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Egypt - Man, 44, dies of H5N1 in Dakahlia - Confirmed by Dept. of Health of Dakalia - Not MOH

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  • Egypt - Man, 44, dies of H5N1 in Dakahlia - Confirmed by Dept. of Health of Dakalia - Not MOH

    - Tariq Peace 18/12/2010 09:38:08 PM

    Department of Health announced Dakahlia, today announced the death of three cases, people with the flu, one of whom was infected with bird flu, and the other two afflicted Balmostagdp known as swine flu , were also sent on 12 cases in hospitals in the province of Dakahlia, they showed symptoms of the disease.

    She died today, three cases are: Muhammad Ali Samra (50 years) from a dead center Obokhald Ghamr, who is logged on the day in the hospital admitted Ghamr, and died immediately after his health deteriorated.
    Also died Dina Mohamed Yousif Saleh (45 years), from the village of Kafr Bhidp dead center immersion, which entered the hospital on 8 of the current month, and announced her death today after the emergence of a positive sample flu emerging "pigs" on Dec. 16, in addition to the Abdul Rauf on ( 44 years old) from the center Qlapsho Belkas, who was held for the drug "Tamiflu", and found that the sample analyzed in the laboratories of the Ministry of Health central positive for bird flu and not for updates.
    It is worth mentioning that the hospital received 12 cases of Mansoura sections of insulation are showing symptoms of influenza, and ongoing access to samples of patients to be sent to labs central Ministry of Health with the lack of infection.

  • #2
    Re: Egypt - Man, 44, dies of H5N1 in Dakahlia - Dept of Health

    2010 -

    # 91 - 20 years old, female, onset date - January 6, 2010 -
    Beni Suef governate Death

    # 92 - 1 year old, male, onset date - January 7, 2010 - Dakahalya governorate

    # 93 - 3 years old, male, onset date - January 19, 2010 - Assuit governorate

    # 94 - 45 years old, male, onset date - January 12, 2010 - Shargea governorate

    # 95 - 40 years old, female, onset date - January 31, 2010 - Qalyubia Governorate

    # 96 - 29 years old, female, onset date - January 27, 2010 - Menoufiya Governorate Death

    # 97 - 37 years old, male, onset date - February 6, 2010 - Helwan governate Death

    # 98 - 32 years old, male, onset date - February 6, 2010 - Menofiya Governorate

    # 99 - 29 years old, female, onset date - February 6, 2010 - Menoufiya governorate Death

    #100 - 10 years old, male, onset date February 10, 2010 - Dakahlia governorate

    #101 - 13 years old, male, onset date February 10, 2010 - Kafr El-Sheikh governorate

    #102 - 30 years old, female, onset date February 10, 2010 - Kafr El-Sheikh governorate

    #103 - 14 months, male, onset date February 22, 2010 - Qalyubia governorate

    #104 - 52/53 years old, male, onset date February 27, 2010 - Qalyubia governorate Death

    #105 - 20 years old, female, onset date March 5, 2010 - Qalyubia governorate Death

    #106 - 18 months, male, onset date March 2, 2010 -
    Kfr Elsheikh governorate

    #107 - 4 years old, male, onset date March 18, 2010 - Beni Suef governorate Death

    #108 - 30 years old, female, onset date?, hospitalized March 24th, 2010 - Damietta governorate

    #109 - 18 years old, female, onset date?, hospitalized March 31, 2010 - Fayoum Governorate Death

    #110 - 20 years old, female, onset date unknown, hospitalized in Cairo July 21, 2010 - Qalyubia governorate Death

    #111 - 2 year old, female, onset date unknown, hospitalized August 4, 2010 - Cairo governorate

    #112 - 33 year old, female, onset date unknown, hospitalized August 24, 2010 -
    Qalyubia governorate Death

    #113 - 30 year old female, onset date November 28, 2010 - hospitalized December 1, 2010 -
    Gharbia governorate - Death

    Governorate confirmed case- [30 year old male, onset date unknown, death reported on December 7, 2010
    - Dakahlia governorate - Death]

    #114 - 25 year old female, onset date unknown at this time Behiera governorate

    #115 - 44 year old male, onset date unknown at this time - Dakahlia governorate Death


    • #3
      Re: Egypt - Man, 44, dies of H5N1 in Dakahlia - Dept of Health

      another article with the same language used in two areas that mentions the death and bird-flu specifically and in that context.

