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Ukraine- H1N1 Outbreak October 27 2009 - November 30 2009

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  • Re: Ukraine: at least 30 die of possible/confirmed swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

    There's a lot of political stuff in this article, but some important information.

    Самые актуальные и свежие новости Украины и мира на Главред. Последние новости во всем мире: политика, спорт, знаменитости, наука вместе с

    Swine influenza in Ukraine: what makes power and what do you
    Александр Михельсон, Наталья Сарбаева, ?Главред?, 30.10.09 // 19:11 Alexander Michelson, Natalia Sarbaeva, "Glavred", 30.10.09 / / 19:11
    Так называемый ?свиной грипп? диагностирован и в Украине. So-called "swine flu" was diagnosed and in Ukraine. Об этом объявил в пятницу министр здравоохранения Василий Князевич. This was announced on Friday, Health Minister Vasyl Knyazevych.
    Еще днем ранее г-н Князевич на внеочередном заседании Кабмина заверял премьера Юлию Тимошенко, что точные данные о природе вируса, спровоцировавшего ряд смертей в западных регионах страны, могут быть появиться не ранее следующей недели. Even the day before Mr. Knyazevich at an extraordinary Cabinet meeting assured the prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko, that precise information about the nature of the virus triggered a series of deaths in the western regions of the country may appear to be no earlier than next week.

    - Я думаю, - нервно говорил министр, сидевший, по такому случаю, непосредственно рядом с премьером, - что в понедельник-вторник смогу здесь, на Кабмине, доложить о тех данных, которые мы получим из лаборатории в Лондоне. - I think - nervously told the Minister, who was sitting on that occasion, directly next to the prime minister - that on Monday and Tuesday I could here in the Cabinet, to report on the data that we receive from a laboratory in London. Поскольку мы направили запрос туда, так как окончательно природу вируса наши лаборатории установить могут не всегда? Since we sent a request to go there, because ultimately the nature of the virus, our laboratory set may not always ...

    На этом моменте министр несколько растерянно посмотрел на главу МИДа Петра Порошенко. At this moment the Minister a few glanced at the head of the Foreign Ministry Peter Poroshenko.

    - И я надеюсь, что если мы, в случае необходимости, как бы, обратимся к международным организациям, министерство иностранных дел нас поддержит? - And I hope that if we, if necessary, as it were, we turn to international organizations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will support us?

    Господин Порошенко активно закивал головой. Poroshenko actively nodded.

    - Значит, так, - решительно сказала Тимошенко. - So, so - emphatically said Tymoshenko. ? Вы, Василий Михайлович, прямо в течение этого заседания подготовьте проекты поручений, чтобы все телеканалы, все газеты информировали граждан о том, что есть вот такие симптомы, и что к врачам нужно обращаться скорее? А вы, Александр Валентинович, - обратилась она к первому вице-премьеру Турчинову, - подготовьте на понедельник внеочередное заседание правительства и заседание чрезвычайной комиссии по приотиводействию эпидемиям и эпизоотии. - You, Vasily Mikhailovich, right in the course of this meeting, prepare a draft mandate that all television stations, all newspapers to inform citizens that there is now such symptoms and that doctors should be dealt with soon ... And you, Alexander V., - she turned to First Deputy Prime Minister Turchinov - prepare for Monday extraordinary session of the Government and the emergency meeting of the Commission on priotivodeystviyu epidemics and epizootics.

    На всех этих сложных словах Тимошенко не запнулась ни разу. In all these complicated words Tymoshenko not faltered once. Зато, к восторгу телевизионщиков, в течение речи она пару раз кашлянула. But to the delight of TV, during the speech, she coughed a few times.

    Хотя украинцы уже умирали от неизвестного вируса, через призму политики возможная эпидемия виделась не более чем ярким шоу. Although the Ukrainians have already died from an unknown virus from a policy perspective a possible epidemic was seen no more than a vivid show.

    Но уже в пятницу ситуация резко обострилась. But on Friday the situation has sharply deteriorated. Не ситуация с больными, нет: по имевшимся на 19 часов пятницы данным, в стране имелось под тысячу госпитализированных с диагнозом ?отсрые респираторные заболевания? и ?пневмония?. Not the situation with patients, no: available for 19 hours this Friday, the country had a thousand hospitalized with a diagnosis of "otsrye respiratory illness" and "pneumonia".

