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Egypt - Budget Restrictions Delay Water & Sanitation Improvements

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  • Egypt - Budget Restrictions Delay Water & Sanitation Improvements

    The governor refused to implement the «local management» for drinking water projects and sanitation in the provinces

    كتب عيد عبدالجواد ١٤/ ٤/ ٢٠٠٩
    Books Abduljawad Day 4-14-2009 <table style="border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; direction: ltr;" align="right" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td align="center" valign="top">
    رفض اللواء عبدالسلام المحجوب، وزير التنمية المحلية، تولى الإدارة المحلية تنفيذ مشروعات مياه الشرب والصرف الصحى فى المحافظات فى الوقت الحالى رغم عدم انتهاء وزارة الإسكان من تنفيذ المشروعات التى ينبغى أن تنتهى منها فى المحافظات.

    Major General Abdel Salam Mahgoub refused, the Minister of Local Development, the local management of drinking water projects and sanitation in the provinces at the moment, though not the end of the Ministry of Housing to implement the projects, which should conclude in the provinces.
    وأضاف لـ &#171;المصرى اليوم&#187; إن هذه المشروعات لها الأولوية فى الخطة الخمسية الحالية، مشيراً إلى أن المحليات تتولى إدارة وتشغيل هذه المشروعات عقب انتهاء الإسكان من تنفيذها فى إطار اللامركزية التى سيتم تطبيقها مع سريان قانون الإدارة المحلية الجديد.

    He told Asharq &#171;Egyptian today&#187; that the projects are a priority in the current five-year plan, noting that the local management and operation of these projects after the implementation of the housing in the context of decentralization, which would be applied with the entry into force of the new local administration law.
    وقال الدكتور عبدالقوى خليفة، رئيس الشركة القابضة لمياه الشرب والصرف الصحى، إن الشركة ليست مسؤولة عن أسعار مياه الشرب، موضحاً أن الحكومة تتحمل تكلفتها أو تبيع المتر المكعب للمستهلكين بـ ٢٣ قرشاً، فى حين تكلفته الفعلية ١٢٥ قرشاً.

    Said Dr. Abdalqoy Khalifa, Chairman of the Holding Company for Drinking Water and Sanitation, said that the company is not responsible for the price of drinking water, indicating that the government bear the cost per cubic meter, or sell to consumers in 23 pts, while the actual cost of 125 pounds.
    وطالب المواطنين بترشيد الاستهلاك، مؤكداً أنه تقرر تخفيض قيمة الفواتير فى حالة خفض الاستهلاك، حيث سيتم خصم قيمة النسبة التى تم خفضها فى الفاتورة بعد مقارنتها بفواتير استهلاك الأشهر الماضية.

    And asked citizens to the rationalization of consumption, saying that it had been decided to reduce the value of the invoices for the reduction of consumption, will be deducted the value of the ratio, which had been cut in the bill after consumption compared with invoices past months.
    ومن جانبه، وافق المستشار عدلى حسين، محافظ القليوبية، على إنشاء شركة لمياه الشرب والصرف الصحى بالمحافظة، لافتاً إلى أنه كان يرفض إنشاءها خلال الفترة الماضية، حتى لا يتسبب فى زيادة أسعار المياه بالمحافظة.

    For his part, the Chancellor Adly Hussein, Governor of Qaliubiya, setting up of drinking water and sanitation, the government, pointing out that he refuses to be established during the last period, so as not to cause an increase in the price of water to maintain.
    وأكد المهندس عادل رمضان، رئيس شركة الجيزة لمياه الشرب والصرف، التى تغطى محافظتى الجيزة و٦ أكتوبر وبعض أجزاء من محافظة حلوان، أن الشركة تخسر يومياً ١.٥ مليون جنيه، هو الفارق بين إنتاجها البالغ ٢ مليون متر مكعب يومياً، وسعر البيع، فبينما تصل تكلفة متر المياه ١٢٥ قرشاً تقوم الشركة ببيعه بـ ٢٣ قرشاً فقط للمستهلك.

    The Al-Ramadan, chairman of Giza, drinking water and sanitation, which covers the provinces of Giza and 6th of October and some parts of the governorate of Helwan, the company lost 1.5 million pounds per day, is the difference between the production of 2 million cubic meters per day, and the sale price, while up the cost of 125 pounds of water meters, the company is selling 23 pounds only for the consumer.


  • #2
    Re: Egypt - Budget Restrictions Delay Water &amp; Sanitation Improvements

    Sohag threaten drinking water a health disaster

    Tuesday, April 14, 2009 - 10:16

    Governor of Sohag General Mohsen al-Nuamani

    Wrote in favor of victims

    Paid more than 400 thousand citizens of their lives, filled with drinking water contaminated with iron and manganese salts, algae and impurities, but it did not move a finger to the executive and administrative bodies to maintain.

    In the beginning, the City Council staff member Noyer surged, the increased incidence of kidney failure, in particular, the status surged, despite our call for an end to the water quickly, however, that the project is proceeding slowly, the turtle and we hope quickly save us from diseases and epidemics.

    Says Mohammed Abu guests, shows that water pollution has made it clear during the drinking, as the smell similar to a large sewage smell, in addition to that water if it lacks transparency and Bkub by the glass.

    The pharmacist Dr. Yusuf Shazly, he sent a sample of water for analysis, and the result was that the water is unfit for human use, and the proportion of high concentration of iron and manganese, and added that the water surged to become the opposite of what we are familiar with the characteristics of the water, where it became the taste and color The distinctive smell.