      19 cases of swine flu suspected in 3 provinces

      ظهرت 19 حالة اشتباه بأنفلونزا الخنازير بمحافظات البحر الأحمر والبحيرة والأقصر.. Showed 19 cases of suspected swine flu provinces of the Red Sea and the lake and the Luxor .. فيما توفيت حالتان كان قد تم احتجازهما بالمستشفى الدولى للمنصورة الأولى مصابة بأنفلونزا الطيور والثانية بسبب الأنفلونزا المستجدة. In two cases who died had been detained in hospital International Mansoura first bird flu and the second because of the emerging influenza.
      استقبل مستشفى الغردقة العام ثلاث حالات، يشتبه فى إصابتهم بـ ?أنفلونزا الخنازير?، وقال د. Hurghada General Hospital received three cases, suspected of having b ?swine flu?, said Dr. محمد سرحان وكيل وزارة الصحة بالبحر الأحمر، إنه أرسل عينات من الحالات الثلاث لتحليلها فى المعامل المركزية بالقاهرة لتحديد نوع الأنفلونزا. Mohammed Sarhan, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, the Red Sea, he sent samples of the three cases for analysis in the central laboratory in Cairo, to determine the type of influenza.

      البحيرة - حامد البربري: Lake - Hamid Al-Barbari:
      واستقبل مستشفى حميات دمنهور حالتين، يشتبه فى إصابتهما بـ ?أنفلونزا الخنازير?، إحداهما ربة منزل - 44 عاماً - من إحدى قرى مركز شبراخيت، والأخرى لطفل عمره 3 سنوات، تم حجزهما بغرفة العناية المركزية ومنحهما المصل وأخذ عينة دم لإرسالها إلى المعمل المركزى بوزارة الصحة لفحصها معملياً. The hospital received fevers Damanhur two cases suspected of bird b ?swine flu?, one housewife - 44 years - from a village center Shobrakhet, and the other for children 3 years old, was Hdzhma room intensive care and given the serum and blood samples to be sent to the Central Laboratory of the Ministry of Health to be tested experimentally.

      الأقصر - أحمد السعدى: Luxor - Ahmed al-Saadi:
      من جهة أخرى كشفت مديرية الشئون الصحية بالأقصر عن 14 حالة اشتباه بالإصابة بأنفلونزا الخنازير الأسبوع الماضى تم احتجازهم بمستشفيات الحميات بإسنا والأقصر وأرمنت وثبت أن نتائج تحليل العينات سلبية لـ 6 منهم فيما لم تصل بعد نتائج التحليل الخاصة بالباقين. On the other hand revealed the Directorate of Health Affairs in Luxor on 14 cases of suspected HIV status of swine flu last week, have been detained Hospitals Our punishment, diets, Luxor and Armant and proved that the results of the analysis of samples negative for 6 of them as have not yet reached the special analysis results for rape.

      بلقاس - فايز فوزي: Belkas - Faiz Fauzi:
      توفيت حالتان بقرية أبوعرض وقلبشو بمركز بلقاس متأثرتين بإصابتهما بأنفلونزا الطيور والمستجدة بعد حجزهما بالمستشفي.. Two cases died in the village and Obuard Qlepesho Belkas rises due to the status of bird flu and the new hospital after Hdzhma .. الحالة الأولى لإبراهيم العبد آدم 70 سنة من قرية أبوعرض وتأكدت إصابته بالأنفلونزا المستجدة.. The first case of Ibrahim al-Adam, 70 years old from the village of Obuard confirmed case of influenza and emerging .. أما الثانية فهى للمواطن على عبدالرءوف على 44 سنة من قرية قلبشو وتوفى متأثراً بأنفلونزا الطيور وكان تم احتجازه بالمستشفى الدولى بالمنصورة. The second is for the citizen to the Abdul Rauf, 44 years old from the village of Qlepesho and died of bird flu had been detained in hospital in Mansoura International.


      • #4
        Re: Egypt - Man, 44, dies of H5N1 in Dakahlia - Dept of Health

        Again, thank you Twall for your insight.