    В то же время, пока достоверно известно о том, что от ?вируса гриппа AH1/M1? - то есть ?свиного гриппа? - погибли только четверо украинцев. At the same time, yet reliably known that from "the flu virus AH1/M1? - that is, "swine flu" - died only four Ukrainians. Сейчас, к слову, Всемирная организация здравоохранения называет этот грипп не ?свиным?, а ?калифорнийским?. Now, by the way, the World Health Organization calls this influenza is not "pork", and "California". Ведь в памяти человечества слишком свежи броские названия ?коровье бешенство? и ?птичий грипп?. After all, human memory is too fresh catchy name of "mad cow" and "avian flu". И, по мнению некоторых представителей этого человечества, обеспечивающих соплеменников мясом насущным, подобные термины нанесли их отраслям убытки, несоизмеримые с экономическими потерями от реальной пандемии. And, in the opinion of some representatives of humanity, providing fellow flesh pressing, such as terms of their industries have caused losses far beyond the economic losses from a real pandemic.

    В то же время нельзя забывать, что большие эпидемии начинаются с малых вспышек. At the same time we must not forget that the great epidemics begin from small outbreaks. И, возможно, если бы в Европе шестьсот лет назад были в ходу антиэпидемические стратегии, треть населения Франции, Италии, Германии и других регионов не вымерла бы от чумы в течение каких-то трех лет. And perhaps, if in Europe six hundred years ago were run antiepidemicheskie strategy, a third of the population of France, Italy, Germany and elsewhere have not died from the plague for some three years.

    Руководствуясь этой мудростью (хотя, возможно, и какой-либо другой), глава правительства сегодня на очередном внеочередном заседании Кабмина в пянтицу ввела карантин в девяти областях Украины. With this wisdom (although, perhaps, any other), head of the government today at the next extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet in pyantitsu imposed quarantine in nine regions of Ukraine. Именно ? во Львовской, Ивано-Франковской, Тернопольской, Закарпатской, Черновицкой, Ровенской, Волынской, Хмельницкой и Винницкой. It is - in the Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Transcarpathian and Chernivtsi, Rivne, Volyn, Khmelnytsky and Vinnitsa.

    Также Тимошенко объявила о трехнедельных каникулах в школах, детских садах и ВУЗах. Tymoshenko also announced a three-week vacation in schools, kindergartens and universities. После чего ?героически? уехала в Тернополь ?разруливать? ситуацию с гриппом. Then "heroically" left in Ternopil "razrulivat" situation with the flu.

    Недоброжелатели Юлии Владимировны тут же вспомнили фотографии хрупкой женщины в вертолете и на табуретке во время наводнения на Западной Украине ? и с нетерпением стали ждать карточек Юли в маске и белом халатике. His detractors Yulia Vladimirovna immediately recalled photos of a fragile woman in the helicopter and on a stool during a flood in Western Ukraine - and waited impatiently cards Julia wearing a mask and a white robe.

    Лидер оппозиции тоже не дремал. The opposition leader also did not dozing. Он попытался эпидемией гриппа воспользоваться в политических целях. He tried to take advantage of flu epidemic for political purposes. Янукович не просто в очередной раз озвучил грозное желание отправить в отставку министра здравоохранения Василия Князевича, но и призвал всех коллег-политиков отказаться от митингов. Yanukovych is not just once again voiced by a formidable desire to dismiss the Health Minister Vasyl Knyazevich, but also urged all fellow politicians to abandon rallies. А в предвыборное время такое заявление дорого стоит! And in pre-election period such a statement is expensive!

    Более того, верная соратница ?Лидера? Анна Герман озвучила желание фракции немедленно созвать внеочередное пленарное заседание Рады, на котором надобно ?обсудить вопрос о том, насколько серьезной является угроза для распространения эпидемии по всей Украине и какие именно меры необходимо принять стране для остановки распространения этой болезни?. Moreover, a faithful ally of the Leader Anna Herman voiced a desire faction immediately convene an extraordinary plenary meeting of the Rada, which must "discuss the question of how serious a threat to the spread of the epidemic throughout Ukraine, and what measures need to take the country to stop the spread of the disease.

    Интересно, критериям 450 политиков могут оценить серьезность заболевания? Interestingly, the criteria of 450 politicians can assess the seriousness of the disease? А вот для введения чрезвычайного положения с полной концентрацией власти в одних руках ? хрупких женских либо натруженных шахтерских - масштабная эпидемия гриппа в стране подходит идеально. But for the state of emergency with a total concentration of power in the hands of one person - the fragile female or overworked miners - a large-scale influenza epidemic in the country is ideally suited.

