced today electrical giant.

                        The unprecedented decision to "Panasonic" on the withdrawal of families zagransluzhaschih almost around the world / the measure does not apply to Australia, the USA and Western Europe, Singapore - approx. ITAR-TASS / may spur other companies to follow suit.

                        Until now, Japanese corporations to closely monitor the situation with the spread of avian influenza, evaluate the readiness of foreign health systems to emergency situations. In her estimation, the world's "dramatically increases the risk of spread of a new strain of influenza."

                        Currently, Panasonic is actively involved in finding housing for families of staff members and decide on the transfer of children in local schools. Once this preparatory work is completed, they will be able to return home, reports the company.

                        Meanwhile, some economic analysts, preventive measures, corporations can also be caused by his desire in a world financial crisis to reduce the costs of the personnel working abroad



                        • #13
                          Re: Panasonic Sends Workers' Families Home on Flu Risk, Nikkei Says

                          Panasonic Orders Expat Families Home on Concern of Flu Pandemic

                          By Kanoko Matsuyama
                          Feb. 10 (Bloomberg) -- Panasonic Corp., the world’s largest maker of consumer electronics, told Japanese employees in several emerging markets to send their families back to Japan on mounting concern about a potential influenza pandemic.

                          The company in December instructed staff assigned to parts of Asia, Africa, eastern Europe and South America to repatriate their families by September, Akira Kadota, a spokesman for Osaka- based Panasonic, said by telephone today. He declined to comment on the number of households affected.

                          Panasonic, which said last week it will cut about 15,000 jobs and report a loss this year, may be the first major company to order families home on concern people wouldn’t receive needed health care in case of a widespread flu outbreak. A pandemic could kill 71 million people worldwide and lead to a “major global recession” costing more than $3 trillion,
                          according to a worst-case scenario outlined by the World Bank in October.
                          “This is part of our preparations for a new type of influenza,” Kadota said by telephone. “We chose areas after considering the prevalence of bird flu, and the capability of medical facilities and access to them.”

                          The world is closer to another influenza pandemic than at any time since 1968, when the last of the previous century’s three pandemics occurred, according to the WHO.

                          International health officials have been monitoring the H5N1 strain of avian influenza for more than a decade for signs it could mutate into a form that is easily spread between humans. H5N1 has infected at least 406 people in 15 countries since 2003, killing 63 percent of them, according to the Web site of the World Health Organization.

                          More than half of Panasonic’s 209 subsidiaries outside Japan as of April 2008 were located in the Asia-Pacific region. The Nikkei newspaper reported Panasonic’s plans earlier.

                          To contact the reporter on this story: Kanoko Matsuyama in Tokyo at

                          Last Updated: February 9, 2009 22:05 EST


                          • #14
                            Re: Panasonic To Send Workers families home


                            Panasonic Families Head Back to Japan on Pandemic Concerns Recombinomics Commentary 03:30
                            February 10, 2009

                            Panasonic Corp. has instructed Japanese workers assigned to parts of Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and South America to send family members back to Japan because of the risk of outbreaks of new influenza strains

                            The above comments indicate Panasonic is taking the looming pandemic seriously. Most countries have stockpiled vaccines that will have little use after a pandemic begins, which is also true of Tamiflu. In contrast, Japan has plans to use its 20 million doses of vaccine for the implementation of a pre-pandemic vaccination campaign that will involve first responders and may significantly expand into the general population.

                            Many countries have stockpiled clade 1 vaccines, which are nearing expiration and will have little utility after a pandemic begins. Several studies have demonstrated the utility of use of these early vaccines as primers for booster shots using a vaccine target more closely related to current H5N1 clades in circulation such as clade 2 or clade 7.

                            Similarly, the fixing of H274Y in seasonal flu will likely lead to rapid resistance in H5N1 when transmission efficiencies improve or acquisition is driven by Tamiflu blankets applied to current smaller outbreaks in China, Indonesia, and Egypt.


                            • #15
                              Re: Panasonic To Send Workers families home

                              hat tip SophiaZoe -

                              Panasonic and Pandemic Influenza

                              by SophiaZoe on <abbr class="published" title="2009-02-09">February 9, 2009</abbr>

                              Hat Tip Fla_Medic.
                              An interesting news blurb came out today, and blurb is all it is:
                              By Fergus Maguire
                              Feb. 10 (Bloomberg) — Panasonic Corp. has instructed Japanese workers assigned to parts of Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and South America to send family members back to Japan because of the risk of outbreaks of new influenza strains, Nikkei English News said, without citing anyone.
                              The Osaka-based electronics maker has asked workers’ families to return home by the end of September, the report said, adding it was not known how many people were affected by the decision.
                              It is worth noting that Panasonic has not issued an emergency edict to send family members home to Japan, rather, this is phrased as a precautionary measure in anticipation of a possibility. Interestingly, the regions of recall are Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and South America. Exactly the same regions that may suffer social unrest from the economic situation.

                              That said, many, if not all, international companies have plans in place to bring home non-essential staff and their dependents when the world goes to Pandemic Phase 4. Phase 4 can be somewhat nebulous in definition, but in general it is regarded as chains of human-to-human transmission of a novel influenza pathogen in several non-contiguous regions of the world.

                              “Chains of transmission” are defined as something more than one person to one other person, as in: person A to person B, person B to persons C and D, persons C and D to persons E, F, G, H. Well, I’m sure you get the idea. A “chain” of transmission. And, although we have seen the possibility of H5N1 being passed from an index case to another family member, we have not seen anything even remotely resembling “chains of H2H [human-to-human] transmission”.

                              This action by Panasonic is rife for speculation; unfortunately, there is just not enough information in the news blurb to puzzle out anything beyond the fact that this is a precautionary measure in anticipation of a possibility.

                              All of this is worth noting, it’s also worth further monitoring to see if any other companies follow suit. On the purely speculative front: Panasonic has a presence in China. If something is going on in China, and many believe there is a significant likelihood there is, then Panasonic is in a position to know more than I do sitting at my computer in Charleston, SC.