    Что же до главы государства, то он ?срочно? (но на сутки позже Тимошенко) отреагировал по своей линии ? созвал внеочередное заседание Совета национальной безопасности и обороны. As far as the head of state, he "urgently" (but a day later Tymoshenko) responded on its line - convened an extraordinary meeting of the Council of National Security and Defense. В ходе совещания выяснилось, что Виктор Ющенко отказался от анонсированного ранее выступления на Софийской площади. During the meeting it became clear that Viktor Yushchenko abandoned the previously announced performances by the Sofia area. Напомним, 1 ноября в сопровождении концерта ведущих украинских рок- и альтернативных групп Президент собирался презентовать нации свою предвыборную программу. Recall, November 1, accompanied by a concert of leading Ukrainian rock and alternative groups, the President was going to present our nation's electoral program.

    Как заявила пресс-служба главы государства, армии дан приказ подготовить к разворачиванию военные госпиталя (интересно, что буквально часом раньше с таким предложением публично выступил экс-министр обороны Анатолий Грциенко). As stated by the press office of head of state, the army received orders to prepare for the unfolding military hospital (interesting that just an hour earlier with such a proposal was made public the ex-Defense Minister Anatoly Grtsienko). Они могут быть быстро перемещены в любой регион страны и, по уверениям чиновников, имеют ?все необходимые запасы медикаментов и техники для локализации эпидемических вспышек на ограниченной территории?. They can be quickly moved to any region of the country and, on the assurances of officials who have "all the necessary supplies of medicines and technology for the localization of epidemic outbreaks in a limited area."

    На этом политический расклад можно завершить, и вернуться к болезненным будням. This political alignment can be completed, and return to painful weekdays. Последние характеризуются в первую очередь тем, что официальные сообщения о сложившейся ситуации меняются буквально ежечасно. The latter are characterized primarily by the fact that official reports of the situation is literally changing every hour. На данный момент известно, что правительство распорядилось о закрытии всех ? без исключения ? учебных заведений страны. At the moment we know that the government ordered the closure of all - without exception - the country's schools. Пока ? сроком на три недели. So far - for three weeks.

    В свою очередь, Минздрав активно распространяет среди граждан информацию о том, как уберечься от инфекции. In turn, the Ministry of Health is actively disseminates information to citizens about how to protect themselves from infection. А если это не удалось ? как, по крайней мере, сохранить свою жизнь. And if it is not possible - as, at least, save their lives. Кстати, мы должны с оптимизмом заметить, что добиться второго легче, чем первого: смертность от вируса AH1/M1 во всем мире, включая даже гораздо менее развитые страны, чем Украина, составляет считанные доли процента. By the way, we need an optimistic note that to make a second better than the first: the death rate from the virus AH1/M1 around the world, including even the less developed countries than Ukraine, is a few percent.

    Итак: So:

    - Возраст большинства из тридцати умерших украинцев ? от 20 до 50 лет. - Age of the majority of the thirty dead Ukrainians - from 20 to 50 years. Но есть среди них и двое детей. But there are among them and two children. Особенно же легко вирус проникает в организм беременных женщин ? страшная статистика в Украине насчитывает два случая гибели будущих матерей вместе с плодом. Especially as easily the virus enters the body of pregnant women - the terrible statistics in Ukraine there are two cases of deaths of expectant mothers, along with the fruit. Таким образом, именно эти группы населения должны беречься больше всех. Thus, these groups should beware of all.

    - Протекание болезни осложняют уже имеющиеся сердечно-сосудистые заболевания, болезни органов дыхания, сахарный диабет, ожирение, общее ослабление иммунитета. - The course of the disease complicate existing cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, diabetes, obesity, general weakening of immunity.

    - Болезнь передается окружающим еще до первых клинических проявлений! - The disease is transmitted around even before the first clinical manifestation! Поэтому при малейшем кашле позаботьтесь о том, чтобы не передать вирус родным и коллегам. Therefore, at the slightest cough, take care not to transmit the virus to family and colleagues. Скорее всего, вируса у вас и нет ? но мало ли что. Most likely, you have a virus and there - but who knows what.

    - Вирус в течение нескольких часов сохраняется на поверхностях, до которых дотронулся больной человек! - A virus within a few hours remain on surfaces, to which he touched a sick man! Хотя, конечно, через кожу он не выделяется ? попасть на пальцы он может только с дыханием, кашлем или слюной. Although, of course, through the skin, he does not stand out - to get on his fingers, he can only breath, cough or spit.

    - Инкубационный период вируса ? 2 ? 4 недели. - The incubation period of the virus - 2 - 4 weeks. НО: BUT:

    - Уже через неделю после заражения визит к врачу может оказаться запоздалым. - A week after infection with a visit to the doctor may be too late.

    Таким образом, рецепт спасения выглядит классически: не стесняйтесь обращаться к медикам при первом признаке недомогания, меньше контактируйте с окружающими, употребляйте побольше витаминов и тщательно соблюдайте правила гигиены. Thus, the recipe looks classically rescue: do not hesitate to contact doctors at the first sign of discomfort, less contact with others, eat plenty of vitamins and carefully observe the rules of hygiene.

    И, конечно же, меньше паникуйте. And, of course, less panic. В конце концов, современная медицина не отрицает, что даже вирусные болезни ? они часто ?от нервов?. In the end, modern medicine does not deny that even a viral illness - they often "on the nerves."


    • Re: Ukraine: at least 30 die of possible/confirmed swine flu - most were "young and healthy"


      In the nine regions of Ukraine quarantine following the outbreak of A/H1N1
      ? RIA Novosti Maxim Bogodvid
      13:47 30/10/2009
      KIEV, October 30 - RIA Novosti, Alain Мейта, Andrew Lubenskiy. The Ukrainian authorities impose quarantine in nine areas related to an outbreak of influenza A/H1N1, said Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko at a Cabinet meeting on Friday.
      Over the past few days in the west of infectious diseases 30 people died, the death of one of them from influenza A/H1N1 confirmed. As stated on Friday, Minister of Health, in the western regions of Ukraine discovered influenza A/H1N1 and the country became a highly epidemic influenza.
      Quarantine is introduced into the western regions of Ukraine - Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Transcarpathian and Chernivtsi, Rivne, Volyn, Vinnytsya and Khmelnitsky.
      According to Tymoshenko, the Government withdraws three weeks, all public gatherings of people in the country, and also sends students for three weeks on vacation.
      "At the time a special situation, we will be subordinated to all medical institutions to the Ministry of Health regardless of ownership," - said the Premier.
      The Prime Minister also said that at present in medical institutions of the country carried about the medical tests necessary to identify the disease. The Prime Minister assured that Ukraine has purchased in the required amount of medication and preventive means. "Our task - to provide all the medicines that are required, every facility", - Tymoshenko said, adding that all hospitals will be provided with medicines, regardless of ownership.
      "From today, under the control takes all the pharmacies of the country", - the prime minister said, adding that for each pharmacy to set a minimum set of therapeutic tools that there should be mandatory.
      Premier threatened to pharmacies, which will try to inflate the price will be denied licenses. "From today we introduce non-stop monitoring of pharmacy", - stressed Tymoshenko.
      Government meeting held in conjunction with the meeting of the state anti-epidemic commission.


      • Re: Ukraine: at least 30 die of possible/confirmed swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

        // 30.10.2009 // 20:56 //
        NEWS FLASH! Highest epidemic of swine flu in Ukraine!
        Health Minister Vasyl Knyazevych reported that 31 samples were taken from sick people in order to determine whether they fall under the diagnosis of swine flu, of which 11 cases have been confirmed. "It is the interpretation of the result," - he said, adding that on 29 October in Ukraine, 951 people were hospitalized with acute respiratory infections and influenza. As for 30 cases of death, recorded from 19 to 29 October, he reported that the sample was taken only in one case, and the diagnosis was confirmed (A (H1N1)).

        Since October 29 the Lviv Region prohibited excursions by bus in connection with influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, the chief sanitary doctor of the Lviv Region Roman Pavlyv reported.

        An epidemic of high pathogenic influenza A/H1N1 has begun when it became cold in the country, Health Minister of Ukraine Vasyl Knyazevych claimed. He reported that yesterday, on October 29 in Ternopil, the conference took place with the participation of leading experts. "According to preliminary results, we note that Ukraine has entered into the global pandemic zone, and (the country) Californian epidemic of influenza, or influenza A/H1N1 started. Preliminary analysis of samples taken from ill people and who went to the hospital confirms this diagnosis," - said Vasily Knyazevych.

        Vasily Knyazevych called on the population of Ukraine not engage in self-treatment, and go to hospital, UNIAN reports. "People died because they did not apply in time for doctors. The patients called the doctor at 5-7 days of illness, when it was impossible to help people" - the Minister said, assuring that Ukraine has enough drugs to treat this type of flu. Vasily Knyazevych assured that our doctors are competent in these matters.

        Today it became known about the death of five people Drohobycz and district. They died as a result of unknown virus, which caused lightning and severe form of pneumonia that is usually impossible to have physicians from Drohobycz, which have more than 20 and 35 years of service. Both doctors said that is not observed in their practice cases such swift action of the virus, which could not resist the strongest antibiotics. According to their data, the lungs of the dead were so impressed if they suffered from chronic pneumonia, and most of the dead were young people.

        Today President of Ukraine has appealed to the Prime Minister to ensure the allocation of state budget funds in the necessary volumes for the establishment of a permanent monitoring of the spread of influenza viruses, including influenza A/H1N1, and to ensure proper functioning of the virology laboratory of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Ukraine and health institutions in all regions of Ukraine.

        An unknown viral infection seems to intensify its attack on the residents of the Transcarpathian Region. We recently released information about the death of a 40-year-old resident of Mezhhirya from infection in Volovets and hospitalization of another resident of the Transcarpathian Region to the regional infectious diseases hospital in Uzhhorod. Today correspondent in Uzhhorod learned about two new cases of deadly disease - in Hustka Region of Transcarpathia.

        There is a lack of flu masks in drugstores of Kyiv. According to statements of employees of pharmacies, it is over. "All masks that we had in stock already are sold out, and we do not have new ones," - said the head of one of the pharmacies.

        She stressed that flu masks are not produced in Ukraine, and purchased mainly in China. And as no one expected that people would need in larger quantities than usual orders, nobody did additional purchases, UNIAN reported.

        The meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has been convoked. The Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said: In connection with epidemic of influenza A (H1N1) (Influenza California), the government has decided to impose quarantine in nine regions of Ukraine, namely: in Transcarpathia, Khmelnitsky, Rivne, Chernivtsi, Volyn, Vinnitsa, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil Regions. The movement of people between the regions and abroad ?may be under special control - it may be limited due to the epidemiological situation, Yulia Tymoshenko warned.

        As a reminder, on October 28 flu epidemic in the Ternopil Region, which had appeared a week ago, mowed down nearly 10,000 of residents. Moreover - unknown virus has already killed seven people. Ministry of Health has confirmed 20 deaths from pneumonia in Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv Regions.
        A closed meeting has been held in Ivano-Frankivsk, at which participants agreed that epidemic of the so-called "pneumonic plague" is being spread throughout Ukraine. But the problem is its form is unknown, it is ATYPICAL nobody knows how to treat it.

        Member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Health Lilia Hrihorovich (Our Ukraine-People?s Self-Defense faction) is convinced of the necessity to declare the state of emergency in five regions of Ukraine.


        • Re: Ukraine: at least 30 die of possible/confirmed swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

          Not a single word in RIA/NOVOSTI pieces of news of other pathogens. All articles point toward a confirmed A/H1N1pdm influenza epidemic.

          In any case, a London reference laboratory seems to be involved as stated above.


          • Re: Ukraine: at least 30 die of possible/confirmed swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

            I think that at a certain level it may be concluded that this is a real H1N1 2009 influenza virus-driven epidemic.

            However, since our experience suggests caution, one may also try to figure out other possible explanations:

            -- a co-circulation H1N1 2009 and H3N2 seasonal, as stated by ECDC and EuroFlu;

            -- a drift variant of H1N1 2009 with enhanced virulence;

            -- a underlying poor health general conditions of inhabitants;

            -- severely damaged health care infrastructure;

            -- undernourishment;

            -- high prevalence of HIV/AIDS, and TB (XDR and MDR);

            -- other epidemics concurrently present: measles, mumps, rubella, hantavirus, CCHF, vector-borne infections;

            Poland shares borders with Ukraine: a novel pathogen should be promptly detected by Polish themselves or through EU laboratory network.

            That said, we will surely continue to scan for more informations.


            • Re: Ukraine: at least 30 die of possible/confirmed swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

              WHO says it's sending team to Ukraine to probe reports of serious H1N1 activity
              (CP) ? 43 minutes ago

              GENEVA ? The World Health Organization is sending a team of experts to Ukraine to look into reports of severe H1N1 disease there, a spokesperson for the global health agency said Friday.

              Gregory Hartl said the team was being pulled together by the WHO's Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network, which goes by the acronym GOARN.

              The team will travel early next week to the eastern European country, which has closed schools and banned public meetings in response to a spike in cases of acute respiratory illness believed to be H1N1.

              "This is something that certainly needs investigating," Hartl said from Geneva.

              He said the government of Ukraine is being forthcoming with information on the outbreak, which is said to centre on three regions in the western part of the country.

              The country, which is in the midst of an election campaign, has reportedly imposed strict measures to slow the spread of the virus.

              According to the BBC, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said there would also be restrictions on what she called non-urgent travel between different parts of Ukraine.

              Reports on the number of deaths vary, some suggesting Tymoshenko had said only one person has died of the virus but her rival, President Viktor Yushchenko, has said 11 Ukrainians have died so far.



              • Re: Ukraine: at least 30 die of possible/confirmed swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

                Originally posted by Rwilmer
                Can anyone hazard a guess as to why they are sending a team there?
                One of two reasons.

                1. They need concrete information on the scope and virulence of this epidemic. It is apparently pretty serious so they need to know how and why and where.

                2. London is involved, they HAVE information, its BAD, and they need to know HOW bad.


                • Re: Ukraine: at least 30 die of possible/confirmed swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

                  Originally posted by Rwilmer
                  But wouldn't this indicate that they suspect the virus has "changed"?
                  You want to make sure it hasn't. Regardless, one of the goals of the WHO is to fight all diseases worldwide, known or otherwise. If some country is having trouble even with a known illness, they can request WHO help. Countries have called in WHO help for malaria, dengue, and cholera in the past.


                  • Re: Ukraine: at least 30 die of possible/confirmed swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

                    In the Lviv region of 14 people died of influenza
                    Add your comment [0] | Print
                    At 17.00 on October 30 in Lviv region, 48,769 sick people, with their children under 14 years 25,914. Number of hospitalized during this period 442 persons: Adults - 305 children under 14 - 137. Number of deaths during this period 14 people, including 1 child.

                    As LvivNEWS in the Lviv Oblast State Administration, hospitals deployed extra beds for patients with symptoms of influenza and HRZI.

                    Department of Health recommends LOSA at the first sign of disease immediately contact a doctor. In no event shall not engage in self.

                    30-10-2009 18:56



                    • Re: Ukraine: at least 30 die of possible/confirmed swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

                      Originally posted by alert View Post
                      You want to make sure it hasn't. Regardless, one of the goals of the WHO is to fight all diseases worldwide, known or otherwise. If some country is having trouble even with a known illness, they can request WHO help. Countries have called in WHO help for malaria, dengue, and cholera in the past.
                      Yes, this is the standard protocol. Evidently Ukraine is concerned and has asked WHO to come.


                      • Re: Ukraine: at least 30 die of possible/confirmed swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

                        Ministry of Health published new information on the number of sick and dead

                        Ministry of Health published new information on the number of patients and pomerlyhMinisterstvo of Health of Ukraine announced new information on the number of patients and deaths due HRVI.Za this ministry, as in the morning October 30, 2009 the number of patients in Ukraine amounted to 81 thousand 487 persons, among whom 33.5 thousands of children.
                        Hospitalize all 2341 people, including 1100 children. There have been 33 deaths, the Ministry of Health.

                        These data are published in a downloadable media comments Minister of Health of Ukraine Vasily Knyazevich on the situation in the spread of the virus А/H1N1 California in Ukraine.

                        In his remarks the Minister noted that in October 2009 in western Ukraine - namely, the Ternopil, Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi - dramatically worse Epidemiology of acute respiratory viral infections.

                        Especially with the situation exacerbated by October 19 in Ternopil region, which registered about 30 thousand patients referred to the Minister's comments.

                        Recall that at the evening on October 29, according to the Ministry of Health, the number of deaths from the virus was 30 people. Total ill with ARI and influenza in these areas, 37 923 people.


                        As previously reported, today, 30 October, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine announced the beginning of the epidemic of influenza A/H1N1 California in the country. Ministry of Health has received confirmation of swine flu in a dead, in addition, swine flu reported in another 10 hospitalized.

                        October 30 Cabinet of Ministers introduced a ban on holding events throughout Ukraine in connection with the threat of epidemic influenza A (N1N1). All educational institutions declared trytyzhnevi holidays. In the nine western regions of Ukraine Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Lviv, Transcarpathian, Chernivtsi, Rivne, Khmelnytsky, Vinnytsia, Volyn - entered quarantine.



                        • Re: Ukraine: at least 30 die of possible/confirmed swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

                          At the briefing, the governor had no bandages (photo)

                          Як повідомлялося раніше, на сьогоднішньому брифінгу голова Івано-Франківської ОДА Микола Палійчук повідомив, що до медичних служб області звернулися більше 17 тисяч громадян, з них 511 осіб госпіталізовано.
                          As previously reported, at today's briefing, the head of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration Mykola Paliychuk reported that the medical services of contacting more than 17 thousand people, of which 511 persons were hospitalized.

                          Керівник області поінформував присутніх про стан забезпечення медичних закладів області необхідними медикаментами для лікування вірусних пневмоній.
                          Leader region informed about the state of health of the region necessary medicine for treatment of viral pneumonia.

                          Під час брифінгу сам Микола Васильович був без марлевої пов'язки на обличчі.
                          During the briefing he Nikolai Vasilyevich was no gauze bandage on his face.
                          При цьому багато з присутніх даного заходу, в тому числі і журналісти, таки дотрималися заходів безпеки - наділи марлеві пов'язки.
                          However, many attending the event, including journalists, still dotrymalysya security measures - put gauze bandages.

                          30 Жовтня 2009, 20:03
                          October 30, 2009, 20:03



                          • Re: Ukraine: at least 30 die of possible/confirmed swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

                            22:48, 30/10/2009

                            Swine flu found in 16 persons in Ukraine - NSDC

                            President of the national security of Ukraine Raisa Bohatyryova announced that influenza A/H1N1 virus was found in 16 people in Ukraine.
                            Raisa Bohatyryova also reminded that because of the virus in Ukraine has already recorded 33 fatalities have.

                            In Poland peoples think that the story is absurdity because they hear about 80000 cases and 16 cases of A/H1N1

                            Rumor has it that wrote today that A/H1N1 is not in Ukraine but is in the rest of Europe .

                            turn the captions on but it is ony 10 % translated

                            in 1:33 repoter is in this video at pharmacy and they are telling that it is no vitamin C at pharmacy in Ternopol no any respirators and no antivirus medicines .


                            • Re: Ukraine: at least 30 die of possible/confirmed swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

                              Knyazevych: The flu is moving in the central Ukraine

                              Today october 31, 09:20 Корреспондент.net Ukraine

                              Knyazevych told where influenza is moving

                              Health Minister Vasyl Knyazevich broadcast of Channel 5 said that the flu epidemic spread from the western Ukraine in the central regions of the state.

                              "On the dynamics of influenza moves in central Ukraine, and we need to prepare all of Ukraine", - he stressed. "We had a problem with the identification of the parasite. It was circulated only in the Western region. Various versions are studied. Now the mass is further analysis that we have not missed yet another pathology that could grew stratifying" - said the minister.

                              According Kniazevych, after the abolition of classes in schools and tertiary institutions in Western Ukraine apparent stabilization process. He also said that the shortage of medicines in pharmacies, due to excessive hype, will be "closed".

                              According to the Minister, Ukraine asked the World Health Organization to help with the vaccine against influenza. "It would be very appropriate for vaccination of central and southern regions, and particularly our health care workers," - he said.

                              Also, commenting on the draft decision on his resignation, registered as a deputy from the Party of Regions, Knyazevych said: "I was already three times was dismissed due to certain issues."

                              Knyazevych: There is discrediting public health agency, which is in extremely difficult conditions performs its functions. No other body in order to save the nation.
                              He called not to politicize the situation with the epidemic. "There is discrediting public health agency, which is extremely difficult conditions fulfilled its function. No other body in order to save the nation. At the state level is necessary to have one institution, a powerful laboratory, which would give the answer to all questions" - the minister said.

                              Knyazevych: I am instructed to bring all the medical colleges, especially for 6 cycles, those who may already be as doctors, to this issue.
                              "I have instructed to bring all the medical schools, especially for 6 cycles, those who may already be as doctors, to the issue. In an unprecedented decision by the Government subject to all medical facilities in the State Minister for Health," - he said.

                              Recall, 30 October, the Government has already transferred to the Ministry of Health of 100 million UAH. from the Reserve Fund of the Cabinet of Ministers for the purchase of medicines, medical equipment, to prevent the spread of influenza.

                              October 30 Ministry of Health declared an epidemic of influenza A (H1N1) in Ukraine. According to the NSDC Secretary Raisa Bohatyryova, swine flu, as of Friday evening, Oct. 30, killing four people. Identified 16 cases of influenza A/H1N1.

                              As of Friday evening, October 30, the Ministry of Health confirmed 34 cases of death from influenza and acute respiratory viral diseases, starting from 19 October, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv regions. 133 in serious condition, the number of cases exceeds 92 thousand

                              Ukraine recognized the third, highest level of the threat of the influenza epidemic in the country.

                              All educational institutions declared a three-week vacation. On the territory of nine western regions of Ukraine - Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Lviv, Transcarpathian and Chernivtsi, Rivne, Khmelnytsky, Vinnytsia, Volyn '- introduced quarantine.

                              The Cabinet of Ministers introduced a ban on holding public events throughout Ukraine in connection with the threat of an epidemic of swine flu.

                              Moved all activities within the campaign, including presentation of the election program of Viktor Yushchenko, planned for November 1.

                              Министр здравоохранения Василий Князевич в эфире 5 канала заявил, что эпидемия гриппа распространяется с Западной Украины в центральные регионы государства.
                              "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                              Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                              ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                              • Re: Ukraine: at least 30 die of possible/confirmed swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

                                Ministry of Transport of Ukraine is taking urgent anti-epidemic measures

                                Today, 06:27 Корреспондент.net Ukraine Print Text Size:


                                In transport emergency anti-epidemic measures are taken
                                October 30 in the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine chaired by the Deputy Minister Vasyl Shevchenko held an emergency meeting on the urgent measures for rail, road, maritime transport and at airports in Ukraine to prevent the spread of viral disease.
                                This was reported by the press office of the Ministry.

                                According to the Shevchenko in the industry should take urgent measures, because it accumulates in the transport of people who may be carriers of disease.
                                "With its ability transporters must do everything to prevent the spread of viral diseases in the country" - he stressed.

                                Due to the increasing incidence of viral disease is to the west of Ukraine, will focus on the Ternopil, Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk region, as well as regions in which there predepidemicheskaya situation.

                                Lviv Railways strengthens anti-epidemic measures

                                Deputy Minister noted the need for compulsory implementation of activities local action plan to prevent the spread of the virus.

                                In the first set of measures will be adopted on the railway, airports and seaports, cruise ships that call, as well as enterprises and institutions of the industry. Has made the regime carried out disinfection measures in crowded places (airports, railway and bus stations, sea and river terminals).

                                Transport Ministry has also sent a petition to the chairpersons of regional and city state administrations to inform the carrier of all forms of property, which provides transportation of passengers in urban, peri-urban and interregional routes, the need for disinfection after each flight processing shops buses at bus stations, bus stations and end-stops of routes . Similar procedures of disinfection will be carried out in all trains. The recommendations are directed to owners of aircraft and shipping companies.

                                In addition, attention will be paid to the prevention of diseases of the sector and security of staff, always will be medical (health) poslereysovy inspection. In addition, activated all possible branch of medical facilities for immediate care of persons with signs of viral disease.

                                For each sub-sector of transport and communications will work operational headquarters. In the case of detection of the disease or suspected disease of influenza type A (H1N1) field workers are obliged to immediately inform the territorial health agencies and sanitation centers.

                                Ministry of Transport and Communications encourages all citizens to limit travel, but at the first sign of viral or respiratory illness to stay home and immediately seeking medical attention.

                                As reported, 30 October Ukrzaliznytsya intensified anti-epidemic measures in response to the deteriorating epidsituatsii in Ukraine (the spread of acute respiratory viral infections, particularly influenza A/N1N1). All trains run according to the schedule while preserving all the stops.

                                In turn, Lviv Railways also increased the anti-epidemic measures in connection with the situation in the Lviv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankovsk regions and does not replace the trains.

                                In addition, in connection with an outbreak of swine flu in Ukraine intensified epidemiological surveillance measures at the borders, said on Oct. 30 at the briefing said Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. All those who at the boundaries will be identified signs of the disease, will be required to undergo a rapid test for the presence of the virus.

                                In the near future the Cabinet will issue a special memo, in which the public will be encouraged to refrain from traveling within the country.


                                October 30 Ministry of Health declared an epidemic of influenza A (H1N1) in Ukraine. According to the NSDC Secretary Raisa Bohatyryova, swine flu, as of Friday evening, Oct. 30, killing four people. Identified 16 cases of influenza A/H1N1.

                                As of Friday evening, 30 oktyabyarya, Ministry of Health confirmed 34 cases of death from influenza and acute respiratory viral diseases, starting from October 19, in Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv regions. 133 in serious condition, the number of cases exceeds 92 thousand .

                                30 октября в Министерстве транспорта и связи Украины под председательством первого заместителя министра Василия Шевченко состоялось экстренное совещание относительно срочных мер на железнодорожном, автомобильном, морском транспорте и в аэропортах Украины с целью недопущения распространения вирусного заболевания.
                                "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                                Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                                ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

